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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13266369 No.13266369 [Reply] [Original]

I approve

>> No.13266372


>> No.13266377


>> No.13266382

Fuck, i keep passing these up

>> No.13266387

>that much sugar
>no chewing involved
if you can't stand water and adding lemon or cucumber slices just isn't enough flavor, make some coffee or tea

>> No.13266395

>Cucumber flavored water

>> No.13266397
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>> No.13266401

After he stuffs his butt with them for hours, he gets thirsty.

>> No.13266406

While I agree that complaining about sugar content is silly, please refrain from posting wojaks in my thread. Thank you.

>> No.13267627

I really like it. It's nice to sip on while drinking a good bourbon

>> No.13267651

Are you joking? Cucumber water is delicious!


>> No.13267967
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>please refrain from posting wojaks in my thread

>> No.13267971

I already asked nicely once. You do not want to provoke me, sir.

>> No.13267992

How does it compare to Dr. Pepper?

>> No.13268017
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>> No.13268047
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>I-i already asked nicely once. You do not want to provoke me, sir

>> No.13268050
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Tastes like drinking an apple pie. Impossible to drink more than 1 in a sitting it's so cloying. Pic related was far superior.

>> No.13268068

That is as far as I will allow it to go. I'm afraid you and I can no longer be acquaintances. I did not wish to be this harsh, but I must retain my self-respect.

>> No.13268132

Anon be gentle.

>> No.13268149
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>Why yes, I do like suggar. It's a bone chillingly slow buzz with little to no crash.

>> No.13268563

faggots like you are the reason I can't get any good flavored coke in germany

>> No.13268990

I tasted the zero version and was surprised. I think it would go well with rum in rum.cola for that extra cinnamon touch.

>> No.13269050


>> No.13269055

why do chinks do this

>> No.13269068

gutter oil bubble popped its on to gutter soda now. Look at those inspiring entrepreneurs!

>> No.13269110

Sugar is bad for you

>> No.13269187

this person is either a boomer or millennial. i mean this unironically. only they are stupid enough to eat and actually enjoy sugar in excess quantities like soda despite human civilization knowing about obesity and diabetes for over 3000 years on top of all information available widely on the internet.

>> No.13269191

>excess sugar consumption: starts 100 years ago
>trans fats invented: 20 years ago
>obesity epidemic: starts 20 years ago

>> No.13269203

>Diabetes was one of the first diseases described,[112] with an Egyptian manuscript from c. 1500 BCE mentioning "too great emptying of the urine."[113] The Ebers papyrus includes a recommendation for a drink to take in such cases.[114] The first described cases are believed to have been type 1 diabetes.[113] Indian physicians around the same time identified the disease and classified it as madhumeha or "honey urine", noting the urine would attract ants.[113][114]

don't be a fucking idiot.

>> No.13269202

+1. Too bad it's hard to find.

>> No.13269208

obesity correlates with wealth, not transfats. transfats correlate with heart disease. throughout history, the wealthy have ALWAYS been more obese compared to the poor. and, what do we see among the wealthiest countries in the world? more obesity than in poorer ones.

>> No.13269221

Except that in those countries it’s the poor who have an obesity epidemic, and mexico passed the US, are they better off now? That’s right retard lefty.

>> No.13269226

And Japan has a diabetes problem but not an obesity problem. Why is it so unbelievable that it’s transfats?

>> No.13269236

I hate sugar

>> No.13269241

he warned him. the guy's a barbarian, through and through

>> No.13269254

Sugar is undeniably harmful to your teeth. But for your body? Literally a non-problem as long as you don't already suffer from something like diabetes. Anybody who doesn't lack self control can easily drink 2 cans of soda every day without inciting any health problems.

If you want to argue sugar results in relatively lower satiety, leading to needing greater self control to not over-consume, then that's an argument you can make. But it's one you need to specifically state.

>> No.13269273

Fun Fact: Here in Atlanta, we tried to pass a "soda tax" or "sugar tax" because our blacks have the highest obesity rates, diabetes rates, and heart disease rates in the country. But the local blacks cried RACISM because the sugar tax would affect almost all black people who can't control themselves around soda, and the sugar tax was defeated. lol

It's like black people here are basically admitting they can't control themselves around sugar.

>> No.13269281

not the best Coke flavor I've had, but it's certainly a major step above what Pepsi did a few years ago

>> No.13269282

>It's like black people here are basically admitting they can't control themselves around sugar.
They're right though. The sugar tax has been proven to disproportionately paid for by poor people, and especially african americans.

>> No.13269289

>The sugar tax has been proven to disproportionately paid for by poor people
Holy shit you mean lefties made life worse for the working class? When does that ever happen?

>> No.13269315

>trans fats invented: 20 years ago
the ones with the blue hair?

>> No.13269330

>But the local blacks cried RACISM because the sugar tax would affect almost all black people who can't control themselves around soda, and the sugar tax was defeated. lol
That's like passing a "vegan tax". It would be paid for mostly by white upper-middle class, sheltered, preppy faggots.

>> No.13269347

>obesity epidemic: starts 20 years ago
~21 years ago they redefined the 'medical definition' of "overweight" and "obesity", lowering the threshold of the criteria.
Regardless, you should take all statistics pertaining to obesity with a grain of salt, as the metric used (BMI) is a horribly inaccurate metric. (BMI does not account for the fact that muscle weighs more than fat.)

Also, if I remember correctly, 20 years ago is also right around when video games and personal computers started becoming widely available and affordable for families, probably resulting in less active lifestyles. There's a whole slew of factors involved with the "obesity epidemic", it's rather silly to focus on one potential contributor.

>> No.13269349

BMI is a plan to hide the fact that women are driving the obesity epidemic

>> No.13269351

Its weird how everything your american liberals do wind up hurting themselves or the people they're supposedly "helping."

>> No.13269357

Don't your modern day liberal white women believe that being a fat, obese cow is now "attractive" and "healthy?" Or is that just an excuse for being fat & lazy?

>> No.13269360

And how they let television define reality for them, almost like they’re the perfect sheep for corporate interests

>> No.13269409

because obesity has to do with how much you eat more than what you eat. transfats correlate with heart disease. overindulgence in food, especially sugar, contributes to obesity.

>> No.13269415

>sugar is a non-issue as long as you haven't overindulged in it your whole life, have no health problems, and your only indulgences are controlled and rationed to small amounts

are you stupid?

>> No.13269417

Oh? You like your Coca-Cola faggot?

That's good. Glad you like your fucking coke you fag.

>> No.13269447
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>he buys anything from pepsico or coca-cola

>> No.13269714
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>> No.13269771

>liking nasty ass toothpaste tasting fake sugar
Just drink fucking water if you don't want sugar.

>> No.13269859

We actually had a sugar tax here in Denmark, that ran a couple of companies out of business until the government abandoned it, but it took another year for stores to lower the price on sugar products. And those companies didn't recover.

>> No.13269868

Owned by coke champ

>> No.13269970

I just feel empty consuming soda and fruits. It's so anti nutrient

>> No.13270001

while chinotto shits on all other sodas and san pellegrino has better citrus sodas than anyone else, cola is still good

>> No.13270235

>reduces consumption so improves the health of the poor
>b-but the tax effects the poor more than the rich
You know that's true of all taxes, correct? And in fact the right uses regressive taxation far more than the left.
>h-hey guys we're cutting the middle class income tax 2% and the upper class 30%, but we'll make up the shortfall by raising sales tax, fuel tax and property tax, heh-heh, heh-heh