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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 399 KB, 1111x1667, Steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13272407 No.13272407 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your steak?

>> No.13272408

With catsup.

>> No.13272415


>> No.13272434

blue rare

>> No.13272441

Well on the inside with the shell rare.

>> No.13272446

Medium rare - medium, depending on the cut and the quality of seasoning/marinade

>> No.13272457

Any yinz wit me an like em Pittsburgh style?

t. Joey Bag of donuts

>> No.13272465


>> No.13272474

>Light rare
130 degrees

>> No.13272496

medium well to well

>> No.13272497

If it touches the grill I send it back, simple

>> No.13272533

based and caveman pilled

>> No.13272543

Based. Fuck cooking.

>> No.13272791

well but competent well not the tough inedible well

>> No.13272802
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>> No.13272814

do americans really?!

>> No.13272844
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>One order of well done steak with a side of ketchup and horseradish please.

>> No.13272861

so, cocktail sauce

>> No.13272920

Still mooing. Absolutely as rare as I can make it.

>> No.13272951

I don't like steak
I'd rather have a hamburger

>> No.13272985

I understand ketchup meme, but fuck wrong is with horseradish? It goes really well with meat. Horseradish with cranberry is my favorite. Just don't overdo it like everything, so it doesn't overtake the flavors.

>> No.13272994

Question still remains numbnuts

>> No.13272995

I am VEGAN!!!

>> No.13272997

Oh. Then with catsup.

>> No.13273000

Medium well. If you have a problem with that you can gently suckle on my 6.3" penis, which I typically round up to 6.5".

>> No.13273033
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Anyone that eats meat with blood is a filthy barbarian

>> No.13273042

I'm happy if it's in the rare to medium zone.

>> No.13273052

Where can you buy this fabled meat that contains blood?

>> No.13273054

usually medium or medium rare

>> No.13273062

What you didn't know about those indian doctors is that they've never actually gone to school

>> No.13273071

"just show them the flame, I always tell my cook"

>> No.13273074

Good thing meat no longer has blood after the butchering process.

>> No.13273175

Is well supposed to be coocked? It looks undercooked to me. I like it well cooked.

>> No.13273200

Like this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LEjWV5RbdOE

>> No.13273561

medium rare with ketchup

>> No.13273569

well done on the inside with rare on the outside
someone post the webm

>> No.13273591

Rare to medium depending on the cut and how I feel

>> No.13273596

For me? Medium well.
Redditors are obsessed with rare or blue rare steak for some reason. Probably to compensate for their sexlessness

>> No.13273600

Cooked to perfection

>> No.13273656

well done with a side of ketchup

>> No.13273669

Rare. I don't care how safe or unsafe it is. Tastes fucking good and has a wonderful texture.

>> No.13273753

I think this is misleading. I pull my steaks off the heat at 125 and while sitting there on the counter the temp continues to go up 8-10 degrees at the center.

>> No.13273767

Medium to medium well, normie af

>> No.13274087


>raw meat

>> No.13274119

injected with wagyu fat, dry aged in grass fed butter at home for 5 weeks and then sous vide cooked for 3 hours before grilling and seasoning with pink Himalayan salt

lets deu eeet

>> No.13274123

Plus ketchup

>> No.13274125

Their "rare" is a bit overcooked for me.

>> No.13274168

as rare as possible

>> No.13274261

extra medium

>> No.13274302

You're not supposed to change the temp but the cooking time. This is retarded.

>> No.13274330

Rare to medium rare

>> No.13274342

Still barking

>> No.13274348

That probably refers to the internal temp of the meat. A higher cooking temp would sear the outside quicker for a rarer steak

>> No.13274459

Medium rare, no sauce. Steak should be moist enough to not need one.

>> No.13274468

The steak can be as rare as you want it to be and it will be perfectly safe. As long as the outside is cooked all the way

>> No.13274570

Medium well, simple as.
>Fat rendered
>Meaty texture, not a wet sock
>Moisture retained

>> No.13274731

Medium because I cannot trust a medium well to be MEDIUM well and not "medium" well. Add mustard to some bites as a guilty pleasure

>> No.13274902

Spoiler: https://pastebin.com/veCkWu78

>> No.13275216
File: 166 KB, 1920x1080, [Muxer] Gabriel Dropout - OVA1 (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_03.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order steak rare
>be asked if i know that means it's not fully cooked and if i'm ok with that

>> No.13275225

You tell those faggots to walk a cold cow through a warm kitchen and bring it to your table, that's how fucking rare you want it.

>> No.13275230

For me, it's well done

>> No.13275299

>raw meat

>> No.13275326

Nice of them desu

>> No.13275342

probably tired of "adventurous" retards who don't know what they're doing

>> No.13275511

anywhere between rare and medium.

>> No.13275521
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rare-medium rare with more crust than OP's pic.

