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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13215526 No.13215526 [Reply] [Original]

does a more perfect breakfast exist?

>> No.13215530

yes, not lung cancer.

>> No.13215532

I miss how violent this combo would make my shits in the morning

>> No.13215534

Why orally ingest those when they’re both in fact highly absorbable by the anus

>> No.13215542

Add a shot of whisky to the mix

>> No.13215546

Coffee and cigrits go together like PB&J

>> No.13215549

Use real coffee

>> No.13215553

valium and vodka

>> No.13215555


>> No.13215558

based and /alc/ pilled

>> No.13215655

add a shot of vodka and it's a classic Finnish breakfast.
coming from someone who uses snus instead, popping in a traditional 'tobacco and bergamot' flavored snus with the morning coffee is a lovely experience.

>> No.13215668
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>being this institutionalized.

>> No.13215685

>smoking causes lung cancer

>> No.13215696

I quit smoking years ago and I'm glad I did but that combo is one of the only things I miss about it.

>> No.13215699


>> No.13215700

>I'm glad I did

>> No.13215719

Yes one that contains actual nutrients and won't gradually turn you into a burden upon the state and your loved ones.

>damaging an organ won't damage it
please tell me you're memeing

>> No.13215720

>eggyolks and coffee

>> No.13215723

It's a shitty habit and I don't want to pay for cigarettes anymore.

>> No.13215724

a foamy latte and an organic american spirit

>> No.13215740

There's a song about this! Quite a few in fact.

>> No.13215741

Hmm two addictions sated in one go, and with the added bonus of appetite suppression

>> No.13215861

Just chew nicotine gum, much more enjoyable than inhaling. That Finn was talking about snus earlier, same thing but tends to be stronger.

>> No.13215885
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i'm not Finnish, Finnish breakfast is just a meme.
i do like smoking every now and then but i find snus is just generally more enjoyable. you can get it in a bajillion nic strengths and flavors though. i've never tried nic gum, but i imagine it would taste kind of artificial.

>> No.13215901

>buying cancer sticks filled with poison instead of packs of dried tobacco to roll yourself
Feels good to be a SEAchad

>> No.13215965

Nah, nicotine gum is great, you can get it in mint flavor. But they're essentially the same thing, and both will give you mouth cancer if you go hard on them.

>> No.13215981

Coffee does have nutrients.

>> No.13216002

don't smoke, go outside and jog and then take a cold shower

>> No.13216020

>don't smoke
That sounds awful.
>go outside
That sounds awful.
That sounds awful.
>take a cold shower
That sounds awful.

>> No.13216035

>burden on the state
The taxes on smokes more than make up for it when it comes to the state.

>> No.13216045

fat retard

>> No.13216053

72Kg emergency care physician, lighten up.

>> No.13216094

And two lines of Cocaine.

>> No.13216103

not a single one.

>> No.13216111

Smokers die earlier and there is no long-term, costly "treatment" that they undergo such as chemo or dialysis. It is the non-smokers who burden the state and their families by hanging around longer due to craven fear of the grave that awaits all of us.

>> No.13216117

Replace the cig with some weed and I agree.

>> No.13216119

Tobacco does not cause organ damage.

>> No.13216149

*hits vape*
*sips lapsang souchong*

>> No.13216224
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great movie for this topic. our cells need food, but our brains need stimulation.

>> No.13216233

Coke after whiskey then smoke then coffee coke smoke

>> No.13216242

For someone who thinks smoking is worth doing at all, I imagine there's not too many things better than sucking on something that smells fucking disgusting and washing it down with consumer-grade shit-water coffee.
>smoking paul malls
This picture could not possibly be more low-brow-pretending-to-be-middle-brow pseud if it possibly fucking tried.

>> No.13216326

Fuck off boomer

>> No.13216339

Nobody asked what you imagine turbofag. Enjoy your padded room safe taxcow existence while based bros like OP truly live.

>> No.13216341
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>> No.13216346
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>not putting the coke in the cigarette and smoking it
e doesn't know bout dem choppas

>> No.13216420

Coffee has some antioxidants but it has almost no calories and therefore no macros

Yeah I guess that's true

Smokers still require lengthy hospital stays and care in their old age, it just happens earlier

Do you want me to show you a composite of smokey lungs vs non-smoker lungs?

