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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13196726 No.13196726[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of Rhett and Link? Do you respect their reviews?

>> No.13196728

I used to have dreams where they were fucking eachother while I watched. It was the only time I ever had a wet dream

>> No.13196745

Link's a fucking faggot. He always gets caught cheating on games and he's a weasel that I would punch in the face.
Rhett is more chill and down to earth and tolerable.
Fuck link is what I'm saying. Idk why Rhett stuck around with him so much. Personality wise me and him are similar so I can't imagine being around someone like like so deeply for our entire fucking lives.
Also he named his kid Lando. Link is a fucking retard.

>> No.13196761

I hate them fake personality.

>> No.13196764

At least Rhett has a true friend called Link, unlike you forever-alone perma-virgin.

>> No.13196768

Hey OP, could you refrain from posting your cringey Zoomer personalities on this board. Thanks.

>> No.13196773


i've never heard of them but i know by that image that they're fucking faggots and should be dragged behind a truck down a gravel road

>> No.13196778

They're fine to watch interacting with other people, but they bore me to sleep by themselves. I don't really get the appeal.

>> No.13196782

>I don't really get the appeal.
Zoomers and normies have absolute shit tastes.

>> No.13196846

They've been a thing for a bit longer than that. They're one of the 'older' set of Youtube personalities and a lot of their initial audience was millenials.>>13196782

>> No.13196858

Yea, I mentioned normies. They attract the same crowd that watched "The Big Bang Theory". You know the type.

>> No.13196871

theyre symbolic of corporate youtubers, but i appreciate that they will eat almost anything and if im being honest, i like videos where someone western tries something that normally exists outside of the western palate.

in short, theyre not the worst people this level of craven success could happen to

>> No.13197443

They're faggot soiboi numale gaylords

>> No.13197455

I don't know who they are

>> No.13197479

rhett is definitely more entertaining than link and if I had to choose to drink a beer with one rhetts the guy. i appreciate that after all these years and in this PC culture they havent shoved politics into their channel at all.

>> No.13197560

Chef Josh is basically the only reason I watch their content.

>> No.13197581

Don't know who they are and really don't care. Give me a positive reason why I should.

>> No.13197603

fucking extreme soy "people"

go buy their book if you like them

>> No.13197605
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.... crickets

>> No.13197619

I remember watching part of an episode and never went back due to my no soy diet.

>> No.13197647

guy impressed me way more than I expected

>> No.13197687

the food reviews are fun but i stop at their merch shilling. even then i watch them in small doses

>> No.13197716

Rhett made some long tired ass letter about gun rights after parkland and basically said if you aren't for stronger gun restrictions you are "an asshole".

>> No.13197740

Damn, some of you anons are pathetic for shilling those two, it's sure a hell not going to make me look them up or watch their shit.

>> No.13197782

i looked it up. and saw another one of his posts. youve ruined rhett for me. i didnt seem to be able to find anything dumb written by link at least

>> No.13197814

They have a little bit from what I've seen. For example when making fun of high school coaches they used the belief that there's too much regulation as a point of ridicule. Also, one of their segments had them feature a Hulk Hogan actor that said something like "I'm a horrible garbage person, brother". They don't go into politics that often but when they do it's really cringe.

>> No.13198659

It's funny to me how triggered bigots and gun tards get every time they find out someone isn't bigotted or as retarded about gun laws as they are.

>> No.13198668

Welcome to 4channel, newfag.

>> No.13198676

It's one thing to have a sound argument for gun control while being educated about firearms, it's another thing to spew bullshit about something you know nothing about. Kind of like what you're doing about people you dont know

>> No.13198699
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I find them mildly entertaining.
I get the impression that they are quite genuine but I really can't tell.
Also Stevie is gorgeous, but I think I would probably hate her personality in real life.

>> No.13198709

go back to lereddit faggot. not one person here was triggered or mad. just disappointed

>> No.13198718

sounds like you are pretty triggered, little guy

>> No.13198721

uh oh stinky

>> No.13198724

fuckin yikes, you gotta be 18+ to post here faggot. take a hike

>> No.13198726

His cooking is cool. I just wish he'd stop trying so hard to be funny.

>> No.13198738

rhett more like rheddit.

