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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13198600 No.13198600 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so hard to make money with food
i always wanted to have my own business
but after calculating the costs and all it's just too hard
i would have to get at least a thousand customers a week just to live on minimum wage as the owner
what's the trick bros

>> No.13198607

start a cleaning business.
Everything is always getting dirty and needs to be cleaned constantly to look nice. The harder you work the more you make.

>> No.13198608

You have to rip people off and make retards think theyre getting a good deal

Also appealing to children so lazy retard parents give in to their shitty demands works well too, especially if you combine appealing to children with ripping them off
Ex: chicken fucking nuggets
So many men are subjected to their dumb wives and their dumb children wanting shitty, low quality nuggets because they’re literal sniveling retards

>> No.13198636

hire mexicans

>> No.13198674

I really empathize with you. In many respects, perfect capitalism is perfect misery, in that perfectly competitive markets are perfect misery because profit approaches zero. This is not some kind of communist take on things, quite the opposite, it’s just a general fact.

Everything with its doors still open defy the odds with some special trick. Maybe they’ve found a way to keep costs abnormally low. Maybe they’re in walking distance of $1,000,000 homes and those patrons value you remembering them, fussing over their kids, and having 10% ABV beers ready to go. Or maybe your salads are fucking ace and you’re relying on soccer moms and their whore daughters spending someone else’s money so they don’t give a shit about a few extra bucks. You get the idea.

You have to prove the existence of a market that will make your operation profitable, not think about what you want to do and rationalize a way to do that.

>> No.13198680

Attach a lefty political statement to your brand, and all the trannies will buy your shitty food, and accuse anyone that thinks that it's trash to be a bigot. Now people will pretend that the gutter oiled foods that you hawk is tasty.

>> No.13198708

Restaurants have notoriously low profit margins. You make your money charging $3 for a coke that costs you 2 cents. Something like 90% of them fail within the first 5 years.

>> No.13198729

Every single restaurant I go to is shit nowadays. Owners want biggest profit for lowest effort and underpaid staff doesn't care about delivering a quality meal because most are there as they've run out of employment options. No one who actually likes food works in food but because they are afraid of losing money they become their manager's bitch. You're sold lies by people who don't even know the food is shit.
Do a catering service, OP. Be a personal chef. Anything but something that serves the shitty public.

>> No.13198733

People rarely, if ever, started with their own businesses from the get go. Usually they started working for other people and then opened their own place. Consider finding a food job with someone and go from there. Also, with today's society is very easy to advertise on the internet and stuff.

>> No.13198739

>I'll have water, please

>> No.13198874

Hard business. Restaurants close down all the time. My uncle has started a few and failed them.

>> No.13198894

Only morons can't make money doing that, even when I was a kid in 5th or 6th grade and cousin a year older and I would sell lemonaid during the hot summer weekends on 5th ave in nyc. Our only expenses was country lime lemonaid mix and cups, we'd get about $120 a day then split the proceeds in half so we got about $50-$60 bucks which isn't bad for little kids plus we move the lemonaid stand around to make sure it was in the hot sun, we found that we did more sales when in the hot sun than in the shade. When the lemonaid was running low we each take going and making refills of a big jug. We didn't even charge a lot, I think it was 25 cents a cup but it adds up and that was a real tourist area so there's a lot of foot traffic and we both were good looking young lads, not dodgy, we'd sell tons.

>> No.13198903

You need to have something that differentiates you from the competition and not overload your menu with items. More choices means more items unsold which means more waste

>> No.13199007

cute kids selling lemonade in a make shift stand is not the same thing as a grown man running a proper business

>> No.13199009

dumb boomer

>> No.13199041

what about catering business? lots of old rich people.

also could become a cook for an old rich person.

>> No.13199051

You, and OP should cater to my nuts.

>> No.13199053

>Why is it so hard to make money with food
In a free market, profits trend towards zero.

>> No.13199059

Buy cheap ingredients in bulk and use cheap labor to prep it all into finished foods. For example, don’t buy pre-cut fries, buy bulk potatoes and get a min wage worker to cut them. Then market them as fresh hand-cut fries. It’ll simultaneously taste better and be cheaper. Don’t fall for the Sysco meme.

