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File: 53 KB, 800x400, beer-glass-foam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13259133 No.13259133 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't washed my beer glass in over a year. Is there really a useful point to washing containers that just hold the same non-messy liquid?

I also never wash my bowl that I put grapes in since it never gets dirty.

>> No.13259140

Imagine drinking beer and also tasting the nasty years old stale residue of every other beer you've ever had in that glass.

>> No.13259149

Do you only drink one type of beer or do you really use the same glass for a pilsner and a tripel?

As for the grapes, as long as they're dry I think you're fine.

>> No.13259154

But the residue from previous beers is only about .0000000001% of the total amount being taken in. It can't affect the taste that much.

I've got some Milk Stout Nitro and some Pabst at the moment.

>> No.13259166

Why even bother pouring it in a glass if you're too lazy to spend 15 seconds cleaning a glass? At the very least do you rinse it out? I bet the rim of your glass is crusty with saliva. DISGUSTIN

>> No.13259173

I like the foaminess. I pour maybe 4-5 mouthfuls of beer into the glass at a time to maximize the comfy foam intake.

>> No.13259180

>At the very least do you rinse it out?
The act of drinking from it rinses it out.
>I bet the rim of your glass is crusty with saliva. DISGUSTIN
That is the only problem that sometimes happen but then I just scrape it off with a napkin or thumbnail.

>> No.13259192

Anon at least treat yourself liked you'd treat a guest. Would you hand them a filthy glass that you picked dried saliva off with your filthy ass fingernail? And no you don't understand what rinsing off means. Do your rinse dishes with ketchup? No you use water.

Post a picture of this glass.

>> No.13259193

If you use the glass for anything more than just pure water, you ought to rinse it between uses. The residue left by sugary drinks can attract bugs or grow germs.

>> No.13259198

Explain why the hell would you not wash your dishes?
Do you not have running water?

>> No.13259202

Dogs do a pretty good job washing dishes.

>> No.13259211

I wash my whiskey glass once a week, unless I pour a different bottle

I don’t really see how your life can e so busy that you can just spray it down with water after each use tho

>> No.13259214

This, it saves on water... Speaking of which, have you ever tried drinking out of their bowl? Dog water has a nicer texture than sink water.

>> No.13259238
File: 424 KB, 1280x1920, glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

I suppose that true, but I've never seen any bugs in it and germs aren't too bad.

Laziness desu.

>> No.13259280

>And no you don't understand what rinsing off means. Do your rinse dishes with ketchup? No you use water.
tbf beer is mostly water

>> No.13259830


>> No.13259946


Beer should be drunk out of a clean glass. It's not just for safety that they clean your glass at the bar every time. Even when it's a fresh glass.

Clean your grapes bowl.

>> No.13259959

Bugs are attracted to the residue, crawl up from the floor, and tack their dirty little feet around the inside of the glass while feasting on your leavings.

>> No.13259963


>> No.13259974


Try leaving the same amount of soap residue in there and drinking beer. Or soup residue. Does the beer taste the same? Those beers are very different.


It sounds like you're just unsanitary and too depressed to know it.

>> No.13260767

i havent cleaned my coffee mug in months

>> No.13260778

This is so disgusting. I'm glad we still have people like this posting here.

>> No.13260793

Fuck I re-use dishes and pans all the time. Unless they are sitting out for a couple of days.
I've used glasses for days at a time, don't know about a year. Since I rinse out my liquor glass, I see no need to wash it unless there is big lip grease on it.
Not like I'm serving guests.

>> No.13261313

Why is beer so comfy?

>> No.13262522

I can almost understand a water glass, but come on man.

>> No.13262539

I wash before, and after use then wash my hands a few more times afterwards.

>> No.13262547

do people wash pans everytime? that just sounds like waste of grease.

>> No.13262874

I assume you have no friends irl

>> No.13262875
File: 2.48 MB, 200x153, 1551240306118.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean your fucking room and wash your dishes you lazy shit

>> No.13262881

3 to 8 times before throwing them away.

>> No.13262892

And guys wonder why you cant get laid, this guys breath probably smells like cock. Guy has literal cock breath

>> No.13262898

>having cock for breath
>Not attracting all the sluts
You haven't thought it through anon.

>> No.13262908

do you also skip shower and laundry do to lazyness

>> No.13262911

Only Americans shower on a regular basis, and Americans are the only ones in the world who consider it dirty to skip a shower.

>> No.13262918

based and skincarepilled

>> No.13263143

i dont know i just rinse with water after use lol

>> No.13263159

Dude, it isn't just the previous stale beers, its your stale saliva too and muck from your lips and face, Just imagine all the bacteria growing on that glass. You might have health issues and not even realise, think its normal or something because you've been drinking out of the same glass for over a year.