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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13227354 No.13227354 [Reply] [Original]

Is french cuisine a meme? They don't seem to actually have anything but a bunch of shitty poor fag stews and steak and french fries. Like what does high end french cuisine actually have besides muh fois gras meme.

>> No.13227365

What elevates French cooking is that they systemized and categorized their cooking on an industrial scale so it can be reproduced in exacting detail and provides an immovable foundation on which to build.

Without French cuisine, food would still be guesswork and witchcraft.

>> No.13227370

Yeah but cooking method isn't cuisine, it's just an aspect of how to make a dish. The actual dishes don't seem very high end, diverse or tasty not counting desserts.

>> No.13227385

Try them yourself instead of opining on the internet.

>> No.13227396

What is there to try? It's just a bunch of stews and pies in some basic gravy with mushrooms or some shit. The dishes aren't very complex or original. I couldn't even find a single Chevon dish. It really reminds me of English cuisine. it's just a bunch of meat pies and varieties of chicken cattitore, the only standout I can think of is fois gras.I'm genuinely interested in french dishes, especially on the higher end, but they seriously think Steak and french fries is a real dish.

>> No.13227398

>poor fag stews

Poorfags can’t afford French brandy to drink, let alone burn off in a stew.

>steak and french fries


>> No.13227404

Try them yourself instead of opining on the internet.

>> No.13227412

French Cuisine is a total meme OP. They Invented the disgusting boomer casserole trend.

>> No.13227418

Try what. I've had the boring shit like coq au vin and torterrie and the memes like escargot. I am genuinely asking what high end french cuisine actually is because these basic stews and meat pies can't be it. Surely there is lots of stuff like fois gras right? Do they actually serve steak with some french fries and call it cuisine?

>> No.13227436
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>puts ham in bread
>calls it high end cuisine
>bans ketchup because kids prefer it to bland french food
>arab cuisine (which is just discount greek cuisine) becomes a cultural phenomenon
Literally meme'd their food being high end by having uptight waiters.

>> No.13227441

You keep obsessing over fries, which aren't even French.
It's pointless to discuss haute cuisine with you, you wouldn't recognize it if it bit you in the ass.

>> No.13227452

>It's pointless to discuss haute cuisine with you

>> No.13227459

>inb4 "French fries? Not French!? Hahaha xd"

>> No.13227547

You're confusing country french cooking and court french cooking. You'd have to go to a high end french restaurant to experience the latter and you know damn well your allowance isn't large enough for that.

>> No.13227611


seems like it's all a meme and they don't exist. Nothing outside fois gras and desserts are high end. I'm looked at a list of french dishes on wikipedia and found nothing but peasant stews and casseroles.

>> No.13227681

Make a pate en croute, that shit is delicous.

>> No.13227684

>dry beef pie
>haute cuisine
France really is a meme

>> No.13227690

Its food. What magic are you expecting out of it?

>> No.13227720

Don't call everything a meme just because you're depressed. It's alot about the experience aswell, invite some friends, try to perfect some classic dishes, drink some nice wines. Have a laugh enjoy the little things in life anon.

>> No.13227739

the casserole trend came from condensed soups in the 50's in America

>> No.13227754

butter, and lots of it

>> No.13227781
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Sales americains de merde
What you retards don't seem to understand is that france is like many other countries in that it's different regions produce different dishes. Sadly the only ones that make it to your shithole of a country are the ones that are popular in paris.

>> No.13227799

French cuisine is the best in the world, and I say this as an Italian (don't tell nonna)

>> No.13227800

Most cuisines are known for soups and stews

>> No.13227831

fine then, what are some complex dishes and actual haute cuisine.
not asking because i'm planning on being a faggot and responding with "hurrr you THINK THAT is good cuisine lmao at ur lyfe kid", i'm generally curious. can't promise other posters won't do that though

>> No.13227840

All that stuff they do on the finale of masterchef and shit. I don't see them serving a steak with french fries, ham in a baguette or some spin on hunters chicken. The desserts are fine, but I can't find a single french dish outside of fois gras that comes off as high end cuisine.

I realized this when looking for french Chevon dishes (a french word for goat meat) and couldn't fucking find anything.

>> No.13227847

Confit duck, cassoulet, tarte tatin, gratin, what the fuck sort of ignorant shit is OP babbling about? Have you even been to a French restaurant, much less France itself? Coq a Vin, Ratatouille, and the standard of cheese and bread etc are really good 'common' food too.

