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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13195114 No.13195114[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this true?? Going to a friends thanksgiving soon.

>> No.13195136

No, it's not true in the least. Everybody's thanksgiving looks like the one on the right. Only thing that might change are a few of the dish options. Black will probably be a bit more oriented toward the southern comfort food axis.

>> No.13195141

I think they switched them since the left one looks like prison food

>> No.13195205

>it’s another racebaiting/trolling thread
Fuck off.

>> No.13195454


White people literally raped the world for salt and pepper, but somehow can't use them on their thanksgiving dinners lmao

>> No.13195458

>ytbois idea of seasoning food is just salt and pepper


>> No.13195461

Who profits the most from this division?

>> No.13195502

I'm getting so sick of the race obsession on this site but indeed in all media these past few years. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.13195514

the answer echos through history

>> No.13195519

reformed austerity shut down the use of most spices by the people who are considered white/developed the new world

>> No.13195520
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Wtf are you doing giving legitimate answers in a troll thread? You're ruining the fun!

>> No.13195521


>> No.13195524

You know exactly who

>> No.13195536

Russia and the Alt-right, which is exactly why they're known to use this exact tactic.

>> No.13195544

It wasn’t for salt and pepper dumbass

>> No.13195550

Wow blacks really do have nothing on white people

>> No.13195551
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>> No.13195562

Just like blacks are the poorest people, they’re the poorest racists. While someone who hates niggers can actually point out valid reasons they’re subhumans and actual ways they’re destroying the world all they can do is lie to themselves pathetically to try and feel better about not being white.

>> No.13195568

Just keep asking those questions, my friend. Everybody has their own answers. Wouldn't worry too much about it though. Sarcophagus.

>> No.13195571

Hate crimes were going down since the 60’s until they shot up in 2013 around the trayvon martin zimmerman case

>> No.13195595

Fuck getting your hands dirty and fuck niggers.

>> No.13195614
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>> No.13195694


>> No.13195706

Left looks like Thanksgiving at homeless shelter or soup kitchen which is funny because those are predominawy serving blacks.

>> No.13195741

my thoughts exactly

>> No.13195822

what is this, thanksgiving for ants?

>> No.13195826

>who are you quoting faggot

>> No.13195831

why are niggers always so racist

>> No.13195835

>making fun of white people for inventing something useful
seethe harder

>> No.13195836

They do not primarily serve blacks, blacks might all be poor but they are not all the poor. Blacks are a minority, they don’t matter.

>> No.13195843


Who the fuck eats hot wings at Thanksgiving?

>> No.13195848
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>> No.13195851

White people are so fucking lame...

If they all disappeared from the face of this earth, nobody would miss them.

>> No.13195852

This. Christ, Vlad, get a real job!

>> No.13195854

Blacks and their fragile egos desperate to find something they have over white people.

>> No.13195859


Bullshit, white people are the only ones keeping the Muslims in check. If whitey went poof, all the black folks and mexicans would be in chains by the end of the year.

>> No.13195875

Sometimes white people don't have mac and cheese at Thanksgiving and I get mad about that.

>> No.13195893

Divide the disenfranchised to eliminate organized resistance, meanwhile the top 1% end up owning 90% of the wealth of the US. Ironically, the disenfranchised listening to Koch brother and F(au)x News broadcasts support it. Strange really.

>> No.13196022

Your peoples country is polluting the earth, over populating, and is covered in trash. Look at you, look in the mirror, you’re the color of shit because that’s what you are.

>> No.13196035

My thanksgiving dinner will be McDonalds. It has been for the past 7 years :/

>> No.13196042
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>> No.13196049

It doesn't have to be that way you know? At the very least check to see if there's a boston market around you or even check your local grocery store with a hot foods section. i'm pretty sure you'll be able to purchase small portions of pre-made thanksgiving type foods.

>> No.13196053


>> No.13196065


>> No.13196067

that's nice it is only going to get more extreme in the next 50 years

>> No.13196148

Black people.

