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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13250342 No.13250342 [Reply] [Original]

Do you agree?

>> No.13250345


>> No.13250349

I'm not fat so it don't matter.

>> No.13250352


>> No.13250359

I dont trust Dr. Shekelstein.

>> No.13250363

There’s no such thing as a meal

>> No.13250370

i feel like his views might be a little skewed after doing his work for so long

>> No.13250399
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>> No.13250402

Those are a gateway to becoming more unfit.
Or whatever he tries to say in his bizarre English.

>> No.13250411

Carrot's dicks

>> No.13250415

Starchy sugar sticks.

>> No.13250421

He's just saying that if you eat right in the first place then your meals are enough and there's no need to shovel shit down your gullet all day long. Of course you can have a few nuts and a banana or something if you need to hold yourself over for some reason. But if you already eat well, then you do not need food between meals.

>> No.13250424

Carrots have tons of sugar and carbs.

>> No.13250434

this might be a problem if you're a pussy ass bitch

>> No.13250455

Your mom sucked my starchy sugar stick last night

Yeah and fibre and vitamin A and beta carotene, you should wisen up and listen to >>13250434

>> No.13250459

i snack on leaves of iceberg or romaine. pretty filling too

>> No.13250462

What if you snack on cabbage?

>> No.13250473

Both are basically plant fibre and water, so if you’re fine

>> No.13250486

One can't absorb vitamin A from vegetable sources. This has been standard science for a while now. It's not bioavailable.

>> No.13250572


>> No.13250974

Diagree, depending on what the snack is depends a lot. I have a protein bar "snack" after working out, sure there probably is Dr. Shelkestiens better approved 50% more option for it but I don't care.

>> No.13250986

Snacking is not a healthy thing because its does 2 things
1. It makes your body used to snacking and thus causes cravings
2. Humans are not grazers we are supposed to eat one big meal that holds us for a dsy or 2, and snack have made it harder for us to do so naturally

>> No.13250989

For the people he talks to

>> No.13250994

3. 90% of all snacks are bread based we dont need 90 zillion carbs

>> No.13250996

Omitting the most important part of this is
"There's no such thing as a healthy snack at 600+ pounts"
if you're obese, stop fucking eating

>> No.13251011

Got a source for that ketonigger?

>> No.13251124

>Ketards ITT
Why is Japan so thin?

>> No.13251132


>> No.13251136

Nothing is healthy, ever. So just go die somewhere.

>> No.13251141

For obese fat fucks a ""snack"" is multiple meals worth of calories

>> No.13251147

Yes, when you are a 350 lbs+ hamplanet every bit of food you take is bringing you closer to deaths door. When you're normal, there's no real harm in it if you're at least somewhat aware of your caloric intake.

>> No.13251517

They don't eat a lot, they walk and bike more and they smoke like chimneys.

>> No.13251563
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>> No.13251586


>> No.13251588


>> No.13251600

seething ketard

>> No.13251608

Christians in the US are a bunch of fat fucks who are only against sins of the flesh if a homosexual does it. Mormons are pretty healthy though.

>> No.13251624

Protestants and Mormons are not Christians. Regardless, the idea of "gluttony" and obesity as a moral failing is not even a main stream Catholic sentiment and hasn't been since the middle ages. Seeing obesity as a moral failing is seen by many as an obsolete, fanatically religious viewpoint.

>> No.13251888

That's just cope from hell-bound gluttons.

>> No.13251905

Cringed before I even finished reading this post.

>> No.13251909

The only healthy option is letting your body relax and feel hunger before eating.
>but if you eat vitamins while you're not suffering from vitamin deficiency it makes up for it
That sounds retarded doesnt it.

>> No.13251915

unnecessary calories are inherently unhealthy.
Snacks are always unnecessary calories.

>> No.13251931

it's okay if your meals doesn't fill up your daily calorie income

>> No.13252031

Just drink water u fat fucks.

>> No.13252047

Oh no, god forbid they contain a tiny amount of something humans need to live.

>> No.13252048

its a valid thing to say to 600lb "people"

>> No.13252049

ants in a log are healthy

>> No.13252056
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Name one flaw, Dr. Nowzarginblavardskysbh

>> No.13252088

the fiber will give you Crohn's disease

>> No.13252099

Only fatasses have to worry about that.
If you're fat, no food is healthy. Give a fat cunt an apple and they'll find a way to gorge themselves to death on it.

>> No.13252118

>Give a fat cunt an apple and they'll find a way to gorge themselves to death on it.
Can confirm, would eat the whole thing, seeds and stem included.

>> No.13252127
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guess ethnicity itt

>> No.13252793

That guy is a meme.

>> No.13252794

Greek obviously

>> No.13252807

1 large carrot has 3g of sugar. if you're worried about that then something is wrong. sugar in whole fruits/vegetables isn't really the same thing as eating pure refined sugar either.

>> No.13252811

The body can convert fructose faster and easier than something like sucrose, plus fruits and veggies offer tons of health benefits and you need sugar to function anyway.

>> No.13252814

Well really all the carbs from fruits and veggies are fine because they are complex and take longer to break down. A good analogy for the damage refined sugar causes to your body is it’s like chewing on gruel with full force, such would obviously damage your teeth if you did it.

