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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 219 KB, 500x867, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13193741 No.13193741[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13193762

I hate it when women try to change ethnicities it's embarrassing for everyone she looks like a fucking pug

>> No.13193775

why are that dude's pants all the way below his ass
is it 2008 again

>> No.13193783

Aye bros you like new eminem albums? Big diss on latest rapper bros is major man, major!

>> No.13193794

So uncanny to see a black person say bougie

>> No.13193799

>a fucking pug
no. she is a mutt so she is already all ethnicities.

>> No.13193802

some of us always keep it real mofo

>> No.13193812

niggas never stopped sagging

>> No.13193827
File: 37 KB, 363x385, 313213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 hour shift with no breaks
>oh shit.
>bitch orders a kebab
>she basically sucked my dick
>later virgins..

>> No.13193835

It's illegal in my town to wear pants pulled down like that.

>> No.13194026

Do you just search for tranny's to post?

>> No.13194117


>> No.13194122

what is that thing?

>> No.13194123

>what's that pond?


>> No.13194129

While wearing 800 dollar boots lol

>> No.13194142
File: 82 KB, 400x592, IMG_20191109_151701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only understand a few words in this thread

>> No.13194145

What is a pond? Wtf do you guys even speak English? Feel like I'm having a stroke here.

>> No.13194150

>"look at how relatable and down to earth i am guys!!! i like poor people food too!"
>"also be sure to take the picture from an angle where everyone can see my $1000 shoes so everyone knows i'm better than them!"
The rich must die.

>> No.13194159

dafaq is a boogie food?

>> No.13194165

it's her way of saying she's into chinks and niggers.

>> No.13194203

How do you know its rich?

>> No.13194305

>never heard of the word "pond"
>asks others if they speak English

>> No.13194326

A pond is a small body of water. I see nothing like that in OP's pic.

>> No.13194339

Look harder.

>> No.13194351

Still not seeing it, unless you mean that slightly damp spot that's clearly the result of a dropped drink.

>> No.13194352
File: 22 KB, 490x565, BANANAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black women cry about white gay men stealing their culture but then turn around and do the same thing to black gay men
except black gays can usually still cook halfway decently

>> No.13194373

>eating anything cooked by blacks or gays

>> No.13194376


>> No.13194387

guarantee my pickle-brined montreal grilled chicken would change your mind
my husband can't cook to save his life though

>> No.13194430

>tfw edgy enough to talk shit but actually do feel bad if the people I talk shit about come out of the woodwork and are nice and normal

>> No.13194447

>extra white sauce please

what did she mean by this?

>> No.13194456

That she's too retarded to know what yogurt is.

>> No.13194470

I don't know for a fact if they are or aren't, but they're definitely trying to present themselves as rich. If those shoes are real they are around $1000, and they made it a point to take the photo at an unnatural angle so you can see the red bottoms which are the signature look of Louboutin (expensive designer) shoes.

>> No.13194485

I am rich and I dont even know all that shit. Why are you such a jealous broke faggot? You'd probably spend your money on dogshit, you deserve to be poor.

>> No.13194490

>my ignorance is proof of my virtue

>> No.13194506

If you are rich and dont know about loubs you're either an Incel or a liar

>> No.13194508

>cashing in my NEETbucks and goodboy points = rich
Nice try.

>> No.13194525

man I thought louboutin was ebonics for louis vuitton or some shit
very confusing

on that note, I've never seen the appeal of fancy/expensive restaurants
I live in a city with a lot of 'fancy' restaurant and the people inside always look uncomfortable, dressed in poorly fitted 'formal' wear
then again the 'trendy' gen-x restaurants are even worse

>> No.13194528

shut up faggot

>> No.13194538

I'm happy that I don't understand.

>> No.13194540

you've never been on a date have you lmao

>> No.13194548

>but too autistic to enjoy it
Feels good to be middle class and neurotypical.
The occasional really nice piece of clothing as a treat or gift, the occasional fancy dinner to celebrate momentous occasions.

>> No.13194557

>nice and normal
thanks anon
I'm defrosting some sausages for later and had some canned soup earlier
my cold has gotten worse so i don't feel like real cooking
this weather, huh?

