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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.45 MB, 4032x3024, 20191119_154947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13239617 No.13239617 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get this started. No fancy bullshit.

>> No.13239645

>Deep Space 9

>> No.13239659
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Is this a pasta? Tell me you wouldn't.

>> No.13239673
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No why would it be pasta?

>> No.13239678

Please cook steak in the toaster. Post results

>> No.13239682

That would take a while.

>> No.13239722
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Browning very nicely

>> No.13239729
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Almost done

>> No.13239732

meat is gross!

>> No.13239735

why do some people sear steaks without oil sometimes? the sear is always 10x better when I dump in a shit ton like this.

>> No.13239740
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It's about ... thyme!

>> No.13239744
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>> No.13239759
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>> No.13239773

>what kind of pan?
>normal butter or clarified?
>how high was the burner during the cooking?

>> No.13239776
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Dis gunna be good. I'll be back when I'm done eating.

>> No.13239786

looks fucking good

>> No.13239796

Meat eaters are cringe. Steak eaters are the worst, obsessed with the most basic cuts around

>> No.13239819
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Incase anyone is wondering what the inside looks like

>> No.13239824

>barely medium

>> No.13239826

Looks juicy enough to not need any sauce

>> No.13239832
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Looks dang good anon!

Steak should be cooked to medium-rare.

>> No.13239848

Sauces are sacrilege. Just basted in the butter and oil it was cooked in plus a little bit more on the potatoes. More than flavorful. Time for an after dinner drink.

>> No.13239849

Fantastic. I can smell it from here.

>> No.13239850

Wow, you basically boiled it in butter.
Use less butter at first to sear, then add more to baste with herbs.
Still looks good, but could have been great.

>> No.13239865

Wrong. Seared with oil then finished in butter thyme and garlic. Using butter to sear would just result in burnt butter. You have to use a much higher temp oil. Also fuck you the sear was great. It's like you posted this without even paying attention to my posts.

>> No.13239876

god you're so fucking stupid

>> No.13239909

You're right about oil, but then I don't drown my steak in butter afterward.
I mean, overall, you boiled steak in a pan, for a cut of meat that is meant to be cooked on open flame. And it just has a weak sear, so take your lumps. You posted it, and that shot of you boiling it in butter.

>> No.13239918

This guy >>13239876 is right, you're fucking stupid.

>> No.13239923

Why are steak purists so embarrassing

>> No.13239930

Go eat some ketchup.

>> No.13239932
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>> No.13239939
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>> No.13239944

I hate jadzia, such a dumb useless bitch

>> No.13239945

You just made a steak with light-brown searing in a pan. You're not cool because that's how Ramsey does it, and you're not cool for boiling it in butter. It's not the best way to cook steak and your steak is mediocre because of it, so just stop.
You didn't even get a good pan sear. It seared up like it was below Choice. It's almost gray tbqh.
Get a grip and stop taking authority from cooking shows. Use flames or very hot radiant heat. Pan is second tier my friend.

>> No.13239967

>tasty steak
My nigga

>> No.13240000
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Ya that sear in this pic >>13239776
is fucking aweful, almost grey. Stop being an obtuse twat. Also if you think Ramsay invented basting a steak in butter, thyme and garlic you're a bigger retard than i already think you are.

>> No.13240018

I don't eat ketchup, stop being a try hard it's embarrassing

>> No.13240020

Speaking for myself, Mighty Digits, I don't think Ramsey invented anything. I think he popularized it. And he enabled people to believe that steak-in-a-pan is something to brag about.
This is poverty-tier method and it shouldn't be encouraged. Steak-in-a-pan is what you do with Choice sirloin for breakfast, because it's fast and easy.

>> No.13240021

Can you answer me OP please?

>> No.13240053

Ever heard the saying about opinions and how everyone has one?

Ceramic pan
Canola oil for initial sear then regular butter to baste
High heat for initial sear then off the heat entirely to let the oil cool down then back over medium heat when the butter gets added.

>> No.13240065

But another man's shit on your dick isn't!

>> No.13240090

I don't know. Most people i know like to talk shit about pan cooking a steak and how they should only be cooked on the grill but then when I go to their house for steak it's always fucking trash that's cooked unevenly. It's almost like they're repeating a meme or something. There is a reason most restaurants prepare their steaks in a pan or on a griddle. The heat is even and easily controlled and the walls of the pan allow for the juices to collect so it can be basted or the fond can be used to make a pan sauce. Using a grill has virtually zero benefits.

