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File: 63 KB, 760x411, tradition-apple-pig-s-mouth_f7ed4e6ca0c3bfa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13216356 No.13216356 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever ACTUALLY seen or cooked a whole roast pig with an apple stuffed in its mouth like in all those old movies and cartoons?

>> No.13216361

Are we gonna just ignore the glowing green eyes on this porker?

>> No.13216365

I'm colorblind, so I thought those were cherries. wtf?

>> No.13216370

They’re just mustard gas pods, pretty standard fare, you can make it at home

>> No.13216379

On closer inspection, the pictured pig has a tomato in its mouth.

>> No.13216402

I declare this picture cursed. The apple that is really a tomato, the glowing green eyes, the overall effect...there is something demonic at work here.

>> No.13216427
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>> No.13216456


>> No.13216467

are those green cherries?

>> No.13216474

They are windows into the undiluted satanic essence of Be'elzebub himself.

>> No.13216476


>> No.13216483

Once actually, it was interesting to see in person

>> No.13216504

Yes, but it didn't have an apple in it's mouth. Spit-roast pig over a charcoal fire is one of the greatest things I've ever eaten.

>> No.13216506
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My dad promised to get me a roasted full suckling pig if I got above a 3.6 GPA in college. A figure which I exceeded at a GPA of 3.86. Which upon receiving and graduating, my family informed me they were just joking about giving me a suckling pig, or a party. So instead we had fried chicken (which I had to cook myself) and a couple of relatives over on the weekend.

This was significantly less disappointing than my mother and father forcing to sell my position in bitcoin to "focus on my studies" otherwise they would stop paying for my college and apartment. Haha thanks mom and dad!!! I totally didn't want to be a millionaire before i turned 25!

haha. HAHA.

>> No.13216509

We are lord of the flies.

>> No.13216513

idk if it's related but I cook chicken with a whole onion shoved in its chest cavity.

>> No.13216552

If there's one thing my parents taught me it's: anything you say can and will be used against you. No matter the context or the people.

>> No.13216553

>letting mommy and daddy dictate your investments

You got bullied out of a mansion

>> No.13216564

Those are limes

>> No.13216569

The eternal boomer strikes again!

>> No.13216574

>You got bullied out of a mansion
>a mansion
I had several thousand bitcoins, since I was an early adopter. I was bullied out of a life (and following dynasty) of luxury.

>> No.13216595
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>> No.13216610

If it gives you heart now you might have a different perspective on a system that lets some toil their entire lives without much to show for it and lets others live in opulent luxury because they got lucky. Use this redpill wisely and for the betterment of the planet most dont get this far

>> No.13216612


>> No.13216651

sleep tight porker

>> No.13216721

I had planned to and have a huge party
I was making the preparations but then my room mate went ahead and ended up buying one already roasted from a restaurant and then delivered for the party
the pig was only 30lbs and it cost him $400. I didn't pay him because he did that purchase without running it by me
and of course as food people we here all understand how much he grossly overpaid for it

know what the worst part about it was? everyone was too squeamish to eat it

fucking white people I swear

>> No.13216755

Anyone who's been to one of those hawaiian luau tourist trap dinners.

>> No.13216830

Whole pig? Sure. Specifically with the apple? No. In fact I don't think it's usually cooked with the pig and just added afterward.

>> No.13216840

fuck them out of their money since they fucked you out of yours
you know what they say: turnabout is fair play

>> No.13217710

why did you even feel the need to tell them about the bitcoin

>> No.13217720
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>> No.13217744

I wanted them to invest so they could also benefit before the price took off. They didn't "get it" and threatened to make me homeless if I didn't stop "fucking around on the internet".

>> No.13217750

The luau at the polynesian resort at disney world in kissimmee is actually very very tasty. Or it was about 25 yrs ago when I tried it.

>> No.13217785
File: 293 KB, 685x1024, 3089233_1_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God i wish that were me

>> No.13217790

>Have you ever ACTUALLY seen or cooked a whole roast pig with an apple stuffed in its mouth

Yes I have seen it exactly once at a housewarming party thrown by an eccentric asian dude

>> No.13217811

Yeah, my hometown has a football (the European kind) tournament every Summer that ends with a feast of a whole roasted pig. The head is usually cut off and presented on the table with an apple in the mouth, and later when everybody's horribly drunk someone shows off by eating various bits of it.
It is not cooking with the apple, though.

