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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.46 MB, 1330x733, TimHortons3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13250850 No.13250850 [Reply] [Original]

Tim Horrortons thread. Post stories, memes, or things that you just hate about Tim Hortons.

>> No.13250858

I went there once. It was ok

>> No.13250861

One of my favorite memories of my grandpa is him taking us to Tim Horton's for some Timbits on Saturday mornings. I looked forward to it every time when we'd go stay with him for a weekend. He passed away 6 years ago.

>> No.13250886

>order the two breakfast sandwich for $5 deal
>ask for two sausage biscuits
>stand there and wait
>chick after me in line orders the deal too
>we both stand by and wait
>person making the sandwiches hands her order before me
>"what the fuck?" I thought
>next person gets theirs before me too
>I finally get mine
>Both two completely different sandwiches, a bacon egg, and a sausage muffin
It was very early in the morning too, there wasn't even that many people ordering, I don't understand how the person fucked up this hard, I bet the two people after me had messed up orders too but I never bothered to ask and moved on with my day.

>> No.13250892
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Indians, flips or middle schoolers?

>> No.13250894

i was in a canadian airport once and spent about 2 hours trying to find the tim hortons, but then i had to give up and board my flight

>> No.13250905

I love your blog posts!

>> No.13250906

Filipino woman, the entire crew were all flips

>> No.13250941

Timmies is SHIT all round.
SHIT coffee
SHIT food
the donuts are okay

I'm angry that this brand (which isnt even fucking Canadian anymore) represents us worldwide >:(

>> No.13250943

did you cry?

>> No.13250957

Ice caps are good but McDonald’s has better breakfast food

>> No.13250961

Tears did come to my eyes, but I was able to hold them in. I don't think that counts as crying.

>> No.13250981
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Mcdonalds has better coffee...

>> No.13250991

I wouldnt complain. More caffeine in the coffee grounds

>> No.13251038

>this same faggot who has an issue with a fast food place

>> No.13251079

Growing up as a kid in the 80's I remember it being real good. Even in more recent memory it wasn't bad but now it's awful. Their doughnuts are tiny and don't even taste how they used to. The apple fritter is an abomination now.

>> No.13251169

No, I jerked off in the washroom stall later on before work

>> No.13251691

I remember they use to bake the donuts in the shop. Now they just ship them in frozen and heat them up

>> No.13251709

It's gone steadily downhill since burger king bought them out. The coffee and food sucks now. The donuts are okay.

>> No.13251755

When I cooked at Tim Horton's I'd scrap up all the dried chocolate fondant crud from the sides of the warmer and drop it back in with some water. By morning it'd all be liquid again. I'm sure doing this fucked up the consistency. Also once I dropped a few trays of bagels on the floor and put them all back. That's all I remember from being the head "baker" there. Everything on the menu is pre-cooked, frozen and shipped to us in boxes. If they could freeze the tomatoes and lettuce they'd do that too.

>> No.13251763

I can’t even drink the coffee anymore, their food is awful outside of basic stuff like bagels, and their doughnuts are often put upside down into the bags so when you remove them they are ruined

Absolute retards and usually they are pajeets

>> No.13251767

I worked at Tim's for a while when I was poor. Dont have many stories but generally the job is fucking shit and working as a white person among chatty retarded Filipinos and Pakistanis only speaking their language at work is insufferably demoralizing to where they try their best to treat you like you're second class.
Canada deserves to burn to the ground for allowing all these foreigners to use garbage jobs as an easy ticket to immigration and the government even gives these chains money to hire shitskins in small towns. Fuck Tim Hortons.

>> No.13251782

Ok, Mitch Hedberg.

>> No.13251784

Their baked goods used to be good then went to shit when they centralized their logistics and premade them in a factory. Their coffee used to be good then went to shit when they switched suppliers. Their food, aside from the chili and some soups have always been touch and go to me. That spicy breaded chicken sandwich they had for a little while was decent, but it was a limited time offering.

