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13205181 No.13205181 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.13205190

death to the plant drinkers

>> No.13205195


Has nothing to do with losing market share, the root cause is that their large pension obligation won't allow them to restructure without going through bankruptcy.

>> No.13205197

That's not how it works.

>> No.13205199

looks like shit quality anyway. as a dutchie that only buys bio shit i can pureheartly say that anything american disgustes me and im 99%sure its all machine made over there. good ingredients are the single most important thing and farmraised is the only way

>> No.13205204

>Trumoo dies

Good. Fuckers took away my strawberry milk in middle school and high school.

>> No.13205212

As an american, that's part of it. I think a lot of why dairy isn't doing as well these days is the ethical factors. People don't want to support such an awful industry. And we have farm raised options but they are usually pricy. Combine those two factors and bam, you see demand going down.

>> No.13205218

>drinking hormone filled cow milk
No, don't drink any kind of milk.

>> No.13205221

You have to wonder about the kind of people who piss and moan about this kind of stuff. Milk despite being being heavily subsidized and it's still failing to alternatives. That's capitalism in action.

As an avid consumer of dairy this brand was shit anyway. No F from me.

>> No.13205222
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...or maybe no one was buying Dairy Pure/TruMoo because they're dogshit brands filled to the brim with HFCS and preservatives and people are just buying generic milk brands instead?


>> No.13205226

>filled to the brim with HFCS and preservatives
gonna need a source on that m8

>> No.13205238

can't wait till your country is under water
dykes can't save you forever

>> No.13205239

Wasted trips

>> No.13205261

Milk drinking has been on the decline for decades long before milk substitutes became a thing. It began with the ascendancy of HFCS sodas as the kids were weaned off milk to hfcs soda. Coincidentally, obesity rates in the US rose in an exact correlation to the increase in hfcs soda consumption. When I was growing up, sodas were a holiday treat and milk was the drink for kids at meals. Simply dystopian late stage capitalism.

>> No.13205282

Milk and dairy isn't failing anyway, its a household staple. Its just that we don't need 80 different brands of it and we especially don't need nationwide brands sourcing their milk from god only knows. Its better to buy the store/local brand and failing that going with one of the big organic brands.

>> No.13205307

Any chick with a flat top and flannel shirt carrying a floatation device could

>> No.13205319
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I see my habit of drinking and using goat's milk and other goat-based dairy has brought the establishment to its knees.

>> No.13205325

Good goyim, blame the boomers

>> No.13205356

>drinking cow pus in 2019

>> No.13205375

Everyone hates the fuck out of Dean's where I live for some reason.

>> No.13205378

Real talk
Dean's makes some shitty ass diary products
Their guac and french onion dip both make me wretch.

>> No.13205385

Pensions should be illegal. It should be up to the individual to save for retirement.

>> No.13205394

Yeah, because breast feeding from another species as an adult is totally not strange.

>> No.13205398

You think chocolate trumoo doesn’t have HFC?

>> No.13205403

so is wearing clothes and using the internet according to your retarded logic

>> No.13205431

>labor unions and labor benefits are horrible
>eventhough I'm labor, I support my own exploitation
Good goy!

>> No.13205447

so now your sweeping statement only applies to one product?

>> No.13205535

Gretta Thunberg will stop at nothing, will she?

>> No.13205550

Except then companies would have to offer higher wages to stay competitive. Pensions were a way to justify paying workers less, with the promise of paying them after they retire. If you have to raise you're wages, you drain all your capital and go out of business faster. Instead, you just offer your workers low wages, promise the pensions, and eventually go bankrupt, thereby passing the costs on to society.

>> No.13205555 [DELETED] 
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>uuuuuuugh yeah, like, THANKS, ugh.
>Clean up the mess for me later will ya ? ^^
>see ya

>> No.13205558

Whats wrong with oats.

>> No.13205572

So you care about workers not getting taken advantage of huh, what’s your stance on immigration

>> No.13205592

>Pensions should be illegal. It should be up to the individual to save for retirement.

Pensions and labor unions are outdated concepts in today's competitive globalist economy.

>> No.13205594

That probably sounded brilliant after reading an Ayn Rand excerpt

>> No.13205598

That's why all your manufacturing is in China or Mexico now. They don't have either.

>> No.13205603

the collapse will come you stupid fucking optimist

>> No.13205654

We don't think about you at all.

>> No.13205665

>muh immigration
>2016 meme
Yeah, you're chomping at the bit to pick lettuce for $5/hour. You would collapse, quivering into an irrigation ditch within 4 hours of attempting that work. Never forget, you have a bone spur, lol!

