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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13200844 No.13200844 [Reply] [Original]

>waitstaff trained to avoid your table if your basket of fries is empty
>waitstaff trained to sign and roll their eyes when you finally get them back to refill the fries
>waitstaff trained to hang out in the back for at least 10 minutes while they are getting your free fries refill

>> No.13200846 [DELETED] 

Do you support full gay civil rights?

I do. If you don't, you probably are a homophobic bigot.

>> No.13200855 [DELETED] 

that's nice.

>> No.13200856 [DELETED] 

god doesn't though, and thats the only opinion that matters. enjoy eternal damnation

>> No.13200864 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 650x366, gayhell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imaginary people support my personal opinion

wow what a coincidence

>enjoy eternal damnation

I don't fear you or your imaginary friends.

>> No.13200877 [DELETED] 

Name one right non gays have that gays don’t
Kys faggot

>> No.13200878 [DELETED] 

men who feel the urge to engage in sodomy should enter the clergy and glorify god with a lifetime of abstinence

>> No.13200881 [DELETED] 

seek mental help

>> No.13200886 [DELETED] 

you don't have to believe it. if you'd rather live a life of degeneracy not knowing if hell awaits you when you die of aids at 40, thats your own choice

>> No.13200894 [DELETED] 

Why not just mind your own business?

There are no federal protections against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. You can be fired from your job in most us states just for being gay still.

>> No.13200895

They gave me and two of my friends one basket which was tiny as fuck. Tgey were cunts when we kept asking for more. Fuck that place its mediocre as fuck and tgeir idea of endless fries is a joke

>> No.13200907 [DELETED] 

good, i don't want disgusting sodomites oozing AIDS out of every pore working for me

we literally have a containment board for sodomites, go shitpost there

>> No.13200911 [DELETED] 


Most states are right to work states too, nice try.

>> No.13200914 [DELETED] 

Doesn't mean you can fire people just for membership in protected classes in those states.

>> No.13200925 [DELETED] 

And? In my state, and probably most of those states, you can be fired for any reason your employer finds. Even if you got daddy government to “protect” you from da evil heteronormative establishment, they’d just make up a reason to fire you. You’re retarded if you think the government needs to protect you from being fired.

>> No.13200933 [DELETED] 

No they just make up reasons to fire them
Nobody gets fired for “being gay”

>> No.13200935 [DELETED] 

They cannot fire you just for your race, religion, or sex.

>> No.13200946 [DELETED] 

>we literally have a containment board for sodomites
/a/ ?

>> No.13200950 [DELETED] 

Hint: yes they can
You realize you can be fired for any reason right? They don’t have to give you a legitimate reason when they fire you.

“Man this guy is a fucking faggot I’m gonna fire him and tell him it was his work ethic”
Welcome to real life faggot, enjoy your marriages and adopted children

>> No.13200966 [DELETED] 

>and tell him it was his work ethic
That's the important part. They can't fire you for "being a faggot", they have to concoct a legitimate excuse and you can take them to court for it.

>> No.13200990 [DELETED] 

No they cannot. You do not understand American law.

>> No.13201003

Idk, never had these issues at Canadian Red Robin's.

>> No.13201007 [DELETED] 

holy shit the jannies are autistic lmao

>> No.13201013

>entire thread purged because mods actually try to police a board that shitposts everytime any thread is posted

>> No.13201040 [DELETED] 


>> No.13201046

"Endless" food things always work this way, they give you one small portion for the entire table and are not allowed to give you extra or refill it early, they do this so you end up eating less and they reduce their losses on the item, since some people will feel bad harassing the servers for more constantly and thus only have a few, and even if this doesn't work, forcing you to eat slower will mean you're more likely to get full and can't just shovel 3000 calories of fries into your face before your brain has time to register that it's satiated

The whole practice is intentionally misleading and the very definition of a loss leader to get retards in the door buying other shit

>> No.13201212 [DELETED] 

Fuck jannies

>> No.13201585

I used to work there. It's because we just assume you're a trashy person who will tip shit because most customers are trashy.
First off nobody at this shitty company is trained to do shit. The managers are a fucking joke. They're incompetent beyond belief. All they care about is their bonus they get if they 1. Keep staff below 35 hours weekly 2. Keep costs down. Hence the shitty service. The waiters get paid shit and the managers go out of their way to ensure you don't get your fries. I was actually told not to order in fries because they wanted to keep the stores of potatoes in the fridge at a high amount.
It's not the waiters it's the management. And also customers because they're almost always trashy losers.
>Wait staff trained to hang outside for 10 minutes
No they're smoking my guy. Everyone there smokes like a chimney.
Please don't go to this restaurant. I want it to die. Go to outback or chili's. Much better.