>> No.13251831

potato bacon soup was the only decent thing they ever sold and I think that disappeared 20 years ago

paki flip trash infested shithole so the perfect representation of canada in 2020

>> No.13251833

Tim Horton was a pedophile with ties to Jeff Epstein and he mysteriously "died from drunk driving" ( probably murdered to cover up pedo stuff). Good apple fritters though

>> No.13251962
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>That's all I remember from being the head "baker" there
Sounds like the bar is pretty fucking low

>> No.13251968
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Too much of a Chad for that to be real

>> No.13251976

>whipped cream

>> No.13252035


>the donuts are okay
The doughnuts haven't been "okay" since they stopped baking them fresh in each individual franchise. Now you only get frozen shit shipped out of Ontario.
Friggin' Loblaw's doughnuts are better in the current year.

>> No.13252043

Ontario here and I feel sad the rest of the country might have even worse ones than here because they suck now. I live under a rock and didn't realize Burger King was who bought them.and that makes sense cause their food is vile.

>> No.13252064

They got bought out twice, once by Wendy's and then by Burger King.
Now both BK and Timmy's are owned by another company, Restaurant Brands International.
They built their Brantford central "par-baking" facility in 2003, several years after the Wendy's merger but right around when they started to buy themselves back out into independance.

The only province that still bakes fresh is Newfoundland, because shipping frozen doughnuts there is too expensive.

>> No.13252078
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>Growing up as a kid in the 80's I remember it being real good.

It used to be so good. Now everything they sell is absolute shit, the pre-frozen reheated donuts are disgusting, the coffee is undrinkable, and instead of fixing their food, they just keep adding more and more disgusting menu items.

At least zoomers don't have to remember how good that place used to be.

>> No.13253762

Your grandpa sounds like an idiot

>> No.13253767

Yeah. Imagine dying in 2013. Yikes.

>> No.13253779

top kek

thanks for sharing

>> No.13254969
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>> No.13255022

Bonglander here, they've started opening stores over here now
Their donuts are pretty good but the actual food is shit

>> No.13255283

they dont have anything to even bake with. i guess 'reheating' ovens. but sandwiches are shit tier. coffee is shit tier. doughnuts are lol tier. i hope they go under

>> No.13255422
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>i hope they go under
Their retarded suits will never fix Tim's problems because they blame their increasingly low sales on dumb bullshit. Tim Hortons is a slow sinking ship, give it 10 years.

>> No.13255428
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Anybody ever try the chicken strips? I've only heard rumours...

>> No.13255445

lmao damn that looks like shit

>> No.13255524

Trick question, they're always Flips

>> No.13255559

How do you fuck up this badly.

>> No.13255568

eating that is akin to eating rotten flesh in minecraft

>> No.13255582

I just had the jalapeno and sausage farmers breakfast wrap. It was actually alright but it gave me some violent disgusting shits. I pretty much only like the ice capps at tims these days.

>> No.13255668

Absolutely Canadian post/10. They area fucking scourge
Fuck I remember loving donuts as a kid, Boston creme/Bismarck especially. Can't even palate the shit anymore. I really do think it's a marketing strategy to destroy Tims. We need to level it and put forth another chain.

>> No.13255800

is tim hortons better or worse than dunkin diknuts

>> No.13255806

They never have any fucking chili

>> No.13255846
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Your fault for not speaking up. You should have said, "EXCUSE ME", the moment you saw her gearing into position to intercept your order.

>> No.13255855

Extremely inferior to Dunkin Donuts.

>> No.13255876

that's saying a lot bc DDs is absolute fucking garbage

>> No.13255878

Every single fuckign time I go to my local Tim Hortons there is a line that goes to the fucking door. Out of the 5 staff members that are usually visible; three almost always stand idle. The cashier and coffee pourer work feverishly, while the donut person and food prep person stand idly. To add to this, the donut person intermittently shouts "Any donuts, tim bits, hot chocolate or cappuccino?" A manage floats, usually just singing off key to the music.

And there we wait, bottle necked by the speed of the lone cashier and coffee employee while three chuckle fucks state back at us blankly.

>> No.13255981

It's a very inefficient place.

>> No.13256334

because they have stupid new drinks and foods every 3 weeks. new winter gingerbread coffeecake hotchocolate tea! fuck off with that shit

>> No.13256348

I now want to move to Canuckistan and work donuts specifically, just so I can get payed to stand there grinning at your impotence. Working donuts there must be like watching chuck porn.