>> No.13216423

normal pall malls are budget garbo, but pall mall nonfilters like what OP has are still high-quality and only for patricians

>> No.13216441

>Do you want me to show you a composite of smokey lungs vs non-smoker lungs?
That shit is all the worst case examples and actual cancer, a smokers lungs are probably just more mucusy.

>> No.13216490

Replace the cig with a joint, the coffee with an addy, and clear out the rest of my day for masturbating
The perfect breakfast

>> No.13216826

Add whiskey to coffee or Irish cream. Switch cig with some green crack. Get shit done famalam

>> No.13217011


i actually like being able to do tasks.

>> No.13217013

Yeah because tobacco is clearly the only thing inside cigarettes

>> No.13217066

You are getting trolled :)

>> No.13217120
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This, except like BBC and blonde girls

>> No.13217121

yes i love making my lungs feel like shit for a couple of days and the horrible anxiety coffee gives me. also love to shit so what a fantastic breakfast

>> No.13217245
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>> No.13217265

>2 addictions in one for breakfast
woah big iq

>> No.13217275

Unproductive loser drug that only benefits the masturbator and video gamer.

>> No.13217280

9 in 10 smokers don't contact lung cancer.

>> No.13217282
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>Do you want me to show you a composite of smokey lungs vs non-smoker lungs?

>> No.13217632

Coming to a Galar region near you.

>> No.13217658


in german it is this:
kaffee, kippe, kacken

coffee, cigarette, crap

in that order

no that doesn't apply for the average german, it's just a saying
(did it long enough, stomach didn't like)

now its a mix of
banana / apple
(clementine opt.)
and just a liiiiittle bit of sugar (half or full teaspoon)

>> No.13217661

>A cigarette is 100% tobacco

>> No.13217671

Smoking is the leading cause of ED in men under 40.

At any rate, it's good for regularity but gets tiring pretty quickly, I always found the first cig of the day to be the worst. Plus I'd frequently have to take 20 minutes out of class because I was having violent shits due to this plus a shitty diet.

>> No.13217676

>c-c-igarettes are h-h-healthy
get a load of this sniveling nitwit

>> No.13217711

>tfw can't do that combo because it rapes your guts and gives you brutal heartburn

>> No.13217717

I like smoking but you can notice that tobacco can become gooey and the smoke leaves tar on surfaces. That has to fuck up your lungs after a while.

>> No.13217722


i remember one time i didnt have a stem so i put a small rock of crack in my cigarette

well, it worked

>> No.13217727

What the fuck are you on about, I'm a paramedic and constantly end up at people's homes who are smokers with COPD on an oxygen tank. Shit goes on for years and is only slow and painless in the rare cases where these idiots are smoking with the O2 line on and cause an explosion. Happens far too rarely unfortunately. Mostly they just rot away for a shit ton of years before they fall asleep and choke to death when they get senile and forget their O2.

>> No.13217739

O2 costs very little and by your own testimony these sad cases languish at home. Breathing some cheap O2 at home costs insurers and the state and family members very little.

>> No.13217741

>a more perfect breakfast
weed and pussy

>> No.13217742

>tfw haven't smoked in 4 months
Brehs I really needs it

>> No.13217743

If smoking can be breakfast then I say sex.

>> No.13217823

Just so you know, I am now imagining you waking up, bright eyed and bushy tailed, only to turn over and start rubbing your weenie against nameless meat-flesh, panting and grunting,


and then ejaculating.

Keep it to yourself, we don't need you to paint a picture.

>> No.13217907
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I didn't. You did.

>> No.13217970

Nothing ruined the day quicker than morning sex or masturbation. A Male is rendered lethargic and full of prolactin the rest of the day and plus leakage. It's like sabotaging yourself for a little pleasure. Not worth it.

>> No.13218015


>> No.13218065

A colleague of mine has literally put out the fire on the face of someone who tried smoking in their hospital bed with oxygen running through nasal specs.

>> No.13218071

>moving the goal posts this hard
Ecce Midwitticus

>> No.13218375


work on your kegels, grandpa
also you are supposed to pee afterwards

>> No.13218395

then just smoke, pussy. we all die sometime. life isnt worth living if youre miserable all the time

>> No.13218401

Only because that prick changed his cell number and didn’t send out the new one

>> No.13218408


>> No.13220075
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i live in south FL, crack was harder to fnd then coke so everybody just freebased of smoked choppers. It was the promise land
t. first world problems

>> No.13220221

And a bowl of weed.

>> No.13220235

That's only one manifestation. There's also emphysema, COPD, and asthma.

