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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 30 KB, 600x799, Knob-Creek-Smoked-Maple-Bourbon-Whiskey-750ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13195034 No.13195034 [Reply] [Original]

I liked it.

>> No.13195039 [DELETED] 

im gay btw if that matters

>> No.13195057

well it is called knob creek

do you suck knobs down by the creek drunk on knob creek?

>> No.13195244

Sooo... Lincoln county process?

>> No.13195261

I liked it too, until I realized it said "with artificial flavors" then went back to the regular stuff.

>> No.13195265

This is GREAT stuff. It's not cloyingly sweet or more like a liqueur than a whisky like most flavored whiskies. It tastes like bourbon with maple in it, not maple with bourbon in it.

>> No.13195269

>until I realized it said "with artificial flavors"
It says with natural flavors on the front of the fucking bottle, readlet.

>> No.13195298

There's nothing OP likes more than sucking on some brown knob.

>> No.13196517

Gonna be in the UK for a week, want to get a nice scotch while I'm there but now I just don't know what single bottle to get. Looking to spend anywhere between £80 to £160. Anything from a great sherry bomb to smokey is ideal. Any recommendations?

>> No.13196686

>Sherry Bomb
Glendronach 21 should cost around £130

Ardbeg Uigeadail bargain at only £55.

>> No.13196694

Couldn't you visit your favourite distilleries and taste them?

>> No.13196742

I have a bottle of that Ardbeg and its great, I have been eyeing the Glendronach 21 for some time. May end up going for that but we'll see.
I just won't have the time, it kills me but that'll have to be for another trip

>> No.13196896

i got the worst hangover of my life off knob creek. fuck that shit

>> No.13196917

hangovers are 75% dependent on dehydration.

>> No.13196925

It's not bad but I think it to be overpriced for what it is. Try out some Bakers or Bookers.

>> No.13197033
File: 3.19 MB, 4032x2268, I'm Okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your best shit, lads.

>> No.13197047

i always drink a ton of water when i get fucked up, and almost never get hung over. it was just the one time i drank knob creek

>> No.13197052

What's a decent bourbon for sipping on the rocks that I can buy a 1.75l for under $50? Preferably something widely available not "niche" since I live in a small town

>> No.13197060

Evan Williams bottled in bond, if you can find it in 1.75L, if not then Wild Turkey 101.

>> No.13197104
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I liked it.

>> No.13197303

I didn't like the hangover I felt today tho

>> No.13197348
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picked up some new memes

which should I open

>> No.13197363
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Lmao. Holy shit I'm depressed

>> No.13197372


do americans really!...
call their drinks "knob"

do you guys even know what that means

>> No.13197396

knob creek 120 proof and Bookers are literally the same thing, they just go through and hind pick the best 200 barrels and set them aside for Bookers and the rest of the barrels get called knob creek. The taste difference is barely noticeable if at all but you'll spend $120 for Bookers compared to $50 for knob creek 120

>> No.13197404

It probably the same between Evan Williams black label and those others. It's just price differentials and marketing.

>> No.13197408
File: 141 KB, 1283x650, bookers on google.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$120 for bookers
where the fuck have you been buying Booker's at $120?

>> No.13197411

get Evan Williams 1783, its noticeably better then the black bottle and around $29 a 1.75L, if you're ok with spending all $50 then grab a Knob Creek 100 proof 1.75L. And of course Wild Turkey 101.

>> No.13197422

not all runs are as good as each other

>> No.13197431

i got memed into buying Monkey shoulder and was super disappointed, it tastes like wheat grass, bananas and rubbing alcohol

>> No.13197434
File: 87 KB, 960x1280, batteryacid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get your hands on some REAL shitty whiskey then we'll talk

>> No.13197462

Second for Evan BiB
If you can’t buy a handle, buy 3 fifths and it’ll still be under $50.

>> No.13197464

I don't like it because of its name.

>> No.13197465

Knob Creek is good. If you don't like it you can shave my balls.

>> No.13197468


whats Kraken taste like compared to bacardi black or capt morgan

>> No.13197471

It's okay, we get it, you think about cocks 24/7

>> No.13197488

smoked maple, it that the one that has flavor but isn't a overly sweet, thick corn syrupy liqueur like all the honey whiskeys?

>> No.13197492

released rotten seafood

>> No.13197502

monkey shoulder is good for how cheap it is, but it's not a great whiskey by any means

>> No.13197503

Flavored booze is just girly stuff so they can slut out with impunity

>> No.13197506

"monkey shoulder" what kind of hipster focus group faggots would come with a name like that?