>> No.13256362

by not waiting for the cookies to cool before icing because you're in a hurry

>> No.13256366

Actually, greentext anon did the right thing by not doing that.
>Matthew 5:5

>> No.13256395

who the fucks Matthew, huh, huh? Matthew ever had to fucking wait in line for some tim tams and a cup of coffee? Fuck Matthew that judgemental prick. I bet he fucks dogs

>> No.13256401

>I bet he fucks dogs.
You’re thinking of Whitney 3:16.

>> No.13257275
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>> No.13257330

lol sounds like your gramps got BTFO!

>> No.13257391

and then these retards think they deserve 15 bucks an hour lmfao.

>> No.13257427

Tim Hortons is shitty. There, did I do it right?

>> No.13257455

Tim's stopped being good when the stopped having a smoking section.
Loved going there with dad on weekends.
Decent place to hangout as a teen.
Now I only I only go there for,a quick caffeine fix in the middle of the night

>> No.13257612

What the fuck is that

>> No.13257868

breakfast wrap maybe

>> No.13257879

Don't be mean, he's clearly not from best Canada.

>> No.13257882

Hasn't been my experience.
Either there's literally only one half asleep staffer in the store or it's all hands on deck and they're frantically trying to work around eachother without tripping eachother, several of them doing their level best to sound chipper and polite over the drive-thru headset while struggling with another task simultaneously.

Only exception is rural timmies with fat white women, who always seem to take customers as an intrusion and work as slow as possible.

>> No.13258065

They used to be so good. Fuck man

>> No.13259304

I’ve been working there for 2 years now. About once a week I have a new training video for a new product that is only slightly different than old one. You look the sausage farmers wrap? We made one with jalapeño now haha :). Nobody buys this shit. Nobody cares. The only people I serve are boomers who are so used to going to timmies every morning that going anywhere else makes them shudder.

When I first started, my coworkers were mostly all white. But now I work with people whose name I cannot pronounce nor can they pronounce mine. They all speak Hindu together and actively ignore serving customers in favour of hiding in the back drinking coffee. Everything tastes like shit here, everything.

Seriously tho, every employee we hire is lazier than the one before. They all wanna go home, they all are too “tired” everyday (we work at a fucking coffee place) and none of them actually give a shit.

I mean yeah I get it, the job is trash, but I feel like no matter where you work you should at least put a little effort in, you’re there for 8 hours anyway.

>> No.13259328

Where's the management to wrangle them back to the front when they're fucking around and talking?

>> No.13259334


You sound stressed. Tri sum Timbits

>> No.13259375

5 bucks says he's also an indian and hires friends and family, it's how the whole world works save the western "white" world, which is why everyone else takes advantage of the naivete of the west.

>> No.13259437

Manager is from the Middle East and heavily favours hiring foreigners over local people, had a girl who came in for an interview that lives across the street and she was rejected for a girl who lives 45 minutes away and who happens to be from the same country as my manager

>> No.13259483

that's a beautiful story anon

>> No.13260314

Tim Hortons tastes like shit, but one thing they got for them is that the service is hella fast

>> No.13260326

tim hortons better step their game up because mcds is killing them right now. mcds is selling donuts at the union station in toronto and they are fucking delicious, not to mention the coffee is way better at mcds.

>> No.13260336

absolutely rekt

>> No.13260339

>They all speak Hindu together
hindu is a religion, you are probably thinking of hindi

>> No.13260350

They built a tim hortons in my city (UK). everyone was super excited about it. I dont get it. macdonalds does better coffee and doughnuts. At least at starbucks I have more choice of more frou-frou cofees.

>> No.13260363

remember coffee time lads?

>> No.13260380

I made a point of visiting Tim Hortons the last two times I was I Canada. Been there three times and it totally fucking sucks. Major disappointment and I regret falling for the TH meme

>> No.13261246

off topic but
>be me
>midwestern college student
>2 am
>sitting at tim hortons
>eating a box of timbits
>ignoring phonecalls, don't know what to say
>someone says hi to me
>i feel different

>> No.13261308

Who the fuck is calling you at 2 am?

>> No.13262342
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>> No.13262352


>> No.13262358

Caffeine is very soluble in hot water. Already brewed grounds wouldn't have much caffeine in them. Only benefit would be increased cafergol content.