>> No.13198741

biggest normies on this planet, holy fuck do they need to fuck off and die, I never stopped hating on these two empty shells since when I first time saw them which was like 2012 or something.

>> No.13198748

She's legit a lesbian. She's been dating a woman for years now.

>> No.13198781

>Youtube personalities

>> No.13198787

>legit a lesbian

>> No.13198792

Wildly subversive.

>> No.13198897

I'm not going to waste energy talking to the likes of you about gun control on a food board, I'm just enjoying how upset ut makes you.

>> No.13199123

This is generally true but when faggots sperg out about the difference between an assault rifle and an AR or a clip and a magazine it makes it really difficult to even engage with gun lovers

>> No.13199178

I'm not upset you're just retarded
I get that. I think they're just super paranoid right now and extra touchy about they're rights so they try to get the best of whomever they can

>> No.13199206

i respect the hell out of these internet mavericks

>> No.13199215

They got corrupted by the system. Their show used to feel sincere, not it feels like cable TV.

>> No.13199535


Aren’t these the guys who make “parody” type commercials for flea markets and shit? If so I don’t think I’ve seen anything they have done in probably close to a decade.

>> No.13199605
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>he dun lik gun i dun lik him

>> No.13199830

Annoying faggots.

Their entire show seems engineered to appeal to dumb millennials who are obsessed with youtube culture.

>> No.13199911
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All any lesbian needs is a good deep dicking

>> No.13199919

Literally cannot argue with those digits

>> No.13199922

>subversives who want to take away citizens rights are good entertainers, goy

>> No.13199926

Funny enough guys but their videos are clickbait trash.

>> No.13200317
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>> No.13200327

You should be touchy about your "rights" because they're ridiculous. There's no reason a civilian needs or should have access to assault rifles. The amendment you all cling to even implies that saying that it's a well regulated militia that is necessary to the security of a state. Letting any random person with no qualifications buy military grade weapons is the exact opposite of that.

But your country is controlled by corporations who have no interest in public good, just personal profit and there's huge huge money in guns. So you're all taught though constant propaganda to just pay attention to part of the amendment and get up in arms at any mention of gun control.

>> No.13200358

Wow what a nightmarish unforgivable opinion I'm literally shaking, are you literally shaking with me? Cancel this man please, this opinion he had is unforgivable.

>> No.13200360

Unironically this

>> No.13200375

You sound like a working class chump. I bet you thought it would be a great "investment", how you would wake up to a warm, healthy breakfast to start off your long day. Maybe, you even had a couple thoughts about all the other nifty little uses you could find for the thing, how it would help you cook healthier meals in general, shed a couple pounds off the old gut, boost your confidence around work and with the ladies. Yeah, maybe that slow cooker would start your life cooking again, wouldn't it? I can see your strained hands holding the box and reading through it carefully at the store. A little bit pricey, but you're the type of guy who thinks everything is more than you can spend, aren't you. And look what happened to you. Look what the slow cooker did to you. Fucked you over, and made you clean it like a useless bitch. You don't even fucking like oatmeal. Piece of shit, you've been repeating those three words your whole life, haven't you. Yeah, how was work after that piece of shit fucked you over? I bet it was on your mind the whole day, you probably didn't say shit to nobody. Can't be telling people about your mistakes. How your little fix yourself plan, failed you. Don't want people to start thinking you're the failure. You're the piece of shit, all along. You don't want that do you? You don't want to be the piece of shit everybody secretly whispers about, do you? Was your father a piece of shit like you? I bet he never had a slow cooker. He had a woman, a house, a damn good job. I bet it's slow cooking you the fuck alive, isn't it. Comparing yourself to him. How one day when all the steam runs our of your life, you'll discover how you're nothing more than burnt shit to be scrapped off and thrown in the trash.

>> No.13200399
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Delicious pasta

>> No.13200412

I used to like them. They can be entertaining still, but their vibe with each other is always so passive-aggressive and snippy. Like an old married couple that can't out-right tell one another to just fuck off and stop acting like a twat. Instead they snipe cheap shots at one another and it makes their dialog cringy.