>> No.13197514

Much richer, spicy flavor, but far less sweet.

>> No.13197522

>"monkey shoulder"
is a old term for the people that worked in the barley(?) fields, they were constantly shoveling and their right shoulder would get really big and fucked up

>> No.13197525

Anyone that buys something called "monkey shoulder" will be pegged as an asshole faggot hipster.

>> No.13197530

I mean, yeah, sugary sweet drinks, but not that shit. Anyway girls like pumpkin spice. Maple is for men.

>> No.13197531

I thought it was a term for opium or heroin junkies, monkey on the shoulder?

>> No.13197538

No, men go for the straight burboun, flavored shit is for fags and women.

>> No.13197539

that is why i asked the question i did, because i believe the knob creek maple is not such a drink, but i can't remember if it was knob or a different whiskey

>> No.13197540
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I drink both.

>> No.13197548

Yes. That's the one.

>> No.13197556

that is "a monkey on your back" but same concept, some aliment that looms over you. In this case a hunchback and fucked up shoulder from shoveling

>> No.13197565

>taking pride in being this mentally weak

>> No.13197566

thank (you) i had it a long time ago and couldn't remember and didn't want to waste money trying to figure it out

>> No.13197584

boy this ain't no Tennessee whiskey

>> No.13197612

now that i know what type of router you have this should be easy

>> No.13197620


>> No.13197621


>> No.13197648

its made in australia. thats why its hard to find

>> No.13197664

How do people come up with misinformation like this?
Reminds me I recently heard a guy go on about how Jack Daniels is the only American owned distillery, and bourbon can only be made with limestone water.
Same guy also claimed that Stagg is 22 yrs old and Maker's Mark is owned by Chinese(it's owned by Japanese, so he was close)

>> No.13197670

says on the bottle
>>blended whisky
true whiskys are single malt.

>> No.13197708

a true scotsman eh?

>> No.13197729


>> No.13197754
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>Doesnt post $10 a handle windshield washer fluid
Are you even trying to be an alchie?

>> No.13197763

mis-remembering a rumor

>> No.13197769

>80 proof
pisswater, how do you expect to get drunk off of that? i don't have all night you know

>> No.13197835

So just drink the whole half gallon now, whats the issue?

>> No.13197910

the issue is i'll need more in a few hours and it will all be gone and he store will be closed, then what smarty pants

>> No.13199777

Its a shame they discontinued the Naked Grouse 12 year blended malt because that was awesome
t. Knower

>> No.13201068

Third on Evan. It's a good whiskey. You want a little spice, ogd is pretty common, not bad. I'm loving early times bib, liter for about $20. I haven't seen it in 1/5ths. I'm also digging new riff. I don't use water (ice) in these.

>> No.13201077

For me, it's my good ole buddy Evan Wiliams.

>> No.13201079

I've actually done that.

>> No.13201442
File: 126 KB, 500x402, livin_the_dream.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browsing /ck/
>NEET, nothing better to do
>see this thread
>hear whispering
>start talking to myself
>"Delicious...bourbon. Brownest of the brown liquors. So tempting... What's that? You...want me to drink you? But it's snowing out and I don't have a car..."
>suit up, trudge through snow uphill to the Arab liquor store down the road
>haven't interacted with anyone since the last time I came to get booze, get the name of the whiskey I want wrong, call it "william evans"
>guy says something in sandnigger, presumably calling me a drunk
>he's presumably right
>pay, trudge home replaying incident in my head
>drown anxieties in sweet, sweet bourbon

How do your liquor runs usually go, /ck/?

>> No.13201596

Buy your liquor from the supermarket while buying a few groceries. No-one bats an eyelid.

>> No.13201597

>How do your liquor runs usually go, /ck/?
Gooey chunks in the burning hot squirts, with lots of noxious gas on the side.

>> No.13201636


I have two stores I frequent but I have to switch out the store I go to every weekend so they hopefully don't notice me. I do it more out of fear of being seen as a regular despite the fact that I'm not buying cheap stuff.

