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File: 841 KB, 1032x1252, SmartSelect_20191123-195641_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13261540 No.13261540 [Reply] [Original]

It's merry Christmas assholes. Merry CHRISTMAS. we live in a Christian country. Christmas. Christ mass.

>> No.13261544

Why do liberals hate holidays?

>> No.13261548

Merry Xmas

>> No.13261552

Why would you be proud of that? That kind of mass delusion is something you shuffle into a corner and avoid speaking about.

>> No.13261554

It is merry Christmas, merry (anything else) sounds stupid. But assuming you're American, it's not a Christian country. Nobody should be offended by saying merry Christmas just like you shouldn't get offended at happy holidays.

>> No.13261570

Are you literally this dense?

>> No.13261578

happy Hanukkah

>> No.13261583

What I don't understand about this shit is everyone knows exactly what you're pretending you're not trying to not say so what the fuck is the point? There's a car commercial where a little girl tells he classmates that she want's to be santa clause when she grows up and they all laugh at her. then there's a montage where she's stuffing a pillow in her shirt, practicing her ho-ho-ho and shit. At one point she's on a street corner saying "happy holidays" to everyone who passes. It's making it abundantly clear that she's celebrating christmas and the whole fucking point of the ad is she wants to be santa but they still won't just fucking say "Merry Christmas".

>> No.13261591
File: 28 KB, 637x591, oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i say happy holidays because it pisses you off

>> No.13261607


>> No.13261614

>we live in a Christian country
lmao, the only christian country is Vatican city

>> No.13261623

>we live in a Christian country
1st Amendment says the government shal not establish a national religion. I'll use the 2nd Amendment to make sure it stays that way.

>> No.13261715
File: 80 KB, 804x449, 76739EF6-D3DF-4773-A32F-AB3049C401C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you? Get the loofah

>> No.13261841

a thread died for this

>> No.13261846

ever heard of England?

>> No.13261848

>being this obtuse about the history of our nation
>not understanding how much Christianity has shaped their own morals
this is an 18+ board

>> No.13261852

OP get on your merry way out of here

>> No.13261868

I thought this kind of shit only happens in Muslim countries

>> No.13261870
File: 2.27 MB, 4032x2268, eb4db370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tread on me.

>> No.13261875

you mean the Pakistani colony just south of Scotland?

>> No.13261877

England is an Islamic state

>> No.13261886 [DELETED] 
File: 901 KB, 2080x3230, 20190112_182531~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tread on ME

>> No.13261889

I didn't know Australians could own guns

>> No.13261893

Because they want to erase tradition so that they have no old ways of thinking to compete with.

>> No.13261899
File: 901 KB, 2080x3230, 20190112_182531~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, don't tread on ME

>> No.13261907
File: 1.76 MB, 4032x2268, 20190130_045725_noexif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poorfag nugget

>> No.13261926
File: 87 KB, 1300x866, muhrocketlauncher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what'd you say you little bitch??

>> No.13261966

No guns detected.

>> No.13262580
File: 23 KB, 457x870, Festivus_Pole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have fun with your commercialized bullshit

>> No.13262590 [DELETED] 

then why buy from a jewish company? Oh that's right, because christianity is a jewish sect

>> No.13262638

Why do these grown-up drinks look like kids' desserts?

>> No.13262654
File: 145 KB, 1200x1200, Nuggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, did I miss a riflecheck thread? Oh well, what are you guys hoping to get for Christmas? I'm hoping for one of the cookbooks I kept namedropping. I mean I have a massive family, you guys can sift trough shit for antique wares or get old books.

>> No.13262676
File: 150 KB, 444x588, d8a2deb-49a10fee-4624-468b-89d4-565d6296984e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy non-denominational Winter Holiday anon! :D

>> No.13262692

however, youre wondering why a company would pay actual money to advertise "MeRYy ChristMass" when they always need to jazz shit up to justify funding

>> No.13262696

what makes these grown up drinks, anon?

>> No.13263064

Mmm, looks tasty.

>> No.13263076

Reddit comment.
Separation of Church and State was a mistake.

>> No.13263085

ok boomer

>> No.13263107

A country in which the government is allowed to kill its own citizens is not christian.

Happy holidays.

>> No.13263109
File: 34 KB, 632x561, 1554518589765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I know I'm a faggot for this, but The Sims 2 had christmas, but sims 3/4 have "winter day"
Like can we just fucking sya christmas? I have a good friend who is native and I invited her to friendsgiving, and she was offended. Like I don't give a fuck bitch, it's a dinner party at best.

Merry christmas OP and everyone in the thread, happy thanksgiving and too all a good new year!!