>> No.13201589

>go to outback or chilis

>> No.13201611

If you drink more they will keep coming back. Towering alcohol tabs overwrite all other rules about endless food. If someone is continuously ordering and reordering alcoholic drinks, they'll refill whatever endless thing you have as many times too.

>> No.13201615

There is 0 reason to go to a chain restaurant. Not a single one. The concept is left over from the 80s, when they had actual good food and prices. Every single one should be shut down.

>> No.13201628

They make really good buffalo tendies though

>> No.13201634

>There is 0 reason to go to a chain restaurant
Except, you know, to eat food.

>> No.13201651

Poor people eat at chain restaurants.

>> No.13201682

Or, you know, hungry people that want food.

>> No.13201702
File: 136 KB, 820x795, hhhhg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No friend, you're poor if you're eating at chain restaurants.

>> No.13201716
File: 117 KB, 1100x825, 5890fffa713ba11c008b5ce9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, kid.

>> No.13201759


ok boomer

>> No.13202669
File: 414 KB, 1916x1078, 20190913_234340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a Red Robin at my local mall, it lasted only a few years because the people in my town have a brain.
>Go to Outback or Chili's
Thanks for unintentionally endorsing superior restaurants

>> No.13202855

the first time I went to one of these places the manager I guess was there because I got loaded with fries. he had them bring me some to eat while I was waiting for my take out order and they put an extra container of them in my bag when I got it. every other time though I only got a few in the tray with my burg. fucking fry jews.

>> No.13202997

There's other places you can go to that serve you food that isn't just microwave TV dinners with a 200% upcharge plus tip.
I've worked at chain restaurants like these before, the food they serve is basically the same pre-packaged stuff you can buy at the supermarket (the delivery trucks literally just bring in pre-packaged food), except you're paying more for it and you're expected to tip. It's a complete waste of your time, eat at a real restaurant or local dive, the food there isn't just a glorified microwave meal.

>> No.13203146

/ck/ is 90% reddit jannies now and they really like to exercise their power after getting bullied in school

>> No.13203154

I worked in one and never had this issue with the waitresses. In fact we fucking hated it when they came back asking for more fries so we'd always pile it on for the customer. However, standard procedure was to sell 8 fries per basket though.

>> No.13203192

I'm >>13203154 and we legitimately would just go to CostCo or Walmart to buy supplies. What's more, sometimes the one who was sent to supply would buy the cheap store-brand buns and cheeses. Everything else was SysCo brand food.

>> No.13203219

How many refills have you had so far?

>> No.13203225

Why do Americans have those chain restaurants anyway? there are some in Australia but nobody really goes to them.
Theres just pub food if you want a $15-20 combination of meat chips and salad

>> No.13203233

All of the Red Robins in my city are closing on Dec 8. Should I bother going one last time or do you think the staff will be completely checked out?

>> No.13203245

>frogposter is a retard
not sure what i expected

>> No.13203709

Apparently you've never traveled before.

>> No.13203720

>nobody really goes to them
If nobody went to them they would be shut down. What you mean to say is that you don't go to them, but that doesn't decrease the legitimacy of their existence anymore than my not going to the ones in America does.

>> No.13203755

>Why do Americans have those chain restaurants anyway?
amer*cans don't trust things that are not brand names or not advertised on TV.

Who could be responsible for that?

>> No.13203761
File: 1.12 MB, 1500x1027, GayFear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13203773

This is no joke, boomers worship the television like a religion. They couldn’t possibly believe mainstream media is corrupt, their world would fall apart.

>> No.13205143

Do it, you gotta take advantage of those bottomless fries somehow.

>> No.13205292

Didn't happen at red robin but every time I go somewhere that has that "endless" shit they give you the smallest fucking portion and you finish it in 1 minute after waiting 10 minutes for it.

>> No.13205295

>feel bad for making the wagie bitch do their job



not only do i treat them like garbage, they get 5 cents for a tip.

>> No.13205312
File: 68 KB, 510x260, offer-image-9000004-1544320495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk these guys make some pretty good smoked wings.

>> No.13207169

no pub culture

>> No.13207189

worked at a red robins for 9 months. this is less true in Michigan, must be regional

>> No.13207194

chain restaurants exist for dating culture and business ventures. Simple as.

>> No.13207207

>or, you know,
fucking hate slack jawed faggot americans who talk like this

>> No.13208456

1000% this. they are fucking cancer

>> No.13208489

That's okay, I have literally sat in a Red Robin for 4 hours eating my endless fries before. The suckers didn't realize my car was getting services across the street and I had all the time in the world. Red's Tavern Double for $6 and a beer that I sipped slowly. Check was only $15 in the end.

>> No.13208651

Just report them to the manager and make up a story about something they didn't do that makes them look even worse. That's usually what I do whenever I run into a bad server.