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13260779 No.13260779[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the objective best single topping on pizza? Pepperoni kids need not apply btw

>> No.13260798


>> No.13260815

For me it's either anchovies or prawns, followed by olives. Prawns need to be matched with olives for the optimal experience, so maybe they're more a combo topping, whereas anchovies might be better as a solo topping. I might have to think about this some more.

>> No.13260820


>> No.13260821

Green olives, ‘chovies, or tomatoes

>> No.13260823

jalapenos, specifically fresh red ones

>> No.13260825

if you order half pepperoni half mushroom it counts as a single topping

>> No.13260828

But you pay the half/half surcharge so it cancels out.

>> No.13260837

Unironically pepperoni. It is objectively the best and universally liked by everyone young and old alike. Only jews and muslims hate it.

>> No.13260846


>> No.13260853

You're not gonna like thus truth OP, but the answer is anchovies.

Also what's your aversion to pepperones? Are you 12 and it's too spicy?

>> No.13260872

Is it cheating to say giardiniera?
Cheese pizza with hot giardiniera and a beer is fuggin choice.

>> No.13260902


>> No.13260918
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>American pizza

>> No.13260958
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America takes everything and makes it better.

>> No.13260964

Japalenos 100%

>> No.13260977

there is no charge for half and half that's why you order it instead of 2 toppings

>> No.13260989

Cheese. Everything else is secondary (but welcome).

>> No.13261231


>> No.13261242

A really high quality sausage adds so much flavor.

>> No.13261320

Europe - America
Soul - Soulless

>> No.13261337

Olives or mushrooms, tied

>> No.13261341


>> No.13261349


>> No.13261351

When I get more gourmet authentic italian pizzas, I usually go for prosciutto/ pistachio

>> No.13261352


>> No.13261364

>there is no charge for half and half that's why you order it instead of 2 toppings
Then you fold the pizza, and it's like you have 2 toppings.

>> No.13261387

The best pizza topping by far is sucuk (turkish garlic sausage). Might not been common elsewhere in the world, but you get it in most places in Germany, even those run by Italians (delivery not restaurant).

>> No.13261392


>> No.13261409


>> No.13261424
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>> No.13261432

I usually eat it plain but if I must I'd go with mushrooms

>> No.13261454

Not in total mass, fagoot.

>> No.13261639


>> No.13261726

You need extra cheese, preferably real cheddar from England.

No non-cheese topping is needed.

>> No.13261755

banana peppers are pretty based

>> No.13261758

Quality sausage that is cut into thin slices, none of that chunk shit from chains. So basically pepperoni that is actually good.

>> No.13261762


>> No.13261769

It's pepperoni

>> No.13261813


>> No.13261831

shiitake mushrooms

>> No.13261892

due to a strange case of circumstance becoming habit, my gf and i made our usual pizza as just diced chicken breast(pre cooked of course) and green peppers

>> No.13262245


>> No.13262462

Mushroom, speaking in terms of singular toppings with pepperoni omitted.

>> No.13262474
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Bacon on cheese bread

>> No.13262557
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>> No.13262563

I agree

>> No.13262601

ALL of you are FUCKING STUPID and also DUMB and RETARDED. The best PROVEN toppings are, extra anchovies, black olives, green olives, banana peppers, onions, and minced garlic, makes my cum red every time

>> No.13262624

For me it's meat lovers with jalapeños and pineapple. Ik you said single topping but idc

>> No.13262640

A smidgen of sauce drawn in a spiral, a few types of sliced cheese, dried mushrooms, and oregano. The topping is only supposed to flavor the bread.

>> No.13262672

Prolly pepperoni, but disregarding the obvious i would say artichokes if done right

>> No.13262752


>> No.13263019


>> No.13263082

Smoked salmon.

>> No.13263097
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>Also what's your aversion to pepperones? Are you 12 and it's too spicy?
It's gotta be some sort of deeply traumatic childhood experience like getting raped by his pepperoni pizza loving uncle. He's been making these threads for years now.

>> No.13263105


>> No.13263116


>> No.13263132

Disturbing. Thanks to the based autist who made the image

>> No.13263214

>daedpool capeshit
have you ever considered altruistic suicide?

>> No.13263217

Ok, now that the children have ordered, what do the adults want?

>> No.13263226
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Not a DP fan? Go treat yourself to some nice za, you'll get over it.

>> No.13263260
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>> No.13263262



>> No.13263287

Why are the Pepperoni's on this pizza cut in half, but not on the other pizza slice?

>> No.13263291
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>> No.13263311
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>> No.13263347
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>> No.13263350


>> No.13263365
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>being this much of a faggot

>> No.13263387

why does that pizza look like it was assembled from 4 different pizzas

>> No.13263461

No toppings, just dip it in some chup.

>> No.13263465

It probably was, Chuck E Cheese is a vile shithole. They probably slammed it together with reheated leftover slices and reheated it.

>> No.13263641


>> No.13263672


>> No.13264697


>> No.13264760

>Look mom I replied to everyone again

>> No.13264778

I used to get a pie inspired by putanesca, that shit was soo good

>> No.13264809

All me.

>> No.13264832
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soppressata with hot chili infused honey drizzled on it

>> No.13264951

Too much dough. I just pick the toppings off of one side and throw that half away.

>> No.13264970

It sounds weird, and I have still never tried it, but when I worked at a pizza place people would order that and I have to admit, it smells great coming out of the oven.

>> No.13265023

>Green olives

>> No.13265044


>> No.13265056


>> No.13265067


>> No.13265079


>> No.13265132

>feeling superior about how you eat your cheese and carbs.

>> No.13265147

Supreme pizza is, well, supreme.