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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 181 KB, 1024x1010, 5DD65775-E7CB-4CC1-8A4D-7C2031CFB464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13274722 No.13274722 [Reply] [Original]


Hah get fucked Jiro

>> No.13274734

Was it because of that weird shaped man who gradually got fatter from the neck down?

>> No.13274735

'World's best sushi restaurant' stripped of its three Michelin stars
>Fourth paragraph: She added: “It was not true to say the restaurant lost stars but it is not subject to coverage in our guide. Michelin’s policy is to introduce restaurants where everybody can go to eat.”

Nice reporting

>> No.13274754


>> No.13274755

It is in fact no longer going to be in their guide which is virtually the same thing.

>> No.13274763

Sigh. I hate this clickbait era of 'journalism' that we live in. I don't even know how to avoid it at this point. If there is a God, I have full faith that he will smite all those partaking in this debauchery

>> No.13274766

clickbait journalist should be drawn and quartered in public

>> No.13274781

>not losing their stars is virtually the same thing as losing their stars
What a country.

>> No.13274785

But how is Jiro getting fucked?

His restaurant is just as popular as it has always been, and still costs a shit-ton and will be packed every single day.

It was always a low volume place, he has no plans to expand into a larger space, so him "losing" his 3 stars will do literally nothing.

>> No.13274797

He would lose all the tourists, and have to lower prices maybe?

>> No.13274806

>It was always a low volume place
But this is one of the reasons that there's a premium, and a waiting list.

>> No.13274807

He only seats 10 at a time, even without the stars he will have ZERO problem filling the seats.

It's currently only open to local regulars, people with connections (famous people, politicians, etc), or if you are in one of the local luxury hotels that have permission to make a reservation for guests.

So tourists can still go if they go to one of the hotels that is allowed to make reservations.

>> No.13274811

Yeah, and it's not gonna change because they're no longer a 3 star restaurant.

>> No.13274823

>He only seats 10 at a time, even without the stars he will have ZERO problem filling the seats.
He might have problems if he doesn't lower prices. He's no longer an international sensation where it's cool to eat at, so seats might get a little empty.
Sure it isn't. Tourists go there, because it's a 3 star restaurant that they can brag about.

>> No.13274829

lmao you're delusional

Japan could shutter their doors today and NEVER allow any tourists in the country ever again, and Jiro would still have NO problems filling his dining room every single night.

>> No.13274834

Not that it really matters. Jiros old, and rich, and his place is most like paid for.
He could retire if he wanted to

>> No.13274843

>Japan could shutter their doors today and NEVER allow any tourists in the country ever again, and Jiro would still have NO problems filling his dining room every single night.
Yea, because going to a 3 star restaurant because it's cool, and trendy isn't something that the Japanese do.
Most Japanese people will stop trying to go there once it stops being a big deal.

>> No.13274855

He's already rich as fuck. He probably considers having less ignorant gaijin scum to deal with, a good thing. I imagine he was probably getting sick of being asked questions like"where's the avocado"? It's not like he's going to lose his Japanese customers anyway, so he probably won't even have to lower prices.

>> No.13274858

>It's currently only open to local regulars, people with connections (famous people, politicians, etc)
>10 seats
Sounds like a good reason to be removed from the guide
Who cares if the foods good if you cant visit the place after all.

>> No.13274864

That's on him. He probably wants to retire anyways, but it doesn't change that his business will be affected by this.

>> No.13274877

Spoken like a true gaijin

>> No.13274905

>Mad at the truth
Your feelings aren't realistic, and your insults are stupid. You should feel bad.

>> No.13274909
File: 116 KB, 1200x800, 300dorragaijin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poorfags on /ck/ still seething about Jiro's (reasonably priced) sushi
Based old man. Even without the stars, this board will keep making threads about him for years to come.

>> No.13274924

The masses drop any restaurant that loses it's bragability. It will be the same for Jiro.

>> No.13274930

>Oh no he lost his stars!
Oh no it's going to cost him like, one or two of the customers that actually cared about those stars and not going to eat his shitty fish anyway.

>> No.13274943

ITT: Angry weebs

Fucking lol that he’s lost them. Wrinkled old cunt with his shit-covered hands charging up the ass for mediocre produce.

