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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13252124 No.13252124 [Reply] [Original]

Name one (1) drink more refreshing than cold tap water in the middle of the night. I'll wait.

>> No.13252128

Cold bottled water

>> No.13252132
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>I'll wait.
your wait has ended friend

>> No.13252150

Close but no cigar
Not even close.
You will never have a cigar.

>> No.13252154

Anything alcoholic out of the freezer.

>> No.13252159
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ice cold coca cola after speed chomping a bag of xxtra flamin hots

>> No.13252161
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>> No.13252163

Imagine walking to a faucet like an absolute peasant instead of taking a cold bottle to your bedside

>> No.13252186

The journey makes the reward so much sweeter

>> No.13252197


>> No.13252213

OP there's a high chance that you're consuming tons of metals and fluoride that stay in your body and poison you if you're drinking tap water. Just a friendly warning.

>> No.13252216
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>Not even close.
I've drank cold tap water in the middle of the night. It's very refreshing.
But have you yourself ever stood in the cold light of the refrigerator downing Silk® Organic Unsweet Soy Milk straight from the carton with nothing but your boxers on?
"Refreshing" doesn't even begin to describe it.
Sorry to bring the /thread so quickly, OP, but you asked and I delivered.
And I don't want your cigar. I don't smoke.

>> No.13252236

Chocolate milk after finishing a cross country race

>> No.13252238

Yo, you can make fresh tap?

>> No.13252832

A nice glass of eggnog

>> No.13252905
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Soda in a paper cup

>> No.13252908

Angel pls

>> No.13252921

a pint of milk

>> No.13252924

Ice chips slowly melting in your mouth when you're dehydrated as shit after a taaka bender and you've been vomiting all morning b/c you didn't drag your ass out of bed to take a couple shots and you're going through withdrawals and you finally managed to get some zofran down and then you have a popsicle

>> No.13252929

There isn't.

>> No.13252957

cold beer after whole day of work

>> No.13253241

Please don't hurt me

>> No.13253367

This. Nothing better.

>> No.13253379

The last beer that you left on your bedside table before going to sleep, slammed warm immediately after you woke up in the middle of the night and had a comfy masturbation under the blanket.

>> No.13253420

Cold seltzer water

>> No.13253425

LOL water treatment is a government supervised activity based on the leading science. It simply can't be safer than it is.

>> No.13253428

A rocks glass of cold whole milk with just enough Bailey's in it to taste it.

>> No.13253436

Ice-cold coca cola

>> No.13253489

Freshly squeezed orange juice with a bit of baking soda and diluted with some cold tap water after a long run.
You can keep the cigar, i don't smoke

>> No.13253496
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I'll raise you room temperature water from a BPA-free drinking bottle

>> No.13253628

your mommas pussy juice

>> No.13253656

do you just bring a cooler of ice with you to bed every night? how is it supposed to be cold when you wake up 2-3 hours later?

>> No.13253663

why do yuropoors hate ice? australians too. warm water is gross

>> No.13253731

There it is

>> No.13253814

cold tap water with ice in it.

>> No.13253847

cold well water

>> No.13253870

I would rather have fluoride and minerals in my amazing NYC tapwater then lead in whatever third world American shit city your from.

>> No.13254313

NYC tap water is probably the best tasting tap water I've had to this day. Is there anywhere that would challenge it?

>> No.13254371

Depending on the fridge, ice cold water 2-3 hours later is still pleasantly cool. And I actually have brought my insulated lunch bag and one of my refreezable ice packs into my room at night with two bottles of water. Then I would switch it out and pack my lunch for work in the morning. Big brain type shit. I had to stop because I felt like I was hacking reality.

>> No.13254386

PNW tap water

>> No.13254468

this but
>just a regular cold bottle of water after your dumbass ate too many edibles and got so high your wife had to go into the store to get your drink for you
>when she comes back with the bottle it's like Santa Claus has come to the Sahara
>you drink the water and you can actually feel your cells opening up and singing out in joy as they absorb precious hydration
>later she tries to give you a bj while you're high just to see what happens but you just want more water.

>> No.13254477

when you wake up heart pounding and reach for the pint of vodka you saved for this exact situation


>> No.13254524

>your body wakes you up mid sleep just to get more alcohol in your system
what level of alcholism is this?

>> No.13254754

northern swedens tap water is better

>> No.13255629

I'll have to try those.

>> No.13255666
File: 10 KB, 572x693, woah bottled water.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy the phyoestrogen plasticizers and microplastics.

>> No.13255694


>> No.13255728

polar seltzers

>> No.13255756

Fresh cut coconut from an ice box on the beach in Thailand.

>> No.13255769

An insulated water bottle works too. They can keep water chill at just the right temperature for a good while.

>> No.13255770

Fucking zozzle

>> No.13255809

Drinking water directly from the hose.

>> No.13255837

This thread full of people from Flint Michigan. Tap water in rural US is where most bottled water comes from anyway. My tap water tastes the same as Aquafina or Dasani. There is a reason for that - it is. Lot of third-worlders in this thread.