>> No.13240100

what episode is this, OP?

>> No.13240105
File: 493 KB, 500x400, 1558615477279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my sear bro. no weak shit like the faggot in the OP.

>> No.13240107

It was the one where worf and jadzia go to riza but I skipped to the next one because i didn't want to spend 45 minutes listening to their relatíonship problems.

>> No.13240126

>like to talk shit about pan cooking a steak and how they should only be cooked on the grill
The guy that is having a meltdown above is the first time I see someone complaining about cooking a steak in a pan. Most of the time they complain when it's not cooked in cast iron.

>> No.13240173

TNG is best Trek, also steak looks good m8.

>> No.13240196

TNG might have been more iconic but it's definitely not better than DS9

>> No.13240197

Q is a piece of shit, but Voyager is the best. I've also never seen more than a few episodes of any other Star Trek series. Where should I start to get into other Star Trek stuff?

>> No.13240211

I have a cast iron pan but I typically just use my ceramics. The cast iron just doesn't distribute heat evenly enough for my taste and the time it takes to come up to temp is annoying. These pans I have are at the end of their life and I'll be upgrading to some nice stainless cookware soon. Maybe if a good black Friday sale comes around.

>> No.13240238

>Voyager is the best.
My brain started to stroke out
>I've also never seen more than a few episodes of any other Star Trek series.
Stroke averted, now it makes sense. Voyager was trash. Start with TNG as training wheels then move to the grown up's star trek which is DS9.

>> No.13240252

That's because most people have no actual idea how to cook on a grill. They think you hold it over direct heat like a caveman. To be fair I used to think like that, until I discovered an amazing invention known as a FUCKING LID that turns my grill into a smoke flavored oven and got myself a wireless meat thermometer. Direct heat is only for searing the outside.

>> No.13240257

Star trek is just zog brainwashing in sci fi form

>> No.13240265

And ds9 was def the best btw

>> No.13240270
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>not ghee

Never gonna make it

>> No.13240285

Thank you

>> No.13240293

I'm joking as I realize that Voyager is not the best and I would probably not like it so much if it was not the only one I've watched and I grew very attached to it in my teens after my mom died as a cope watching it at 2am on spike TV and 4pm after school. But I just haven't been able to get hooked on any other series. The attachment is deep, and I've probably seen every episode upwards of a thousand times. Not an exaggeration. It was the only thing I watched for years every day to comfort myself and the only way I could sleep was to have it playing in the background. I want to get into other series but never get interested. The TNG episodes I've seen were good enough but didn't interest me enough to keep watching.

>> No.13240300

>Most people i know like to talk shit about pan cooking a steak and how they should only be cooked on the grill
Those are what we call "the cooking retarded" or sometimes "grilling morons."

>> No.13240311

Voyager was literally the worst, it’s like you were born without taste buds

>> No.13240342

It's the only thing that could get me to sleep for more than an hour every night after my mom died REEEEEEE

>> No.13240358

this. voyager is like a soulless regurgitation of TNG with 10x obnoxious & most times off character cast. i want to take neelix's hand and shove it in a vitamix blender

>> No.13240359

yeah because its so boring

>> No.13240361

Voyager was better than Enterprise.

>> No.13240377

I didn’t watch enough of it to develop strong feelings honestly, but star trek has always been on the border of good sci fi and with voyager they gave up everything potentially interesting about it for a struggle with scarcity.

>> No.13240380

NELIX IS LOVE. FUCK YOU ALL. (jennifer lien is pretty nasty these days though)

>> No.13240403

More like I knew the fucking script to every show at that point and could drift off listening to it. But having gone years without watching it, now watching it is a different story. The forced diversity cast is pretty ridiculous and female captain thing is cringe. I will never stop loving it though. It still makes me feel good to rewatch an old episode, especially Someone To Watch Over Me.

>> No.13240501

>More like I knew the fucking script to every show at that point and could drift off listening to it.
i used to do this to the south park episode where cartman tries to exterminate the jews.

>> No.13240523

Lol which one? I know where he tries to exterminate gingers and he dresses up as hitler quite a bit.

>> No.13240552

That cut looks terrible. At least you knew well enough to baste with butter in garlic and thyme and let it rest.

>> No.13240557
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it's the one where stan wants his money back from mel gibson because he hated the passion of the christ.

>> No.13240562

Kek. It's too bad Matt and Trey have become enormous faggots.