>> No.13274948

you realize michelin stars are literally just a marketing ploy right? it doesn't mean anything it's just a way of keeping the tourism industry alive

>> No.13274950

People will search their phones for
>best sushi in anime land
Jiro no longer listed
>Book for what's listed as best
Take selfies, and mukbangs at not Jiro sushi

>> No.13274955
File: 919 KB, 869x787, jirosm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13274970

To get them back all he would have to do is allow walk-ins and normal reservations, wow soooooo fucking hard.

He must be DEVASTATED at his loss.

>> No.13274974

is it on purpose that this reads more like a chinese accent

>> No.13274978

The masses were never going to Jiro's anyway

It was a 10 seat establishment, MOST people never got a chance to eat there even if they wanted to.

The fact it's lost it's stars wont change anything at all, except maybe now there will be less tourist morons trying to waltz in and get reservations the day of.

>> No.13274979

>you realize michelin stars are literally just a marketing ploy right
And restaurants are heavily reliant on marketing. The stars are kingmakers, and they tell everyone that it's okay to spend $1000 for the experience that night.
People will flock to the highest rated place, and spend their money there, because the booklet told them to.
This is why people went to jiros, and this is why they will end up going somewhere else from now on.

>> No.13274981

Don’t you have some lolis to fap over, neckbeard?

>> No.13274985

>This is why people went to jiros
you're out of your mind, he was there LONG before michelin came in and gave him those stars.

He managed to survive just fine before, and he'll be just fine without the stars.

And if the stars REALLY do effect his customer base that much, all he has to do is allow reservations again and he'll have his 3 stars back without question.

>> No.13274992

I can type with 1 hand, idiot

>> No.13274998

Unless he kicks the bucket before the michelin reviewers get to eat there of course.

>> No.13275005

Kek well played

>> No.13275011

>The masses were never going to Jiro's anyway
Yea. Jiro was a big international good meme.
>It was a 10 seat establishment, MOST people never got a chance to eat there even if they wanted to.
And all 10 seats were constantly filled, because it was named as the best.
Now those seats will slowly be emptier, and for longer periods.
>The fact it's lost it's stars wont change anything at all, except maybe now there will be less tourist morons trying to waltz in and get reservations the day of.
Yes there will be less tourists morons, and less Japanese celebrity morons, and less jvlog morons, and less people in general, because it's no longer the place to go to.
Sorry for your grandpa's loss anon, but he's probably going to retire anyways.

>> No.13275022

>And if the stars REALLY do effect his customer base that much
You are under the impression that they don't?

>> No.13275023

idk, i was just doing generic asian

>> No.13275059

It's arguably the single most famous sushi restaurant in the world. He doesn't have to do shit.

>> No.13275073

Now it doesn't have Michelin stars, so nobody cares.

>> No.13275074

Jerking off to hentai doesn't make you an expert on Japanese culture.

>> No.13275076


He has 10 seats, you HONESTLY think his having 3 stars has anything to do with those 10 seats being filled every night?

Do you think he went from a handful of steady customers in 2006 and suddenly in 2007 when he got his 3 stars he was inundated with customers? Fuck no. He was packed long before michelin ever came to the country, he was very popular without 3 stars.

>> No.13275079

And your emotions does not make you an expert on the food industry.

>> No.13275083

only LARPing morons like yourself who've never even eaten at a 1 michelin starred restaurant would think that having or not having the stars makes/breaks a restaurant.

There are plenty of cities that michelin simply hasn't rated at all, not because there are no high quality restaurants, but because their guide focuses on a few select cities/areas around the world.

>> No.13275087

You're pretty stupid. You should kill yourself, because you can't into logic.

>> No.13275098

>only LARPing morons like yourself who've never even eaten at a 1 michelin starred restaurant would think that having or not having the stars makes/breaks a restaurant
It does if that restaurant is charging a huge premium on its products dumbass.

>> No.13275099

There's a fucking movie about it. Do you know any other sushi chef by name?

>> No.13275100

Not the same anon but what's your reasoning about this?

>> No.13275102

lmao, what logic?

He has a 10 seat counter, the seats are full all the time, the seats were full all the time long before it was 3 starred, now that it's lost it's stars, why would it suddenly not have guests?

The 3 star rating just made it front and center internationally known, instead of a hidden gem. But the fact it was a 10 seat place meant it was NEVER going to meet the demand.