>> No.13252836

Celery and rye bread.

>> No.13252840

>Catholic trying to call anyone not a Christian and trying to collate the hermetical magical masonic cult with Protestantism.

The Patriach of Rome must respect his better and return his heretical flock to the Christian fold.

>> No.13252897

Snackers are subhuman.

>> No.13253013


>> No.13253014

>sugar in whole fruits/vegetables isn't really the same thing as eating pure refined sugar either.

Also, isn't sugarcane also a plant???

>> No.13253024

Cause they don't eat like fat retards, my diet is high carb as fuck and I'm thin because I can limit myself.

>> No.13253054

Processed sugar doesn't come straight from sugar canes, you fucking retard.

>> No.13253057

"Process" is something everyone does. It means to prepare the food.

Ever chopped an onion? You were processing it.

>> No.13253368

Nope, I'm at a healthy weight and can into moderation so I'm not scared of snacks, my chubby friend.

>> No.13253372

t. Fat fuck

>> No.13253384

>tiny amount

>> No.13253400
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Holy shit

>> No.13253416

Build your plate like a Jap and watch the weight melt off and the insatiable western appetite wane. You'll appreciate simple ingredients and find overly powerful flavors less tempting.

>> No.13253434

Goddamn you ketofaggots are fucking retarded, running away from carbs like they're the fucking boogeyman. All it takes is a little discipline and you can enjoy a balanced diet. But no, you project your lack of discipline onto everybody else and us it to advocate for an unhealthy lifestyle. Thank god you dumb fucks are going to die younger than everyone else.

>> No.13253509

Keto tards are just sniffing their own farts because like anyone else on a voluntarily heavily restrictive diet it's about feeling like everyone else is below you. Imagine being so shit at life the only way to feel superior is through what you choose to shovel into your face.
You don't even need to be on the marketed keto diet to enter ketosis. Westerners are fed until they're fat and stupid but the worst part is they like it that way because they're comfortable.

>> No.13253516

it's true

>> No.13253598

>we are supposed to eat one big meal that holds us for a day or 2

That is retarded logic, sure you might only kill a big deer or catch a large fish every few days or so but its not like ancient humans were sitting around starving themselves between meals. You'd be picking berries, munching on wild greens, and gnawing on yesterday's leftovers in between major meals without a doubt.

>> No.13253732

“Three square meals a day” is a meme started by industrialists to minimize down time. A human should eat five to six snack-sized meals throughout the day to keep the metabolism going and prevent blood sugar spikes.

>> No.13253740

If you're fat you shouldn't be eating anything. For everyone else though snacks are fine.

>> No.13253787

Persian. Also he's obese himself.

>> No.13253875

Yes but you're not eating half a bag of processed snack foods in one sitting. You'd be lucky to find fruit and vegetation that is not only safe to consume but also easy to eat with minimal processing. Just look at a wild banana and try and tell me you would be able to get obese while trying to eat around the seed pods.

>> No.13253887

he's got a pot belly, but slim limbs. he's also very short.

>> No.13253891
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and ITT overall:
>pea-brained gorilla niggers who dont get the original point
"snacking" in itself is unhealthy, not that the thing you eat itself is always unhealthy

>> No.13253899

>"snacking" in itself is unhealthy
Why? Because your fat ass can't into moderation?

>> No.13253915

Snacking is solid evidence you don't moderate your food intake.

>> No.13253923

Alright, you NERDS.

Please answer me once and for all: does eating frequency does fuck all to metabolism?

Some people say that you should eat once or twice a day so as to not spike your insulin too many times and mess up your metabolism.

Other people say you should eat many small meals a day in order NOT TO spike your insulin because it messes up your metabolism.


>> No.13253935


>> No.13253936

Your metabolism changes based on how you eat and how often. You can't "MESS IT UP PERMANENTLY OMG" but you can alter it to suit your lifestyle needs. People who bitch about their metabolism or starvation mode are fat retards... Or have a genetic disorder.
t. hardcore /fast/bro

>> No.13253941

Yes. It should be "healthful", not "healthy".

>> No.13253942

he's obese. His BMI might even be in the 40s and he's morbidly obese.

>> No.13253963

your BMR can drop substantially after just months of dieting (assuming you are going like under 1000 cals, otherwise it's not as noticeable) and take years to recover, this is why people easily "put the weight back one" after losing it. Fat children also create more fat cells (after puberty fat cells never increase, they just get larger) so their minimum bf% will be higher. After dieting once you get to a healthy weight where a normal person could maintain it eating like 2200cals you will have to continue on like an 1700cal diet for years if not indefinably. It's certainly easier to gain weight if you already had than if you were never fat in the first place.

>> No.13253972

At least he's not bed bound and works everyday past the age of 70.

>> No.13253975
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>this is why people easily "put the weight back one" after losing it
are you sure it's not because they start eating like they used to?

>> No.13253976

If you fucking out weight back on, you're doing it wrong. Diets are a permanent lifestyle change. If you lose 100 lbs and go back to eating cake, of course you're going to balloon like a CattyN character.

