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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13241680 No.13241680 [Reply] [Original]

why does this trigger people so much?

>> No.13241695


>> No.13241742

Because you don't have to break it in half. Place one end of the pasta in the boiling water and press down. Eventually, the part that's submerged will bend, allowing you to fit all of the unbroken pasta in the pot.

>> No.13242163

>end up with unevenly cooked pasta.

>> No.13242168

>spin my fork in the pasta
>it just creates more mess
th-thanks for the advice.

>> No.13242171

Apparently it makes you gay, that's why I don't do it

>> No.13242173

you only need to do that if your pot is too small

>> No.13242174

In a perfect world we would be able to buy folded pasta squares like in ramen packets where this isn’t a problem

>> No.13242194

Just buy fresh pasta instead of the dried stuff then.

>> No.13242198

In a perfect world dried pasta would be fresh and this wouldn’t be a problem.

>> No.13242202

in a perfect world we wouldn't be restricted to up keeping this high maintenance body and wouldn't need to eat to live, we wouldn't be dependent on air to live, we wouldn't be dependent on water to live.

>> No.13242434

She's making a soup. Maybe if you faggots would watch the cartoon you wouldn't get so upset over this.

>> No.13242549

Oh, like a minestrone? Yeah, breaking the spaghetti into smaller pieces is pretty much mandatory then.

>> No.13243288

Because people are stupid

>> No.13243310

It only takes like 20 seconds for it to soften enough to be pushed down, not really long enough to make a difference in how evenly it's cooked. Breaking pasta in half affects the texture a bit in a way that I don't like though, it feels more "loose" if that makes sense when it's been broken.

>> No.13243518

Because anime is awful.

>> No.13243521


It takes 5 seconds, it's magic

>> No.13243522

I hold one end of the pastas in the pot and when it's done I flip the bunch over and hold the other end in. That way my pasta doesn't get unevenly cooked

>> No.13243530

It takes like 5 seconds, the pasta doesn't come out uneven at all.

>> No.13243845

she's literally wearing toothpaste

>> No.13244039

Cooking while camping generally sucks.

>> No.13244053

You retarded, i made spaghetti for the first time, without breaking in half, it come out perfect.

>> No.13244866

What's the cartoon called? I want to see more of this person who wears toothpaste around their neck. Thanks to >>13243845 I'll never be able to not see it.

>> No.13244870

Who is this anime?

>> No.13244970

Yuri Camp

>> No.13244972
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>> No.13245312


>> No.13245560
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>> No.13245846


>> No.13246261

because anime is for trannies

>> No.13246330

Yuru camp. I think OP's scene is from episode 2

>> No.13246347

because you dont need to break it in half

>> No.13246356
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>anime is for trannies

>> No.13246366
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Anime website

>> No.13246376
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>> No.13246384
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>> No.13246388

based, tranime sucks

cope lol

>> No.13246389
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>> No.13246391
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>> No.13246393

Getting fussy about noodles is bizarre. Noodles are prole chow for milling throngs of subhumans like asians and peninsular eyetalians.

The more often they break their noodles, the better for the rest of us as we are less likely to be subjected to obnoxious slurping sounds from these animals if the noodles are shortened.

>> No.13246399
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>> No.13246646
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>> No.13246676

Noodles are asian. Pasta is italian.

>> No.13246677
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>taking advice from gooks

>> No.13246684

It's the best anime of 2018 and season 2 is gonna be the best of 2020.

>> No.13246760

>better than non non biyori
Yea no

>> No.13246774
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I tried it, doesn't work. Fuck you.

>> No.13246788

Pasta nest

>> No.13246795
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>> No.13246804

The movie was great and I watched it like five times in a week but I don't think NNB really works that well in a long-form format. I hope Silver Link isn't doing three shows at the same time like they've been doing a lot lately when thy get around to season 3.

>> No.13246811

italians are autistic, much like the japanese.
thats why they were both on the axis forces with germany.

>> No.13246846

>anime website
Shut up, jannie. Stop abusing your position.

I'm convinced that it's the same faggot who posts this retort over and over while never getting banned but anyone who fights back does and I'm convinced that you have to be a jannie to have such a good KDR for those bans.

