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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13193446 No.13193446 [Reply] [Original]

I want to buy a rice cooker as I finally move out of moms basement.
I wanted to buy a Zojirushi but it's at least 250 euros. Is it really worth it or what do you recommend ?

>> No.13193454

Buy a 20$ one at the store. It's just a glorified pan.

>> No.13193463

Why would nips buy such expensive rice cookers then ? Is there really no difference, or it's placebo ?

>> No.13193468


1) You can always add more functionality (timers, logic, variable programs for different rices etc./)

2) Nobody will ever stop you from paying extra, you can always buy a more expensive version of a thing just in case you have extra money to burn.

>> No.13193474

The expensive ones have all kinds of timers and settings for delays, temp holds, different rice types, etc. You really don't need one unless you have cultural rice autism.

>> No.13193476

Rice cookers are the biggest meme out there. Overpriced appliances exist for housewives to flex on each other, don't fall victim to the hype

>> No.13193478

more functions, slightly better finished rice, branding, better components

really cheap ones have lousy pots where the rice sticks all the time. We had a $50 one that eventually died

after that my family bought a small $130 tefal one and it works perfectly fine and the non stick pot is much better

>> No.13193479

the difference is the $20 uses a bimetallic strip to turn off the heat, like a cheap kettle.
An expensive one uses "fuzzy logic" computer chip to more accurately gauge correct rice doneness.
It also offers different cooking modes, for example brown rice or oatmeal, and can be programmed to start cooking at a certain time.

A $20 also probably just has a normal pot lid, while the expensive one has a pressurized seal.

>> No.13193486

its absolutely worth it if you eat rice on a semi daily basis. Over its lifetime it'll be less than a single cent per rice session cooked

frees up stove space, keeps rice warm for you, press and forget, its convenience

>> No.13193499
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with more functions you can do soups, stews, porridge etc

even "bake" cake

>> No.13193509

Idk Man I just use a regular pot cause the cleanup is easier, I have 2 rice cookers and they both just take up space

>> No.13193593

Any rice cooker is fine. Spend more on better rice not family Dollar saver bulk long grain bleached enriched white rice

>> No.13193715

Honestly if you're looking to sirens some cash I would get an instantpot pressure cooker (or good knockoff)

Cooks good rice, and you can actually make other shit. Chili, pulled meats, stews etc.

>> No.13193739

>buy large plastic microwave safe bowl
>put in one part rice with 2.5 parts water
>microwave for 9 minutes
>microwave for another 2 minutes

>> No.13193748
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mine came with the mail order bride

>> No.13193758

I paid $15 CAD for my rice cooker. It's been working flawlessly for at least 10 years.

>> No.13193936


That just means you bought the wrong type the first time.

I have a Cuisinart one and it does not stick at all.

>> No.13193986

Just buy an insta pot and get a multi use tool. I make rice meat and vegetables with the rice setting all the time for a quick meal. You can get instructions on how to cook different rice on the internet.

>> No.13194293

The really fancy ones can cook soups, steam vegetables, etc. They also have timers so you can wake up to steaming how rice for breakfast if that's what you're into.

As far brands go, Zojirushi is pretty beloved. You will get a great rice cooker that will last you forever. The question is if you're going to get enough use out of it to justify the price. If you only cook rice a few times a month, just get a basic one and it'll be good enough. I have a $20 black and decker and aside from the bowl getting scratched (even though I only use the plastic paddle the cooker came with) it's been great. I want to eventually upgrade to a fancy one so I can cook those ridiculous rice cooker pancakes.

>> No.13194409

i have tried zojirushi once, and they are expensive because they are able to make shit tirer rice taste good, chewy and shiny

if you have the budget go for it, and read the manual before cooking

>> No.13194594

Roma is like 30 bucks and it can do brown and white rice

>> No.13194718

Why would you need a rice cooker to cook rice, if you dont have an oven or a hob, get a portable induction hob. It's a much better investment.

>> No.13194738

>portable induction hob


portable induction is ass
and hes asking about RICE COOKERS, not shitty stoves

>> No.13194743

Rice cookers are fucking retarded for little retards like you, put water in a pot on the fucking hob and that is your rice cooker you cunt.

>> No.13194753

Nigger, even the greatest chefs in Japan swear by rice cookers. They literally produce superior rice.

>> No.13194755

They just want that big rice cooker money.

>> No.13194760

washing machines are fucking retarded for little retards like you, put water in a tub on the fucking floor and that is your washing machine you cunt.

>> No.13194767
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I do wash everything by hand though, washing machines can ruin your equipment.