>> No.13240840
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Turn off that whore and put Ezri on.

>> No.13240867

ezri was annoying and brought nothing to the show.at least jadzia was baddas who could fight, drink, gamble and fuck like an animal.

>> No.13240871
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>> No.13240881

the only people that like ezri are beta cucks that found a character that even they could feel dominant over.

>> No.13241831

>sauce means shit like A1 or ketchup
you're a moron.

>> No.13242059

I’m a little disappointed by the sides, I mean it’s good, but for me it’s always a loaded baked potato, sautéed onions & mushrooms and some tenderstem broccoli.

The steak looks great though.

>> No.13242067

I don’t see any salt and pepper

You want the butter to brown.

>> No.13242085

>No fancy bullshit
Ya dumb brat, that's already too much going on, unironically.

>> No.13242096
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Where is the pan SAUCE?!?!

>> No.13242102

Jadzia was ruined by the dumb basic bitch who played her

>> No.13242125

so basically it's disappointing because OP didn't read your mind and make the sides that you would have mad. congrats this is the most narcissistic post i've seen on this board.

>> No.13242215


>> No.13242221

Underwhelming, but solid effort. Especially considering the ramen eaters on this shitty board.

>> No.13242222


>> No.13242421

Dax is male. Arguably he was one of the early stages of the homo/tranny agenda given the age of DS9.

>> No.13242454

am I the only one who thinks thyme is overrated to use when cooking a steak?

>> No.13242618

Use tallow, or lard please.

>> No.13243584

Dax is a symbiant which has no gender. The host determines the gender.

>> No.13243601

I don't use it wverytime just like i don't use a butter baste every time. I mix it up and use Montreal seasoning sometimes and everyonce in a while i make a knockoff Outback Steakhouse seasoning which I love. If it's a really good steak just salt and pepper.

No thanks, butter tastes better.

>> No.13243602

>boiled it in butter
bro that's called frying

>> No.13243732

>No thanks, butter tastes better.
I guess you don't like beef.

>> No.13243770

I rub oil on the steak rather than put it in the pan. I doubt it actually affects anything as long as you're getting a proper sear.

>> No.13243820
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I was at the thrift store the other day and they had mugs for $0.99

>> No.13243858

nice brisket

>> No.13243869

The layer of hot oil makes fuller contact with the steak so you get a faster and more even sear. Also makes it crispier. There’s definitly a lot of benefits for a thin layer of oil in your skillet.

>> No.13243884

Nah, those are pretty common and popular steak sides in the US when going to steakhouses. I mean mashed potato is as well, but frozen pees? No.

>> No.13243943

Go make your own thread and make the sides you would want you useless twat.

>> No.13244880
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Let's make some grilled cheese and soup.

>> No.13244910

Mixing in some heavy cream and cayenne pepper into the tomato soup.

>> No.13244913
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>> No.13244926
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Fucking gorgeous

>> No.13244964
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>> No.13245047

>cut on the diag
you were so close
clear choice was strips to dip in the soup

>> No.13245054

strips lose heat too quickly.

>> No.13245059

I think it diminishes a good steak. I like it in braised dishes or soups but I don't want it corrupting a good steak.

>> No.13245088
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as men, is our primary purpose to argue about the most banal of things?

fuckin based

>> No.13245094

>as men, is our primary purpose to argue about the most banal of things?
as men? no. it's just this board.

>> No.13245105


i work with a bunch of women and they were all complaining about how all men do is argue about things.. i don't really see the problem.

>> No.13245119

waiting :-D

>> No.13245124

arguing is one thing but this board is just filled with contrarians. if use butter someone bitches i didn't use lard. if i use lard someone bitches i didn't use butter. i cut diagonal then someone complains i didn't cut strips. if i cut strips someone complains i didn't cut diagonal. people here are just ridiculous assholes who make up things to find fault with. it's been this way as long as i can remember.

>> No.13245131

for what?

>> No.13245147


is cereal a soup?

is a hotdog a sandwich?

>**spoiler alert** yes and yes **spoiler alert**

>> No.13245439

Congratulations, you now cook like a 9 year old.
There is literally no way to fuck this up.
Jeezus this thread, fucking cooklets

>> No.13245453


Steak in a pan is objectively based.. wood fire grill is second, all other grilling is shit. Broiling is shit (unless its an industrial broiler)

>> No.13245459
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>> No.13247324

Fuck you

>> No.13247845

>Worst Dax