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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13228486 No.13228486 [Reply] [Original]

Mongol food > Chinese food

>> No.13228578

I thought all Asians are lactose intolerant.

>> No.13228585

And that is why the Mongols and not the Chinese rule the world today.... Oh wait....

>> No.13228590

China does run shit though, the west is basically just a roastie

>> No.13228591

>momgoliaboo writes a thing


>> No.13228597

the original chinese that the mongols fought against are basically non-existent though

>> No.13228598
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>> No.13228600


>And that is why the Mongols and not the Chinese rule the world today.... Oh wait....
China as it existed back then doesn't anymore, simply. The Mongolians and other steppe peoples took over, moved in, and bred out the locals. China today IS the Mongols, or their descendants

oh hey i've been looking for this for forever

>> No.13228616

the mongols diet was a product of limitations and living on very rough land that didnt support a whole lot of settled agriculture...similar to say inuits, sami,masai, etc, this had drawbacks tho as these groups tended to stay kinda small and localized as such diets and ways of life dont sustain large populations

the mongols had a big empire but it didnt last, they werent particularly good administartors wheras the chinese on the other hand have had more and longer lasting stable empires becuase settledagricultural socioties are just better at administration and long term planning becuase its pretty fundamental to their socioty

also the more nomadic/herding culture type diet tends to work becuase you work a fucking ton....becuase its hot as shit or cold as shit and your running around, riding around, doing lots of manual labor....such diets also when scaled up for much bigger populations are super intensive and unststainable and not environmentaly concious

>> No.13228623

Seems like fucktarded lefty thoughts to me

>> No.13228633

mix of population aside, mongolian culture and diet had a prety negligable impact tho, on most regions in fact....they didnt realy spread their culture or leave big imprints....they were an impresive empire in terms of size and spread in a short time span, but in the long run it was a flash in the pan which fizzled out and didnt leave much behind

>> No.13228638

>they werent particularly good administartors
>they didn't leave anything behind

The Mongols were amazing administrators, they spread a unified legal system across the eurasian continent. The problem the Mongols had was succession crises, every time a Khan died they all had to ride back to Mongolia and duke it out to see who was in charge. Also their tendency to burn down fucking important libraries jesus fucking christ

You sound like a salty Chinafag.

>> No.13228639

Where's is Mongolia now? Where is China now? Case closed

>> No.13228640

But cucking! Haven't you read the shitpost from /pol/? China don't real only feel.

>> No.13228645

nah dude, pretty much just history
also diet in mongolia is presenting chalanges today....partly introduction of more proscessed foods, but also its the old high meat and fat diet coupled with lifestyle changes which has created high rates of cardiovascular disease

>> No.13228648

>we supposedly all have some of ghengis khans dna
>mongols had no influence

>> No.13228649
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yeah but if you aren't an ETHNIC mongol this means jack shit. Same goes for fucking Inuits and so on. All this is is weak ass bait that attracts people of the lowest denominator

>millions of flies agree that eating shit is great so it can't be wrong!

>> No.13228658
File: 121 KB, 600x600, 600px-Liao_Dynasty_in_1025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "China" that the Mongols fought was obliterated in the early 1200s

>> No.13228659

Enjoy your carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds, PAHs, and heterocyclic amines.

>> No.13228662

Bloodmouths are so obnoxious

>> No.13228665

I’m a zoomer though, I don’t get to grow old anyway

>> No.13228667

>t. "guilt free" herbivore

>> No.13228669

amazing administarors.....had to go back to mongolia for fist fights any time a leader died.

their empires lived and died on leaders, and once they died the empire/s tendeded to get fragmented,

im still sticking with shitty administrators who had poor long term plans

im not saying they sucked, just that as empireswent they had some real weakneses and longevity issues, and like you said burned libraries( and a lot actualy, they were better and conquest realy)

>> No.13228676

Not even braindead slavs and turks kept mongol administration after it collapsed

>> No.13228696

Lactose intolerance is basically not being able to digest lactose on your own.
Luckily milk provides the enzymes for braking it down itself, but the get destroyed in the heating process.
Most "lactose intolerant" people can drink raw milk just fine.