>> No.13253984

Metabolism slowing is no excuse for becoming obese, but if you lost a lot of weight and eat normal and "healthy" it's pretty typical to hover around the "overweight" 27ish BMI range and not the 22 normal BMI you should be able to maintain with your caloric intake. If you were ever obese being at a normal BMI range essentially means dieting/counting calories forever, which isn't too much to ask, but the gymcel lifestyle if it's own subculture.

>> No.13253988

Fast intermittent until you reach target weight. Then eat whenever you are hungry and stop eating when the feeling of hunger subsides, not when you feel “full”. Don’t cut out fats or carbs but have them in moderation. Maintain some sort of regular physical activity.

Bam I just solved the obesity epidemic and there’s nothing that can be scientifically sourced to prove me wrong

>> No.13253991

Why should I trust a doctor about weight loss when he's clearly overweight himself
Hit the gym my Jewish friend

>> No.13253997

Why do obese retards think thin people eat like they do and are just blessed with a "faster metabolism"?

>> No.13253998

>Diets are a permanent lifestyle change
No, they are a diet. There are diets for losing weight and general healthy eating patterns for maintaining it. I've explained why BMR and childhood obesity causes people to put some of the weight back on and makes it hard to maintain under 25 BMI naturally. Obviously there is no excuse for putting all the weight back on or becoming obese again.

>> No.13254005

The excuse is you're a lazy fatass with no discipline. If you lose weight, you can keep it off with strictly monitoring your eating habits and it becomes easier. If you fail, it's all your fault.

>> No.13254008

>eat like they do
American tier obese people never think this. People who were never fat do have a much easier time maintaining weight than people who were previously fat. Dieting makes BMR more efficient and there is a genetic and age component, and for normal eating naturally burning just a few hundred more calories a day makes a big difference. it's just not enough of a difference to justify obesity tier differences.

>> No.13254018

Yeah retard, I just said you have to "diet" forever and adopt the mindset of a particular subculture. You can't just eat sensibly like a normal fag and stay lean, if you do this you will hover around the lower end of the "overweight" level of BMI/bodyfat%. Which is really more of an aesthetic concern than a health concern.

>> No.13254052

So you're agreeing that diet is a permanent lifestyle change. That was my point.

>> No.13254073

>American tier obese people never think this.
Amberlynn Reid

>> No.13254161

>Amberlynn Reid
Fat woman are even more hysterical than usual.

>> No.13254181

If you enable a woman's poor behavior she will behave even more poorly. Especially if she's fat.

>> No.13254189

No retard. learn 2 read and discuss things instead of just vomiting NPC platitudes so people don't think you are a fatty. What constitutes a "lifestyle change" is contingent on what the previous lifestyle was. The mentality of "being on a diet" doesn't work unless you make your whole life around it. Sensible normalfag eating habits of "stop grazing" "don't binge" and sensible portions doesn't lead to the same results for former fatties, They have to continuously count calories or live a very active lifestyle to maintain a normal bmi. They should never go back to being obease, but they can eat like a normal fag and end up on the bigger side of average. Amerilards have a totally warped perception of what overweight is and grossly underestimate it.

>> No.13254195

Obese mothers are also responsible for obese children (and pets for a modern example)They confuse over feeding with love and eat vicariously through them.

>> No.13254208

Hospital IT here. Boomer doctors are based. Younger doctors literally don't know how to chart or write prescriptions by hand and sperg out when their computers go down.

>> No.13254210

Don't you think it's all a bit too strange that a whole group of americans have actually convinced themselves to stop eating fruits and vegetables entirely because they have carbs?

>> No.13254228

I have a 20 bmi and loosely count calories daily and deficit after days where I overate. You make it sound like it's pure torture when it is literally two seconds of journaling/writing on a white board. I used to be more strict with the calories but I got to a point where I didn't have to. If I gain, I go back to counting. It is a lifestyle change that yes your life revolves around hence the "life" part of "lifestyle".
And to take a page from your book: Stop being an NPC spouting HAES platitudes in an effort to normalize your disgusting girth.

>> No.13254231

fruits and veggies are a meme. Unless you develop a definitely (which is hard) and get scurvy of some shit you don't need vitamins and minerals. Getting more potassium and meeting daily recommended value does jack shit and eating those foods largely causes you to expend those resources in digestion. it really is just calories in calories out. The only reason to actually eat veggies and fruit is to stay full.

>> No.13254234

First off, the issue isn't whether or not snacking would make you obese, it was whether it's a "natural" thing for humans or not. Second, just because some snacks are atrociously bad for you and are eaten in inappropriate quantities does not invalidate all forms of between-meal eating, and trying to justify it by saying our ancestors didn't do that (when they definitely fucking did) is retarded. You can still eat between meals and be healthy, and ancient humans definitely did that as a part of their lifestyle for countless generations.

>> No.13254235

Wasn't BMI proven to be bullshit?

>> No.13254247


>> No.13254248

>Wasn't BMI proven to be bullshit?
BMI applies to 99% of the population.
Only coping fatties or /fit/tards say it's wrong.