They were charging a huge premium long before they had the stars though, they didn't get the stars and go "oh shit, lets raise prices by 10x"

>> No.13275106

Wow, a bunch of retard saying "nu uh nu uh nu uh nuh uh NU UH NU UH" jesus, get off the fucking internet and go do something with your lives, neither side has any proof beyond saying "well, i think..."

>> No.13275108

His son's restaurant is still michelin starred. I doubt he cares at all, the dude is 94 years old.

>> No.13275113

oh darn i even saw that noggers documentary, thats crazy

>> No.13275120

Are you ESL or just slow?

>> No.13275131


>> No.13275134

I guess we'll just wait to see what happens.
My prediction is that he takes a dip in profit, or retires within the next 5 years.
The Michelin stars is a huge promotional advantage, and nobody is going to look at the why they were stripped. Instead they'll see a no star restaurant with 10 seats charging a premium for sushi that they couldn't tell was good, or bad in the first place, so they'll go to whatever the guide tells them to.

>> No.13275140

Both. I'm just your average Asian kid with a b.s. from some no name uni.

>> No.13275142

>My prediction is that he takes a dip in profit, or retires within the next 5 years.
The man is 94 years old, he could die in the next few minutes and no one would be particularly shocked.

He "lost" his stars by becoming MORE exclusive, that's going to appeal to actually rich/famous people, they know he didn't lose the star because of the quality of the food.

>> No.13275146

>The Michelin stars is a huge promotional advantage
... in the West.
In Japan a Michelin starred sushi restaurant advertising itself as such is basically saying "The best sushi in town... according to gaijin tourists!"

>> No.13275148

>or retires within the next 5 years
Pretty safe prediction considering he'll be lucky to live that long.

>> No.13275157

Not really, considering michelin specifically hired well respected japanese gourmands to rate the restaurants in japan. Michelin's whole view was that as mainly western food enthusiasts, they didn't have the authority to decide what represented the peak of japanese cuisine.

>> No.13275163

The nips gained increased lifespan thanks to all the radiations. The bastards didn't even thank us, the U.S. of A.

>> No.13275164

>michelin specifically hired well respected japanese gourmands
Nobody knows or cares. They see "Michelin" and dismiss it as gaijin trash.

>> No.13275170

>He "lost" his stars by becoming MORE exclusive, that's going to appeal to actually rich/famous people, they know he didn't lose the star because of the quality of the food
This is where you're wrong. It might work for the first year, or so, but if he's doing this then he's no longer trying to earn money.
He's actually probably soft retiring, and keeping it open as something like a hobby, or to keep himself social.
But profiting is obviously not his goal anymore.

>> No.13275178

Profiting was never his goal, he would have gotten himself a much larger restaurant if that was his goal.

His goal has always been sustainable traditional sushi as an art.

>> No.13275182

>They see "Michelin" and dismiss it as gaijin trash.
Your personal opinion does not reflect the facts.

>> No.13275189

>thread full of people who have never been to japan, and will never go to japan in their entire lives, arguing about a sushi restaurant run by someone who will be dead in the next few years anyway.

what's the point of this thread?

>> No.13275191

>h-he's gonna retire
Anyone even considering this know nothing of jiro and his autism and should leave this thread.

>> No.13275205

>Profiting was never his goal, he would have gotten himself a much larger restaurant if that was his goal.
You really don't know what your talking about, but youll argue to no end.
>His goal has always been sustainable traditional sushi as an art.
Yea he's the best sandwich roller committed to an 80-100 year old tradition.

>> No.13275214

>if you hurt my feelings you haven't been to Japan
Calm down nerd

>> No.13275242

Pointless non-sequitur.
Why are you in a thread talking about a person you know nothing about?

>> No.13275245

>You really don't know what your talking about, but youll argue to no end.
Lmao so where is your "proof" that he is in it just for the money?

>> No.13275252

>Lmao so where is your "proof" that he is in it just for the money?
I claimed that he's no longer prioritizing a profit.

>> No.13275258

...that means you think he previously WAS prioritizing profit, which is fucking retarded, he'd have just added another 10 seat counter if he was actually prioritizing his profits.

That was obviously never a concern.