>> No.13262372

I like this post. Thank you

>> No.13262412
File: 33 KB, 600x337, justintrudeau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just chiming in that Tim Hortons is utter shit. While I'm sure I could come up with some stories if pressed, Tim Hortons as a company is just shit in general. Its gross crap that gets by solely on 2 factors. First, its cheap. This isn't really an excuse though because any other fast food company is going to have comparable prices for coffee and muffins. Second, and this is really the most insidious part, Tim Hortons has found a perfect niche in their market by juxtaposing their brand with Canadian patriotism. They've done such a good job of slapping the maple leaf and shoving stereotypical Canadiana down your throat through their overly saccharine advertising that they have actually managed to weasel their way into being a genuine part of whatever cultural fabric this country has left. Now, if you dare criticize this foreign owned company in any way every mouthbreather with a plaid jacket and pair of hockey skates immediately rushes to its defense and tells you if you don't like Tim Hortons you hate Canada. Its both incredibly impressive and deeply disturbing what a wonderful job they've done.

Fuck Tim Hortons.

>> No.13262433

Tim Horton is rolling in his grave.

>> No.13262450

I feel you. I had a very similar thing with my Opa before he passed except it was with coffee. :)

>> No.13262456


>> No.13262472

what a bunch of insecure, dickless faggots ITT. I've managed a TH for 11 years and can tell most of you are embellishing details about your "bad experiences." grow up.

>> No.13262555
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>> No.13262750

LITERALLY part of the Tim Hortons Internet Defense force. Pathetic.

>> No.13262855

You're probably the worst.
I bet if you worked drive through at least a third of your orders would be incorrect.
Also, make me coffee, bitch

>> No.13262864

Fuck you faggot. If you don’t speak up for yourself you’re a glorified woman

>> No.13262884 [DELETED] 

t. kike

>> No.13263068

Impressive feat. You have my respect.

>> No.13263135

Tim Hortons used to be okay until they started doing foodstuff. Should have stuck with coffee.

>> No.13263600

>Chinese staff
>Korean staff
>White staff
>Filipino staff
>Black staff
>Indian staff
>Sri Lankan staff
>Bangladeshi staff

>> No.13263622
File: 22 KB, 485x443, 1507521604541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw coming up on my 2nd year working here

>> No.13263961

Did you order a small rock with some smeared grease on it? Because that looks right to me.

>> No.13264096
File: 45 KB, 678x381, Smoked-Sausage-Country-Wrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13264137

Try speaking up spaz lord. Dumb shit like this is why I use the drive through. Pro tip: if they ask you to pull ahead to wait for your order, DONT. They will 100% forget about you. Tell them you aren’t moving till you get the food you paid for

>> No.13264625

"Lmao we put hot dogs in a wrap XD"

>> No.13264880


>> No.13264982

What the hell man

>> No.13264998

>be me
>immigrate to canada from yurop
>no timmys back in the EU
>let's try it shall we
never again lads
it's horrendous

>> No.13265036

>thinks EU is shorthand for Europe
Retard and a fantasist,

>> No.13265400
File: 2.80 MB, 429x592, 1520544707050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>move to Canada for grad school
>parents buy me some Tim Horton's coffee as part of the move-in effort
>make coffee in french press- why is it so weak/shitty?
>figure that I must be doing it wrong or that the ground beans are expired
>one day get coffee from Tim Hortons store
>it taste the same as what I made at home

>> No.13265700
File: 62 KB, 540x720, hort2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's conduct the job interview right out here by the drive thru

>> No.13266115

>Tims hiring a white lady
I don't believe it for a second

>> No.13266152

This goes in my cursed image folder

>> No.13266177


>> No.13266213

He immigrated into Canada from Europe
He emmigrated out of Europe to Canada
He said 'the EU' which stands for the European Union. And you have the gall to call someone a retard. I'm not even that guy but I sincerely hope an elephant fucks your dickhole with its trunk

>> No.13266311

Looks like they reheated it with a blowtorch

>> No.13266335

my drunk ass friend
it was cool, actually
no problem

>> No.13266459

I live in fucking Vancouver and I still have not been to a Time Hortons in the last 2 years that has had any more than 4 flavours of doughnut in stock. I honestly don't know what the fuck happened I just want a shitty, stale Maple Dip and I have to settle for crullers. I still like the chili though.