You underestimate how soda addicts will still pay $3 for a fountain drink even when free water is an option. Same for iced tea, similar profit margins, just have that as an option for fountain drinks.

>> No.13199061

>our only expenses was country lime lemonaid mix and cups
>and of course our:
>Tax Attorney
>Cleaning service or staff+cleaning materials

But I'm impressed you managed to pay all those and still have $120 left over daily on just your lemonade stand. Well done.

>> No.13199641

Find a way to make food for rich people and charge them a lot.

>the harder you work the more you make
Ok boomer

>> No.13199723

>the harder you work the more you make
Completely false in late-stage capitalism. The only way to make significant amounts of money is first have 500k or more, then invest it either in stocks or your own business and reap the rewards of other people’s hard work. Working hard just gets you a piddling wage.

>> No.13201152

Are you actually retarded? Selling shitty lemonade to people who bought it because they thought it was cute for kids to try and make money isn't the same as actually running a real business.

>> No.13201183

I'm impressed they managed to pass health inspection

>> No.13201207

>Ok boomer
are people being ironic when they post this?

>> No.13201262

Stocks are a risky business

>> No.13201274

He used a boomer argument and he wasn't ironic.

>> No.13201276

There's no such thing as "late stage capitalism" you fucking dunce.

>> No.13201279


>> No.13201357

That’s why you diversify and invest in safe options. Then you sit back and watch the zeros add up in your Swiss bank account.

>> No.13201363

Fine. My criticism of capitalism as a whole is pretty negative too.

>> No.13201383

That's because there is so much competition. You have a restaurant? That's nice. There are another 10 within 5 minutes walking distance. Or you can hit up Mcdonalds to get twice as much food for half the price in 1/5 the time. Why exactly would your place be above all the rest?

Honestly if you want to start a food business then you should just open up a food truck.

>> No.13201441

It takes time to research what "safe options" are and those require a lot of investment to be viable to "sit back and watch zeros add up in your Swiss bank account"

>swiss bank account
Ah you got me.

>> No.13201450

this goes with any leadership/ownership role even if you want to get creative and go into arts, everyone just fails

>> No.13201486
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Do Americans really?
So glad I live in Europe where we have rules about this kind of thing

>> No.13201494

Tip jar

>> No.13201543

I agree it seems very dire and yet I know a guy who owns some shitty Chinese joint and owns a million dollar home and doesn't seem to work very hard. Also knew another guy who had a classy jazzy bistro in downtown middle USA small town and he had a nice ass home and hardly did anything. Some places seem to make a killing, or maybe they're just wealthy and the restaurant is a hobby, who knows.

I've thought about doing a food truck but damn I don't want to work so hard (I don't mind hard work but working in a kitchen day in day out sounds shitty) and there's a lot on the line. If you have a hit and hire people to do the work, it always just goes downhill because they don't care about quality like you do.

>> No.13201549
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>Also, with today's society is very easy to advertise on the internet and stuff.

>> No.13201567

Why do you even need a truck, just get a food cart you fucking retards. Why is it that immigrants can figure this shit out but you fucks can't even comprehend it. Get a cart you can tug around that makes like one fucking thing really well, get licensed, and fuck around downtown. Huge profits, you just have to be willing to work outside on the sidewalk which most won't do.

>> No.13201582

The food industry operates on razor thin margins. I helped open a restaurant almost three years ago and the chef/owner has barely made a profit yet, and he’s there around 100 hours a week (and that’s pretty normal). If you want to make actual money in food you have to go into food science or nutrition.

>> No.13201650

Find a niche. Open a vegan restaurant.

>> No.13201688

Are you drunk? I am, but I’m still lucid enough to know that you should include an image at the very least subtly suggesting that you know you were being ironic. Otherwise you kind of just look like a retard. You realize this is the internet, right?

>> No.13201768

What a shocker.

>> No.13201780

This thread is a fucking crab bucket.