>> No.13205669

So you don’t actually care about workers, got it. What about the third world, do you like it staying a bad place? A single person is worth like what 5-7m?

>> No.13205750

the person you're arguing with is inarticulate and a bit retarded but your argument is just as flawed. if your point is that those shitty labor intensive jobs pay such crap wages that first world locals won't take the jobs, then restricting the flow of visas to people from developing countries would necessarily drive up the wages of those jobs due to labor shortages until locals start doing them.
think harder

>> No.13205772

please daddy billionaire come fuck me into poverty I can't help myself but feel lost with this livable amount of money!

>> No.13205803

if it wasn't for illegal labor it wouldn't be $5/hr to pick lettuce it would be a higher wage and heads of lettuce would be more expensive as well to cover the cost

>> No.13205938

why is everyone in europe such a retarded hipster
what's inherently wrong with something made by a machine vs by hand? don't you get the same end product? do you do all of your shopping on etsy?

>> No.13206010

>it should be illegal for companies to incentivize working for them

Yeah, I agree. The government should pay everyone the same salary and should dispense it on the same day everyone’s brown jumpsuits and calorie rations are.

>> No.13206026
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Does that mean we lose the goat chip dip?

>> No.13206029

Nope. There are no citzens located in those areas willing to do that back breaking labor for what, even minimum wage? Fuggitaboutit. Are you going to bus them in and out, that is if you could even find a handful of people willing to do that back breaking labor? Give it up, you want to pay $20 for your big mac because you think Jose, working 12 hours/day picking produce, yet is running a rapist, drug cartel at night stole your agricultural job? You fucks are literally insane.
>hey, let me vote against my own interests so I can pay more for my food 'cause they told me Paco was scary, but we get to own the libs heh-heh!

>> No.13206039

But we do have both, at least in Mexico.

>> No.13206042

I thought Friendly’s was bankrupt years ago

>> No.13206067

I actually care about the quality of life of the people that produce my food, which is precisely why I don't like the idea of carting third worlders into a first world country with the lure of a wage worth many times what they would make in their own country, only to find that the $5USD they make in an hour gets them literally nowhere in a first world country and they continue living in squalor like before.
The whole point of the argument is that if no-one supplies the labor, they buyers of the labor have two choices: go out of business or raise wages higher. Unlike you, I am perfectly happy to pay a higher price for food produced in a sustainable economic fashion.
and before you make assumptions about how I vote in your stupid country, know that I live in Australia, a country that has a carefully articulated immigration process which results in local citizens being paid comparatively enormous wages to do labour intensive work that they don't enjoy doing. As a result of this system, I make a lot of money even at the low end of the socioeconomic scale and can therefore afford the comparatively high prices I get charged for my produce.

>> No.13206081

>I don't like the idea of carting third worlders into a first world country with the lure of a wage worth many times what they would make in their own country, only to find that the $5USD they make in an hour gets them literally nowhere in a first world country
This is wholly a product of Strong Borders, in the old days the scary brown people were perfectly content to come here and get their $5 and then bus back to Mexico to spend it where it's actually worth something.
Now that they can't pop over for work and back they are forced to stay here and send the money home by wire.

>> No.13206111

I would rather an actually sustainable economic system in which the local industries employ local citizens, regardless of where they come from, but citizens nonetheless and other citizens purchase what they produce or it is otherwise exported.
the american system allows for unsustainable, artificially low prices and inhumanely low wages at the low end of the scale, all while pouring cash out of the country without tax income.
Please explain to me how that is a better system than what we have in australia

>> No.13206147

Rather incoherent diatribe. Are you pretending to be a farmer hiring cheap labor or are you the cheap labor? At any rate, the US is already screaming bloody murder about the inflation resulting from tariffs and the crackdown on immigrant labor. Maybe Aussies are more tolerant about getting fucked in the ass.

>> No.13206164

What is machine made milk? We don’t have robot cows over here dude. Cows are milked, it’s boiled for 2 minutes in a fast pasteurization process and then it’s bottled.

>> No.13206167

>implying anything is good about Australia

Hahaha nah.

>> No.13206185

I haven’t heard anyone complain about either of those things, desu

>> No.13206207

>where is the counter argument?
>i can't find it??
>oh that's right, he just provided a dismissive emotional characterisation of the argument and then referred to inflation in the US, a literally perfect encapsulation of his description of how restricting illegitimate immigration will reduce the flow of inhumane labor, which will by extension result in increasing prices.
we're not getting fucked in the ass in Australia, we actually have a decent life here. Not to mention when I worked in the US for a couple of years, I earned the exact same full time salary (40,000) and paid several hundred dollars more in tax per month than i did in australia so I am more than happy to pay slightly higher prices for my food

>> No.13206208

>I dont understand how nixon won, I dont know anybody that voted for hin

>> No.13207941

>reeeee I should be allowed to use literal slave labour without remorse

>> No.13207977

The black market is always lower priced than the legal market, lol!

