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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13277242 No.13277242 [Reply] [Original]

Post your spice collection or most used spices.

Recently waited and bought a bunch at Luckys cause they where around half price.

Also no the Ke*rig isn't mine.

>> No.13277849

>curry powder

>> No.13277869
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it's a fucking mess. every time I cook I have to go digging. I bought a turkish coffee grinder for pepper. I really like it.

>> No.13277885
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Dried parsley flakes?

>> No.13277898

DUDE is that WEED?

>> No.13277900

I don't have spice rack
>some packets of powdered spices in the fridge door rack
>some in the chiller
>some dried soup herbs in the freezer
>bottles of dried herbs and solid spices in one rack
>moar bottles and half used packs in the wet kitchen
>pepper corns and grinder on top of the microwave

>> No.13277915

yeah sorry I don't go to the store for every single meal I cook. I just use it in sauces I don't give a fuck about garnishing stuff. It's fucking parsley. I like fresh dill and rosemary but who the fuck cares about parsley

>> No.13277920

no I just like a lot of parsley in my brownies >:)

>> No.13277927

i got a whole fuckin spice cabinet but all i ever use is onion powder, garlic powder, italian seasoning (thyme parsley oregano n all that shit mixed together) and red pepper flakes

>> No.13277942

>cinnamon sticks
>whole cloves
>dry pirri pirri peppers
>whole cumin
>herb de provence mix
I got a garden going with fresh herbs Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, and oregano

Those are my most used but I got a bunch more I use when necessary. Star anise, szechuan peppercorns, paprika, an assortment of whole dried chilli peppers etc.

>> No.13278007
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Imagine needing more than one spice lmao

>> No.13278036
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Yo from the thumbnail I thought you were posting a picture of my cabinet. Don't think I don't see that Montreal steak seasoning, shit's dank.

>> No.13278047

Mom lets me have 3 spice cabinets ;^)

>> No.13278071

ayy lmao

>> No.13278127
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I organized it a bit I've also got the chicken seasoning hah.

>> No.13278279

Nice, I used to have that and liked it but for some reason I never re-upped. I got a 1lb container of the steak seasoning so I just refill the shaker when it gets low. My go-to for chicken lately is that orange topped sazon. It's really fucking salty but it's good.

>> No.13278293

Right now I've been going through a 1lb bag of paprika for my chicken.

>> No.13278295

lol fuck yeah. I can't find my paprika.

>> No.13278441

Ok tastelet. Also its jamaican, not Indian.
Looks great. I've seen that grinder before. You use it diffr the dried peppers or just pepper corns?
Sound comfy. I tend to use a lot of Asian spices so I've been trying to branch out.
What do pirri pirri peppers tastes like. Also cinnamon stick and star anise master race. Been getting into ceylon cinnamon.
Based Adobo poster. Also what is alien Al's rub?

>> No.13278448

I only use it with dried peppercorns I haven't tried it with anything else. It's just an el cheapo one I found on amazon. People complained the grind wasn't good enough for espresso but it produces a really fine grind. Spinning it one way is more difficult and grinds faster while the other way is easier.

>> No.13278465

>too fine for espresso
That makes sense. Turkish is basically coffee powder which would over extract in a espresso machine.

>> No.13278472

oh they complained it was too coarse for espresso but from what I've seen it's perfectly fine. who knows, it might be part of amazon using commingled inventory and I just got a decent one

>> No.13278485

>Also what is alien Al's rub?
IDK my mom got it for me when she and my dad visited area 51 and I haven't used it yet. It smells delicious though.

>> No.13278493

>area 51
That makes sense.

>> No.13278515

My dad is really into aliens.

>> No.13279343


>> No.13279439

>red pepper flakes
>black pepper

Basically that's what I use most often.

>> No.13280468


>> No.13280503

Pirri pirri have a sharp spice profile that is fairly intense but doesn't linger. I use anywhere between 1-3 crushed peppers depending on the dish and crowd. 3 peppers in a stir fry makes my nose run but since it doesn't linger it's quite easy to keep eating without getting that build up of intensity that happens with other peppers. Very similar to Thai peppers as I believe they share a common ancestor. Pirri pirri are from Africa and were spread over the world by the Portuguese. It's the secret spice in cheeky nandos.

>> No.13280508
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The smaller spice containers hang out in this spice rack on the counter

>> No.13280517
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And bigger containers/things in bags all get shoved in a cabinet. Planning on getting a pantry door organizer soon and moving them all there to make things easier.

>> No.13280545

Where in the Mid-Atlantic do you live?

>> No.13280573

I've never lived anywhere near the northeast I'm in AL. lots of good seafood when you make it down near the gulf. but I'm in huntsville so there aren't too many places to get it fresh.

>> No.13280632

Other anon here, with the Montreal steak seasoning. I'm in Georgia, I was going to ask if you were from the South but I forgot to.