>> No.13194769

get an instantpot or something simmilar, that can do multiple things

>> No.13194937

Imagine just being able to season rice and cook it, goddamn. Put some fucking stock cubes in there you tit, if you're real lazy - you can a good taste fast. Do some work you neet

>> No.13196163


Not worth it OP. Just get a microwavable container about 2 liters. Then put rice and water 1:2 by level and microwave on hight for 11 mins, making sure hte lid is loose fitting, then let it sit for 3 - 4 mins. This will consistently get you well cooked rice.

>> No.13197129
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Get a cuckoo or shut the fuck up

>> No.13197239

The fancy Zojirushi rice cookers are only worth it if you eat rice multiple times a day.
If you eat a couple times a week, honestly just learn to cook it in a pot or preassure cooker.

>> No.13198155

Made in Korea...
No way.

>> No.13198237

These things are the Ferraris of rice cookers. 10 cups of rice in 18 minutes, and the rice is basically indistinguishable from the 38 minute setting

>> No.13198354


>> No.13198461
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i wouldnt say it was worth the 240€. sure, the rice comes out great, but thats it. some dumplings filling the tiny pot to a third? fuck you, have a great flood - the dew container is a fucking joke. the pot really is tiny, even by 1 person household standards, dream the fuck on about pressure cooking anything.
and honestly, so long as you use quality sushi rice and wash it well / soak it if thats necessary its barely superior to my previous cheapo cooker i had been using for ten years.
(and yes, i know about the reflection, thats why i posted this image instead of a cleaner one)

>> No.13198479

Do you not Know how to boil rice in a pot?

>> No.13198490


Lol it says cuck

>> No.13198493

no shit sherlock.

>> No.13198497

This. I have one and it’s literally impossible to fuck up the rice, regardless of rice quality and level of intoxication. If you can afford it, highly recommended.

>> No.13198502

i find that difficult to believe. are you saying they can make basmati or jasmine not taste like shit? because the cuckoo cant.

>> No.13198560


You can do magic
You can have anything that you desire

>> No.13198577

Why would you do something that fucking stupid you dumb retard

>> No.13198584


>> No.13198604


Buy an instapot, it's a rice cooker, pressure cooker, slow cooker, yogurt maker, sous vide machine and can be used as a food preserver/canner and as a water bath for cheesecakes and pudding.

>> No.13198638

>Is it really worth it
Not really. The cheap ones are just as good.
>use good rice
>clean the rice if not in USA
>use filtered water
>use the proper amount of water for your type of rice
>empty the water from the plastic moisture collector
and wala

>> No.13198640

This, I have one and it is a game changer. Especially for stews/chili/braising/rice/beans.

>> No.13198645

Zos aren't that great with long grain, and fragrant rice like jasmine. Tigers are better, and more versatile, but I have never had a rice cooker that has fucked up cooking rice regardless of the price.

>> No.13198650

Do you have a tiger? Curious to hear from anyone that does, they are really making a splash and I’m wondering if it is marketing BS or something more.

>> No.13198660

I've had tigers in the past, before my last move.
>I’m wondering if it is marketing BS or something more.
Both depending on if you force yourself to use your rice cooker to do more than just cook rice. Yea it can cook rice, and they like to add all the extra functions, and accessories to do more than rice which is nice, but I haven't met anyone that actually takes advantage of the extra functions after trying them once, or twice.

>> No.13198697

Rice cooks best under slight pressure, 100 degrees isn't quite enough to break down the complex starches. The traditional "rice cooker" has a heavy ceramic (China), metal (Korea), or wood (Japan) lid to keep things around pressure cooker low and make tasty rice. $20 shit is just a hot plate with rudimentary pan DRM and will produce slop because it doesn't reach proper pressure/temp; doing it on a range with modern western cookware ditto but at least that doesn't cost you anything. (A good dutch oven like your great-grandma's cookware probably WILL be fine. This is where the western idea that you can do it without specialized cookware comes from, her "saucepan" was a cast iron behemoth that looked and acted a lot like traditional Korean rice pots, then World War 2 iron/steel rationing happened and suddenly everything was loose-fitting thin rolled steel.)

250 euros is crazy bullshit even by "order it from Amazon US and pay the shipping" standards, but if that's actually the situation you're in, just go to your local Chinatown, the poorer the slavsquathole you're in the easier it will be to find one, and get whatever National/Tiger clone has a solid latching lid. Expensive Zoji/Mitsubishi functions are focused around making perfect rice even if you slop unrinsed Indica in one corner of the pot and a kilo of chicken/veg on the other side while also steaming dumplings at the same time, anything that comes to pressure will be fine if you your do basic prep on Japonica.

>> No.13198698

Thanks. Last visit to a nip market, I saw a low-end tiger model for $129 I think, which I mentally bookmarked for /ck/, as the demo unit looked really solid and possibly a zorojewski competitor

>> No.13198898

Based anon