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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13254490 No.13254490 [Reply] [Original]

Why does every single recipe online say specifically to use kosher salt.

Jews are 1% of the population but 99% of chef bloggers? I find this hard to believe

>> No.13254501

There's an episode of salt, fat, acid, heat that goes into why kosher salt is preferred.

>> No.13254502

It's just the difference in the size of the granules.

>> No.13254514

>this is your brain on pol

>> No.13254515

Tradition. Jews lust for control of currency and salt used to be currency. The word “salary” is derived from being paid in salt.

>> No.13254539

Is there a cure?

>> No.13254546

this doesnt seem correct but i dont know enough about jews to refute it... were jews really this stupid to get paid with salt???

>> No.13254556

Roman legions did too. Kind of an important commodity.

>> No.13254572

amutticopes fell for the meme

>> No.13254587

They are literally paid to say that by the Kosher Association because there's basically no market for Kosher salt outside NYC, Boca Raton, and Hollywood.

No it's not.

>> No.13254589

>Jewish monopoly on "not table" salt
>Profit from the most widely used ingredient in the world
>Sneak a bit of YHWH into everyone's meals
>Reap the souls

>> No.13254592

Imagine getting isekaid to a non Islamic world that's currently as developed as the pre Middle ages, and you just happen to have a jug of mortens rabbinical salt on you.
You'd be super rich, and popular, and Vince from hs wouldn't be there to bully you.

>> No.13254597

Imagine how up in arms neocons would be if we used Halal salt on everything

>> No.13254609

I'll use halal salt to cure bacon

>> No.13254615

If any of you read the ingredients on salt it would be painfully obvious why kosher is preferred.

>> No.13254619

STOP IT!!!!!!

>> No.13254631 [DELETED] 

Why is so much American food in general kosher?

You cant answer that. It’s just a hidden tax we pay on food for no reason, because Jews

And yeah, this is on fucking topic, so blow me

>> No.13254639

Yup, makes sense

>> No.13254660


>> No.13254713

Have to desperately state your on topic. Pathetic.

>> No.13254759

All salt is already inherently kosher. "Kosher salt" is just used to make meat kosher, that is "kosherING" salt. The word is effectively just American English for "coarse salt".

I bet the Jews did this dot jaypeg.

>> No.13254798

Which episode?

>> No.13254803

Are you really so stupid you don’t know the importance of salt in global history but you’re still trying to make a stupid ignorant post anyways?

>> No.13254836

So then why do they bother to specify that it’s kosher you disingenuous smug retard?

>> No.13254840

And why is all our food kosher, you fucking faggot?

You guys are literally defending paying taxes on our food for fucking no reason for a tiny religious group.

>> No.13254842

It's not kosher salt, it's koshering salt. Americans like omitting key syllables, see "two thousand nine" and "could care less".

>> No.13254851

you forgot aloominum

>> No.13254891

What the fuck kind of circular logic is this?

You must be an incredibly insufferable and delusional person

>> No.13254898

It's called "kosher" salt as an abbreviation of "koshering" salt, because you kosher meat with coarse salt.

I've yet to see a rebuttal.

>> No.13254904

Kosher(ing) salt would be pareve, not kosher. Check all your other plant based food packages and you may see that symbol.

>> No.13254924

That one has a history where the man who discovered it called it aluminum first since it worked with the naming rules, but it was later changed to ium to sound like other metals at the time.

It's an incredibly stupid thing to care about. Give it to the British to make a pastime out of complaining.

>> No.13254938

Yeah, and we'll leave it to yanks to make threads worrying about Jews.

>> No.13254977

>we have to advertise table salt as being for this religious ritual that practically no one needs to do, oh but also all of your food goes through this ritual for for no apparent reason and costs slightly more because of it :^)

>> No.13254999

at this rate Britain will be the #1 antisemitic 1st world country, if it isn’t already, thanks to you all being too dickless to stop yourselves from being flooded with Muslims.