>> No.13196160

Shot up due to black on white hate crimes.

>> No.13196169

The mega-rich who manipulate politics in their own favor. Why do you think they oay virtually no taxes? By keeping whites, blacks, and Hispanics at each other’s throats and too busy to see who’s boot is actually on their necks. And most of them aren’t Jews, that’s another aristocracy trick.

>> No.13196266

Yes my grocery store does it. But going to McDonalds has just kind of became my thanksgiving tradition because I am always very depressed that day, and since I don’t drink alcohol, McDonalds is one of the few things that makes me feel better when I’m depressed

>> No.13196303


>> No.13196317
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>> No.13196336

They have mac and cheese almost every other night of the year. Give it a rest.

>> No.13196359

yeah that whole individualism thing is a real group splitter

>> No.13196486

It doesn't have to.

>> No.13196538


>> No.13196546

Does anyone know why prison trays look like this?

>> No.13196564

Probably harder to snap off shivs.

>> No.13196568

They look like they're made like plastic cooler lids.

>> No.13196577

What comprises the most of the 1%?

>> No.13196579

The plates are backwards but yeah. Swap them and it is pretty accurate.

>> No.13196587

>Everybody's thanksgiving looks like the one on the right.
No. Wipipo can afford actual dishes.

>> No.13196614

>niggers idea of "seasoning" is drown everything in hot sauce

>> No.13196620
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>> No.13196628

Why do non-whites have such shit pallets? Imagine not being able to taste food.

>> No.13196709
File: 44 KB, 400x344, Thanksgiving+with+white+people_83cafe_5751762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white people make me laugh

>> No.13196713
File: 18 KB, 330x358, 44AEC709-7EFE-4AF6-ADCF-4190C39FF192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw someone calls me a mean name

>> No.13196727

yes it's true people lie on the internet.

>> No.13196738

You dumb cunt

>> No.13196748

Zach Matzelle

>> No.13196750

A good way to remember this is with a verse: ‘my pal ate food that pleases his palate’.
That’s how I teach my special needs students this word anyway.
Give it a go, education shouldn’t be scary.

>> No.13196776

The whitest people I've ever know have all made thanksgiving like the right. Black people's are probably all fried turkey, chitterlings, cownbread, and malt liquor.

>> No.13196816

And what does eating buffalo wings have to do with thanksgiving? This is such low effort "damn white people and their X" that I'm not sure if this is real. However, I could see some chapofag unironically making this, unfortunately.

>> No.13196830

Both are basically the same except most black people I've known IRL don't like turkey so they tend to sub it out for fried chicken. They'll also eat corn bread instead of bread rolls.

>> No.13196835

The ONLY differences is that black people will add mac-n-cheese to all family gatherings now, no matter what the season, just because they like the way auntie does it or they have island family members where boxed mac is a way to get cheesiness without $$$$ on a cow-free island, and there will be more ooh and ahhing at sweet potato pie vs pumpkin.

Other than that? Likely the same basic items no matter your race. There will be lazy people who buy it from Honeybaked, or the local grocery catering. There will be the no expensive spared everything must be homemade families doing potluck or else the one family member with the most roomy house and biggest dining room or biggest football TV. There are regional differences, however, in the stuffing/dressing debate, from the northeast to the south to the midwest, herb-filled bread cubes, shredded bread versus tiny cubes, cornbread based, cajun sausage or other sausage/liver filled, wild rice or diry rice style, seafood or oysters, etc. There's some corn pudding, spoonbread, mirlitons, persimmons, oyster kind of things from old colonial families.Cheddar in the apple pie. There's the token italian dish that might be added, the purple baked kraut, or cuban black beans, tamales, or backyard buried lechon or whatever ethnic background adds items to the table like bacalao fritters that the family expects for nice gatherings.

>> No.13196841

>Black thanksgiving
All the hog maws. I wanna eat them chitlins... I like pigs' feet.