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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13285820 No.13285820[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Deus Ex and Chinese food today. Who else is not giving a shit?

>> No.13285838

are you going to wait until you get to hong kong to eat the food for maximum immersion?

>> No.13285846

That would take way too long. Also I gotta say the Hong Kong section has awesome music

>> No.13285848

Why does every "Fuck Thanksgiving lmao" poster make their own thread and ignore all the other ones that also say "who else"

>> No.13285851


>> No.13285852

If you were a true fan you’d be eating only chocolate bars, soy packs, and booze

>> No.13285856

What’s a good real life equivalent of the soy food?

>> No.13285896

I always give a shit about everything always

>> No.13285898


>> No.13285900

Having sex with a hot woman

>> No.13285931

That MorningStar stuff I guess.

>> No.13285944

Based except for that ungodly fungus between the chicken and rice.

>> No.13285954


t.fat american

>> No.13285962

>desu ex

ok, boomer

>> No.13285969

You've got ten seconds to beat it before I add you to the list of NSF casualties.

>> No.13285970

Real life soy food

>> No.13286012

Nothing wrong with broccoli. Ever have beef and broccoli?

>> No.13286061
File: 194 KB, 627x441, Coldmeal1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this makes me think of food from video games. anyone else remember the Cold Meal from Return to Castle Wolfenstein? that always looked so fucking good

>> No.13286070
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b o o m e r

get some modern kino games grandpa

>> No.13286108

needs mustard

>> No.13286127

where would one go to acquire old, preowned computer games without having to pirate them?

>> No.13286130
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>> No.13286136

thrift stores i guess
you gonna comb through tons of shit like sports titles and shovelware though

and i think console games would have more quantity

>> No.13286162

Yeah thrift stores are a total crapshoot but you do find gems every so often. I found a disc of System Shock 2 which goes for $$$ on eBay.

>> No.13286168

>bad game
>bad chinese food choice
>look at how much i dont care arnt i cool posting

pretty reddit desu

>> No.13286172


>> No.13286174

It's a good game and it's critically acclaimed, contrarian.

>> No.13286193

Does deus ex still hold up as a good game in 2019? I only played human revolution.

>> No.13286194

>bad game
Go fuck yourself faggot

>> No.13286226

I have to work tonight :^[

>> No.13286234
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Based and ludopilled

>> No.13286238

avengers end game is critically acclaimed too and is an objectively bad movie. being critically acclaimed doesnt mean anything when you can buy it. you willl understand when you are a bit older probably

>> No.13286252

>faggot watching capeshit talking about being older

>> No.13286254

That's a cool looking book OP, is it good?

>> No.13286260


>> No.13286266
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>> No.13286297

>Can't enjoy things because reddit told you not to.
Jesus you're a fucking loser

>> No.13286304

Do you work for reddit? You keep talking about them, you know so much about it.

>> No.13286478

That sucks. What kind of job do you have? I know lots of retail stores are opening tonight for god knows what reason.

>> No.13286629

Retail. It's black friday, and I'm a manager so I have to be there. Worst part is, I won't get off until about 1am, and I have to be back at 7am.

>> No.13287112

Any extra pay, at least? I read that Walmart wasn't doing that for their workers - just a discount at Walmart stores lol. So I hope you don't work for them

>> No.13288611


if you play the revamped mod yeah

>> No.13289337

We saw it on the CHINESE News.

>> No.13289378


I figured a damn cog wouldn't be celebrating Thanksgiving like normal humans

>> No.13289416
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>> No.13289997

Been playing tons of mankind divided lately. Great atmosphere and probably my favorite. I never bothered with deus ex 2.

>> No.13290787

... this is the dumbest response ive ever read. americans invented putting broccoli in Chinese food retard.

>> No.13291455

I never played Invisible War either. Part of me wants to, for completeness, but absolutely everyone says it's a meh game

>> No.13291475

It's an okay game, but you absolutely don't miss out on it.
You should play System Shock 2 if you haven't yet tho.

>> No.13291493

The story to HR/MD are fucking retarded. The gameplay is entertaining enough but what the fuck were they thinking?

Synapse probably is my favorite track, and that’s some stiff competition.

>> No.13291505

Its literally a Cantonese dish you poorfaggot nigger

>> No.13291529

Oh I have. Several times. It's not as polished a came as DX but it has its own charm and darkness. and greeeat sound design

>> No.13291545

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.13292187


>> No.13292391

I find weird that people would make a cover that looks so bad. It's terrible 3d, the layout is amateurish, the lighting is a disgrace. We're billion years away from the MGS 1-2-3 covers and well thought out main menus with Death Stranding. It should be obvious to anyone with working eyes that Kojima wasn't what made these games stick.

>> No.13293668


>> No.13294039

OP i have that exact same sale copy

>> No.13294042

war is hell son

>> No.13294583

I spill my drink!

>> No.13295024

Not advisyable for tourist to vizit the canals at night...

>> No.13295070

I don't care about Thanksgiving either, but that's because I'm from another country. Deus Ex and chinese food are, however, absolutely tippedy-top; great choice.

>> No.13295075

I will tell them you are a spy and they will shoot you!

>> No.13295080

I bet you come from the market. That's where I wanna go. -adult in schoolgirl outfit

>> No.13295101
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>> No.13295125
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>> No.13295132

Thanks now I'm sad

>> No.13295134

With the mod that deals with resolution and stuff its holds up to be one the greats in gaming history.


>> No.13295213

I know a couple of people who used to work in retail and they both told me it is hell.

>> No.13295266

>le /pol/tard reviews a video game

Cringed hard

>> No.13295286

le funneh racist reddit man

>> No.13297162


>yet you participate in society.jpg : the post

>> No.13298346

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.13298829

Don't play any overhaul mods. Keep it vanilla with maybe some hd textures. Revision is a garbage monstrosity.

>> No.13298837

I don't like playing that without a CRT, and my CRT is fucked.

>> No.13299603

I only played deus ex on the 360 and it was shit

>> No.13299773

The original PC game was best.

>> No.13299778

All truly great games from the 90s and earlier hold up today. Anybody who thinks otherwise is a retard who doesn't really appreciate games. Nobody intelligent claims the black and white or silent film classics don't hold up today. Classic games are the same. An old fashioned interface that seems clunky is just a different experience.

>> No.13299784

You console faggots are why Deus Ex: Invisible War was such a piece of shit.
Your Fagbox made the levels so goddamn small and shitty, and that unified ammo system was the gayest thing ever thanks to your faggot ass.

>> No.13299791


>> No.13299809

10/10 retort, there. Was the xbox your first console?

>> No.13300605

what made it so great? Only thing I remember in that game was that mouser and venom gun made my pp hard.

>> No.13300611
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>playing pc game on 360

>> No.13302023

I actually agree with this

>> No.13302271
File: 61 KB, 787x1000, Deckard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not watching Braderunner while eating chinese food

>> No.13302279

yes, except,
BR2049 > BR 1

>> No.13302292

doesnt blade runner take place november 2019

>> No.13302344

fucking off yourself

>> No.13302394

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.13302417

t. boomer clinging on to the past

BR2049 is probably the best movie ever made in the last 30 years, its just like BR 1 but doubled and upsized

>> No.13302632

BR2049 was so much better than I ever expected it to be. It's pretty much the only "renewal" of these old properties that is actually good