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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13214745 No.13214745 [Reply] [Original]

I made cannabutter but how hot can I bake it now when used

>> No.13214753

Is that like butter with canola oil? You could have just bought margarine my man

>> No.13214756

Honestly, you can pretty much put it in anything. I've used cannabis extract oils and butters in everything from sugar candy to the traditional brownies. Probably don't go for savory dishes, only because it will probably react odd, but really, get creative with it and don't put it in anything that will absolutely burn it to shit.

>> No.13214770

Dude you should totally make like weed dude but instead of weed itll be like food and get you baked LMAO! Dude! WEED!!!

>> No.13214788
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>Dude you should totally make like weed dude but instead of weed itll be like food and get you baked LMAO! Dude! WEED!!!

>> No.13214875

this is real cringe

>> No.13214886
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>oi mate add beear to *hic* thhssad bbq *hic* trussst me *vomits* its will improvves *hic* the tasste mates
>Why*sfff* yes I do enjoy tabbaco *puff*. Weed? *sfff* Nah its bad for you *exhales smoke* and addicting. Got some smokes im out ?

>> No.13214906

You use it in pretty much any baking recipe you want as normal! Just make some chocolate chip cookies or something simple to start

>> No.13214911

>being a drug addict

>> No.13214917

>Thinking weed makes you a drug addict

>> No.13214932

>thinking using a psychoactive drug doesn't make you a druggie

>> No.13214951
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>thinking ethanol sugar and tabbaco are not psychoactive drugs
Retarded and cringe

>> No.13214953

I can quit whenever I want, I just don't want to and if I don't smoke every few hours I get irritable and violent. But if that makes me a druggie, then I guess I have a drug problem! Lol I bet you feel stupid now.

>> No.13214958

>thinking weed is cringe
Crange man

>> No.13214972

>equating cannabis and meth/heroine/crack
Go outside. Seriously: there's a big beautiful world beyond your mom's basement anon.

>> No.13214976

coping druggies

>> No.13214998

epic cringe

>> No.13215010

it totally does
proof i am one

>> No.13215021
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>no argument
Guss that beer its doing lots of harm to your brain if you cant even think of somthing more creative.
Also I dont smoke its super illegal where I live but I respect the right of people who can smoke to do it.
I dont see you raging on alcohol thread so cope harder you fucking alcoholic

>> No.13215025

Then that makes all cigarette smokers and caffeine drinkers """""druggies""""" as well. Honestly, I consider caffeine the real """gateway drug""".

But still: go outside.

>> No.13215026

Sorry your edibles thread turned into a cringe argument thread OP. Hope you make something tasty.

>> No.13215030

Cannabis is great in savory dishes add 1/2 teaspoon of ground flower to your next stew or somthing

>> No.13215035

I don't drink beer. I'll have a toast on Christmas and Easter. That's it. Never been drunk in my life.

>> No.13215039

> I respect the right of people who can smoke
live and let live uh? you fucking comunist

>> No.13215046

I don't know, dude, never heard of anyone beating their kids or selling household items to buy coffee, or going from coffee to opium.

>> No.13215055

No one here cares about you being a stick in the mud. It's not going to get you any upboats here redditor.

>> No.13215058
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Pic related you

>> No.13215060

why do stoners get so mad when you question their habits? isn't weed suposed to be relaxing? just smoke some more

>> No.13215068

And I've never seen or heard of anyone doing any of that simply because of cannabis.

>t. used to work for state DHS, an agency that takes peoples' kids

>> No.13215070

because you faggots throw us in jail

>> No.13215081

No if law states that someone can X I will fight for that right even if I dont like X without chimping out like leftist do about literally anything they dont like.
No Im not a commie and I hate them also I dont belive that anyone(gov included)has the right to tell others what they can or cant do we are adults so take responsbilty for your actions like a adult

>> No.13215084

It's not the questioning the habit, but the comparing weed to the far far more harmful drugs like coke and smack. It's not like weed is good for you, but acting like it's a major problem is foolish. You don't have to like pot, but don't belittle people who do enjoy it responsibly.