>> No.13201638

im fuckign rdunk of my ass OLOL

>> No.13201677
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see, I'd do that, but it's like a mile further down the main road. ain't nobody got time for that
I know that feel
I'm gettin' there myself, friend

>> No.13201680

baseoda ana driojoa pilloda

>> No.13201695
File: 132 KB, 1920x1080, biker_dumb_grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol even Google translate doesn't know what the fuck you're saying, your'e drunk too anon

>> No.13201704
File: 296 KB, 411x412, 1567883414004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y90uy ow in a sucuation like this ive always wonderec what sort of wisdom i cuod impart on the those reading and the codne of hammubabi always inaprted osmething on me so that the strong may not harm the weak y'm now

>> No.13201711

based, and redpilled

>> No.13201715

temba his arsm wide

>> No.13201722
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>> No.13201736
File: 49 KB, 240x240, 1565489140131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont't be a rude boi yu fuckin niggert

>> No.13201745

im an albmamam anigger and i wann be fre ehell to the ncaacp

>> No.13201749

you're right, I'm sorry
I just don't know what the fuck you're saying
I should have spent more effort in learning foreign languages, I got a passing grade on the fukken, uh, DLAB, but I wasted my potential

>> No.13201753

with god a s my witbness ive spoken only english other than when i workde and liovdd out of the united states

>> No.13201764
File: 134 KB, 700x690, dude_catnip_lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that may be, but I can tell you're drunk off your ass, God knows
which makes it hard to communicate
let's agree that bourbon is great

>> No.13201786

jannies gbe me a 3 day global for a coomer threadgod ehay tje fuck has happened to. 4 chan

>> No.13201813
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You deserved it.

>> No.13201826

it was the coomer meme not porn... i dont unferstand this bullshit ahiut prohiboted memes

>> No.13201835

Good. Fuck coomposters.

>> No.13201850
File: 137 KB, 797x574, clown_vs_janny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god ehay tje fuck has happened to. 4 chan
jannies are a manifestation of Moloch, my friend
ignore them
take them in stride
they don't understand the culture, they only understand what they're (not) paid the undertstand

>> No.13201859

fuck your mother you atupid njgger

they do the work ot satan for free, bunch of fucking faggot nigger babies

>> No.13201860

the cumbrain was always the the first and the superior meme

>> No.13201869

regardless it’s absurd I can catch a global for it, fucking janies I swear

>> No.13201956

Kadir beneath Mo Moteh.

>> No.13202220

I stop when I travel, generally a big chain and a hole in the wall, if I can hit both. Sometimes just a liquor store in the middle of nowhere. Look at the liquors on offer, try to find unique bottles. Local store's selections are a bit shit, but sometimes find gems. I collect more than I drink though. Currently have maybe 50 open bottles. Sometimes look for local stuff that I read about. Sometimes taste a sample and buy a bottle. Offer suggestions if someone is looking, or ask for recommendations.

>> No.13202263

definitely this. Pounded at least a half gallon of water before bed a few weekends ago and was fine to get up at 5:15am to go tailgating.

>> No.13202299
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Didn't want to make a second alcohol thread so I'll ask here, why the fuck are IPAs so popular? I've even tried what are supposed to be the really good ones, but they all have this absolutely rancid aftertaste that I can barely keep down. What's the fucking appeal? It's not even like with bad whiskey where at least it'll get you drunk.

>> No.13202343
File: 13 KB, 657x527, apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just turned 21
>find out I like Fireball because it makes me feel warm and comfy inside while also being sweet enough to enjoy drinking rather than just going for a buzz
>get made fun of because apparently it's a girly drink
what do i do frens, I'm still new to drinking so I don't want something overly strong and I can't deal with the taste of beer, are there other sweet-tasting drinks besides wine or cider that I'll still enjoy the taste of?

>> No.13202433

People drink any beer because you can drink it during the day and no one will call you a drunk, and if you drink enough of it, it'll still get you buzzed, even though it's less efficient. As for IPAs specifically, it's the novelty. They're hoppy and bitter, and appeal to the same type of palates that like black coffee, which are surprislngly common. An acquired taste, if you will. Don't think too hard about it, and don't feel bad for not liking them. I personally prefer good old american pisswater, myself.
>are there other sweet-tasting drinks besides wine or cider that I'll still enjoy the taste of?
Liquers, like Baileys, if you want to go the Dude route. But ultimately, you should drink what you like. It's girly to try to pick your drinks based on what others would think of you, rather than drinking what you like. Though fireball is fukken gross, lol.

>> No.13202518

Some IPA's are pretty well balanced, desu. Not overly bitter hop bombs, but nicely balanced and generally citrusy.
Soco is sweetened whiskey liqour, still not strictly a heterosexual male drink, but not as bad as fireball.