>> No.13254281

No matter what I eat my vitamin levels are perfect EXCEPT for vitamin D and I eat a lot of food that contains it.
I never said anything about 1) snacking being unnatural or 2) my ancestors not snacking. You must be thinking of another anon but I will expand upon these.
1) Animals naturally eat as much as they can because it is primal survival. Food is naturally scare in the wild and competition and environment has an impact on availability. Humans are not free from this and compelled to eat often. That is natural but it is not the way to live. If you ate every time you had an inkling of a craving you'd balloon out. Natural instinct does not make something right. I mean, just look at all the rape in nature.
2) As for ancestors snacking: I simply said they didn't have a full bag of Fuego Takis at their disposal 24/7 and finding food that was edible was very likely difficult to harvest/process (a la nuts in shells, ancient corn/wheat, wild bananas, etc) and shared among others. The act of gathering, processing, and distributing food was more labor intensive than in the past.

>> No.13254283

>lanklet with no muscle mass
>no U duh npc
>projecting it being "pure torture"
I've seen enough. Most people don't have their life revolve around food, they maintain a healthy weight subconsciously which is ideal. You are clearly neurotic and part of a particular subculture. The additional weight of a former obese person isn't a big deal, it's really just an aesthetic consideration. I was just refuting that BMR doesn't matter or "isn't an excuse" Because it does matter, they can eat the same as a normal BMI person and gain more weight than them, it's absolutely an excuse for maintaining a body weight of a few BMI points higher than normal as the metabolism is more efficient, it's just not at all an excuse for gaining ALL the weight back or becoming obese again. Most people naturally lead fairly sedentary lifestyles and eat around the 2000-2200 calorie meme. Developing a meal plan under that means you are going to be slightly hungry and or need to select for specifically "healthy" foods and not just cut out the unhealthy ones. Minor dieting forever is not a big deal, but it's obviously inferior to just subconscious eating habits.

>> No.13254287
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How so? Is the idea that someone can snack without going into a caloric surplus hard for you to wrap your head around or something?

>> No.13254299

i agree, thats why im anorexic

>> No.13254301

Most vitamins and minerals are a total meme. Feeling "better" in general is 100% placebo. If you have a deficiency it's very apparent like your fucking gums are bleeding or you are having seizures due to low sodium, you don't just get some mild malaise. Fats, protein, carbs are all that really matters. You don't need to pay attention to any vitamins or minerals unless you have a very limited diet and get no B vitamins or vitaminC and shit at all. daily value is a total meme and clearly just an advertising scam, given that the vast majority never pay attention to it and there aren't any rickets epidemics going around.

>> No.13254302

Can tell you've suffered from plenty of nutrient deficient related brain damage

>> No.13254306

Enjoy your currently progressing neurodegeneration, retard. Do you honestly think people are having trouble obtaining MACROnutrients?

>> No.13254326

I don't have the desire to snack so it's not really a problem.

>> No.13254331

>I fall for low IQ marketing scams
Tell me more about how essential it is to buy all those "probiotic" "antioxidant" "organic holistic" vitamins cleanse products anon, and how I totally need to eat 800 calories of sweet potato every fucking day to make sure I hit that dairly potassium goal.

>> No.13254349

>Do you honestly think people are having trouble obtaining MACROnutrients?
Of course not, if you had any reading comprehension you would know this. I'm arguing micronutrients are a total meme. There is no benefit to getting more than what is required to avoid a nutrient deficiency, and when you have a micronutrient deficiency it's very obvious,and you can avoid said deficiencies by consuming way less than the daily recommended value.

>> No.13254357

why is that a problem

>> No.13254361

Again I'm not the anon making arguing points about bmi. I only brought it up since I went from about 27 bmi to 20 and even though I am 1lb away from my goal weight I will continue to count calories in my journal because it's rewarding on a long term level. If I don't feel the need, I will naturally stop.

My neuroses is only loosely linked to my diet, thank God. I come from a heavily southern family that ate for comfort and pleasure. My dad's side of the family is morbidly obese and dying one by one. I grew up with the Boomer mindset of cleaning your plate. When I moved out I got fit pretty naturally and was active so would have larger meals. Now I'm sedentary and eat one meal a day and then two on weekends. Snacking is not a part of the regimen unless the occasion is special like a holiday or birthday where eating for pleasure is acceptable.

Westerners eat too much too often. Food addiction is real and should be managed if you have addictive habits.

Eating constantly for entertainment is a great American past time that's going to kill a huge part of the population in a decade or so and takes its toll on children as well as adults and elders.

>> No.13254364

I hate this ugly goblin. He's always so impersonal and uncharismatic. He Is terrible at motivating fatties to lose weight and visceral explaining the consequences because he can't even speak english. People have died on the show because of how callous of a doctor he is.

>> No.13254372

People die on the show because they ate themselves to death.

>> No.13254404

And they ate themselves to death because they are mentally ill and doctor hobbit failed to convey the gravity of the situation to them in a lucid way. He's never encouraging at all to motivate them and he's never invested enough in them personally to make them really fear what's going to happen. It's just very impersonal rambling of good job or a rambling lecture of "oh you gained weight back try again or no surgery" Most fatties see it as a fucking chore and are simply unmotivated as they aren't even convinced how much easier simple things in life are when you aren't 600 pounds, how this can totally turn their life around and make it way more enjoyable and easier or how they are in real immediate danger of death and what death is. Every fucking fatty goes in with a lukewarm mentality and he never does anything to motivate them, he just expects people who are obviously so fucked in the head they end up at 600+ pounds to motivate themselves.