>> No.13275263

>Pointless non-sequitur.
Did you come back after googling that?
>Why are you in a thread talking about a person you know nothing about?
I'm talking about his business specifically.
Honestly what's wrong with you. Is it asperges?

>> No.13275270

>..that means you think he previously WAS prioritizing profit
This is the goal of businesses, yes, and he's enjoyed a profitable career thus far due to being properly marketed, and managed.

>> No.13275285

>That was obviously never a concern.
Seems like he enjoyed charging a large premium for a person that did not concern himself with profit.

>> No.13275292

Lmao at ANY point after getting his 3 stars he could have expanded and reaped massive profits, even if the quality went down and prices went up, his 3 stars would have carried him for at least a few years of gouging.

He didn't do that at all, he kept his 10 seat counter and had his son go off and make a larger sushi restaurant. (which still has it's 2 michelin stars)

>> No.13275296

He charges those prices because he only buys super expensive sustainable fish etc, etc.

He's obsessed with the traditional aspects of sushi making, and he charges a fuck ton because he doesn't cut corners. The fish he uses is expensive.

>> No.13275323

Think about what your point is, before posting anon.
>He charges those prices because he only buys super expensive sustainable fish etc, etc.
So you're telling me that his profit margins are extremely low?
>He's obsessed with the traditional aspects of sushi making,
which are, and how old are these folding techniques?
>and he charges a fuck ton because he doesn't cut corners. The fish he uses is expensive.
This doesn't say what his profit margin was, but gives a reason to why you personally believe that the prices are worth paying.

>> No.13275335

>you need to provide proof despite the fact I have zero proof for my own opinion on the matter

sick bruh, at least I provided explanation, your entire argument hinges on a man running a 10 counter restaurant somehow being in it all for the money. Because THAT'S a logical conclusion to make, fucking retards I swear.

>> No.13275345

Me Jiro gives away sushi at cost.
Anyways I'm out. You retarded nips are dumb as a bag of brickd, and should just die.

>> No.13275347

Damn nigga. They couldn't have waited til he died?

>> No.13275356

I'm sure they contacted the restaurant before it happened and said why it was happening and if they wanted to keep them, they needed to allow open reservations again.

They refused and here we are.

Again, if they wanted the stars back, literally ALL they have to do is open up the reservations so anyone can make a reservation.

>> No.13275360

Just read the article dummy.

>> No.13275361

You gave me you're retarded opinions, and all the reason why you would personally jack Jiro off with your asshole, but you didn't provide me with any hard facts to work with, so now we're back to just waiting, and see.
Also you might want to get your autism checked out by an actual doctor.

>> No.13275367

My opinions are based on reality, based on what he did after getting his 3 stars, and the fact he never expanded or started massively increasing costs, your opinion is based on nothing but your own retarded views.

My opinion at least as a base to it, yours is just free floating bullshit based on nothing.

>> No.13275370

Thread full of redditors.

>> No.13275376

It's almost as if real journalism is fucking dead.

>> No.13275377


>> No.13275478

Are you the fucking sole schizo running around this thread claiming Jiro is going to die penniless because of this? You need to go back

>> No.13275514

It's still the best, it's just not given the stars because it's too exclusive for Michelin's standards.

>> No.13275528

>get fucked Jiro
The guy is doing so well that he doesn't even need to serve the public anymore. Seems like he's hardly "getting fucked"

>> No.13275585

>he actually still believes "reddit spacing" is a thing

retard, it's a meme to call out actual redditors. double spacing has always existed on 4chan, it's only the last few years it became a meme, when morons like yourself take it seriously it only makes your own new-ness to the site show. The true reddit fags are the ones bitching about reddit spacing.

>> No.13275628

Breaking news : jiro has become homeless and his restaurant has been flattened and turned into a pachinko place, all because of the satanic Michelin organization

>> No.13275641


>> No.13275669

i'm pretty sure at his age just looking at him lasciviously could break a bone

>> No.13275678
File: 41 KB, 474x631, 9763B13B-07AD-45E0-AB40-A57BC49B5E41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire fucking thread

>> No.13275683

Pretty sure no one around here is even trying to hide their autism.

>> No.13276364

where do you think you are?

>> No.13276399


>> No.13276405

this only makes me want to eat at his restaurant even more desu, fuck m*chelin

>> No.13276406

based journalist.