>> No.13202575

if you waited to start drinking till you were 21 you already missed the window to develop your taste buds, you might be stuck hating liquor your whole life.

>> No.13202596

>walk of shame to liquor store
>go to miniature bottle section bc I have a fear of dying from alcohol
>wait 5 minutes for old people to decide what they want
>buy whiskey haven't tried before
>go to cash register
>sad bc cute 3.14 cashier isn't working there, half the reason i go in the first place
>"I need to see an Id anon"
>suspicious looks bc babyface
>"have a good day anon"

>> No.13202741
File: 17 KB, 400x420, manning the register.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work at liquor store, AMA. Yes, we judge the fuck out of what you buy.

>> No.13202822


>> No.13202956
File: 80 KB, 900x1100, Bird+Dog+Blackberry-750ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /ck/ think of this?

>> No.13202959







>> No.13202965

your job security is shit and you have no reason to judge people for what they buy. i hope someone robs you at gunpoint. you will get fired due to being retarded enough to allow being robbed in the first place

>> No.13202969

I work at a liquor store in a good neighborhood, retard. The only time we ever got robbed was after a tornado tore the whole front of the building off and literally a solitary looter came through at 3 in the morning when nobody was there.

>> No.13202972

Anyone who makes fun of others for "girly" drinks can't handle their alcohol like the bitches they are. It's a blatant fact. They are also the first ones to pass out/throw up during a party/get-together. Just drink what you like. Personally I enjoy Fireball but then again I enjoy anything I can get my hands on.

>> No.13202975
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>i live in a good neighborhood
>but i did get robbed one time

hilarious. stay mad, wagie. clean up the store or i will call your district

>> No.13202977

You're not very smart.

>> No.13202982

>commute is longer than 15 minutes

oh nononono

>> No.13202983

>walk to liquor store
>almost get hit by cars two or three times because it is in the middle of a busy parking lot with no pedestrian access
>grab and sip free wine sample from the little booth promoting shitty local wines
>head straight to the walk-in beer fridge and circle it three or four times trying to find where they hid the one and only porter they carry this time
>do i want a liquor?
>ehh, not enough to pay the obscene tax on liquor
>pay, leave, dodge cars in the parking lot again

>> No.13202986

Where do you live? In my state you just pay the same sales tax as anything else.

>> No.13203023
File: 2.56 MB, 4032x3024, C43CD704-277A-4F07-9ADD-8E3D1271B56B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current collection. What do you think?

>> No.13203136

i clicked "remain ignorant" just to see what would happen... the pic got smaller, that was all

>> No.13203200

what happens if you pull that down?

>> No.13203328


>> No.13203572

Not bad if you like it. How's that rye? I've not heard anything about that distillery and BIB is an interest of mine.

>> No.13203659

fuck you asshole

>> No.13204369
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How do I start with whiskey?

>> No.13204388

By opening the bottle.

>> No.13204454

When you get started you want to avoid both bottom shelf and top shelf whisky. Feel free to experiment with mixed drinks and ice at first to acclimate yourself.

If you're anything like me, you will come to dislike ice as it dilutes your drink as you sip it and will move on to room temperature neat.

People here will bark about neat being the only way to enjoy whisky, but don't try to force it as it's often too harsh for beginners.

That said, try to stay with low ABV whisky first to get used to flavors. Avoid peaty scotch for now. Irish is a good starting point as is bourbons if you like sweeter.


>> No.13204906

unironically buy Crown Royal, people like to talk crap but it is one of the smoothest and most inoffensive whiskeys around. If you can't drink it you most likely won't like any other whiskey. For there you can graduate to real whiskeys like Bulleit Rye or Woodford Reserve bourbon

>> No.13205552

Awful advice. Cr was one of the worst whisky I've ever had. Avoid that overpriced garbage

>> No.13206818

Buds with a bar owner and got to try if free, its unironically fine. Maybe overpriced but not shitty or anything. Stay away from the Crapple though

>> No.13206841

>smoothest and most inoffensive
i.e. flavorless. A complete waste of money.

>> No.13206918

it would be extremely delicious

>> No.13206927

rowan creek
old forrester

>> No.13206960


>> No.13206979

Try some brandy. Even relatively cheap ones can be really smooth if you let them breathe a couple minutes.
I didn't start drinking until I was 22. I've never been able to stand beer, tolerate wine, and can count the liquors I haven't liked on one hand.

>> No.13207085

>How do I start with whiskey?
At a bar with a decent selection. You spend more per serving, but you don't get stuck with bottles of stuff you despise around the house.