>> No.13200430

yootoobers are fuck
yootoobe monetizing content was the worst thing to happen to western culture since the targetted bombing of civilians in ww2

>> No.13200438

I used to watch Good Morning Chia Lincoln back in 2011 when they used to talk about articles and stories they had. Now its just dime a dozen shitty taste tests and contests

>> No.13200456

Hey guess what happens at the beginning of every dictatorship or tyranny. You have no grasp on history do you? There is a reason why owning a gun is important. Also the amendment is incredibly open to interpretation. I would guess you're around 20 to 23 years old and have very little life experience. You simply regurgitate talking points you heard on some youtube video or podcast instead of actually thinking for yourself and refuse to try and understand why owning a firearm is a good idea for most people

>> No.13200541

I'm not saying people shouldn't be able to own any guns, but there should deffinitely be at least as much regulations and licensing as vehicles. Nice "NO U!" on the propaganda though lol.

Anyways your country is already super fucked because of how many unregistered guns there are all over so even without the gun lobby continuing to buy off politicians it'll be impossible to do anything reasonable at this point. The best case scenario for the world and also the most likely is a nice bloody civil war where the gangs and homesteaders all get to finally live the dream and put all those guns they've been hoarding to good use.

Then a nice strong authoritarian government can come and curb stop you all for acting like chilren for so long and strip all the bullshit you think are "rights". Because really, that's what you hillbilly yokels deserve.

>> No.13200557

Chef Josh is the reason I stopped watching. He's so unfunny and I'd rather watch them be disgusted at weird foods, not saying how surprisingly delicious it all is

>> No.13200611

>regulated had the same meaning in the late 18th century as it does today
>there's no reason a civilian should have access to an assault rifle
>people actually believe these things

>> No.13200624

>clinically insane people and dangers to society should be permitted to own military arsenals 'cause any gun regulation is stealing muh precious bodily fluids
>5 million NRA members mostly funded by gun corporations hold 340 million americans hostage
Good goy!

>> No.13200630

You might be able to convince me a civilian should have access if each weapon was liscenced and trackable by the public and if being able to own one legally came with liscence and civil responsibility. That is clearly what the spirit of the amendment is and I'm sure you can scream and yell in protest but deep down you know it too.

Anywhoo enjoy your inevitable bloodbath :)

>> No.13200634

yeah, do a little bit of digging into the usage history of 'regulated' and it's like 'your logistics in good order, weapons clean'. of course, the other side of the coin is that reaching backwards thru semantic cloud is impossible and thus originalism is conceptually bunk, but maybe if we keep arguing about a piece of paper for long enough then US will stop exporting sodomy and importing brown people

>> No.13200640

The spirit of the amendment was very clearly the understanding that a government should fear its populace and not the other way around. Remember this country was founded by actually intelligent liberals.

>> No.13201220

t. has never read the federalist papers

>> No.13201425

I cant imagine being this retarded

>> No.13201508

reddit pls go

>> No.13201930
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>> No.13201971

>married men with all the kids they want get a procedure so they can plough their wives and interns all day without needing to worry about getting them preggers

So soy omg!

>> No.13201991

who the fuck are these e-celebs? lmfao i thought it couldnt get worse than you reddit zoomers shilling a fat jew bitch, now you're shilling literal soys.

pathetic. neck yourself

>> No.13202004

>just disconnect your testicles goy!
>you have no need testosterone goy!
how much of a beta bitch do you have to be

>> No.13202009

i thought this was shopped but its real lmao

>> No.13202015

You don't really think that a vasectomy cuts off testosterone, do you? Please tell me no one is THIS uneducated about biology

>> No.13202024

Yeah, how else are they suppose to ensure the wombs will be open for Tyrone and Antoine?

>> No.13202026

>J-Just stop shooting loads when you already have several kids
>Vasectomy stops testosterone
Based retard

>> No.13202035


>> No.13202046

ah yes a totally normal procedure. just like getting circumcised!

>> No.13202054

>Moves the goalpost to it being not normal
You can and stop posting anytime, we're anonymous here no need to defend yourself tardo.

>> No.13202076
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>moves the goalpost
between that and whataboutism i dont know which one is the more reddit argument.
just go get your balls detached bro. you seem upset at me making fun of your jewish ways. you have too much testosterone

>> No.13202153

You're clinically retarded.