>> No.13246866

Not him but people have been saying the same thing for fifteen years. There are so many other shithole websites you could hang out on and you insist on hanging out on an English-language clone of a Japanese otaku website made by a teenager to get anime porn. Where do you people even come from?

>> No.13246904

>Where do you people even come from?
Stormfront and r/thedonald.

>> No.13246914

the manga and the anime are garbage.

>> No.13246933
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Rin is my wife

>> No.13246957

Be careful not to choke on your noodles, Nadeshiko.

>> No.13247021

I cooked spaghetti like this tonight and it was okay.

>> No.13247169

If you had cooked it the right way it would've been great.

>> No.13247379

i'm completely out of the loop when it comes to anime, but i think i saw somewhere that this was some kinda animetized outdoors/camping show? anyone know what the name of it is?

>> No.13247394
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Christ what a newfag

>> No.13247405

The 90s. Anonymous era internet. Anime was a little fringe then, and it's everywhere now, so it's more peculiar that animefags flock to this website than it is that oldschool internet users do.

>> No.13247801

Google image search

>> No.13248283
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In a perfect world, men like me would not exist.

>> No.13248940

>and it's everywhere now, so it's more peculiar that animefags flock to this website than it is that oldschool internet users do
Huh? Anime was huge in the 90s. People talked about it in every newsgroup even if it was completely off-topic. And as I said, the site is a manifestation of wapanesery itself. It's more peculiar that people like you hang out here.

>> No.13249145
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A line of spaghetti is longer than any travel pot. If you don't break it it will not fit, cook unevenly or waste temperature for cooking because a lid can't be closed on it. In most cases the noodles themselves are used for a soup rather than just pasta because then you are wasting a hydration source. You eat soup with a spoon, and if the noodles are too long they won't stay on the spoon.

Spaghetti needs a large pot for it to be cooked whole.

>> No.13249163




>> No.13249594

So you only hung out on the faggot newsgroups. Makes sense that you're fucked in the head today.

>> No.13249620

long pasta > short pasta

>> No.13250218

because rin will never be real

>> No.13250391


>> No.13250409

It’s just prebroken, you just don’t get it

>> No.13250464
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I cut the pasta in half with my fork anyway, if it was cooked without breaking in half. You don’t need to spool up a giant mouthful of pasta on your fork with each bite, unless if you are morbidly obese.

On another matter, you don’t need to add olive oil as you boil the pasta. This makes the sauce slide off the pasta when it’s done. Stop doing that. You aren’t Chef Ramsay, and you aren’t making the pasta taste better. If anything, throw in some salt as it boils.

>> No.13250538

>not knowing that spaghetti and ramen are literally the same thing

>> No.13250596

What's fucked in the head about not understanding why people complain about anime on an anime website?

>> No.13250749

An order should never take forty minutes to arrive at a restaurant. There's no excuse for that. Either a manager fucked up and didn't schedule enough people for the shift or the staff on the clock fucked up by not managing time properly or not being adequately prepared.

>> No.13250980

Yuru Camp

>> No.13251083

What is it with people and the "twirling my fork" autism, half the time I don't even twirl the fork I just grab and go.

>> No.13251710

Weak bait.

>> No.13252037

it KILLS the poor pasta!

>> No.13252414

white people hate it when other races improve upon their food

>> No.13252416

Nonwhite people hate it when they have to look at themselves so they say whites do the pathetic shit they do

>> No.13252427


>> No.13252431

>t. esl

>> No.13252434

this, it's like the white people version of cultural appropriation. i always find it hilarious how mad europeans get when they hear about japanese cheese.

>> No.13252446

or you can be a faggot like alton brown and start your pasta in cold water, bringing it all to a boil at the same time

>> No.13252456

>I find it so funny when white people are faggots like us
Listen to yourself m8

>> No.13252481

wait, do you think i'm not white?

>> No.13252486

Lmao, considering how mad italians get whenever I even say the word "parmesan", I can only imagine.

>> No.13252491

you lack reading comprehension

>> No.13252497

You can be white and consider whites to be others and nonwhites to be “us”. For all intents and purposes you are a dumb shitskin, or you act like one for social reasons.

>> No.13252498
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To truly trigger the europoor, just mention Napolitan spaghetti.

>> No.13252503

Well, that's one way to admit you were wrong. Apology accepted, shitskin.