>> No.13275713
File: 2.60 MB, 1080x1620, sketch-1574801498062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13275831

Anything less than well waters down the ketchup.

>> No.13275944
File: 454 KB, 1500x822, Rostas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maximum pink.

With ketchup.

>> No.13276014

Top two are best. Depends on the cut anon, top is best for large thick cuts of meat like a rib roast, fillet, tomahawk or fiorentina.

Second is best for a NYS, regular Strip, ribeye, etc, etc.

>> No.13276106

I tell the cook to walk my steak across the grill and send it out.

>> No.13276115

It can still be cooked without touching the grill

>> No.13276173

I don't like steak

>> No.13276180

Medium/medium well and any other answer is wrong

>> No.13276260

I'm vegetarian now but I used to always go for medium rare or medium depending on where I was.

>> No.13276272

Why do boomers love flexing their taste for raw steak? It's not like they do this shit with hamburgers

>> No.13276326

>imagine cocking the meat at all
Nigger just trow a hand of salt from 8 feet of distance and that's it.

>> No.13276647

Could be done with meat glue. Buy some, make the first true "reverse sear" steak, and post pics.

>> No.13276650

medium well

>> No.13276698

RIP ninja

>> No.13276913
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>try to order a medium rare steak
>get told that I'll become sick or that it is dangerous to eat
Then why is it on the menu?!

>> No.13276921


>> No.13277158

Son, you bring me a blue rare hamburger and I'll eat that shit.

>> No.13277262
File: 127 KB, 360x381, 8ff7c923edf2f27ec3a844bf3c3bb45f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medium-medium rare. 140 is good.

>> No.13277761

Pittsburgh rare for leaner cuts. Rare for fattier cuts. I sop up the blood and juices as I go. I eat all the delicious fat.

>> No.13277773

In English doc

>> No.13277782


Medium or medium rare. Still pink, but not fucking cold in the middle.

>> No.13277798


>> No.13277809

My dad (RIP) liked it well done "like shoe leather".

>> No.13277814

Rare at home, medium-rare at the restaurant. They always fuck up the cooking if I ask rare. It's always either cold on the inside or just overdone. I rarely order steak in places that don't do steaks exlusively anyway.

>> No.13277828

rare or welldone.

>> No.13277834

Anyone have a good steak marinade recipe? Something with soy and garlic sounded good

>> No.13277907

140f slow cooked medium

for 100000s of years our ancestors cooked meat properly to the exact point it kills all parasites and bacteria while not reducing its nutritional value

>> No.13278580

How fucking stupid are you that you don't realize those temperatures are the internal temperatures of the steaks cooked to each level?

>> No.13278682

Extra medium

>> No.13278688

i cant afford steak

>> No.13278775

Rare to medium.

Everything else I send back to the chef.

>> No.13278878

protip. If you ever go to Florence never ask for anything more than rare or they'll spit in your platter.

>> No.13278897


take some olivoil, some salt pepper garlic onions and the herbs of your choice (basil, parsley, cilantro etc) you can use whatever herbs you like but I'd recommend using majority parsley

>> No.13278904

Remember all those animal crush videos featuring Asian ladies?

>> No.13278964

Rare, sometimes edging on medium rare.

>> No.13278992

that image reeks of impotence

>> No.13279027

I like medium more than medium rare, but both are acceptable. I hardly ever see mediumfags repping the best doneness

>> No.13279660

Rare to medium rare.
Rare to blue is too cold in the middle.

>> No.13280762

Gunna sound like a massive faggot but I recently had a very expensive steak dinner, and when the server asked how I wanted it cooked, I said "perfectly." The chef who cooked it delivered our dinners out to us and explained why the medium rare/rare cook he did was perfect for the age/style/thickness of the meat. He was really proud of it.

>> No.13280874

if reverse seared or sous vided: medium,
otherwise medium-rare

>> No.13281003
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Yeah, not really in the mood for tapeworms in my brain, so I go with Well steaks, personally.

>> No.13281037

i sampled my pork steak while it was still undercooked
what are the chances of infection?

>> No.13281058

I’m so sorry, you should get checked in case there are any tapeworm eggs in it. If you let them grow, you’re in for a painful brain surgery.

>> No.13281059

No shit, there's a reason why Muslims and Jews don't eat them

>> No.13281070
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I don't pretend to enjoy steak.

>> No.13281076

is this b8
im worried bros what do

>> No.13281090

sauce for this?

>> No.13281091

My mother used to cook steak in the oven.So it put me off steak for ages

>> No.13281098

Don't worry about it

>> No.13281112

believe what you want, I’d go to the doctors asap just to be safe

>> No.13281115

>beefsteak is pork
The fuck? Is this your mind on /ck/?

>> No.13281141

every meat type can carry tapeworms and other shit retard

>> No.13281189
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>I don't like rare meat because Chinese people can't cook

>> No.13281911

Boomers are the ones that like their steak well done with ketchup you tard.