Only difference is they shitpost in real life, not on the internet, and your police ignore it because they’re too busy arresting you white dickless sissies for ever daring to say anything similarly “bigoted”

You are all so disgustingly pathetic and delusional

>> No.13255008

See "I've yet to see a rebuttal" and >>13254938

See >>13254938

>> No.13255017


>> No.13255027

I already told you why you’re wrong

You’re completely fucking retarded and delusional if you actually believe the circular logic horseshit coming out of your mouth and just ignore how all food is also kosher for no fucking reason.

Enjoy your country becoming a Muslim caliphate you cowardly fucking ugly inbred bugman

>> No.13255034



>> No.13255035

>politics becomes all encompassing due to large political turmoil
>omg guys you cant talk about the politics of video games or food! You’re breaking the rules!

Die in a car accident

>> No.13255039

No, you just insulted me and cited "circular logic" repeatedly. See you in another thread, you angry, angry dude.

>> No.13255106

Enjoy your food all becoming halal and completely ignoring how two insignificant desert religions get away with taxing us all on our food as your way of life is destroyed by them

>> No.13255115

The one about salt

>> No.13255258
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They don't. Some use sea salt, some just say salt, but many do use kosher salt but it has nothing to do with muh joos. It's just more pure than table salt, larger crystals and cheaper.

Meanwhile, it's now illegal to advocate for or participate in a boycott of israeli products in the US. MIGA!

>> No.13255373

It’s pure salt without any additives, it has a nice coarse grain size, it’s economical and you can find it in any grocery store in the country

>> No.13255405

You sure that it wasn't
And people got paid with celery.

>> No.13255411

So what? Only Muslims boycott Israel.

>> No.13255415


>> No.13255418

You've got no foreskin lol. Marked as cattle with the Scar of David.

>> No.13255432

I just donated directly to israel's war fund in order to buy moshe more bullets right now.
Your thoughts?

>> No.13255447


>> No.13255450

you're a good shabbos goy

>> No.13255455
File: 31 KB, 500x403, hipler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use jewish salt for baking only
>mfw putting it in the oven

>> No.13255466

Is that all? Was expecting a little bit more outrage from you desu.

>> No.13255490


>> No.13255506

It just means rock or sea salt. It's for health reasons, mainly avoiding iodine and the anti-caking agent silicon dioxide. The theory for SiO2 is that it's an inorganic substance that doesn't dissolve in the bloodstream. Instead it whizzes around fucking shit up so blood vessels release cholesterol to protect from it, which turns into plaque.

>> No.13255514

edgiest 14 yr old on this board

>> No.13255519


>> No.13255537

>it's time for yet more /pol/shit on blue boards with the thinnest of fig leaves.

>> No.13255539

good one

>> No.13255551


>> No.13255567

It's only all encompassing for autistic, no life, retards.

>> No.13255644

I'm not mad, just disappointed

>> No.13255659

Well Moshe does have to defend his country from your cousins, so I understand why you would be disappointed.

>> No.13255700
File: 439 KB, 2724x3072, UvhSViz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a way of specifying "salt" for americans who may not understand that in conventional english "salt" means NaCl.

In America most table salt is actually 49% potassium chloride because all americans past the age of 29 and 1/2 have such severe health problems that most standard products have traditionally removed whatever was, at one point in the last 45 years, briefly considered to be the latest health boogyman (keep in mind americans will do literally anything to be healthy other than eat a vegetable, exert themselves, or cut back on garbage frankenfoods)

The only remaining 100% NaCl in most american supermarkets is found in the "ethnic" aisle and the only "ethnics" that fat, wh*te amer*sharts can look at without shitting themselves in fear are ashkenazi jews

Here I saved you flyovers the trouble and got you the reaction image you're all reaching for. It's a waste of time because I'm not from Europe

>> No.13255721

the vast majority of american food isn't kosher. stop larping you fucking nutjob

>> No.13255738

because americans like butchering language you fucking nitwit

>> No.13255741

It is though. Look for the tiny K logo, usually somewhere on the back of the package. It’s often kind of hidden

>> No.13255743

watch your mouth infidel

>> No.13255748
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>> No.13255760

This. Imagine being so obsessed with your world view you have to go out of your way to rant about it to people who want to talk about cooking.

>> No.13255768

I boycotted UNRWA from getting funds btw.

>> No.13255773

>thirdie math

>> No.13255787

But that's the proper way you say numbers. You never went to maths class ?? "And" implies a fraction ie a decimal value.