>> No.13217821
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im chinese, whole roast pig is common. not sure why you'd put an orange in their mouth though.

>> No.13217845




>> No.13217849

I don’t believe bdsm is a real fetish, I think it’s just fashionable sex for normies

>> No.13217853

its a sea pig

>> No.13217859

If you don't believe submission/dominance and powerful/powerless dichotomies have a role in sex you very obviously have never had sex. I don't hold that against you but maybe you should go around forming these little theories about the "normies" until you've had at least some experience with the subject.

Maybe it's for the same reason that they put tomatoes in the eyes.

>> No.13217860

no, but yes except for the apple part. It's porchetta.

>> No.13217868

how much bitcoin are we talking here? and what year?

>> No.13217901

BDSM can be artistic, but it is very much a real thing for many people. I miss having the power dynamic in my relationship.

>> No.13217905

I am going to hide the thread before he answers that. I don't think I want to know.

>> No.13217913

I’ve had sex and I’ve been around long enough to know people do lots of retarded shit just for the image of it, to the point where there is a large group, perhaps the majority of people, who are totally meme addled followers. And I think bdsm is the fashionable politically correct memester kink for this kind of person. It’s the fetish of people who wore supreme brand.

>> No.13217922

I'm sure some people do it as a fashion statement, but your original post suggested that's all it is, and that's very obviously not true.

>> No.13217930

The "normies" that show it off are the minority. There are far more people that practice it in private because it is still taboo, and can cause alienation from work and family. Or in some cases could cost you your job.

>> No.13217943

You can buy a 500lb hog and get the hog butchered for like $900 where I live

>> No.13218058


>> No.13218059

Green fake cherries

>> No.13218077

Shitty parents

>> No.13218109

Butchers in Germany that do catering often offer spit-roasted whole pigs/piglets. If presented on the table, it sometimes gets the apple.

>> No.13218124

Break out the apple sauce

>> No.13218138

Same here. Absolutely delicious. I have an uncle that raises pigs and we do one at every family reunion. The classic bits like the belly are incredible but the ears, jowls nose, and eyes are also fucking delicious

>> No.13218148
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Same here, we do it for christmas.
It's enough to feed a family of 15 (with all the other food that Chinese families cook)

>> No.13218177
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>> No.13218248

That smile.

>> No.13218367

I hope you're already planning for the day of the pillow. Otherwise just find a retirement home with an all black staff.

>> No.13218400

>fucking white people I swear
Change that to fucking Americans, you swine. Spanferkel (rotisserie whole pig) is a staple and delicacy in Germany. It ain't got nothing to with white, that's an American thing, that whole "eww I don't eat that" BS. The brits love blood sausage and haggis, the french eat snails and frogs.

>> No.13218571

Sounds very boomer tier to be scared of eating an animal without it being pre butchered. Where the hell do people think their meat comes from?

>> No.13218580
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>several thousand bitcoin

>> No.13219097
File: 245 KB, 1200x900, cochinillo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have great Cochinillo in central Spain. So tender they cut it with a dish just for the laughs.


>> No.13219181

Pigs are treated the worst from all farm animals. Makes me feel bad because they are very smart and delicious.

>> No.13219283
File: 97 KB, 640x640, 1529075725811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mom taught me this tying to send me to court for missing too much class
this is pure evil and I love it

>> No.13219868

galzed pig mmmm

>> No.13219873


>> No.13220252

friend of mine in Vermont use to do it every year. We'd all spend the day drinking beer and smoking next to the pig. One year it fell on the ground after breaking the folding table we tried to put it on and I ate part of its brain. good stuff

>> No.13220294

The scout camp I used to volunteer at for free monthly camping trips did a pig roast every summer until they received too many complaints from the hippy faggot parents that it was "inhumane".

They had always removed the head as well as the feet before it was brought out to the spit, though.