>> No.13220282

Post body

>> No.13220303

Strong coffee and a small joint while you watch the sun rise in your back yard. Then back inside to fry up some Irish Nachos and scrambled eggs.

>> No.13220385

Yes, it's called a cigar.
It's like a cigarette, except you just puff on it instead of deep throating the smoke, so it doesn't taste like shit and clog up your lungs with tar that you have to cough up every once and a while.
You also don't need to smoke them every day because companies don't put a shit ton of chemicals in cigars to make you so addicted and dependent that you have to habitually smoke them out of necessity.
Or just do any other tobacco product, cigarettes are a scam invented by big tobacco so poor people will spend every weeks paycheck on a pack because you're so addicted you can't stop.

>> No.13220403

That's because most smokers will die from strokes and heart disease before getting the chance to develop cancer, it takes decades for cancer to go from a single rogue cell to a lump which is detectable.

>> No.13220547


Oh God, they were utterly percussive

>> No.13220563

Wrong lmao, cancerous cells are a regular part of everyday life and “cancer” is an immune system complication. To put it in an example, there were always faggots before pride.

>> No.13220636

>Not failing to surpass addiction is being a pussy
Serial smokers are the biggest copers on earth

>> No.13220987

Gum is way different than smoking tobacco . A cig will relax and stim me, gum will usually just tighten my chest and make me slightly stim but no relax

>> No.13221003


Coffee has niacin, magnesium, thiamine
Small amounts but just bc it has no calories practically doesn’t mean it can’t have vits and minerals

>> No.13221302

this shit makes you nauseous.

>> No.13221344

normie go back

>> No.13221415

Add a shot of vodka.

>> No.13221512

Do you just drink the coffee with it in your mouth?

>> No.13221532

man, this image is making me want to brew a hot cuppa right now. Literally nothing is better.

>> No.13221568

why do Europeans smoke so much? its fucking gross

>> No.13221580

It's a world full of fire, princess. If you're too delicate to bear a little smoke, maybe hang yourself with a bedsheet.

>> No.13221621

Nope. It's the breakfast of Champions.

>> No.13221639

yep. it's tucked into your upper lip and you don't have to spit, so no issues.

>> No.13221829
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>the crisp crackling of a long drag during the first snow day of the year

Really makes me wish I could have one around this time but I know for sure I'd just get hooked again.

>> No.13222030
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Yeah, replace the cigarette with eggs, wheat toast, and some sort of meat.

>> No.13222063

Meditation in the rising sunlight desu.

>> No.13222890


>> No.13222908

this to be desu

>> No.13223416

Coffee with cream/milk

>> No.13223451

Not him, but honestly why the cold shower?

>> No.13223466

Because people are so low test they think the 5 ng/dl is worth it

>> No.13223590

Smokers die from strokes and heart attack.

>> No.13223664

Weed and coffee. Its a fun escape from the anxieties of any sort of morning.

>> No.13223673
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>he still eats food

>> No.13223712
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>Watched mom die of damage wrought on her body by smoking
>"Ackshually she died of pure circumstance, all those organs of hers shriveled to uselessness by smoke damage weren't important :^)"
You are some stupid niggers.

>> No.13223770

Drug addicts should all kill themselves for being so weak willed

>> No.13223793

It's amazing how druggies have deluded themselves so hard that they call their COPD "smokers cough"
They actually think that waking up in the morning, hacking up phlegm and lighting a cigarette is part of the experience.

>> No.13223802

Temperance league scolds have always been with us. Doesn't mean we're going to listen to your womanish nagging.

>> No.13223811

why are you doing loser poor people drugs

>> No.13223815

Why did your grandparents?

>> No.13223821

Lied to about its long-term effects, and at the time was one of the very few cheap forms of recreation they had access to.

>> No.13223822

The debate in my house is rum vs whisky in a coffee. Obviously the correct answer is whisky

>> No.13223835

my grandparents never smoked
anyways, nicotine is for manchildren. cocaine is the thinking man's drug

>> No.13223839

Not a convincing argument. Cigarettes were routinely referred to as coffin nails in the early 1900's. Didn't stop most adults from indulging. Adulthood has few consolations, life is a bitter slog punctuated by the deaths of loved ones. We need our vices.

>> No.13223846

P.G. Wodehouse noted that it was madness to consider writing anything without copious amounts of tobacco on hand. Expert on everything? No, but he knew how to write. I am old enough to remember when people smoked everywhere. It wasn't a big deal.