>> No.13255788

>vast majority
>less than 60%
Go look up what “vast” means

>> No.13255835

But there is sea salt and Himalayan pink salt as well. Or just packets of pure salt without additives that are not called kosher salt. Or maybe I'm just out of the loop because I live in New Zealand. Kosher salt here is expensive and out of the way of everything else.

>> No.13255836

The Jews take millions of Amerimutt foreskins and make them into skincare products for profit.

>> No.13255887
File: 12 KB, 241x230, awwYeahBoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek, got me good

>> No.13255952

Just use sea salt and get over it you autistic fuck.

>> No.13255967

Are you sure it wasnt
and people got paid in sex?

>> No.13256010

But celebecy means no sex.
I guess this is how the Jews jewed them of those foreskins.
>work for celery
At the end of wekk
>expect celery, but get told it was celebecy
Bye bye foreskin
And today we call it salary to remind us of
the celery days.
Fukken Jews.

>> No.13256032

Why didn't they just cook up some sea water. It's literally a sea of money.

>> No.13256162

Is that Danny DeVito as an aged Edna Mode?

>> No.13256192

How much are bath salts going for these days?

>> No.13256210

Are you looking for employment goyim?
Btw the pay is in celerbacy, and not salt.

>> No.13256758

It's just another word for sea salt. Large grain, no added iodine. Calm down.

>> No.13256773

>packaged foods
>going by number of packages instead of weightinf it by volume sold
He's still right. The vast majority isn't Kosher. Only 40% is. That's not even a majority, much less a vast majority.

>> No.13256788


>> No.13256817

It’s “over 40%”. Less than 60% is not a “vast majority.” Vast means like 80% or more

>> No.13256844

Schizo poster making up claims that there’s a tax that funds kosher food. It costs a company nothing to label a food as kosher if that’s what it is, same reason a company would label their food vegan or non-GMO. It’s marketing to the audience that wants it because everyone else who isn’t schizo doesn’t care.

>> No.13256904

>The only real answer on this entire thread and people keep discussing /pol/ semantics and blame the joos

>> No.13256978

Try doing some basic research before you make stupid ass posts like this. It costs money to pay for kosher certification and those costs get passed onto you as a consumer

>> No.13257004

A+ schizophrenic post

>> No.13257008

>mad that he has to pay a hundredth of a penny more on a fifty cent box of salt
>thinks he’s not the real jew here

>> No.13257160

It’s not about the money, it’s about the principle

>> No.13257258
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>Why is so much American food in general kosher?
are you actually American or a subhuman eurotard? either way fuck off back to your containment board with the rest of the /pol/niggers

>> No.13257271

They need to collect the kosher tax

>> No.13257295

What's the difference between course sea salt, course rock salt, kosher salt and sea salt flakes?

>> No.13257410

the jews came for my salt and i said nothing because i was eating

>> No.13257416
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>> No.13257434

Kosher salt is actually koshering salt. It's just larger grains of salt

>> No.13257521

Just use coarse sea salt, it's exactly the same thing.

>> No.13257555

The majority of those foods can be approved as kosher with no extra work. It's a selling point. Doesn't cost much to get the stamp of approval and they'll get more customers from it.

>> No.13257601

Because then the manufacturers don't have to make separate kosher versions, you fucking imbecile.
It takes no effort to certify a food that's already kosher as kosher but it helps you sell to a new group of people.

>> No.13257604

I have never in my life seen a recipe that specify kosher salt. I assume this is some American thing?

>> No.13257605

>avoiding iodine
Literally why would you ever do that?

>> No.13257677

Flakes are flakes, the others are basically the same.

>> No.13257687

So you won't overdose if you eat crops which were grown on iodine rich soil.

>> No.13257745


>> No.13257811

>this is how you outself as an election tourist
Lurk more, faggot.

>> No.13257816
File: 127 KB, 749x754, 42C50C15-7C80-42B0-BBEB-D0DD1E02A5A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because amer*cans are judaized goylem cattle to the zog

>> No.13257920
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tastes weird

>> No.13258362

Kosher salt is just a marketing phrase for Diamond and Morton salt. It has fuck all to do with the cheap coarse sea salt Jews used in the past.