>> No.13276481

God I wish I was a yakuza kyoudai sitting in one of those chairs with a js bouncing on my cock while Jiro fed me sushi

>> No.13276524
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>> No.13276527

I thought the accent was well done just unfocused and misguided. I think if you really focus on one type of accent you’d do an exceptional job. Here’s two US pennies for your time.

>> No.13277011

Now that's just going too far

>> No.13277017

Alejandro at my local Asian fusion place

>> No.13277280

He got sick of tourists so only serves the rich and famous. michelin only rates "public" restaurants.

>> No.13277306

My favorite part of the whole article is how they're begging for money at the end of the article to combat clickbaitism and "fake news".

>> No.13277308

>Michelin’s policy is to introduce restaurants where everybody can go to eat.
it's still an indictment of Jiro's policies

>> No.13278101

God I fucking hate news and reporters, and this shit is why. If you believe what articles say, you're misinformed. It's not limited to the headlines either, so many articles get published out there that are just straight up lying, and the author is aware of the lie as well.

>> No.13278258


>> No.13278467

Jiro seems like too much of an old school Jap to just retire. He'll probably drop dead while preparing sushi for some Yakuza boss; with knife still in hand, and a smug look on his face. He'll have made his ancestors proud.

>> No.13278480

stop necroposting you faggots

>> No.13278492

Are you saying traditional Japanese society is proud of catering to murderers and fetish pornographers?

>> No.13278500

>no more Michelin stars
jiro is now only known for having overpriced sushi

>> No.13278535

Of course.

>> No.13278543

Well, they did make a porno starring a japanese man who had been in prison for murder and cannibalism.

>> No.13278555

>s-stop, you're only allowed to bump threads on the first few pages, because I said so
This isn't r*ddit kiddo. If you don't like the way things are done here, then maybe you should consider going back there.

>> No.13278558

Too based for me. I'm literally dead, tripmonger.

>> No.13278571

Spot the poorfag. $300 for high quality sushi, made by the greatest sushi master on earth, is literally nothing, if you aren't living on neetbucks.

>> No.13278592

>You are under the impression that they don't?
Of course they don't. Anyone who isn't retarded can see that.

>> No.13278612
File: 178 KB, 800x558, 800px-Tako_to_ama_retouched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsujigiri (辻斬り or 辻斬, literally "crossroads killing") is a Japanese term for a practice when a samurai, after receiving a new katana or developing a new fighting style or weapon, tests its effectiveness by attacking a human opponent, usually a random defenseless passer-by, in many cases during nighttime
>fetish pornographers
it was considered a lucky charm against death for a samurai to carry shunga

>> No.13278623

>tests its effectiveness by attacking a human opponent
Peasants weren't human, so this really wasn't a bad thing.

>> No.13278632

arent michelin stars for french restaurants?

>> No.13278647
File: 478 KB, 1096x720, Coffee Maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was considered a lucky charm against death for a samurai to carry shunga
So their battle tactic was to keep depraved filth on them so the reapers wouldn't want to be associated with them? No wonder asians have a long life span.

>> No.13278663

god i wish that were me

>> No.13278852

The Michelin guide outside of Europe is a big fucking meme anyways.

>> No.13279042

Make that outside of France and we agree

>> No.13279141

Who the fuck cares, it's not like you were going to eat there anyway

>> No.13279431

>high quality sushi
The Jews did a good job promoting Japan after ww2.

>> No.13279459

Jiro mastered the
of charging $300 for 2 slices of fish slathered in soy sauce
>Plus seat fee
>Plus waiting fee
>Plus plate fee
>Plus tax
>tip precalculates
Enjoy your wasabi (it's art btw).

>> No.13279468

Welcome to /ck/, newfriend!

>> No.13279485

octopus is cheaper than you'd expect at many grocery stores

>> No.13280383

Did nobody even read the article? Its because they made the decision to make it a private establishment. If anything they want less tourists booking there.

>> No.13280496

>Did nobody even read the article?
First time on 4chan?

>> No.13280531

Yeah, the only way to not fall for it is to read multiple sources, even ones you disagree with, and wait a few days to see if the story changes before caring too much. If you read anything and immediately believe it you're a sucker.

>> No.13280728


>> No.13280764

Anyone else tried of pretending to like sushi?