>> No.13207103

What are you looking for? I started with OGD, Knob and Woodford. Middle shelf is good advice. Bottom shelf will yeild some gems, if you know what you're looking for. If you want the highway to alcoholism (and a "suicide may be the solution" hangover) shots of Kentucky Tavern if you can find it. I've got one bottle and it is an excellent shooting whiskey. I limit myself to only a couple shots at a time though, and those few and far between.
Sipping whiskey, get a glass of good water that's chilled, insert straw, cap straw with finger, transfer small amounts of water to sipping whiskey, mix, taste, repeat as necessary. Over time you'll find what your palate likes, how some whiskeys benefit from dilution, and how some are great as they are. Go to a bar, order whiskey with a water back, ask for straw. Ask for recommendations, or not.

>> No.13207253

Not bad. It's quite spicy and has a pretty grassy finish. I honestly didn't like it at first but it's grown on me. Certainly one of the most unique whiskies I've tried.

I had only seen something by them once, on YouTube. I think it was a Bourbon. But I was out on a day trip with my family and only a 20 drive from the distillery so I decided to stop by.

>> No.13207461
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Case in point

>> No.13207495

its $20, the only thing cheaper is Evan Williams which sure its better but not as a first whisky, you don't start people out on laphroaig scotch ffs.

>> No.13207520

i.e. very low on flavor and burn which can be overwhelming for somebody that's never had whiskey before. I hated whiskey because i started out on jack and that shit is garbage but once i tried Makers Mark it encouraged me to explore farther

>> No.13207525
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Anybody /cold rocks/ here?

>> No.13207538

start with Makers Mark bourbon then Woodford Reserve, Bulleit Rye, and once you're accustomed to the flavor try some Wild turkey 101 and Knob Creek 100 they'll have a little more heat but much richer in flavor and once you realize you're spending to much money on whiskey try some Evan Williams 1783

>> No.13207541

Its a meme, drink your shit at room temp. Get more flavor our of it.

>> No.13207554

I love finding whiskey that way. I do like grassy notes and unique whiskey in general. Thanks for the response anon.

>> No.13207567

Nah, if I cool I want dilution too. Excepting barrel proof, all whiskey is watered before bottling anyways.

>> No.13209123

fucking no lmao

>> No.13209424
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>> No.13209430

>I was good at it. And i felt alive.

>> No.13209477
File: 387 KB, 945x1058, 84E03147-793F-44D8-B466-D08DA40AF186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not johnny walker blue label
Kill yourself pleb
Johnny walker blue label is the best scotch to date you fucking tastelet

>> No.13209546

get help

>> No.13209671

>Over 100$ for a blend

>> No.13209676

You may as well be drinking Red Label, you tasteless git.

>> No.13209728
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If you can pronounce its name correctly while drunk it's not a good scotch.

>> No.13209732

No you shoot a lot of guns


>> No.13209795

Every few weeks I buy a big 1.75L plastic bottle of popov from like a meijer or some shit for around 11 dollars, go home and mix it with lemonade and get fucked (alcohol wise) on vrchat

thats the extent

>> No.13209844

The only nice thing I can say is at least it's 40%.
Wow, look at all those Kurds being slaughtered.

>> No.13209853
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for me it's corryvreckan

>> No.13209860

This is my favorite scotch. However, Ardbeg 10 is like 95% as good for a bit more than half the price.

>> No.13209867

Find new frens

>> No.13209879

i kinda like corryvreckan more than 10er even if it's more expensive. but 10 is still solid.

>> No.13209894

10 was tasting especially amazing to me last night for some reason. Wonderfully sweet and soft on the palette, then the campfire hits on the finish.

>> No.13210089

Tell me how I know you're some partially employed shitheel from the midwest.

>> No.13210253
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>Not based kd
Cause when I drink shit whiskey I go with the bartenders choice

>> No.13210328

It's the future old man we blend scotch now

>> No.13211463

I always find that blends are worse than the sum of their parts. Monkey shoulder originally contained Balvenie, Glenfiddich and Kininvie. The former two are better and I've never tried the latter. The kicker is that I really don't understand why. Even when the blender is using older stock, as in Johnnie Green 15, it ends up worse. I'd like to like malt blends; you're getting good whiskey at a lower cost.
The only one that's really done it for me is The Six Isles. A big part of that is that it is substantially cheaper than single malt Islay, so being worse is fairly acceptable.