>> No.13228718


>> No.13228722


>> No.13228751

ur pp ded

>> No.13228763

China has the largest middle class by volume, and it’s fucking growing, not shrinking like every western country. We are complete buffoons destroying civility and culture and call ourselves progressive for it while they enforce family values with a social credit score. We have been totally outclassed.

>> No.13228771

>enforce family values

>> No.13228775

That’s because you’re just a dumb fuck two digit IQ lefty who doesn’t even know what they’re talking about

>> No.13228783


>> No.13228791

Don't respond to Chang, he gets a comie social point for every (you)

>> No.13228843

>Mongol ex-gf doesn't text me back anymore
>no more buuz or tsuivan

>> No.13228849

>culture and diet had a prety negligable impact tho
I guess you can't just "rape" genes that makes you lactose tolerant into peopl
odd how that works though

>> No.13229432

Dumbass /his/let

>> No.13229980

The Chinese are Mongols smooth brain.

>> No.13230021

based brainrot poster

>> No.13230097

Wow so mexicans have always been cubby chasing fatties I guess.

>> No.13230131

Song was still Chinese. North were Jurchens though.

>> No.13230145
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This might be easier to read

>> No.13230153

I'm sorry but it seems to me Mongols are a weak nation subservient to Chinese? Hmm?

>> No.13230162

they sure are now, they are also the niggas that pulled off the biggest empire in human history, including making the chinks their bitches

>> No.13230168

Biggest land empire. May I remind you the sun didn’t set on the british flag.

>> No.13230238

alright, but still biggest empire of the old times, before guns were invented

>> No.13230280

They certainly conquered the entire eurasian continent. They didn't bother with britain or the nords since they were primitives living in stick mud huts and it wasn't worth crossing an ocean.

>> No.13230283
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>he doesn't realize the mongolblood inside of every chinese rapebaby is what makes them so successful

>> No.13230286

I made a post like this months ago about the romans and got told to go to /pol/.

>> No.13230327

This. Also I'd like to see the cardiovascular health of these superior mongols. Wouldn't be surprised if it's similar to that of the Inuits - diseased.

But really we know little of their diet from this excerpt. They also ate a variety of fruits. What was the calorie intake and expenditure like compared to that of the Chinese soldiers? From what I've read Chinese soldiers used grains as a staple but incorporated whatever vegetables and meat (including tried) they could. I'm willing to be the soldiers were rationed a bare minimum.

... and neither are very worried about old age, dementia, strokes, etc... OP's excerpt only maybe demonstrates that meat and dairy is an easy calorie in nomadic scenarios. Cool?

>> No.13230871

Depends on how you define biggest

The ancient Persian Empire had control over 44% of the world's population at the time

Maybe not biggest by land, but rather huge in terms of who they ruled over

>> No.13230915

vegans BTFO

>> No.13231030

People get extremely defensive over white people

>> No.13231350
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>men who ate balanced diets were stronger than starving chinks forced into military service that were protein deficient because the only thing their feudal lords allowed them to eat was a thin rice gruel
Yeah man, humans are obviously pure carnivores. Omnivores BTFO.

Lactase does not naturally occur in milk.

>> No.13231386

They can drink goat milk since it's much lower in lactose.

>> No.13231493

what the fuck

>> No.13231513

should i just buy a bunch of steak and chicken from the store from now on?

>> No.13231538

top zoz

>> No.13231804

He called you a dumbass because you did not read his first post correctly. Nothing to do with the strength of the Chinese economy.

>> No.13231817

I don’t understand what you mean

>> No.13231855


>> No.13231971
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>> No.13231976

Do you understand what you mean?

>> No.13232026

>sorceresses make fun of him
>fucks the sorceresses