>> No.13215089

God, I hate drug addicts.

>> No.13215094

Imagine being upset by something that doesn't affect you

>> No.13215096

imagine samefagging so hard

>> No.13215098
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>> No.13215102

I've never been raped, either. Should I not care about it as well?

Stupid reasoning.

>> No.13215107

Then there are 30 coffee threads you need to go sperg out in, Little Whiteknight.

>> No.13215110

> I dont belive that anyone(gov included)has the right to tell others what they can or cant do
when was the last time you went outside? do you really think that "adults" will behave in a civil manner if you don't tell them what to do or not to do? why don't you go live in the woods you anarco nigger

>> No.13215112

>equating people smoking dope to people raping

Now THAT'S cringe

>> No.13215123

Drug users are overwhelmingly over represented in crimes. Wherever there is any sort of crime, some disgusting, filthy, wasteful marijuana addict will be close. A literal low life.

>> No.13215136

Hahahaha that's a good one, what's your KY budget for keeping your head that far up your ass?

>> No.13215139

>marijuana addict
Oh, so you're actually retarded? Sorry.

>> No.13215143

fucking kek
imaging being so upset about weed smokers

>> No.13215149

Holy fuck you guys are so autistic
This is the reason I come here. You guys make me feel better about myself, knowing I suffer from only an nth of the tism that plagued you.

>> No.13215161
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Im not anarcho you fucking mutt.
I belive that police and gov has place in society.
But I belive that crimes that effect others murder,robbery,theft etc are crimes and thats what police and gov are to protect against not caring if you smoke a plant in your house.
Yes if you brake in to someones house and you get killed by the owner its your fault
If you OD on crack its your fault
If you try resist arrest and get shot its your fault
If you dont wear seat belt and become paralized in a car crash its your fault
You accept the risk so accept the consequesces
My freedom ends where yours begins
No Im not a mutt

>> No.13215239

Lemme be real here, weed can be a bitch if you smoke too much, but also someone who goes from weed to opium would probably end up at opium anyways, the only thing that makes weed a gateway drug is the fact that you get connections in the "underworld" so to speak.

>> No.13215254

I love this timeline.

People can be addicted to porn, to chocolate, to food, to sex, to cellphones, to social media, to videogames, to the internet, but..... talk about marijuana and watch how people recoil like salted slugs.

>How dare you say this one thing causes that which we say is caused by literally everything else?

>> No.13215270

>conflating christians and stoners

>> No.13215271

Marijuana is not a drug. I used to suck FEET for coke. Now that's an addiction. You ever suck some FEET for marijuana?

>> No.13215276

Are you half quoting Bob Saget?

>> No.13215292

dependence is not addiction its like saying that beer is same as vodka.
People recoil about it coz likely they seen people addicted to meth for example or any other addcive drug and comparing heroine addict to a stoner angers them.
There is no proof that weed can be addictive from what I know there are studies that confirm the oppisite. Then again not many studies are done on weed (or any drug) coz they are illegal and they are illegal coz we dont have really any data on it. Its all he say she say arguments in regards to weed

>> No.13215321

My friend's brother, at 16, started smoking weed with his low life friends and then he became paranoid, wouldn't leave his room and would become violent if anyone tried to go inside to talk to him. All he wanted to do is smoke. He was eventually locked up in a mental hospital. Go ahead and tell me that didn't happen, I don't care. I know my position is the correct one and I don't care to appear "uncool" when it comes to moral absolutes, such as drugs or abortion.

>> No.13215340

Don't bait an abortion discussion you uptight spaz

>> No.13215351

Your friends brother is just a weak minded faggot probably something in the water there you have it too.