>> No.13208180

five items in op’s picture have hfcs.

>> No.13208188

Chocolate milk and ice cream, two of the several dairy products there

>> No.13208353

Quintessential american post

>> No.13208378

>strawberry milk
Wanna know how I know you're a fag?

>> No.13208411


>> No.13208448

I buy Friendly's ice cream (when it's on sale), and am searching for TruMoo mint milk (any mint milk will do though, it doesn't have to be TruMoo).

>> No.13208451

i doubt its because of the 'popularity' of other soyfaggotry.
its because every one of those brands are fucking outrageously priced compared to other better tasting and healthier alternatives.
when you price yourself out of the market these things happen.

>> No.13208511

Real milk is the best.

>> No.13208514


>> No.13208540

Dairy is fine if you make it yourself from your own stock, even organic, free range is fine, or from a local mom and pop farm or homestead in your community. Factory farms are no bueno.

>> No.13208946

Agreed, always steered clear of this brand. Milk had a strange flavor despite being usually one of the most expensive on the shelf.

>> No.13208975

>We love immigrants*!
>Without them, who would form an illegal market of high-turnover labor willing to work for 1/3 market rate with no rights or legal recourse?

>> No.13209007

Those in control are winning. They are taking more and more of the things that make you healthy away. Source your own stuff, support those around you, be strong.

>> No.13209022

Why the fuck would I ever buy Dean’s milk when the supermarket brand costs half as much?

>> No.13209029

You're a fucking idiot. The lettuce needs to be picked to make money for the farmers. If they cannot employ people for the shit wages, the lettuce rots in the field. So they have two choices.

1. Raise wages to make it more attractive.
2. Invest in machinery to pick the lettuce for them.

You're literally keeping people doing shitty backbreaking rural labour for pennies.

>> No.13209047

Trumoo is the worst chocolate milk on the market. It tastes like nothing. The only thing of value in that picture is the Friendly's line of icecreams.

When I get butter it is Kerrygold, for milk I get Horizon whole milk, and for chocolate milk I get Hood's moostruck or something local like Ronnybrook. Hood also has good eggnog.

>> No.13209169

Some crops cannot currently be picked with machinery. Also, they would have to raise the wages very high to get anyone to do that back breaking work for extremely long hours and bus them from far away because that labor base doesn't exist in those rural areas. That produce would rise so high in price very few would buy it and it will rot anyway.

>> No.13209182

I have no sympathy for big food conglomerates suffering as a result of the younger generation waking up to their lobbying, lack of safety standards, and malpractice. Fuck 'em.

>> No.13209188

Give me evidence based reasons why a meat based diet is better than a properly adjusted plant based one

>> No.13209213

Because vegans are faggots.

>> No.13209238

What state do you live in

>> No.13209256

Sounds like a copeseethe bucko

>> No.13209270

Vegans have to take vitamin supplimeni. Also you get way more protein from meat than from plants so if you want to look like a man it helps to eat meat. My meat, specifically, faggot.

>> No.13209974

I don't know why they're even in this pic but they'll still be around since they're popular in Massachusetts and New England

>> No.13209996

Friendly's will likely split off from them and become independent again since they're quite beloved in Massachusetts

>> No.13210007

Their friendly brand ice cream stays creamy even in the freezer for days

>> No.13210016

Not even a vegan but fuck factory farmed foods.
Let their company dissolve, we only have room for the best

>> No.13210040
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>mfw sipping on some cold, original sweetened, almond breeze as another shitty boomer company that failed to keep up with trends goes under

>> No.13210056
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>Mfw blue diamond unsweetened vanilla almond coconut blend and bd hint of honey are putting stupid cow raping companies out of business.

>> No.13210417
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the best part of Halloween is now gone forever

>> No.13210570

I buy them every time it goes on sale for 1.99 or sometimes 1.50 if the store is really trying to offload stock to restock shortly

>> No.13211598

It would actually, probably just destroy the factory farming industry, which would be a good thing. It would force a model more geared toward local produce. Maybe people would even grow their own lettuce instead of it all coming from Yuma, Arizona.