>> No.13263111

ok reddit

>> No.13263151

>US christianity
Nope. If you knew your history you'd realize many of the founders were theists rather than christians. And it was considered of such importance that the US was not to have a national religion that it was in the very first ammendment. You know why? Because the founders based their thought on rationality, not fantasy.

>> No.13263167

Why do stupid fucking Americans always post Christmas / Thanksgiving / Halloween threads AN ENTIRE FUCKING MONTH early?

>> No.13263342

Starbucks gives money to baby slaughterhouses.

What made you think they care about anything sacred?

>> No.13263348

to be fair it is a pretty shitty pun.

>> No.13263351

do trannies really do this?

>> No.13263363

it's called having "holiday spirit" ya dingus. Ya frikken numbskull.

>> No.13263375 [DELETED] 

So you know how when someone says "how ya doin" you're supposed to say "good" or "fine", choosing an appropriate level of grammatical correctness based on context and social dynamics? And above all you are not supposed to actually say something negative? And note that this is not because you're not supposed to care nor assume the other person doesn't care. It's because "howyadoin" is mean to serve as "hello". You don't LITERALLY want to begin the convo about feelings.

Ok I'm going to assume someone gets that although not necessarily you in particular. The point is "happy holidays" is the same shit. It's like the following" It's a holiday season you probably celebrate something. Ya jewish? Ya X-tian? Well that covers most of the bases, happy that, let us now move on to the topic at hand."

The reason this freaks out and offends some people is that it reminds them that they do not live in decent area and literally everyone they interact with is no more than a 2nd or 3rd cousin. So when some big corporation reminds them that decent people actually interact with people from different backgrounds regularly, they take it as an insult, like "who are these city slickers to look down upon me".

>> No.13263378

What's really hilarious about this shit is how Amerilards thinks Christmas is a Christian holiday.

>> No.13263380

Someone tell Starbucks that Trump reversed the ban on saying Merry Christmas.

>> No.13263388

>not a christian holiday
you’re a special kind of stupid, huh?

>> No.13263406

He's likely a pr*testant who thinks Christmas is a "pagan invention of the Catholic Church"

>> No.13263752
File: 439 KB, 720x778, 1517707090780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dilate and seethe, buddy
it's how i COPE with you people being literally unable to shut up about this shit and acting like it's a genuine actual problem

>> No.13263754

Id drink that brulee one any day

>> No.13263760
File: 177 KB, 379x463, 1570065256465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acting like 4chan has ever been a refuge for christcucks
>calls others underage
speak for yourself, newfag

>> No.13263806



>> No.13263811

even christmas isn't a christian holiday lmao top kek c'mon read a book

it's called saturnalia

>> No.13264623

"holiday" is a holy day and that excludes brown people because they're sinners

>> No.13265001

Happy Yuletide, friends.

>> No.13266661


>> No.13266781

Because Christian Holidays are the traditions of the "Colonizers™".

>> No.13266932

Christianity is a middle eastern religion though.

>> No.13266977

yeah but those damn honkey's celebrate it so fuck them and fuck drump

>> No.13267001

Thanks god its called yule here

>> No.13267129

>A Native being offended at Thanksgiving.
Oh sounds like someone cannot take a joke.

>> No.13267160

Jesus was a cultist, is long dead, had no divinity, and will never care about what kind of coffee you drink, whether you celebrate or even say "Christmas", or anything else. What are you doing?

>> No.13267165

America was actually founded by Freemasons. Freemasons, despite claiming to serve Christ, are actually luciferians. They use terms like Christ and Lord but don't be fooled, their "lord" and their "christ" is not the Lord Jesus Christ.

>> No.13267171
File: 71 KB, 676x415, Jefferson[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we live in a Christian country.

>> No.13267174

Proof, Dale Gribbel?

>> No.13267189

On what?

>> No.13267192

On anything you said, are you unfamiliar with how replies work? There's a link in my post that takes you to the post I'm replying to.

>> No.13267197

Which part do you seek proof on?

>> No.13267200

Alright first well start off on some of the founding fathers that started founded America


Let me know once you've read this and have come to an agreement that the first part checks out.

>> No.13267203

>On anything you said
>On anything you said
>On anything you said
>On anything you said
>On anything you said

Are you going to do this half-retard song and dance all night? I'd rather you just say "no proof lol" on your way back to the subreddit instead, pretending to be illiterate isn't an argument.

>> No.13267218


>> No.13267230

Christmas is a secular holiday in the US, a ton of people that participate are not actually religious

>> No.13267237
File: 35 KB, 500x434, C70ECA3D-4247-46C2-97A3-0DD72559A705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baste and wholesomepilled

>> No.13267327

Now for the second part, since you seem to have gone missing.


Let me know if this is enough proof for you.

>> No.13267369

Nah they want money, Santa is made to sell just like children`s day.

>> No.13267387

Where did you go? I have explained myself.