>> No.13211652

>I always find that blends are worse than the sum of their parts.
Half Laphroaig 10 and half Macallan 12 frowns on your shenanigans.

>> No.13211694
File: 2.92 MB, 916x936, shamikoquestion.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The food you eat right before you take a sip of whisky can have a DRAMATIC effect on your perception of the whisky.
Do you have any favorite food/whisky combinations? I've been hooked on flan lately and I find that sherry bombs taste wonderful after eating flan.

>> No.13212221

I tried it with a Glen Moray 15 (quite sherried) since I don't have a bottle of Macallan, and it wasn't great. Not terrible, but worse than either whiskey.

>> No.13212366

Rich, dark, vanilla, smooth. Its my favorite dark rum

>> No.13212420

Spend some money my dude. Kraken is shit rum.
Plantation O.F.T.D and Bundaberg Master Distillers Black Barrel are some excellent rums. Even if you're looking for cheapo spiced rum stuff like rebellion bay is much nicer because the base spirit is timid.

>> No.13212432

Ive yet to see either of those rums here in ny

>> No.13212756
File: 25 KB, 443x1000, plantation-barbados-grande-reserve-rum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any plantation rum is probably gtg except maybe the standard dark. 5 year is also a good starting point.

>> No.13212782

>ever having more than 1 or 2 bottles with liquor still in it
I can post a pile of premium empties...

>> No.13212784

honestly I always liked the dark whalers rum from trader joes. Tasted almost like chocolate rum. Pretty good for 8 bucks.

>> No.13212934

>not making your own booze
so this is the power of /ck/?
mindless consumerism?
i pity you (not really)
get back in the kitchen you fucks, and stop shitposting

>> No.13213003

My booze is busy aging and distilling my own liquor is illegal.

>> No.13213016

>distilling my own liquor is illegal

>> No.13213034

Owning a still requires a loicense and there's a special lock on it that only a guberment agent is allowed to open, to keep me from sneaking a cheeky mash in there.
Having said loicense also entitles the guberment to barge into my abode for random unannounced inspections.

If I don't lick that boot it will literally kick my teeth in.

>> No.13213513
File: 43 KB, 450x600, el-dorado-12-year-old-rum-guyana-10526504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should try this, blows all those out of the water. If you like a dryer less sweet rum buy the 8 year instead. However i would not recommend the 15

>> No.13213584

Yea because you went and bought the high priced version of a shit Australian rum, and you dodged the award winning Plantations for the hard to source 69%er.

>> No.13213607

It's illegal in the US too, but as long as you're not selling it, doing it in the front yard or have a busy body pissy neighbor no one will bother you.

>> No.13213624

>shit Australian rum from Guyana

>> No.13214107

From Queensland. The Bundaberg. How complicated can a list of two be.

>> No.13214131
File: 6 KB, 250x220, 1545950862395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in the fuck are you talking about

>> No.13214556

Chocolate with port finishes are something I do

>> No.13214603

Chocolate seems to make most whiskies more intensely flavorful in my experience.

>> No.13215125

Wrong. Its so easy to drink.

>> No.13215569

I prefer the uigeadail but the Corry is also excellent. Glad I bought both - well worth the money.

>> No.13215866

What city?

>> No.13215869


>> No.13215872


Anything by Bruichladdich or Springbank

>> No.13216113

>Its so easy to drink.
This is what people say about flavorless whiskies.

>> No.13216159

which is the point for someones first whiskey, you don't want to light them on fire with a bottle of bookers or scare them off with shitty Jack

>> No.13216228

>El Dorado 12 yr: 35/39 ALKO 35
yeah, nah.

>> No.13216303
File: 515 KB, 1134x2016, 10y oloroso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edradour's wine cask matured cask strength stuff, any and all of them.
They're all spectacular, and pretty reasonably priced for what they are.
The 10yo Oloroso is far better than the much touted A'bunadh and is single cask with an age statement at a better price.

>> No.13216329

it's 40% and ~25 bucks where I live

idk what you're crying about

>> No.13216371

>The 10yo Oloroso is far better than the much touted A'bunadh
>$119 mail order

>> No.13216391
File: 263 KB, 929x785, 1547406772906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think he is just retarded, first he was saying it was Australian rum. I bet he is a aussie and can't get his hands on any so he shitposts

>> No.13216442

Not the aussie guy.
I'm pointing out that el dorado 12 has 35g/l of added sugars, and 39g/l of added other stuff.
It's a fucking rum cocktail