>> No.13252511

based, shitskins need to stop getting mad about cultural appropriation. imagine actually getting offended by halloween costumes or whatever SJWs are getting mad at these days.

>> No.13252513

I don’t consider jealous subhumans us but hey that’s one way to admit that they are all shit in human form.

Biggest joke of our times is calling them people of color, whites are the people of colors, they are just the people of shit.

>> No.13252517

Naw, you're just a white person who not only posts on a Japanese animation board, but gets mad about it too. You are a shame to our race.

>> No.13252521

This has got to be one of the most embarrassing displays of backpedaling I've seen on this board. Why are some people so autistic lmao

>> No.13252522

Like for real can we just talk about what a misnomer that is, like imagine some undiscovered humans that were totally advanced like us found us and was confused about the whole situation. They would think whites are the people of color when you say people of color, you’d have to explain to them that we say that to make them feel better about being the color of shit.

>> No.13252525

this shit is good
4chan generally attracts autistic people like him. Just let him talk to himself like he's doing here >>13252522

>> No.13252526

>I don’t consider jealous subhumans us but hey that’s one way to admit that they are all shit in human form.

>> No.13252530

you know how i can tell you're an american?

>> No.13252534 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 2000x2000, 97F3D62B-27F6-49B0-84CD-F599906ED7B4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the intellectually dishonest probable left wing voter, I didn’t backpedal at all but you are going to take that as a victory? Only a low IQ person could do that, just like only a low IQ person would be left.

>> No.13252539

Even the fact that he is using the term "people of color" probably means he's either a hispanic/black living in the US.

>> No.13252543

More intellectual dishonesty from lefties right here, “poc” has been in again. If for some reason lying was impossible, no lefty would ever say anything again

>> No.13252545

bingo. hispanics "identify" as white in america, so he is basically just a mexican who thinks he is white.

>> No.13252547

More like the fbi classifies hispanics as white to hide the fact that white people don’t commit the crime in white countries.

To be nonwhite is to be the color of shit and to have no respect for others, explains why other races never went anywhere.

>> No.13252548

To be fair, some hispanics, those from purely Spaniard descent, are white. But not the kinds of people who whine about cultural appropriation and use the term "people of color", you're right about that.

>> No.13252555

Yuru camp is a good anime.
This. Or rather, sensitive white people, aka worse than niggers.

>> No.13252558

>it's like the white people version of cultural appropriation
Wait so, after complaining about cultural appropriation you are making fun of white people for complaining about cultural appropriation? Do nonwhites not care about being hypocrites?

>> No.13252559
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>> No.13252562

Yep, like I said, they bring shame to our race by making us look as bad as niggers.

>> No.13252567

cheers buddy! shame it's shit and has very little focus on the camping aspects, merely using it as an engine to move character interaction

>> No.13252568

That’s just what lefties are, hypocrites. They have to censor opposing opinions and maintain an echochamber because of how shit theirs are, you can see this case in point by the lefties itt trying to ignore arguments and just masturbatorily tell each other they are right

Say what you want about /pol/ but we never do that, we always argue in good faith

>> No.13252570

I don't know. How autistic do you have to be to get mad at breaking spaghetti in half to fit into a tiny camping pot. Although reading some of the autistic replies above me, I think I have the answer.

>> No.13252575

I have a theory that nobody is actually getting triggered by these things but we are all just mad at the people trying to trigger.

>> No.13252581

Reading through it does seem like they’re hypocrites and you’re right, cheers.

>> No.13252587

Don't be fooled, it's just one person replying to himself again and again. He gets mad that his posts don't get replies, so he replies to himself. He just did it again while I was typing up this post.
Nobody actually cares. Just the resident /leftypol/ refugee that likes to make white people look bad.

>> No.13252590

But you are the one who started trying to talk about white people being triggered in the first place, it seems more like you need this to be true and you’re refusing to engage.

>> No.13252599

What do you think this whole thing that just went down was, I’m really curious as to how you would describe this interaction. I bet it doesn’t start with “I posted bait”.

>> No.13252603

please tell me you actually cook pasta this way. that is so stupid i don't believe anyone would do it.