>> No.13227860

>, cassoulet, tarte tatin, gratin, Ratatouille
none of this stuff is appealing or high end. Confit duck is basic and the same as coq a vin just with different poultry. Gratin is the most disgusting white trash food on the planet. I noticed the french have lots of cheese and fish dishes too which is disgusting as cheese and fish doesn't pair at all.

>> No.13227863

i don't watch those types of shows but to be honest are the things they cook there traceable to a certain cuisine? i guess stuff like beef wellington is but when someone makes a filet mignon with a reduction of blah-blah blah over a canape of blah-blah-blah, is that really a dish from a national cuisine or some haute cuisine shit borrowing methods and ingredients from several different cuisines

>> No.13227871

Every final dish has an obvious base, and all three courses have to follow a theme and compliment each other, reflecting their culinary heritage.

>> No.13227877

you win lad, you know about food and france and all its history knows nothing. another victory for anon on 4chan.

>> No.13227880

well can't you name any dishes so i can look them up? don't feel like tracking down episodes.

>> No.13227882

Yeah france just seems like a total meme and nothing but smoke and mirrors. Spain seems like the real king of cuisine. France is glorified English food, even the Germans seem better. Seems pretty obvious when you look at the ratio of french restaurants to italian, spanish, indian, arabic , chinese etc etc in north america. I live right beside Quebec and there are hardly any french restaurants.

>> No.13227885

food knowledge overflowing from your huge food brain anon you've shown france up to be the emperors new clothes of a nation that it truly is not sure france can ever recover from this

>> No.13227889

flawless big brain logic. coming up next on Retards Of The Internet: sneed

>> No.13227892

Not an argument

>> No.13227893
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also not an argument.

>> No.13227894

i'm not arguing lad i'm saying how vast and impressive your food knowledge is and how france is on the ropes and will probably have to give up making food now thanks to the beating you've given it here

>> No.13227899

France couldn't even put up a fight. I just asked what the high end stuff was besides deserts and fois gras and they didn't have any. I wasn't even judging if the high end stuff was good or not. The peasant food certainly isn't good or unique enough to save them.

>> No.13227903

do another country lad i'm enjoying the way you effortlessly swipe them down and undo hundreds of years of lies it's compelling reading

>> No.13227907

No other country is considered top level cuisine when it's actually mediocre. The closest would be Mexico where all they have is variants on tacos and offal soups.

>> No.13227908

If you have to ask about French cuisine instead of going to France and experiencing it, you are a poorfaggot cooklet whose opinion on anything means fuck all to anyone

>> No.13227913

France is nothing but shitty corssant pastries. i've seen strictly dumping go there and it was embarrassing.

>> No.13227915
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>> No.13227919
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>> No.13227920

In America we have everything except French restaurants.

Why is that? Because every time a Frenchman opens a restaurant they price themselves out of the market, no one wants to spend $30+ for child-sized portions of overhyped steak and vegetables.

>> No.13227921

Americans typically have zero class so there's that too

>> No.13227923

You fool. Croissant is one the few good things to come from France.

>> No.13227926

The few french restaurants we have around here in ontario (with high ratings) are no more expensive than places like the Keg. They are just rare because they aren't popular, because the food is bland and uninteresting, despite bordering Quebec.

>> No.13227932

the only flaw in this argument is, given time it would find itself despite influence from the french

>> No.13227937

To hell with class I want to leave the restaurant feeling satisfied.

>> No.13227950

Pomme duchesse, pate, terrine, coquille lutee, gratin oysters, tournedos rossini, duck with orange, steak tartare, the larded poultry, poched fish dishes, sole a la meuniere, lobster bisque, creme brulee, soufflee, sabayon, parfait, cannele, macarons, pat de fruit, brioche, pain levain, all the cheeses, all the wines, chocolate mousse, icecream.
Just look up everything from the escoffier and paul bocuse

>> No.13227951

Go to one of your shitty fast food chains and shove some fried trash down your fat gullet, then come home and trash talk French cuisine on the internet in between puffs from your asthma puffer

>> No.13227990

This. Also, great emphasis was placed on presentation of multiple courses and wines that complimented each other.

>> No.13228016

Croissant is from Austria.

>> No.13228019

we call it kurvasant here in bulgaria

>> No.13228065
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k which recipe will get you to stop autistically responding to every single person that has proven you wrong already?

>> No.13228132

My life has been turned upside down.

>> No.13228137

I guess you can live in Australia now.