>> No.13202166

It's kinda hard to backpedal out of saying something as idiotic as you did though. I think fear of Jews has melted your capacity for reason.

>> No.13202184

you sound mad, did someone hurt your beta bitch pussy?

>> No.13202195

You're the one who doesn't know what a vasectomy is, I just think it's funny someone could be that stupid.

>> No.13202218

>t. gaint beta-bitch crybaby, w/ a broken pussy

>> No.13202238

Try harder. Trolling doesn't work when it's just random gibberish.

>> No.13202260

why would i try harder when i already got your madboi pussy triggered?

>> No.13202318

What am I supposed to be triggered about again?

>> No.13202325

exactly, boi

>> No.13202346

Huh? You're the clueless hillbilly trying to say I'm upset about you not knowing how vasectomies work. Where's the part that I'm supposed to be mad about?

>> No.13202360

oh boi, he's gonna cry again!
just go cry to your mama, she's upstairs!

>> No.13202412

You're making no sense again Cletus.

>> No.13202422

you dumb, boi

>> No.13202445

Says the guy who doesn't understand how testosterone works lol.

>> No.13202467

>said by the beta bitch who has a broken pussy

>> No.13202497

I don't have one you backwater inbred hick. I'm just making fun of you for not knowing what they are.

>> No.13202512

i just keep making fun of you because you are a dumbass mad boi

>> No.13202534

Nice show of literacy lol

>> No.13202548

stop getting triggered, little beta bitch

>> No.13202555

I don't get a lot of genuineness from them. At the end of their show, they often feature video greetings from some of their fanbase. And often when those show the ugly side of their fanbase, they then go into some perfunctory "yeah, cool unicorn hat and 20 cats you got there." that seems really dishonest. But they know they appeal to those types. Same with their products. Susbscribers out the ass but always pushing something new. Rewarding people showing their merch in the video greeetings with being shown in the show. Not to start with their recent exclusive subscription service with multiple tiers. Dressed up like it is some super cool secret club/cult thing. Yeah, because it is a monetized like one.

>> No.13202556

I'm all for license and ID for gun ownership, that's starkly different from the "take all the guns away" that people advocating "gun control" usually want

>> No.13202562

I don't have anything to even be triggered about. I get to call you retarded over and over for not knowing how human bodies work and you keep coming back for more. Works for me.

>> No.13202572

i get to call you beta bitch over and over, and your madboi ass keeps coming back for more
don't get too excited and start touching your pussy tho, you know, it's broken

>> No.13202578

Yeah except the difference is my insults are real because you legit didn't know how vasectomies work and your insults are just random buzzwords that don't even relate to me.

>> No.13202580

hey, third party jumping in here to call you a loser and a faggot

>> No.13202582

Real talk the reason anti-gun people have become so extreme saying you shouldn't be allowed any at all is because of how resistant the gun lobby has been to any regulation at all. So if you're not going to compromise neither are they.

>> No.13202589

>my insults are real!!!!!
the cringiest thing you can heard from a pussy boi

i'm not even the guy you talked to, beta bitch dummy. "your insults are just random buzzwords that don't even relate to me"

>> No.13202595

hey, third party jumping in here to call you a gaint crybaby with a gaint broken pussy

>> No.13202599

Nice buzzword from a redneck who doesn't know anatomy.

>> No.13202606

attaboy! you finally achieve something with your broken pussy!

>> No.13202618

My cock works just great, Jim Bob. Is that really all you have for a comeback?

>> No.13202627

oh shit! he's getting triggered again! what kind of """"""REAL"""""" insults he is gonna cry out

>> No.13202635

Old Rhett and Link, like from 2008 when they did those cheesy music videos and the first few seasons of GMM, are pure comfy kino. Their banter was hilarious and you could tell they were genuine in their comedy and personalities. They were just two guys from North Carolina who stopped being engineers to make music and sketches. I stopped watching them like 4 years ago. What happened is they expanded their company and hired a bunch of these retarded valley millennials to write their scripts and shows, who turned them into complete flanderizations of themselves. It's a shame, but if I need a laugh I always go back to those early seasons. I even have a list of episodes/ moments that I enjoy