>> No.13255840


>> No.13255850

This is the only correct answer.

>> No.13256223
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, IMG_3662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't drink water directly from my ass
Shit taste

>> No.13256405

Beer that's still ice cold in your yeti

>> No.13256607

cold tap water after brushing the teeth is better

>> No.13256623

yeah, the taste of mildew is great

>> No.13256625

um, what? Thats weird

>> No.13256626

I have a couple empty milk jugs i regularly fill with water and its basically my only drink. I freeze/thaw them on a schedule so that I never have a room temperature jug of water at any time.

>> No.13256647

Oakland has great water. I was in NYC and didn't even try the water. Fuck fuck fuck. I live in shit water zone. My baths are green. I use diet Dr. Pepper because I'm not paying for stupid water.

>> No.13256656

almost tried to think of a cheeky reply but I'll come clean. i live at the bottom of a huge, long, dirty river. there is no bedrock, there is no clean water. we have boil alerts on a scattered but generally monthly basis. municipal water is cut off, designated unfit for human consumption or limited in access at random. i've always preferred canned to plastic flavor wise, so I drink generic unflavored canned seltzer pretty much exclusively. as a kid, we drank a lot of water with salt or kool-aid packs mixed in, or boiled with citrus or herbs. florida keys need to check in yall's water is at least 23% bleach

>> No.13256740

I'm sorry anon. You'll have midnight tap water one of these days.

>> No.13256876

Actually pretty fuckin based

>> No.13256884

Orange juice, straight from the carton. It always tastes best at 3am when I'm half asleep.

>> No.13257007

This is a good one. For some reason milk doesn't work the same way for me though.

>> No.13257055

Enjoy your bacteria and metal poisoning from tap water.

>> No.13257056


>> No.13257070

especially in the middle of winter its ice cold and crisp so delicious

>> No.13257078

A mother's breast milk

>> No.13257083

Ice cold alpine meltwater in a chilled crystal glass.

>> No.13257098

Ice cold, melted, tap water ice cube water.

>> No.13257693

I can't. Thank you, based water.

>> No.13258626

You're welcome

>> No.13258640


>> No.13258661

I have my own well

>> No.13258851

Enjoy your snake piss.
Just messing with you. Why is that so fun?

>> No.13258857

salted lemonade

>> No.13259168

>what are glass bottles?

>> No.13259176

I civilized countries tapwater is of higher quality and subject to more stringent laws than bottled water.

>> No.13259208

In America they dump all kinds of shit in it like fluoride and it's laden with estrogen that isn't filtered out from women on birth control pissing it into the water

>> No.13259218

He said "civilized countries".

>> No.13259222

op btfo holy shit

>> No.13259268

drink it beforehand or you'll wash away the toothpaste

>> No.13259299

A man of culture, it's always more refreshing
It's the mechanical action of brushing/flossing that does most of the work my dude, toothpaste is basically flavoured lubricant

>> No.13259406
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Some of the best water I've had is from the Nasones in Rome, little fountains with drinking water for anyone to use. The water was amazing.

>> No.13259424

>being such a peasant you dont have a mini fridge next to your bed to keep your drinks cold

>> No.13259430

Shower gin and tonic.
It's a gin and tonic you drink while having a shower

>> No.13259443

Coca-Cola you retard. And pretty much any other beverage with actual flavor. They're all mostly water already anyway, there's no point to drinking plain water unless you want to try to restrict calories because you're fat.

>> No.13259457

>he doesn't have a tap above his bedside table built into the wall

>> No.13259480

cold topo chico

>> No.13259491

I live in NY. Our tap is #1

>> No.13259511

>thousands of great tasting drinkings all just as hydrating as water
>picking water
I don't get this "I fucking love water you guys" meme at all. Water's not bad, but it's not good either. It's the closest you can get to hydration without anything else like flavor or protein or carbonation or electrolytes etc. It's like drinking for people who hate drinking.

>> No.13259517

Water taste like water. It doesnt taste like ethenal or sugar. It taste like water.

>> No.13259537

Doesn't really taste like anything, except maybe trace minerals I guess.

>> No.13259562

Ummm that's not Chicago.

>> No.13260237

bigass glass of cold water after a bowl of ice cream

>> No.13260277

As a kid I never drank water and always drank juice or soda or milk or something, now I always have a glass or bottle of water and other drinks just make me thirstier, some nice pure water is the only thing that truly quenches it

>> No.13261100

Your skin must be rubbery as fuck.

>> No.13261115

>water is icky
Americans, everyone.

>> No.13261121

Agreed. Like sure, I could just eat rice all the time but I choose things that are tastier if I can. These people are just into hating themselves, or maybe they're below-average tasters so they don't care.

>> No.13261829
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Or, OR, I prefer flavored drinks but appreciate the relief of tap water when I'm dry in the middle of the night.

