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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13256815 No.13256815 [Reply] [Original]

>le yelling chef
>RESPEC ME!!!!!!!!!!! IM LE YELLING CHEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how did this meme start

>> No.13256836

Idk but frogposters deserve the leadpill.

>> No.13256838

pretty sure it started in the army

>> No.13256847
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>> No.13256920
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i don't know but i'll blame mr. burgah for it

>> No.13256937
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Chefs are perpetually irate

>> No.13256944
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op has clearly never worked in a kitchen before

>> No.13256956

The chefs at my restaurant are all nice, maybe people just hate you guys because you're dicks so they treat you like shit

>> No.13256963
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they never yelled at ME, just other people

>> No.13256976

Yeah until you fuck up an expensive ingredient or don't kowtow to them. They're only nice because you're a (male) beginner cook who kisses their ass every day.

>> No.13256991


Probably because you work at some shitty diner that serves 10 people a day.

Actual restaurants with actual standards to uphold are a mess.

>> No.13256993

The French army, but yes.

LolFrenchArmyLol surrender monkeys stfu. Up until WWII, the French were some colonizing motherfuckers, competing with the British and Spanish.

One thing the French were really good at was planting the superiority of their culture, again, third only to the British and Spanish.

“”Well what about the Dutch?” What about them? Fuck them, nobody speaks Dutch. Even they speak five other languages to get shit done. Even Denmark gets a pastry named after it. Germans have weinerscnitzel and bratwurst. Fuck the Dutch.

Before you bongs get all uppity about the French, remember that you use the word “filet” to describe your national fish-n-chips, Oliver.

>> No.13257003

I don't know how much of this is a meme bait, but I will give a real answer. Basically, the whole modern system of the organised kitchen is based on the work of August Escoffier, a mid 19th century Frenchman. He was an apprentice cook, then got drafted into the Army at 20, and he rose to be a big man in military food supply. After he came out of the Army, he applied the strict Army principles into the "Brigade de Cuisine", the kitchen brigade system. Even the term, chef, comes from the military term 'chief'.The resource constraint of a large scale military system is what creates the hierarchy of chef, sous chef, and all subordinate jobs like rotisseur and saucier, to make sure you can operate with clear requirements and roles.

Obviously, as the stereotype has it, Army systems like to enforce discipline using ranks and yelling. A kitchen is already a tough place to work, now try feeding a literal battalion of troops, three times a day, in the middle of nowhere, on canned shit, trapped rabbits, and sick horses you have shot. Take this out of the military context, and apply it in a hotel, with a lot of cooks who probably got mandatorily drafted in le Armee, and fucked up by war.

This pressure, plus the military system itself, created the stereotype. Then Gordon Ramsay etc., who did learn under a strict system themselves, played it for spectacular value and reinforced the stereotype.

>> No.13257009
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This is fun, it's almost like 20 Questions! Keep guessing!

>> No.13257016

Chefs are like pirate or navy ship captains. They all demand respect of their rank and some of them are outright bitter and mean, some are maestros and don't have patience for fools or the unskilled, and some, a very few, are patient and kind and willing to teach. All of them are sexist and hate all women above the level of prep cook. Men above prep cook are ok to them as long as they treat them like a ship captain without obvious groveling.

>> No.13257017

>post personal anecdote
not how that works

>> No.13257026

I guessed right. Keep kissing.

>> No.13257042

>Before you bongs get all uppity about the French, remember that you use the word “filet” to describe your national fish-n-chips, Oliver.

No we describe it as fish and chips or cod and chips. 'filet of fish' is something I've only seen in Mcdonalds so we know where that came from.

>> No.13257062

Very interdasting

>> No.13257063

The cut of the fish is a filet, bonglord.

>> No.13257217

cooks are...not intelligent. they're not smart people.

>> No.13257611

>McDonald's invented fileting
I can't stop laughing

>> No.13257613

The jews paid him to do it

>> No.13257789

I aint no bitch, chef.

>> No.13257806

It’s true you spastic

>> No.13257968
File: 538 KB, 672x498, Cod_Fillet_and_Chips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


isn't fish and chips just breaded filets? great now I want Youngs and the store isn't open for 2 hours