>> No.13215356

I live in Canada, it's been fully legalized. I've also been smoking for almost 10 years. I've quit cold Turkey for months at a time when work demands it. I could smoke every day, I could smoke once a week. Marijuana isn't addictive in the sense of actual physical dependency like hard drugs create. That being said, just like other things people get "addicted" to (junk food, porn, video games, etc.) Some don't know how to moderate to the point that it becomes a problem in their life. I love smoking weed, but if you smoke all day every day, that's obviously a problem.

>> No.13215369

These wojaks are getting out of hand.

>> No.13215381

He had schizophrenia, it wasn't the weed lmao.

>> No.13215391

Its bait and not even good one but fuck it.
He was Probobly paranoid-schizophrenic
No weed dose not make person develop shizophrenia or paranoia
Shizophrenia is genetic its not coused by weed just like auism is not the result of vaxxine and games dont couse people to be voilent. all are scapegoats that people blame instead of blaming real problems like genetics themselfs or way of life/parenting.
Paranoia is genetic too in most cases rest are means of coping with trauma so either the kid had fucked up life (and seeing that he hang out with "low lifes" people with mental trauma seek other people with mental trauma to have someone they can relate to and help them cope which at age of 16 is really sad) or it was genetic and unrelated to weed.
So either the pesents lied to you ,youre bullshitting just to prove a point or trolling either way I dont care even if you dont belive what you said there are people who think like what you written

>> No.13216708

No one has answered OP. You don't want to bake it hotter than 325F and for not much longer than 20ish minutes. This is for maximum potency of cannabutter. Cookies are probaly your best option.

>> No.13216722

I suggest you try eating cyanide next, junkie animal.

>> No.13216768

I bet you consume atleast one if these:

>> No.13216913

Weed users are worse than any other kind of drug user.

>> No.13216916


>> No.13216924

>i cant tell if this is bait or you just havnt met any crackheads, methheads, or heroin addicts

>> No.13216927

They all use weed.

>> No.13216929

>assocoating with any of these scum
The absolute state of dude weed bros.

>> No.13216932

make rice krispie treats by combining the butter with marshmallows over low heat then stir in rice krispies and put in a pan. put it in the fridge to set, wait at least 2 hours to serve.

best edibles ever

>> No.13216938

t. Hedonist man child.
Dont come back. Hopefully your oven causes CO asphyxiation and death.

>> No.13216949

>people having a discussion
>enter discussion
>hurr durr I’m a better person than you because I never had any friends to experiment with in high school
>why are you guys mad at me?

>> No.13216954

The white man experiments with LSD.
Negroes (on the inside and out) experiment with DUDE WEED.
Not gonna make it, kid.

>> No.13216960


>> No.13216962

Looks the the weed brain damage is setting in.

>> No.13217029

Wrong again

>> No.13217032

>trust me, I would know

>> No.13217037

>ihavnt met any drug addicts other than pot heads
>potheads are tge worst drug addict
Lol youre retarded and dont do drugs except prolly alcohol

>> No.13217038

Knowing things is nice

>> No.13217039

"Wrong again" isn't a good argument, brainlet.

>> No.13217041 [DELETED] 
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Use it to lube my bussy

>> No.13217072

>a kind of drug addict of one kind is a drug addict of other kinds
Lol retard. Many people booze or do other drugs but dont smoke weed

>> No.13217097

But most illicit drug users use cannabis, the statistics are undeniable.

>> No.13217105

>they all use weed.
You presumably dont use drugs and are still a retard. A lot of people especially drink alcohol but dont smoke weed. A lot. Also weed isnt illicit where i live. Just like i assume alcohol is where you live.

>> No.13217131

lsd is great too, have you tried both at once?

niggers also like fried chicken, watermelon, fat asses, sports, guns and saying the n word and all those things are great

>> No.13217134

lmao you are so booty blasted, try smoking a joint it’ll help you relax

>> No.13217148

most addicts don’t waste their money on pot because pot isn’t what they’re addicted to and they have a limited amount of money to spend on drugs

>> No.13217291


>> No.13217296


>> No.13217314

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.13218418

Pretty sure there is a particular temp you dont heat over. Like 400.