>> No.13194574
File: 85 KB, 1440x937, 1l2z2r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you're bragging about having superior taste in food but by doing so you're financially and culturally supporting a religion which believes in slaughtering LGBTQ and women and is actually a supremacist religion which started slavery of Blacks through Barbary but you're too ignorant and cannot be arsed to change your mind because you'd rather join hands with this religion to earn a high score in oppression Olympics against a common enemy of White people all the while ignoring that despite all shortcomings Blacks have the highest quality of life in countries which have been built by whites

>> No.13194578

The thing is he's not rich, he just makes more money than he expected to have as an adult and doesn't know what to do with it. People who have never worn a high quality suit or high quality shoes think theyre uncomfortable because the only suit they've tried on is some polyester CK shit and the only shoes they've worn that aren't nike basketball sneakers are some johnston and murphy garbage if not worse

I can walk 10 miles in my Ballys and not feel any discomfort and I've got a super 130s Loro Piana suit that's easily more comfortable than any jeans I've ever owned

>> No.13194585

Load your foods up with chili garlic sauce, the vitamin c is good for a cold and the heat helps clear your sinuses.

>> No.13194599

sounds like a plan, thanks anon

>> No.13194620

Fucking ESLs

>> No.13194634

Those are 800$? Do they keep you warm in negative temps or something

>> No.13194678

It just is.

>> No.13194686

Fucking DSLs

>> No.13194752

Monkey see, monkey do.

>> No.13194761


Not really, legitimate rich people are rich for a reason (they dont buy expensive nigger shit by habit)

I dont and never have needed to wear expensive clothes or otherwise flaunt my money to get laid anyways. In fact, leveraging your wealth to get laid is more pathetic than being broke and not getting laid.

>> No.13194781

>people with money never buy expensive stuff
This is what poor people ACTUALLY believe
You're right that they're not running around with price tags hanging off their clothes. You're wrong if you think they'd blink at the idea of $1000 for a pair of shoes or an $8000 watch. To them that's like spending the extra $2 on name brand deodorant - it means literally nothing to them
If you had any idea about how wealthy people live you'd be pretty angry

>> No.13194792
File: 69 KB, 256x256, thiscatalsodoesnotexist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mere years are left before the American empire finishes collapsing and I can cut Anon's head off and fuck the stump in front of his terrified family

>> No.13194798

I feel you there anon

>> No.13194805

I always thought black people invented "bougie" as slang for the real word bourgeoisie....the first time I ever heard it was on old rap records...

>> No.13194834

away glowie

>> No.13194850


Post the oldest example you have.

>> No.13194889

>but by doing so you're financially and culturally supporting a religion which believes in slaughtering LGBTQ and women and is actually a supremacist religion which started slavery of Blacks through Barbary
>Islam is a culture.
>Any and all Arab joints wire money to terrorist organizations, despite the fact 90% of the funding comes from a country nobody wants to do anything about because oil, 9% comes from the direct members and 1% comes from some mosques' alimonies.
>Implying Bosnians are a paradox.
This is your brain on Republicanism.

>> No.13194902

were two bans not enough

>> No.13195001

If you are a mod you should really Consider turning on the mod name in the name field otherwise this type of post looks like someone pretending to be a mod, a rule violation

>> No.13195116

bougie= Bourgeoisie you fucking flyover

>> No.13195129

I don’t know, the uncanny valley is more than just spooky things like people with 9 fingers on each hand or tons of eyes, it’s really anything nonhuman imitating humans, so like a robot or a dog standing in two legs and opening doors is creepy. That’s what it reminds you of, a dog standing on two legs and opening doors.

>> No.13195227

go take your meds, you sound like you're 70.

>> No.13195348
File: 221 KB, 680x680, 023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're pretty mad over the fact I know about one very popular brand of shoe. Wannabe rich people are so defensive.

>> No.13195357

I don't follow rules I don't like.

>> No.13195367
File: 243 KB, 1080x675, clean-pond-with-water-treatment-1080x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pond, retard. What you are referring to is a puddle.

>> No.13195387

Perlaps you are noth the walti we are snoking.

>> No.13196133

the only people I've ever heard say bougie were blacks and one female wigger

>> No.13196736

Nigger """"""culture""""""