>> No.13254411

Depends on your overall diet

>> No.13254434

He's a WLD on a hit television show, not a psychotherapist. He can't do everything at once. I can't watch M6PL because the mental health of patients is ignored and put on display for pure entertainment.
Same with Hoarders but I can at least watch Hoarders as a motivation to clean.

>> No.13254438

They should at least get someone who fucking speaks english and looks professional enough to get the fatties to respect their authority with a halo effect. People don't take this ugly manlet seriously and it defacto costs lives.

>> No.13254447

I feel that way about all my docs desu.

>> No.13254465

everyone one of these fatties needs some personal trainer/motivation dude to be with them most of the time to give them structure. The psychology of these fatties and the solution is so fucking obvious and the show people just don't give a shit and go "lol it's up to you good luck have self control suddenly mr.600 pound abomination"

>> No.13254471

But once that trainer/motivational buddy is gone they have to rely on themselves to find that voice on their own. I agree that there should be some mental assistance but the permanent change comes from the individual who put themselves in that situation in the first place.

>> No.13254496

The goal is to lose enough to get the surgery. After the surgery is becomes easier, the risk is just them not giving any fuck at all. People are motivated by success and it becomes routine for them. The ones that fail never get in the habit of losing weight to get the surgery in the first place because they really could never be expected too through will power alone and their warped perception given that they are fucking 600 pound monsters and exist so people can be in awe of how they didn't have this realization shit is impossibly dire and they need surgery as they can't do basic human actions 200 pounds ago.

>> No.13254509

nigger thats like saying chewing a coca leave is the same as doing a line of coke there is such a thing as refining and concentrating a product, a kilogram of sugar is not the same as a kilogram of sugar cane in the slightest

>> No.13254513

What the fuck are apples, bananas, olives and cheese, peanut butter and celery.. nuts and dried fruit.. fruit in general... wtf?

>> No.13254518

Snacking is a behavioral addiction and reinforces the need to eat. If you want to eat these, incorporate them as part of a meal. If you need something "to snack on", that means you are already on the path of obesity and hedonism.

>> No.13254520

It doesn't end with surgery. WLS isn't a magic pill like TV want you to think.
Bariatric surgery is a death sentence if you don't follow the diet strictly.
Dumping syndrome got my uncle fired because he wouldn't stop drinking soda or eating candy and his foul shits would literally stink up the whole office. He died a few years later. Guy wasn't even morbidly obese.

>> No.13254525

Boomer doctors are retards who think that saturated fat is bad just because most boomers have spent their entire lives eating fuckloads of it

I went to the doctor recently and she seemed less educated than me about nutrition and disease and I just read studies on pubmed and shit

It’s like all they really know much about is the most common problems people have, they don’t even seem to know the signs of deficiency of many vitamins if it’s an uncommon type

>> No.13254532

>Unless you develop a definitely (which is hard) and get scurvy of some shit you don't need vitamins and minerals.

>unless you develop a deficiency you don’t need the only things that prevent you from developing a deficiency

Jesus fuck it’s retarded

>> No.13254535

>t doesn't end with surgery
I know, I said it's easier because you lose your appetite and you have to TRY to kill yourself. With the trainer by the time they have the habit to lose enough for the surgery the surgery itself making it easier to follow means they will be able to follow it without the help of a trainer any longer. It's more dangerous after surgery but it's also easier. These fatties don't have any structure and a warped worldview which some time with a trainer could change their habits and mentality so they have some degree of self control.

>> No.13254545

Have you had WLS out of curiosity? Jw. And do you really lose your appetite?
Afaik morbidly obese people eat out of habit, boredom, and self-hate not because they are hungry.

>> No.13254557

>unless you develop a deficiency you don’t need the only things that prevent you from developing a deficiency
Yes. There is no general malaise or invigoration from meeting daily values. The point is people don't develop deficiencies and most give no thought to what micronutrients they are getting, many how quite restrictive fringe diets. It takes a long time to develop a deficiency, to the point where in any normal situation you never have to think about it, and those making you think about it as doing so for marketing purposes. You need to consume fucking none of the nutrient for long periods of time to develop a defiencty, and some don't have any deficiencies at all (aka they aren't actually essential)

>> No.13254570


>> No.13254575

>Have you had WLS
No, i've never been obese.
>not because they are hungry
Being able to eat is not the same as hungry. The surgery makes you feel very full after eating fuck all, aka they feel like they will vomit if they eat more. You really have to want to kill yourself by slowing expanding your stomach and getting calories by drinking gallons of sweet tea or some shit. it's hard to overeat after the surgery, but if you do manage it you can die. Remember they get it because they can't stick to a diet plan long term, that's the whole point of it, it's way easier not to overeat once you have it, the weight loss before is to just make sure they don't go full retard.

>> No.13254578

I assume this is in the context of an obese person who can't lose weight without help, in which case I agree.

In the context of a normal person? Nah.

>> No.13254582

Correct. Food that comes out of the ground is for the slave caste.The gods subsist on meat and honey.

