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File: 149 KB, 1001x808, Kitchen-Knife-Sharpener-10.00-R120.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13238225 No.13238225 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking to get a set of kitchen knives and a knife sharpener for my wife as a gift, yes I'm certain that she wants it, and was hoping I could get your advice on a decent set I could get for less than $100 and what sharpener I should try to get

>> No.13238234

Inb4 stone autists
OP don't get autistic stones no matter how hard they try to shill them to you, you will never 'get it right' , trying to get into sharpening autismo will only discourage you and your wife from cooking. Just get cheap knives and one of those pass through sharpeners

>> No.13238257
File: 175 KB, 1600x1200, 1561486706067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of those pass through sharpeners
Do not listen to this lunatic.

>> No.13238264

Never used a pass through sharpener before
I use whetstones. They're really not bad. Just takes little patience and practice. Don't fall for the 1000/3000 grit meme. Get something like 240/800

>> No.13238266

>subject cheap $1 knives to years if not decades of degradation
Stone shills are in desperate mode

>> No.13238276

Carbide will shred any knife steel known the man.

>> No.13238277

My wife isn't a patient woman so a stone probably isn't a great idea, she used to work in a deli and there they had some attachment to their slicer to sharpen knives and she misses how sharp they were

>> No.13238278

A good chef's knife, bread knife, paring knife and kitchen shears will be enough for 99%. I would avoid buying a pretty knife set that comes in a block. At that price point you should focus on getting a few good knives. ATK has a bundle of their best reviewed essential knives here: https://shop.americastestkitchen.com/essential-knife-set.html

if you buy these separately from amazon they cost around $70.

This is a bretty good sharpener for $30:

That gets you to ~$100. you should also get a honing steel as well but you can get some pretty cheap ones.

>> No.13238292

Stop shilling stones OP will not fall for it. I hate stone autists so damn fucking much bros I can't stand it , because they don't enjoy cooking, they can't probably even cook, they don't cook in fact. They only care about tinkering with their stones and fancy knives and shit

>> No.13238295

I used a whetstone for a while but now I'd just rather use a pull through with my victorinox chef's knife I use for 90% of the cooking i do and get a new one every year but that's just me.

>> No.13238300

Maybe if you would stop shitposting and learn to use a stone already you wouldn't be so pathetically frustrated every time it comes up.

>> No.13238315

its been established that a stone is not a suitable choice for this case. They aren't for everyone. thats ok.

>> No.13238317

Learn to cook stone fag

>> No.13238329

I accept that they aren't for amputees or people with crippling mobility issues, but OP has given no indication that he fits either category.

>> No.13238337


>> No.13238348

is this what happens when you inhale too much aluminium oxide dust?

>> No.13238404
File: 89 KB, 1024x838, knife-sharpener-1024x838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP don't bother with those manual pull sharpeners. They don't do a good job of a setting a new edge on the blade. Just get a Chef’sChoice Trizor XV EdgeSelect and be done with it. Yes it's a little over $100 by itself. But if you're like me you already have a kitchen drawer full of cheap dull knives anyway or can get a bunch of them for literally quarters at the Goodwill store all of which this thing will put a new 15-degree edge on and cut as good as any non-XXX$ blades will continuously.

There is no point in investing money into new knives if you aren't realistically gonna hone and sharp them regularly and that means getting something that will be the entire job quickly, easily, and effectively to make the routine more painless. The downside of the Trizor is that does take off more metal from the blade at a time than whetstones do but if you're just using cheapo normal knives who gives a fuck? Actual restaurant kitchens use disposable Dexter knives like this:
and then throw them in the trash after a month's use when they get too dull on the prep line and then swap them out.

>> No.13238520

Thank you guys for giving me specific things to look at I will do a little more reading into what you have shown me
And thank you to everyone who gave advice instead of arguing

>> No.13238552

These knives look impossible to use. That curve...

>> No.13238603
File: 40 KB, 660x500, 38021[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get good stainless steel and a pull through. Then, for mother's day or whatever get a stone and a steel. Victorinox and Ikea are good choices and well-regarded, even here in fu/ck/tardland. Don't listen to the stonefags and the knifetards. Your wife doesn't need an edge to hold all night, unless she cooks professionally. Use the pull through as a daily/weekly fix. Then, start using the steel daily, pull through once in a while, and stone once a month. They are all good tools, and they all serve different purposes.
IMHO, though, don't use a pull through on hard steels (cro-moly) or high carbon. I could be mistaken, though. You can get a set of three or four of pic related on Amazon (chef, paring, kitchen) for about 100, often less.

>> No.13238823

>get a new one every year but that's just me.

Yeah, it is just you. Thank god.

>> No.13238841

Yeah watch that video at 1:17 to see what a shitty pull through sharpener will do to you edge. $100 that was done by exactly that kind of sharpener.

>> No.13239913

Either get some Norton soaking stones or pick up some lapped marble at home depot and get some 3m lapping film. If you're going the film route I'd get a fast cutting low grit stone for setting bevels.