>> No.13280650
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>> No.13280735

Current contents of my spice cupboard (mostly whole):

bay leaves
black cardomom
black pepper
cameroon pepper
chilli powder (extra hot)
chilli powder (medium hot)
crushed chillies
curry leaves
dried red chillies
fenugreek leaves
garlic powder
ginger powder
green cardamom
mustard seed
star anise
szechuan peppercorns
turmeric powder

From these I have also made:

garam masala
sambar powder
jerk seasoning
jamaican curry powder
pumpkin spice
panch phoron
chinese five spice

>> No.13280742


>> No.13280745

From the thumbnail I thought you must be a pretty good cook but then I clicked on the image and was sorely disappointed

>> No.13280748

I keep a spreadsheet to make sure there's
nothing sitting in my cupboard for years

>> No.13280749

Need pic of your kitchen

>> No.13280826

Laurel leaves
Vanilla(costs a fuckign bitch tho, making exact every single time)
Fresh rosemary
Fresh garlic
Fresh tarragon
Fresh thyme
Fresh marjoram
Fresh parsley
Fresh basil
Fresh dill(this one is okay dried though)
Fresh sage
Fresh celery leaf
Fresh ginger(okay, buying this one from the store but still)
Fresh horseradish(sometimes just the leaves, the roots are a bitch to prepare)
Fresh juniper berries(this one is okay dried too)
Fresh mustard
Fresh lovage
Fresh oregano
Endless varieties of fresh and dried paprika
And pepper of course.

Getting that herb garden running was seriously one of the best decisions of my life. Its insane how much of a difference fresh herbs make. Plus I hate buying spice mixes and not having control over what goes into the food, I dont want any of that vile cilantro shit near my dishes. Its also terribly easy to just throw together something decent with fresh herbs. Some sad little taters on their own turn into a delicious meal with fresh rosemary.

>> No.13280848
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oh wow, anon.


>> No.13281020
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I have a good amount of BBQ rubs as well but I didn't get them in the picture, plus the obvious ones like salt and pepper.

>> No.13281060

salt and pepper, anything else is for queers.

>> No.13281134
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>Ginger powder
>Red pepper flakes
>Fennel seeds
>Sweet paprika

Not pictured cinnamon and cloves.

I don't need anything else. Plus cumin is to be replaced soon by something else.

>> No.13281219

Looks good.
Sounds nice. I've only had it once in a sauce and the description about it being sharp is accurate. I'll have to keep an eye out. Having a pepper that doesn't build heat would be nice.
Don't listen to
I wish I was that organized.
Its because of a lot of pre mixed ones isn't it? I mostly got them cause of the sale and they didn't have some basic ones left. I'm excited to try that smoked salt though
When I'm not poor I'm making an herb garden.
>juniper berries
What are these used for beside tea. Saw some during the sale but couldn't justify buying it.
Based ramen spice poster
Nice custom spice bottles.

>> No.13281229

Cumin is the best spice you have in your gay little wizard jar larp
Do us all a favour and replace it with cyanide

>> No.13281237

no smoked garlic
2/10 have sex

>> No.13281238
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Not them but

>> No.13281239

>When I'm not poor I'm making an herb garden.

It costs less than you'd expect, there is only really the upfront cost for seeds and some basic tools.

>> No.13281256

Its not just money, but im currently trying to get a web dev job. My ADHD ass will get waaaaay too distracted right now if I go into that. I do want at least mint and basil asap though. Those aren't the same dry.

>> No.13281261

I don't use much cumin, so there's no point having it. I'm gonna use what I have and get some other thing.

Thank you. I got these small bottles at eBay. They're apparently used for scented candles or whatever.

Also black pepper and bay leaves, which are indispensable.

>> No.13281268

>ever subtracting from your spice and herb arsenal
NGMI. We only add more variety. Never take variety away.

>> No.13281289

I used to think cumin was bleh too as its overpowering if you use too much, until one day i put it in a tomato and lamb stock sauce i was making and it opened my eyes. A dash in a tomato and pepper stew makes amazing shakshuka, and it is also great on roasted carrots (i like using the whole seed ungrounded for this)

>> No.13282282


>> No.13282302
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you must mean hot sauce collection

>> No.13282306

oh I see 2 oniossauce have slipped through :^)

>> No.13282307

how do you discern?

>> No.13282427

>fucking pumpkin pie spice
You should have just bought clove, retard.

>> No.13282875

>Kirkland garlic powder
I gazed upon your eyes and knew you were my nigger

>> No.13282883

Harsh, but true.

>> No.13283392

Your not completely wrong. You did forget allspice. I dont use ground clove or allspice much, but I use a lot of ginger. Also the nutmeg I have isnt ground as fine. With the pumpkin spice i dont have to by two other products I don't normally use and keeps my other spices from being used up too quick.

>> No.13284472


>> No.13285225

I was going to include sauces, but didn't want to attract shit posters. That collection isn't bad, but it looks like even some of the repeats are different enough. Judging by all the sriracha you like fruity peppers. You might want to give scotch bonnets a go. They're like a milder version of a scorpion; though still much hotter than a habanero. They have a fruity, almost slightly citrusy tang. Susie's is a classic choice though you might have to order online.

>> No.13285261

personally, I find that pretty much any baked good or dessert that cinnamon is good in, clove tastes good in it too.
I hardly ever use allspice, myself, either.

>> No.13286082

True. I know cloves can work great in meats. I actually like allspice a hair more than cinnamon in baked goods, but I just didn't feel like spending the money.