>> No.13266481
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>> No.13266483

fuck tim tims. all the ones in new york serve nasty fucking coffee and are staffed by mudpeople

>> No.13266528

Go back to India

>> No.13267036


they're called canadians

>> No.13267216

>remember coffee time lads?

Used to go there on break and after work while I was working doing landscaping in the summers. There was something nice about getting mediocre coffee and smoking cheap cigarettes with my coworkers.

Good old days, but thank fuck I finished university and work in an office now.

>> No.13267392

Got the coffee a few times on a road trip to Quebec. Actually liked it a lot which surprised be because I hate basically all fast-food coffee (Dunkin, McDonald's, etc) and generally make my own in a French press.
Did I luck out or do I just have horrible inverted taste in coffee?

>> No.13267467

Lucked out, for sure.

>> No.13267501

>nepotism ruins business

>> No.13267788

Image actually made me chuckle

>> No.13267815

What are"Timbits"?

>> No.13267817

Doughnut holes

>> No.13267851


>> No.13267905

I like the food but the coffee is ass, I usually get double doubles and the fact that I have to so it's not gross says alot

>> No.13267934

Incredible isn't it? The power of 'soft' indoctrination in a nutshell, by means of unrelenting repetition and ubiquity.

Plaid and hockey are based though.

>> No.13267940

I've had this and it was terrible. My boomer gf who's 20 years older than me said it was a good deal fml.

>> No.13267944

I too am incredulous

>> No.13268059
File: 169 KB, 402x420, 1573304883371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I just saw this thing for the first time today on the menu. What in the fuck were they thinking lmao.

>> No.13268175

It is the pinnacle of canadian culture. Bland, fake, the same everywhere, just immitating Americans. Even the money is American, now. But Canada's cultural identity would be tattered and crumble without the handful of brands and highly publicised bullshit gimmicks like nanaimo bars or whatever, would airport Tim Hortons ever cease to exist.

>> No.13268207

My thoughts exactly

>> No.13268580
File: 100 KB, 536x484, 1568604213780.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no boomer mommy gf

>> No.13268585

opa graveyard style

>> No.13268595

mommy likes her sausage!! :)

>> No.13269509

Holy shit talk about GRIM

>> No.13269944

>order a sandwich and coffee for two
>wait in line for 40 minutes
>several people that ordered before you get their food
>ask what's taking so long
>they didn't even start working on your order
>get money back and leave hungry

>> No.13269996

I'd still eat these desu

>> No.13270212

Right is better.

>> No.13270370

why do you post this thread over and over?
I understand the anger but get a life

>> No.13270390

smoking sections were kino

>> No.13270433

i hate timmies as much as the next guy but some of the flip workers are cute and they love when i come through the drivethru because im handsome and have a cool job

>> No.13270477
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>but some of the flip workers are cute
Yellow fever is a mental disorder

>> No.13270486

great projecting

>> No.13270536
File: 140 KB, 828x1374, 1574588823496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they get the chance to win weekends off like Walmart generously offers?

>> No.13270547

>a boring dystopia

>> No.13270562

In Chicago, you could easily get shot for that sort of thing. You laugh, but seriously.

>> No.13270574

rollin for rotisserie chicken

>> No.13270661


>> No.13270979

Their dark blend is good, their breakfast sandwiches are too, but the bakery sweets are too sugary and substandard. Sucks in Canada Krispy Kream is rare as it was offering better donuts.

>> No.13271025

I have been back in Toronto for over a year. Is it really that bad? I only get coffee or their steeped tea haven't had any problems really. Then again I never buy food or donuts from them.

>> No.13271032

Their coffee's been worse lately. Not noticeable if you normally take a double-double but it's not good stuff.
Supposedly McDonald's is eating in to their supply line.

>> No.13271051

I only went to one, it was in the Alicante train station
>see girls speaking english
>I ask if they were Canadian
>they weren't

>> No.13271058

Im not sure about the whole mcdonalds vs tims coffee thing but theres definitely a big difference in taste, I rarely go to mcdonalds and their coffee was a lot better than Tim's shit water

>> No.13272350

disgusting eggs, so that eliminates 90% of menu. coffee is shit. everyone is a rude mud slime.

the only good thing there is the jalapeno bagel with cream cheese but they never understand what "double toast" means. also sometimes i get a vanilla donut and i sometimes regret it but canada so no dunkin and really no other place to get a quick donut beside tims.