>> No.13254598

Yeah that's basically how my uncle died. He ignored dumping syndrome, got opioids for the resulting immense pain, and continued to eat like a pig. Died in a hotel.
I don't think a coach would've helped him but I don't know if he was willingly trying to kill himself. He was just a dumb man caught in the wirlwind of his lizard brain desires.
Tbh I think most morbidly obese people are either 1) retarded, 2) criminally lazy, or 3) all of the above.

>> No.13254618

I agree, but you can say the same about Protestants. Orthodox are the only true church.

>> No.13254623

No, nutrients have a profound influence on your cognition. People eat choline, iodine and b vitamin rich foods for breakfast like eggs and pork because it gives you energy.

Just eating too much one of thing can make you deficient in another. The only reason people don’t develop deficiencies commonly is because we have tons of varied foods available to us and nobody has a very restrictive diet for long before they give up due to the malaise from deficiencies. Like vegans. They all look like shit after enough years unless they take steroids and that is probably fucking them up real worse, or maybe these fags are just lying altogether

Literally your entire appetite is about balancing the different macros and micros, not just the macros at all unless your micros are really on point

It’s very easy to become deficient in micronutrients if you don’t care or focus much on eating food and just eat whatever to get back to your job or whatever for too long

>> No.13254626

They clearly have neurological problems (largely as a cope it seems, they need to downplay the condition and make huge disadvantages "normal" life for them) and no structure in their life (they lack self control because they don't even know where to begin) Most also have depression and eat as a cope, desire to die (and being a fucking monster makes being depressed and having nothing to live for pretty easy) They aren't psychologically complex. It's fucking obvious what the issue is and pretty obvious what the solution is to steer them into a better state of mind. People are looking at them as complex individuals for some fucking reason and not automatrons with no agency like they should.

>> No.13254644

>No, nutrients have a profound influence on your cognition
Marketing memes.

>malaise from deficiencies. Like vegans
They don't have "malaise" or "scatterbrain" they have B vitamin and protein deficiencies. These are the extreme examples. Most people eat whatever and have a fairly limited staple diet and nutrient deficiency is not an issue at all. "the malaise" and "invigoration" is 100% placebo. If you are functioning fine you're not missing any micronutrients. You don't need 1/10th of the daily recommendation of most shit and you don't need any of a a few of them at all.

>> No.13254650

>Wasn't BMI proven to be bullshit?
Only in the context of clueless retards who don't understand what it's about. It's a rough measure of how overweight(or underweight) a population is based on factors that are quick and easy to measure. It was never intended for saying "Your BMI is 25.1, therefore you're overweight." although in general it's fairly accurate for that unless you're either very short, very tall, or an athlete with disproportional amount of muscle-mass compared to general population.

>> No.13254655

I'd ask you to be my friend but I hate everyone.

>> No.13254665

>Most vitamins and minerals are a total meme. Feeling "better" in general is 100% placebo. If you have a deficiency it's very apparent like your fucking gums are bleeding or you are having seizures due to low sodium, you don't just get some mild malaise.
Yeah, because human bodies are COMPLETELY binary and you're either in the process of dying from deficiency or totally fine, right? Fucking retard.

>> No.13254667

>Marketing memes
Is marketing why monster puts 10,000 times the daily value of vitamin bs in their drinks? For a placebo? I don’t even drink that shit but b vitamins are no joke

>You don't need 1/10th of the daily recommendation of most shit and you don't need any of a a few of them at all.

You are completely retarded, enjoy your multitude of degenerative diseases which you will only cure by changing your mind and eating less shitty foods that only have macros

>> No.13254680

No, he's just being contrarian and inflammatory to play up to the cameras. Celery is a healthy snack.

Source: I'm a doctor.

>> No.13254681

B vitamins are water soluble so you piss out whatever your body doesn't absorb. Seems like it's a marketing thing for Monster.

>> No.13254684

>Is marketing why monster puts 10,000 times the daily value of vitamin bs in their drinks? For a placebo?
100% yes. WOW 500% DAILY VALUE OF VITAMIN C THIS IS A SUPER FOOD I NEED TO BUY IT is what they go for. It doesn't fucking do anything, it's all placebo. There is no difference between getting 500% or 20% of your vitamin A value per day, because the values are a sham.
> enjoy your multitude of degenerative diseases
Never gonna happen, doesn't even make sense from an evolutionary perspective to have such rigid dietary requirements. keep being a brainwashed NPC.

>> No.13254694

Yes and there are like 10 of them so it’s hard to get a perfect balance of them all the time unless consume a fuckloads of them and the only way you can do that is by eating stuff like eggs, oysters, liver, or just taking the pure vitamins

>> No.13254703

You certainly can benefit from getting 200% or more of the daily value of a vitamin if you haven’t gotten much of it recently
> such rigid dietary requirements.

It’s not rigid, a lot of our food just has less nutrients in it since some huge fat fucks have adapted to eating a lot basically and barely exercise so they don’t even need that much of all the micronutrients

>> No.13254705

vitamins that don't come from real food don't work at all.

>> No.13254712

No you dont understand sugar is just chopped sugar cane they just chop it really tiny

>> No.13254716

What does that have to do with the claim that snacking means I don't moderate my food intake?