>> No.13220295
File: 188 KB, 992x709, ass2ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vermont, eh? I guess that pig felt the bern

>> No.13220338
File: 145 KB, 585x396, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13220740

My sister had her wedding reception catered by one of those crews that do BBQ competitions. They did a whole hog, plus brisket, ribs, chicken, and all the usual sides. Shit was absolutely amazing, and there was still tonnes leftover at the end except for the pig. It didn't have an apple in its mouth, though, but I think it had an apple glaze.
We live in BC, but most of our family came from the Maritimes, if that's any reference for the demographic. Average age was probably 40+.

>> No.13220744

Hol up that a tomate not a apple.

>> No.13220769

I'm in a fantasy football league where we celebrate the end of the season with a full pig roast every year. We even go to a nearby farm and one of the members shoots the pig himself some years. Our friend flies in from LA to cook the whole thing overnight, and we've had a ton of celebrity/NFL cameos because the commissioner is rich and wasteful.

We have fire spinners and a bunch of other nonsense too. We were once on Sirius XM radio, and HBO threatened a lawsuit against us because the commissioner was trying to monetize content and our league was called "League of Thrones."

Lori Beth Denberg from All That attended one year. Anyways, he's quit the whole thing because he got sober, so it's not as cool now. But yeah, I have seen a fully roasted pig with an apple in its mouth.

>> No.13220775

Imagine having the full corpse of a formerly happy intelligent emotional animal before you, and still fail to grasp how you are no different than a chink dog eater.

>> No.13220785

Don't forget your B12 shot this month. Makes you less irritable.

>> No.13220803

I can't imagine being a white liberal who's so mentally fragile that they get triggered by what other cultures eat.

>> No.13220820

Yes white Liberal Jesus, please look down upon us! Save us from our evil backwards culture and our sins! Show us the light and the vegan way!

>> No.13220837

Imagine being this individual. Joyless, friendless, unloved, incapable of allowing others to have some happiness in their lives. All must be as miserable as this being. Now imagine nobody gave a shit anyway except to throw this sad-sack some sarastic derision on occasion.

>> No.13220847

Just proved the point normy scum go home

>> No.13220849


>> No.13220869

The difference is that the Chinamen roast them alive.

>> No.13220943

no, smoked a whole hog for my wedding though.

>> No.13221015

I'd eat dog, too. What now bitch?

>> No.13221047

Yep, quite a few times in various countries. Common at fairs and such.

>> No.13221222

Do eurotrashers really?

>> No.13221264
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>So tender they cut it with a dish just for the laughs.

>> No.13221269

Yeah, that was creepy

>> No.13221298

They aren't allowed to have knives, so.

>> No.13221578

creepy as fuck man

>> No.13222233



>> No.13222527

Filipino here, it depends really

>> No.13222531

Depends on what? Either you've seen it or you haven't.

>> No.13222623

Holy fuck I was just looking this up. They put the apple in for aesthetics, at first it was so gases released

>> No.13222859
File: 456 KB, 716x376, PIG BATTLE PIG BATTLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would win, the Green Giant or the Red Terrors

>> No.13222924

Yes, Cambridge May balls have them almost compulsively.

>> No.13222934

Sleep tight porker

>> No.13222948
File: 937 KB, 1138x640, Jamón Gigante.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green Giant. It's an Attack on Titan kind of situation, you'd need at least 6-7 Red Terrors to stand a chance.

>> No.13222975

No. Not with the apple.

Ive done the whole pig on a stick over a fire though.
No apple. If im roasting an apple im gonna roast it, no need to stick it in the pig's mouth.

>> No.13222978

My wife's filipina. We went there when our daughter turned 3 and I tried it for the first time. Was fucking great. The crackling and fat was amazing and the meat was like butter.

>> No.13222979

How's the marriage going?

>> No.13222980
File: 609 KB, 1723x969, 20181225_134231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, a couple of years ago we had a Luau Christmas since my parents live in Florida, rented a big charcoal grill to fit the pig in and everything.

It wasn't all that great, not bad but honestly nothing special.

>> No.13222982

Finally a good thread

>> No.13222996

Great. 8 years, two children, she'll still suck my dick whenever I want.

Can't ask for more than that.

>> No.13223015

I want to eat some boar like obelix