>> No.13272422

The last time I went there I couldn't understand what they were saying because it was run by smelly brown people I guess.

>> No.13273251
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>> No.13273263

Everything but the donuts is gross, bad coffee never have the food you want to order and they dont have any substitution milks for coffee if you're lactose intolerant

>> No.13273303

Turns out that's a lie. McDonald's uses Seattle's Best Coffee, a Starbucks subsidiary.

>> No.13273307

i tried their hot dog wrap just because the idea of it was so preposterous
it was absolutely disgusting

>> No.13273318

I threw all my Tim Hortons travel mugs in the trash after reading this post.

>> No.13273357

I'd prefer the ones on right, more icing for me

>> No.13273394
File: 23 KB, 639x428, 1570242360684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Jesus, I've done fucking pizza delivery in some ghetto as areas, but we never had to deal with anything that fucking demeaning. Their even proud of how nice they think they are too.

>> No.13273520

Flip girls can go either way
Some look cute, other looks like ape mongoloids

>> No.13273547

i woulda opted for some new shoes, but hey

>> No.13273603
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I'm not Canadian but I've often been puzzled by the popularity over there of Tim Hortons. I've looked at the food and the menu and am struck by how utterly average it looks. I guess it's one of those "it's popular because it's popular" places. It's always there wherever you go, you know exactly what you're going to get, there's always a place to park, etc.

>> No.13273642

Nobody likes the food there. We Canadians are constantly confused as to why this simple coffee and doughnut chain keeps trying to make itself out to be some sort of trendy brunch bistro. I think the term they use internally is "fast casual dining", if that means anything.
But they're owned by Brazilians now so I can't expect their management to understand Canadian expectations for the brand.

>> No.13273648

i've started just starving myself and eating after I get home from classes instead of buying from Tim Hortons. The closest McDonalds is like 5-10min away ($1 coffee any size deal or whatever is so much better), and im too poor as a student for Starbucks or Second Cup which are nearby.

>> No.13274076


1 in 20 times you go you might get something decent.

i really only end up at TH on long road trips since you don't really have any other options when you're on a road trip outside of a bigger city. i just get coffee to feed my caffeine addiction.

it's very nostalgic for all canadians though, and like the other anon said they've branded themselves as a canadian icon.

>> No.13274085

coffee is consistently worse. it's watery and dull tasting. i used to somewhat defend it against mcdonalds, but it's to far gone now.

>> No.13274088
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i pass store number one everyday. its a joke what they did to the place a few years ago.

>> No.13274217

That doesn't even look like a place a manly trucker would get coffee and donuts during a long haul anymore. It looks like a place where some fucking faggot with faggot faggot faggot i like dick faagot faggggoooooooooo

>> No.13274860

Thata pretty standard for fast food stuff
The workers who get thrown into the kitchen stuff only do kitchen stuff, they never get anyone to show them how to run the counter so when kitchen is slow they just stand around chatting

Its inefficient but nobody in the kitchen will care to work counter as well because they sure as hell arent going to get a raise just because they can do two jobs

>> No.13275145

Every fast food place after 2010 is just a glass box

>> No.13276403

Their chicken bacon ranch wrap is pretty decent
Who know was percentage of the chicken is actually chicken though, probably a lot of soy protein shit in there

>> No.13276461

Donut shops are part of canadian culture, Tim Hortons killed them all then itself and now is some brazilian zombie eating canada away one toonie at a time

>> No.13277236

The donuts are baked in Brantford? Is that why there are 14987237 locations in town?

>> No.13277248
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>mfw reading the wheel
'rotiserie chicken'
'cellphone holder'


>> No.13277303
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>> No.13277736

I know fast food poutine is usually bad but that is genuinely disgusting

>> No.13277749

What the fuck

>> No.13279318
File: 145 KB, 461x307, tunnbrödrulle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw you guys

>> No.13280224

I'd rather suck your dick than eat the company cupcake tbqh.

>> No.13280278
File: 78 KB, 950x633, head-Second-Cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Second Cup, but they are few and far between

>> No.13280310


>> No.13280373

Why are you defending that shit you corporate drone?

