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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13193809 No.13193809 [Reply] [Original]

nothing better than being naturally slim

>> No.13193810

I hate fat people

Anyone else?

>> No.13193814

More than you could ever imagine, they're always overly nice and bitchy their fatness is just evidence of their lack of self discipline, they are like children

>> No.13193846

I thought so when I was 15. When you get older you realize you're slim because your parents took good care of you. If you don't take care of yourself you'll get fat and gross later in life, unless you make a point of being active and eating properly. You'll find out.
Everyone hates fat people, even fat people
The worst thing is going out to eat with a fat person, they are rude to the staff, they're ridiculously picky and paranoid about everything that isn't hamburgers and chicken tenders, and if something isn't EXACTLY what they envisioned they throw a fit and send it back (or don't eat it and then stop at mcdonalds later)

>> No.13193854

>not having your own pair of tits to grab
Lol fag

>> No.13193858

I think the word is obese.

There are lots of fat people.

>> No.13193900



>> No.13193941

I hate obnoxious fat people but I hate all obnoxious people anyways. I know some great fat fucks too.

>> No.13193943

What a great thread about food and cooking!!

>> No.13193949

It has mostly to do with genes desu. If your parents are fat you're not gonna make it. I wonder if there are any instances of one twin being fat and the other being thin

>> No.13193959

This bait thread didn't work.
Let's make another one!

>> No.13194035

t. assblasted fatty

>> No.13194215

>muh jeans
No, just put the fork down, fattie. Your genes don't break the rules of thermodynamics.

>> No.13194228
File: 2.29 MB, 4032x3024, 0awdr3oiszj21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an awesome thread about food and cooking!!!

>> No.13194236

everybody is naturally slim. people just work hard against it.

>> No.13194254

>Be naturally big kid growing up
>Not fat but just very tall and a lot of weight to go with it
>6'3 about 220-230 LBS in high school
>Was a useful asset on Football and Wrestling team
>Now at college and it could be possible for me to do something good if I wanted
>Would prefer being slim and tall but being buff and tall is kino too

Can we all agree that being tall and muscular big is better than being fat at least?

>> No.13194297

Why are you assuming I'm fat. My parents are skinny and I am too. Genes most definitely do have a huge impact.

>> No.13194873

me too
they are disgusting and always have B.O

>> No.13194994

You mean you hate women

>> No.13195120

>this kills the obese /ck/cold

>> No.13195153

REAL men like meat on the bones sweetie xo

>> No.13195170

>be naturally big
>weight comes on or off super quickly
>will never be mugged
>will never be kidnapped
>will never have anyone fight because big man scary
>will never have lanklet or manlet problems

Feels great

>> No.13195225

>naturally slim
There are no suck thing

>> No.13195288

what does he mean by this

>> No.13195432
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>naturally slim
>implying you can be "naturally" obese.

>> No.13195451
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>> No.13195517

Yeah I've had nothing buy "naturally slim" people tell me that they wish they could put on weight to match my size. I wish them luck while they're eating vegan salads and drinking diet coke.

>> No.13195526

You forget
>Will never have sex
>Will never live to see 40