>> No.13252610

same reason asians get triggered when they see white people cook rice in a pot

>> No.13252618
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naw, the equivalent of that would be those japanese microwavable spaghetti (which honestly isn't bad)

>> No.13252622

I'm Italian and I always find stuff like this interesting. Only stupid white people actually get "triggered" by stuff like this.
>inb4 italians aren't white

>> No.13252629

Reminds me of Saizeriya when I visited Japan.

>> No.13252630

I only buy penne noodles so I don't have to break them apart

>> No.13252631

cute. something is wrong with you if you look at this picture and your reaction is "anger".

>> No.13252634

>stupid white people
You don’t need to specify stupid when it’s nonwhite people

>> No.13252636

What's with all the /pol/tards in this thread?

>> No.13252637

"Autistic" is probably a better descriptor for the kind of people who get triggered by this.

>> No.13252638

Smarter than u

>> No.13252640

Truest image ever made holy shit

>> No.13252644

/ck/ would be better off with post IDs. It is kind of creepy seeing all these posts with the same autistic writing style replying to themselves.

>> No.13252646

>the triggered tards trying to cope with being btfo itt

>> No.13252650


>> No.13252652

Most people are just behaving self interestedly, as such all the weak people would end up on the left and all the strong would end up on the right.

>> No.13252654

Yeah, you're right.

>> No.13252662


>> No.13252663

Yup, I didn't even have a stovetop when I was there so this was the only option.
But then how else will I pretend like I have people agreeing with me if I can't reply to myself!

>> No.13252667

It’s literally what they have to do, the left is only supported by an echochamber, that’s why they won’t dare argue and are just sucking each other off.

>> No.13252671

lmao you're right, there's like four posts just above mine that are just replying to themselves in a long chain, weird

>> No.13252675
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Because they're retards.

>> No.13252681

>most weak
>most strong
Nice English.

>> No.13252682

>the left is only supported by an echochamber
Truer words never spoken. Let the record show you tried to talk to them, and they just started talking to each other to cope with being wrong.

>> No.13252688

Can you actually argue with the idea though

>> No.13252693

Yeah, you can tell it's all one person because he does stuff like spell "echochamber" as one word.

>> No.13252695

lmao that's actually true

>> No.13252696

One person could have made those two posts and be replied to... how do we know you’re not samefagging, at least they have arguments

>> No.13252699

It's because he's esl.

>> No.13252700

Don’t bother, this is what the left does, they just agree with each other and refuse to meet you in conversation.

>> No.13252702

LOL this has got to be the funniest thing I've seen.

>> No.13252704

The post counter hasn’t been going up at all so, yeah they are just samefagging agreeing with themselves to cope with being btfo

>> No.13252706

agreed. also i like her hairbun.

>> No.13252709

If they had the ability to intellectually reason they wouldn’t be left.

>> No.13252713

kek, that's embarassing

>> No.13252718

SJWs are always samefagging because there aren't enough of them here unlike reddit where they came from.

>> No.13252719

Post counter didn’t go up here either. Hmm.

Samefagging with arguments>samefagging without arguments

>> No.13252721

they have to go back

>> No.13252724

So how many posts in this thread are about cooking? 5?

>> No.13252725

Post counter didn’t go up here either.

>> No.13252727

Yup, all the SJW posts in this thread are by one person.

>> No.13252729
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>> No.13252731

Post counter didn’t go up again! I don’t know what kind of victory you think plugging your ears and going “lalala” is, shows how low IQ the left is.

>> No.13252732

Yes everyone got that now, you dumb cunt.

>> No.13252736

I only samefagged when they refused to reply, I never called my posts based or replied with kek that was someone else I just posted more arguments.

>> No.13252868
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>calling pasta "noodles"
This better be some ironic maymay.

>> No.13252896

when you're out camping you can't waste energy on waiting for the fucking spaghetti to sink into the pot, are you people retarded

>> No.13253007

a) it's good
b) they do give you those authentic tooltips a couple times an episode

>> No.13253010

The animosity of the browns themselves pales in comparison to that of white progressives getting performatively mad on their behalf

>> No.13253046

I find mixed people get the most butthurt because of insecurity surrounding their identity.

>> No.13253126

That's called a joke, you literal fucking aspie.

>> No.13253151

>a couple of times an episode

oh wow stop the presses

>> No.13253172

>itt: /pol/tard echo chamber out in force