>> No.13254719

you can get vitamins like magnesium, calcium, manganese copper zinc and iron, just from water and yes they work

>> No.13254724

>It’s not rigid
it's very rigid. Ancient people did not have nearly as diverse or consistent access to foods that contain all micronutrients. For the last time if you have a deficiency it's obvious and the solution is to consume the nutrient, they average person has no deficiency and pays no attention to what daily value they are getting, it takes an extreme long term deprivation which is more akin to a yearly value and not daily value. Deficiencies have big effects, you don't just feel nebulously better or worse, this is 100% placebo.

>> No.13254727

If you regularly seek entertainment from food out of boredom or habit, you are not moderating your food intake. Boredom and habit is the essence of snacking.

>> No.13254732

Nobody pays attention to exactly what micros they’re eating for the same reason they don’t pay attention to exactly what macros they’re getting. Their appetite makes sure they’re getting a balanced amount unless they ignore it.

You are completely retarded

>> No.13254735

>eating a set number of meals is not eating out of habit
>eating whenever I want to is somehow eating out of habit
This doesn't make sense. Also who says snacking is done out of boredom or habit? I snack when I'm hungry and given that I'm pretty thin I'd say I moderate my food intake quite well.

>> No.13254741
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>For the last time
I have a feeling this isn't the last time. God you sound like my whore mother but fatter.

>> No.13254743

>Orthodox are the only true Church
It sure would be nifty if they adhered to Jesus’ teachings though

>> No.13254748

Post gunt.

>> No.13254756

Not what i'm arguing, I'm arguing the daily value is crazy high, and some nutrients (the ones without any severe deficiencies like vitaman A and K) aren't actually essential at all.

>Their appetite makes sure they’re getting a balanced amount unless they ignore it.
lol no. Pattern diets never approach 100% recommended daily of most micronutrients. They expect you to eat like 800 calories of sweet potatoes a day for potassium lmao

I do agree people get enough eating whatever the fuck they want outside of extreme situations. I'm arguing you get enough which is way less than daily value recommendations and that there is no benefit from getting more of a vitamin/mineral than the minimum you need to avoid a deficiency.

>> No.13254761

Sure are closer than any Catholics or Protestants.

>> No.13254768

>Not what i'm arguing, I'm arguing the daily value is crazy high

No it isn’t. Something tells me you’ve never suffered any deficiencies at all

>> No.13254781

>Pattern diets never approach 100% recommended daily of most micronutrients

Because it doesn’t necessarily need to be all in 1 day. 3 days is a more realistic amount of time that people generally take to get all the micronutrients they need, so you can get 0% for a couple days and 300% of it on the third. This is generally what people do

This includes getting a good balance of amino acids to make protein

>> No.13254785

Not him but I have a vitamin D deficiency and have never noticed it. Not really sure what the long term effects are but I eat a balanced and diverse (lol) diet.

>> No.13254786

>No it isn’t. Something tells me you’ve never suffered any deficiencies at all
No shit, and I pay no mind to what micros I get, i've been on diets where you go way above the daily value and it does fucking nothing, it's all placebo for those that claim it does.

>No it isn’t
yes it is, i've already given examples. The daily should really be like the yearly requirements for most things. It takes a lot of deprivation to get fucking rickets or scurvy.

>> No.13254790

"healthy" doesn't just mean "low in calories"

>> No.13254795

>but I have a vitamin D deficiency
Do you have fucking rickets? Are your bones brittle and in constant pain? If no you don't have an actual Vitamin D deficiency.

>> No.13254800

Low sex drive, insomnia, depression, increased parathyroid hormone is released to leech calcium from your bones until shit starts really getting fucked and you get more hypocalcemia which can cause your heart to skip beats, can also cause death

>> No.13254804

>No shit, and I pay no mind to what micros I get, i've been on diets where you go way above the daily value and it does fucking nothing, it's all placebo for those that claim it does.

Because if you get more than enough micros you don’t notice the fucking effects retard. But people who don’t, will

>> No.13254811

The average males testosterone would go through the roof simply from exposing their balls to sunlight for 15 minutes a day

We aren’t living a natural life, just because fat fucks and fortunate people have no issues doesn’t mean other people don’t either

>> No.13254816

Not yet anyway
I eat a lot of fucking fish too so it's weird

>> No.13254819

Hypocalcemia really only gets extreme if you eat no dairy (for calcium) and get no vitamin d though

>> No.13254825

Ironically, I was chronically depressed during a time when I didn't have a vitamin D deficiency. My sex drive is normal. I sleep like a rock.
The bone part is really the only question now.

>> No.13254837

i weigh 140 lbs, i dont think having a snack is gonna hurt me.

>> No.13254869

>he average males testosterone would go through the roof simply from exposing their balls to sunlight for 15 minutes a day
crank shit. Vitamin and mineral shilling is all advertising ploys. Historically the only one that we needed consistent notable amounts of that could be hard to obtain serendipitously was sodium, which is no issue. The amount of a nutrient you need is whatever the minimum is before your body starts breaking down for want of it. This doesn't mean having a lack of energy it means developing fatal conditions.