>> No.13223850

Highly unlikely. Let me guess: they also weren't religiously observant.

>> No.13223903
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>> No.13224636

Tobacco itself doesn't but inhaling smoke of any type does damage your lungs.

>> No.13225108

White Monster w/Vodka >>>> Irish coffee

>> No.13226383

>burden upon the state
Very old people cost the state way more than smokers. If everyone smoked my country's government will have a surplus

>> No.13226518
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Okay Boomers.

>> No.13226525


t. Schlomo Goldbaum

>> No.13226532

I've never offered fellatio for a pack of Marlboros.

>> No.13226565

I have, but the marlboros were optional

>> No.13226735

One of the rare times I agree with a DUDELMAO. Weed and coffee are an excellent combo once in a while

>> No.13226997

You've fallen for a hoax.

>> No.13227066

I don't smoke but I wish there was a suitable alternative. Maybe I should give vaping a try again but it never gave me the same feel that cigarettes did. Maybe I should try vaping dry tobacco instead of vape liquid?

>> No.13227103

I don't get the big deal here. Each morning my father would wake up around 04:30 to get ready for work. He'll smoke some coffee and drink a cigarette. Man lived to be in his 80's before dying, when he was in a car wreck.

>> No.13227151

Does a cigarette and a coffee even count as breakfast? Are you really breaking your nightly fast?

>> No.13228287


>> No.13228316


what makes you think smoking had anything to do with it

>> No.13228335

>watch 92 year old aunt smoke half a pack a day
I’ll be fine

>> No.13228351

>no butter on coffee
>cigarrette instead of vaporizer
EPIC FAIL, i dare say

>> No.13228381

*tips fedora*

>> No.13228489

>there is no long-term, costly "treatment" that they undergo such as chemo
How do you think lung-cancer is treated?

>> No.13228541

i really really really like this image

>> No.13228551

I like it too.

>> No.13228559

Scrambled eggs, bacon, home fries with onion and pepper, a pint of stout and a finger of Scotch.

>> No.13228560

PB&J Doesn't go well at all desu

>> No.13229687
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>> No.13229834

this entire thread is just a mask for big tobacco to boost its sales

>> No.13229870


this but odens

>> No.13230232

Big tobacco isnt all tobacco. Cigars were recently proven by the FDA to have 'minimal to no effect on health' and pipes are even better, with no proven ill health effects, ever. Pure tobacco smoke itself has had no effect on animal health even when inhaled in rats what would be the equivalent of more than 2000 cigarettes a day. The only studies of pure tobacco being detrimental to human health was never able to be replicated in over 50 years.

>> No.13231267

based and snuspilled. i haven't tried an Odens because i'm not in Sweden and can't really order things right now, but it's on the list.

>> No.13231352

So why did a surgeon general say american spirits aren’t a safer cigarette? Nicotine itself is a toxic chemical with a low LD50, if you eat just a few cigarettes you can die. Nicotine poisoning is sometimes called growers sickness because it’s so easy to get that third world tobacco pickers get it from the dew on the plants soaking into their skin. That’s the funny thing about all the alternatives like vaping saying they’re healthier, the problem isn’t the smoke lol.

>> No.13231526

Laughs in Judy Garland

>> No.13232442

These things are getting out of hand.

>> No.13232531
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No, this is

>> No.13233966

Caffeine is also deadly in high doses. The levels of nicotine you get from smoking isn't what's going to harm you.

>> No.13233994

Caffeine LD50 is 7000mg which is about 70 cups of coffee. You physically couldn’t overdose on it without concentrated pure caffeine. The LD50 of nicotine is 60mg, which you can actually absorb from eating just a few cigarettes, when you smoke it you get less nicotine and it cleans out of your system too fast.

>> No.13233998
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>drinking their ash tray residue as a morning beverage

>> No.13234016

Who the fuck eats cigarettes?

>> No.13234020

Babies, frat boys, high school kids

>> No.13234046

Better ban tide pods too then while we're at it

>> No.13234215

>don't smoke
>go outside
>take a cold shower
fuck no, I like my comfort

>> No.13234368

and a tab of acid

>> No.13234472

Replace cigarette with cigar, you fucking woman.

>> No.13236432

What's with all the cigarette threads?

>> No.13236472

You’re bald

>> No.13236524

you admit to shitty diet but blame the cigs, frig off leave the cigs alone