>> No.13201811
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>things the fox on the tv tells me to disagree with aren’t real

>> No.13202652

>safe options
Bonds. Hold index funds in bonds and index funds in stocks and you should be golden.

>> No.13203721

>late capitalism
We've been on late capitalism since 1920 please for the love of god get new vocabulary

>> No.13205311
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>doesn't know about elotes

>> No.13205349

No industrialized country has ever had a workers revolution as predicted by Marx. He was full of shit and his cult members have spent the last 100 years in denial.

>> No.13205388

good wholesome advice...this is actually a good idea desu

>> No.13205423
File: 136 KB, 250x246, D105E8D6-3EE7-42D3-9A5D-775E36FFBA52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel this on levels bro. I’ve started selling my bread to people I know, just to give me a small source of income while I’m studying. But people just can’t comprehend a loaf of bread costing £3-£4. They’ve grown up with mass produced baked goods made of lowest common denominator produce, and consumer goods in general being made by robots or in sweatshops. I get it if you don’t have the money, but don’t call me out on overcharging people if you have no concept of the cost and effort of making this shit. I’m working for less than a third of the minimum wage, but apparently I still have to cut my earnings to keep up with multinationals. What ever happened to small business and entrepreneurial spirit?

>> No.13205424

Retard boomer

>> No.13205429


>> No.13205437

the greed of the ones who made it killed any simpaty the people could feel toward them

>> No.13205465

>spent the past 100 years in denial
Literally the entire point of the Frankfurt school in the 30s and 40s was to re-evaluate Marx and see what he missed in light of what could be called late capitalism or the culture industry.

>> No.13205468

What kind of bread are you making that is costing you that much? Are you doing small batches or something?

>> No.13205487

Soda bread, which means eggs, buttermilk, bicarbonate of soda etc, on top of regular bread ingredients. This is in addition to any extra ingredients they ask for, which will also appreciate the price.

>> No.13205495

You're gonna get undercut by illegals that have no issue working lower than minimum wage.

>> No.13205500

Have you tried selling just regular bread or croissants or something like that instead? Maybe you'll get more business

>> No.13205508

Why it sucks
>product is perishable
>industry is highly regulated for health and safety reasons since the Progressive Era
>lots of insurance
>high overhead, especially when you consider the cost of refrigeration
>highly dependent on location and consumer confidence
>basically a luxury expense for middle class
>rising cost of land

How to beat it
>offer shittier food to keep costs down, and push your margin from 50% to 80%
>set up a charity to donate your old food, thereby writing it off not as a loss, but as a tax-exempt charitable donation, which acts as free "brand points", and makes you attractive to investors
>hire illegal immigrants, so you can hire two of them for the price of one American
>only open ONE restaurant to prove the concept, then franchise it out. buy the land the franchisees will put their units on, and then collect rent on them (the plot of "The Founder"). have your franchise plan in place before you even open your sole restaurant

The Future (these things are more cutting-edge)
>don't even have a house at all, just a kitchen and a delivery service like UberEats et al
>offer greater customization of the meals, but include customization fees
>don't even make it a restaurant, make it like Blue Apron and just sign people up for a subscription service and give them the food to cook with at a premium for convenience and packaging
>turn said food subscription service into an MLM pyramid scheme ("Become the Head Chef of your own at-home kitchen!")

>> No.13205537

Nah, the bread is a family recipe, part of the reason for making it is just the genuine enjoyment I get out of it. But I get your point, sell a more marketable product in the meanwhile and reserve the soda bread for a more niche market (I’m the only one in my area who makes it, which is probably why I get any business in the first place). Thanks for the advice bro.

>> No.13206391

Ninja you make money on the drinks..diet cokes and beer. Also desserts.

>> No.13206460

So that whole spartacus revolt in the history books was just my imagination? Learn something new every day
>but that was the jews bro that didnt happen germans weren't part of that

>> No.13206840

That market has a 40% attrition rate

>> No.13206854

Rome isn’t a country and wasn’t industrialized.

>> No.13206872

While I meant to write Spartacist you're kinda showing off your lack of history knowledge. Germany was indeed an industrialized country in 1919