>> No.13261839

dubs won't save you from alcoholism

>> No.13261849


>> No.13261860


>> No.13261872

im sure theres some #2s in there too

>> No.13262070

cringed but kek'd

>> No.13262136

Carbonated water

>> No.13262159

I gotta go with Carbonated water as well, but i prefer a fresh one.

>> No.13262161

Any alcohol or caffeine is automatically not refreshing because it only makes you thirstier

>> No.13262175

Any psychedelic will be MUCH more refreshing to your mental state.

>> No.13262812

Coconut water

>> No.13262814

Ice cold full fat milk

>> No.13262830

>the relief of tap water when I'm dry in the middle of the night.
how does the relief from flavored drinks differ from a relief of tap water?

>> No.13262845


>> No.13262923

Water isn't more hydrating than drinks with flavor. All non-alcoholic drinks are already mostly water, and there's a pretty huge difference between the tiny amount of sodium in a flavored drink vs. saltwater that would actually dehydrate and kill you if you started drinking it while stranded out at sea.
>The same goes for tea, juice, milk and caffeinated sodas: One glass provides about the same amount of hydrating fluid as a glass of water. The only common drinks that produce a net loss of fluids are those containing alcohol.
>Cumulative urine output at 4 h after ingestion of cola, diet cola, hot tea, iced tea, coffee, lager, orange juice, sparkling water, and a sports drink were not different from the response to water ingestion.

>> No.13262929

>how does the relief from flavored drinks differ from a relief of tap water?
I think threads like these are the result of fat people trying to convince themselves they hate the taste of sugar. There's no legitimate reason why anyone would prefer plain water over all other drinks.

>> No.13263851

My own piss is much cleaner and healthier.


>> No.13263919

Love that memory.

>> No.13264620
File: 70 KB, 720x589, Every 28 days your skin replaces itself your liver 5 months your bones 10 years your body makes these new cells from the food you eat what you eat literally becomes you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be amerimutt
>municipal water treatment facility recently published a report stating they haven't been able to get all of the terrible shit in the water supply out.
>I have old pipes.
>lead and other contaminants in the tap.
>can't afford to constantly buy bottled water.

I've been using a gravity pitcher filter for a while and it has made a big difference.

>> No.13265072

Your body is "replaced" using the same simple sugars and fats extracted from eating regardless of which foods and drinks are in your diet (unless you're eating a diet devoid of the most fundamental nutrients, in which your body isn't doing much of anything except wasting to death). It's not like your skin is made out of chunks of watermelon or slices of smoked turkey.

>> No.13266045

Because when I get up in the middle of the night dry and needing to piss I just want to go back to sleep. There's no point in going to the kitchen or bringing something into my bedroom when I could just use the sink in front of me.

>> No.13267892

bump I guess

>> No.13267922

I thought it was illegal to give people unclean tap water, that sucks

>> No.13268347


>> No.13268420

based af. For me its Silk Original almond milk though

>> No.13268540

thats why you should distill your water... gets rid of everything except pure h20. some rothschilds did an AMA thread and admitted this was the way to live hundreds of years

>> No.13268869

Unless your government doesn't give a fuck about you. Flint, MI for example.

>> No.13269356
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>> No.13270987

Why not use 5 gallon jugs and fill up for 25c/gallon.

>> No.13272546

why does that picture of jontron remind me of that tranny from ribbit

>> No.13272580

No farang. Yankee go home

>> No.13272590

Nigga, where is this? I need to add it to my “dont fuck with this” list.

>> No.13272784

Except for the part when they put in the industrial waste from phosphate fertilizer and aluminum manufacturing.

>> No.13272822

Lrn2 multilayer pipe device folter

>> No.13272875

hm. That's end of no-fap November for me.

>> No.13273154
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>> No.13273229

Most of Germany.

>> No.13273865

I love Cranberry-Pomegranate juice.

>> No.13274045

Oral rehydration solution, you can buy it at any pharmacy for cheap. You should drink a large cup or it every morning to combat issues that may arise from oral dehydration, such as bad breath and gum disease.

>> No.13274056

Detroit, so good I shat a baby negro last night

>> No.13274234

honestly the first thing I notice is the rolls of fat in the wrist crease. i wonder how many of these fucking bugmen are dissimulating their desire to lose weight into 'alternative' dieting

>> No.13274299

>doesn't drink water directly from my ass
>Shit taste
Yeah, that would be expected.

>> No.13274602

Gamer girl pee

>> No.13275875

your wait has come to an end: just-squeezed orange juice a few hours after pizza.

>> No.13277652
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A room temperature bottle of sparkling water.

>> No.13277794

Burnsville NC mountain well water. Ice cold from the tap in the middle of the night after you wake up sweating under your heated blanket with your big booty wife in your little mountain house on an old apple orchard.

>> No.13277831

Glacial stream water in the mountains.

>> No.13277839

My tap water doesn't taste awesome, but it's not dangerous. I don't mind it with ice, since it's kind of silly to use bottled water for anything but being on the go.