The traditional low density large crystal are stuff like Fleur de Sel and Maldon. Anyone who thinks Jews used Fleur de Sel by the hands full for kashering meat doesn't know Jews.

>> No.13258401

Coarse sea salt -> from the sea, too hard to easily bite through
Coarse rock salt -> from rocks, too hard to easily bite through
Kosher salt -> Diamon/Morton salt, low density (Diamond moreso than Morton), can be easily bitten through when used as a finishing salt
Flake salt -> expensive low density large flake salt, can be easily bitten through when used as a finishing salt

Unfortunately pretty much every brand of flake salt also pays the jewish mafia for a kosher brand.

>> No.13258405

it's a fucking ripoff
don't do it

also get your iodine in your salt so you stop craving it in taco bell food, fucking jews

>> No.13258410

Men all being circumcised here is pretty fucked up

>> No.13258438

its not iodized

>> No.13258461

It's not iodized, and it's granulated so the crystals are the optimum size for drawing moisture from meat.

>> No.13258479

Based and freedompilled.

>> No.13258499


Lol no it's not.

>> No.13258722

So there's a weird conspiracy in the cooking community to have us all develop goiters and give birth to cretins?

>> No.13259001


I would participate in the boycott of you if I could. /pol/ pls go.

>> No.13259339

Absolute historylet

>> No.13259350

You should be getting iodine from more than just the salt you sprinkle on your food. It's in a lot of stuff, and it's not hard to get the amount you need even without going out of your way to intentionally consume iodine.

>> No.13259409

read a book cunt

>> No.13259423

Save a life and bin that knife, or Abu Muhammad al-Sharif Skyhook al-Sadr will rape your mum

>> No.13259838
File: 44 KB, 488x488, GUEST_3376cec6-a4b5-4ffc-8cf9-84a9a138de70 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rock Salt
>Granulated Salt
>Kosher Salt
>Fleur de Sel
>Pink Himalayan Salt
Why isn't powdered salt a common thing in grocery stores like it is sugar?

>> No.13259922

kuso thread, bump

>> No.13260058

It's rarely used. Look for "popcorn salt" or just grind up your own.

>> No.13260758

It's not table salt, you moron. Table salt is finely ground and usually has an anti-caking agent.

>> No.13260762

Because nobody's figured out a way to market it to hipsters. You also don't need to buy powdered sugar, you can literally make it in a coffee grinder or food processor.

>> No.13260851

uh dude, its salt?

>> No.13261598
File: 76 KB, 681x503, blood-libel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, you lying kike. The kosher certification councils charge companies to use their trademarks. Even on fucking aluminum foil.

Picrelated is what you fund.

>> No.13261649

shut up goy

>> No.13262042


>> No.13262122

when a recipe calls for "salt of the earth" what am I supposed to add?

>> No.13262180

The holocaust didn't happen, but I wish it did

>> No.13262200


>> No.13262206

My nigga Big J

>> No.13262437

salt was never currency. it was never even valuable. a literal caveman could source some salt, it's not that hard

>> No.13262446

wrong person

>> No.13262464

iodine is added to salt artificially, it's considered good for you or something. sillicon dioxide is just sand. many minerals will have it.

>> No.13262483

Dude, there is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.

>> No.13262507

same reason we don't just boil out the 20 million pounds of gold from the ocean which is currently dissolved there

>> No.13262546

We also fund companies labeling things as non-GMO certified, gluten free, and vegan, but you autists don’t complain about those ones because you can’t blame it on the Jews

>> No.13262549

>because you can’t blame it on the Jews
You seem like you're new here.

>> No.13262623

>just sand
As a filler SiO2 is incredibly tiny balls of glass, that can pass into the bloodstream but can't be metabolized.

>> No.13262639

What reason might that be then?

>> No.13262868

>you can’t blame it on the Jews

>finger guns
>that's where you're wrong kiddo

>> No.13262870

Some people think it affects the flavor of salt. Personally I don't see it but if you have a normal diet there's no particular reason to add iodine to salt. It's just one of those weird nutrients they decided at some point to randomly add to some random ingredient.