>> No.13211603

Oat milk gives me insane gas my girlfriend actually regrets introducing it to me

>> No.13211706


>knows oat milk will make him fart around his girlfriend
>drinks it anyway

Absolutely based.

>> No.13211735
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Amerilards SEETHING!

>> No.13211754
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>chomping at the bit

>> No.13211934

I'd rather drink plants than pus and blood my man. No estrogen in cashew milk unlike that cow shit making you a bitch.

>> No.13212027

You always forget to factor in the fact that these workers leech upwards of 60K in benefits from the government per year while they do that farming. They pack like sardines into places and flood out all cheap housing in areas and then send most of the money back home instead of recycling it into the economy. Farmers need to be forced to automate most picking and farm labor as they will continue to subsidize their labor cost with government money on top of being paid to farm shit that goes to waste.

>> No.13212039

this. absolutely fucking disgusting, the lot of ye

>> No.13212311
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Based Ja/ck/off

>> No.13212489

How are non-citizens managing to collect benefits? Are their services that don't require/check id?
If it's through fake documentation or something then how the hell do we know about it?
If they can collect that much why do they bother with shitty farm work?

Not saying you're wrong, but this doesn't really make sense to me.

>> No.13212604

>It would actually, probably just destroy the factory farming industry
No it wouldn't. A lot of crops are machine harvested, and many that are currently hand harvested are seeing research being put into developing harvesting machines and plant breeds more suitable for machine harvesting due to rising labor cost and scarcity. Funnily enough in context of this argument, lettuce is machine harvested.

>> No.13212614

Why is this bad? Isnt that what right wingers call "free market"?

>> No.13212627
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>Dutch ppl seriously love their cows and they take their dairy so seriously that they provide incredible conditions for their cows
>That being said, there’s a lot of hateful, untrue rhetoric that gets passed around by Europeans about American farmers, such as allegations bovine recombinant growth hormone and animal abuse
>The truth is American farmers would skip a meal before letting their cows go hungry, they do what’s best for their cows, and they suffer in struggling industry because they have real passion for caring for their herd
>the only reason small American farmers struggle to help their cows is because with subsidies like the Netherlands, they struggle to make ends meet
>Large corporations are the true bad guys who have so many cows they let things for through their scrutiny and treat the herd like numbers
At the end of the day this hatred should be towards capitalist monopolies, not humble salt of the earth farmers
>t. Veterinarian

>> No.13212630

Until a decade from now when you hear in the news all about how generation alpha has frail bones because millennials were malnourishing their kids due to excluding dairy from their diets because of left wing propaganda.

>> No.13212646

One thing is emergency room visits for their kids that are sick. I'm sure you won't consider that collecting benefits but the ERs in SoCal are flooded with illegals there for the free cold meds they will give the kid. Now as to benefits its fake documents or they receive government aid through their kids or their one legal family member who then gets SNAP for the whole household. The ER room and then homeless abusing ambulances are a massive drain. Even Californias published numbers show illegals are a massive net drain on the state. They are eligible for scholarships to state schools just for being illegal as well. Honestly if you don't live in the shit I can understand why this all seems like a fairy tale, but there are so many illegals bouncing from job to job with fake papers or no papers. In the restaurant industry it's fucking horrific, we went through 4 different line cooks with no papers who all "got picked up for a warrant" after 2 weeks and came back to pick up their check.
I should also say most the Mexican illegal immigrants are miles better than South Americans or 2nd and 3rd generation Mexicans.

>> No.13212665

Untaxed shitty farm work while living in a house with 12 other people some of which have snap and other assistance means they can afford a new f150. Also it isn't 5$, a lot of under the table work is well over 10$ an hour. My friend who is now a legal resident works for a security company who offers security for events that don't require a guard card and they hire people off the books for around 14$ an hour which is well above minimum wage. Legal or illegal you can get that. 14 an hour while sharing a house for about 200$ a month leaves you with 2 grand to spend on tall cans of modelo and scratchers.

>> No.13213606

Getting fake documents is easy and a cottage industry. Same with social. In California 7 out of 10 immigrant families are on welfare despite not being citizens and those are official numbers. I live in the shit where people around here occupy two homes and have 8-12 people in them and 6 cars clogging the street while only 1-2 work and the women stay home all day managing about a minute of silence between shit talking sessions yelling at the adult children. Those cars are all new and nice as well. As far as why farm work? because it's so lucrative and not that bad when you're used to hard physical labor. You can spend a few years here busting your ass and go home and live large or support your family back home. If you could do the same here Americans would be fighting over those jobs.

>> No.13214786


>> No.13214800

Let 'em. Then they expire and I get blessed peace at last.