>> No.13280380


>> No.13280394

>Unmelted cheese, slop-ass cut
Yeah I'm going to stop you there

>> No.13280402

I don't know they both look like shit but left is not acceptable in any shape or form

>> No.13280408

This company has had my back for 11 years, and I will personally btfo anyone who tries to spread lies about them on the internet.

>> No.13280410


>> No.13280413

>working customer service for 11 years
You really don't have much going in life, huh.

>> No.13280424

Maybe when you get a job you'll understand.

>> No.13280426

Shame how much are they paying you to defend that shit. Dude c'mon that shit looks worse irl than when you compare irl McDonald's to the advertisements. I get that it was a job and they paid you but Jesus fuck, you're literally like one of those dudes who live, sleep, and breathe their cooperate chain BS that they damn sure know it ain't half of what it used to be.

>> No.13280450

A girl was murdered in the Tim Horton's back in my home town.

>> No.13280476
File: 25 KB, 300x250, 14947168607315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where were you when all this happened, son?

>> No.13280482

I understand customer service is unskilled labor for immigrant teenagers and absolutely not something to be proud of after 11 years of working a dead-end job.

>> No.13280493

Going to college in a different city.

>> No.13280689

>Went back to serving customers after killing the woman
Now that's what I call 5 star customer service!

>> No.13281901
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Sounds like he was really killing it!

>> No.13282490
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>> No.13283453

Keep your head up bro.

>> No.13283485

>thread is 6 days old
This site is really dying

>> No.13283670

i used to tip some old bag that worked at my local tims. went to it every night after work at abt 11.30, idk why. tipped her 2 bucks every night cause she was such a cunt i expected her to be nicer but nah, probably wasted 100 bucks on tips??

>> No.13283722

What the fuck? What part of the country is tipping at a fast food restaurant a thing? Must be Murrica

>> No.13284166

/ck/ has always been a slow board and week old threads aren't unusual when a board isn't /v/.

The text boards had threads stay up for the better part of a decade, even.

>> No.13286326
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>> No.13286363

Conceal carry so you can defend yourself against maniacs who want to kill you for saying "EXCUSE ME".

>> No.13286398

they just opened their largest UK store in leicester.
as a Leicestrian myself what am I in for?

>> No.13286472

I work drive thru at Wendy's, we do this so we can say we served it and the time stays green

>> No.13286481

No idea how they've kept afloat. The coffee got worse, the donuts got smaller, the food's never really been great. It's difficult to get coffee AND a donut at the drivethrough. Diners and superior coffee shops shut down to pave way for this insult to a quasi-legendary Jim Carrey lookalike? Every single Tim's should be dark roasted to the ground.

>> No.13286669
File: 14 KB, 250x238, 1428615387282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still is my go to

my shitfuck town in ontario still has one

>> No.13286780

Tim Horton's obviously reflects Canada as a nation.
>filled with brown people
>is fucking awful
>bitch to foriegn powers.

>> No.13286844
File: 29 KB, 600x602, 1438746282720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit quality.
When I moved to Canada 11 years ago it was okay, and then it started sliding.
Coffee is almost unbearable and super inconsistent.
Donuts are trash with no flavour other than that of corn syrup, not to mention they are about 2/3 of their old size.
Avoid place like plague. I have coffee percolator and french press at home, coffee always comes out absolute killer, I'd rather take travel mug with me than pay for this absolute garbage.

>> No.13287135

I hate the coffee, and the tea, and the sandwiches, and the soup, and the donuts, and the muffins.

Everything they sell tastes like garbage. I don't understand why anyone buys this shit.

>> No.13287188

If Greggs is a 100, tims would be a 10

>> No.13289211

Who here apple cider and slush mix Chad?
Oh wait...

>> No.13289254

they taste like cloying fluffy floury desserts just like the shit at any other chain coffee place.

>> No.13289327

I've had to do a bunch of traveling recently, ended up having a fair amount of timmies on the road
and my god, a 6 hour drive while burning a hole in the seat of your pants because their wraps are somehow worse for your guts on a bumpy series of country roads than mcdonalds could ever be

I hate modern timmies
at least the food was edible before

>> No.13289421

Would rather fly aircanada for 30 minutes or eat 5 wraps at timmies no sause.

>> No.13289690

You'd have to wait in line for longer than 30 mins just to get the wraps