>> No.13254870

>My sex drive is normal
Eat a can of smoked oysters in olive oil and get direct sunlight on your balls for 10 minutes

Keep me posted

>> No.13254875

You need sunlight to activate vitamin D, just like you need fat to activate certain fat soluble vitamins. If you aren't dying you are getting enough.

>> No.13254877

While I practice omad, I disagree

>> No.13254879

What fucking benefit is it to anyone to shill getting fucking SUNLIGHT ON YOUR BALLS

>> No.13254883

Pretty sure the fat on your skin is what allows you to turn sunlight into vitamin d

>> No.13254885

it causes cancer and makes you infertile, so they can justify importing more immigrants to replace you.

>> No.13254886

I make up for my lack of dairy by eating tendons and small bones. Holy shit so satisfying.
Will do. Thanks doc.
I'm actually getting 2 doz oysters for Thanksgiving and will probably eat whatever is left behind. Don't think I've ever experienced any aphrodisiac effects from any food desu.

>> No.13254892

Then again I guess this is why no one knows this

>> No.13254900

Not getting vitamin d causes fucking cancer and infertility you fucking retard

No one shills getting sunlight on your balls anyway. I’ve just read a ton about human physiology and experiment a lot on myself

>> No.13254909

You should eat at least some grass fed diary

Pretty much saved my life. Vitamin d and dairy made me gain 20 pounds of pure muscle in 2 months, but I spent years getting basically none of either

>> No.13254920

I eat cheese and cook with dairy. I fucking hate milk/cream on its own tho.

>> No.13254930

What a retarded argument

>> No.13254960

Gays are pretty retarded.

>> No.13254997

My belt size fluctuates during the day so much you think i was oprah

>> No.13255003

>I dont trust Dr. Shekelstein.
Uhhhh this

>> No.13255011

Grass fed half and half and dark chocolate dude

Even better if you let the half and half reach a warmer temp so it doesn’t make the dark chocolate freeze in your mouth due to its absence of milk content making it’s melting point higher

>> No.13255044

Good thing that vitamin supplements are made from real food then.

>> No.13255049

I hate chocolate almost as much as I hate milk.

>> No.13255057

That sounds like IBS or celiac.

>> No.13255058


>> No.13255112

But you never tried dark chocolate with creamy milk I bet
It’s completely different
I dislike all sugary food but that is really good

>> No.13255116

>Orthodox are the only true church.
The Orthodox are the original protestants. Schismatics rebels just like their later version.

>> No.13256648

His advice is only for ridiculously fat fucks that are literally about to die because they can't stop eating. How much I eat in between meals just depends how big they are. I have 8% body fat so advice for fat fucks do not apply to me at all.

>> No.13256655

What about vegetables?

>> No.13257712

Oh yeah sure, just find it funny that the Catholic professes to be better.

Er, no. The Roman Patriach split off from the Church, not the other way around.

>> No.13257734

Wait til you hit 30 kid

>> No.13257768

Fiber makes sugar absorb slower and with lesser efficiency. Fiber is found in veg and fruit

>> No.13259772

>sugar and starch
>something humans need to live

>> No.13260259

I quite like cashews as a snack, they're tasty.

>> No.13260838

maybe I want to develop a definitely
you didn't fucking think of that did you?

>> No.13261110

Im 34 grandpa

>> No.13261272

Celery. I eat a bundle a day. cost me like 8 to 9 dollars a week

>> No.13261278

ok boomer

>> No.13261523

Repent, faggot.

>> No.13261637

Boomers are a bit too old to be in their 30's, lurk more

>> No.13262355

Yes, humans need glucose to live.

>> No.13262400

ok boomer

>> No.13263564

They can but its far less likely. Nobody should "need" to snack between three meals a day. If you're hungry 1-2 hours after eating a meal, there might be something medically wrong with you.

>> No.13265252

>>13250345 hummus

>> No.13265261

>you don't get micro-nutrients of you don't eat sugar starch
based retard

>> No.13265268

Incredibly based

>> No.13265516
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He is persian you retards

>> No.13265528

>vitamin A AND beta carotene
lmao laughing at you niggers

>> No.13265598

>A human should eat five to six snack-sized meals throughout the day to keep the metabolism going and prevent blood sugar spikes.
You are full of shit. You don't even know what you are talking about. Why are you telling lies? you ABSOLUTE faggot go kys. If oyu would just look though the internet and look at many studies and rtesearches it's the exact opposite you dumb nigger. Restricting your calories into lesser meals and having regular fasting times is directly correlated to longevity. Gosh I hate you faggots.

>> No.13265616


>> No.13265629

Raw fruit and veggies annon :]

>> No.13265650

Dilate your micropenis and have consensual sex

>> No.13265957
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frig off mr hummus, your slop is absolutely haram and looks disgusting.

>> No.13267819

celery would be really healthy if it wasn't for all the nitrate it contains, I'm pretty there's plenty of greens that are really low in calory and filling because they're slow to digest

>> No.13267828

carrots are really low in carbs, trust me, I'm a guy who tried to survive only on a bag of carrots I managed to salvage, if you're active you can starve yourself on carrot

>> No.13268918

if you're active enough, you can starve yourself on any food.