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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13191754 No.13191754 [Reply] [Original]

Post it, possibly with price.

I’m curious to see what other anons can buy at their local supermarkets and how much they pay for it.

Don’t post fancy quality meat from your butcher, it doesn’t count. This is for plebs only.

>> No.13191764
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>> No.13191818
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You had to look for “Milano” on google maps?

>> No.13191824

In my European country I only eat meat for Christmas because we can’t afford it

>> No.13191831

I don't have pic but I get a lot of decent $5 steaks from my local grocer. Usually stuff that's about to go off so they discount the price. Made some amazing soup out of some recently.

>> No.13191835

>price in euros is on the image

>> No.13191876
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Yeah my fault I forgot to write the price in the post.

These two steaks were 9.40€ discounted.

Pic related was 35€ for 1 kg of dry aged meat.

>> No.13191887
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It was a bong steak

>> No.13191905
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10€ for this one, 200 gr imported from the USA.

>> No.13191917
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>> No.13191953

I'm a working class pleb and I eat what you would call "fancy cuck soy meat" from a "fancy elitist" butcher because I'd rather have good meat a few times a week than an insane amount of nasty meat multiple times a day

I just ate a dry aged prime tri-tip which was $19 a pound. I soaked it in 6 year old balsamic for a few hours and then broiled it and sliced it. washed down with an arzuaga '16 because I am poor. p.s. this is only the second meat dish I've had all week because again, I am poor. I get most of my protein from eggs and legumes

>> No.13191970

>I'm a working class pleb and I eat what you would call "fancy cuck soy meat" from a "fancy elitist" butcher

Wow nice projection.

I asked to post meat you can buy from the store because I’m interested in comparing the quality since in my country if you want a good steak you have to buy it from the butcher almost exclusively.

>> No.13191987

>since in my country if you want a good steak you have to buy it from the butcher almost exclusively.
The same is true in mine, food you buy at a "pleb" grocery store is inedible. Any Americans who disagree with this have never tasted decent food in their entire miserable lives (urk urk muh store muh publix muh store is different), no it isn't your taste a shit

>> No.13192275

Food here is good at supermarkets, almost everything is high quality with the exception of the meat which is 95% of the times (speaking of steaks mainly) plain red with zero fat veins because many years ago someone made “studies” proving that muh fat in meat is bad and therefore we should eat low fat meat otherwise we’ll die. This of course is false and was made to benefit the meat “producers” who needed to pump meat on the market at industrial “rate” feeding cows with grain. Now the average person who buys meat is disgusted if he sees a line of fat instead of a pure red 0.2 cm thick “steak”.

Simply we have no steak culture in this country like the Americans, that’s why many butchers know this and Jew us offering very high quality meat only, so you end up spending 30-40€ for a steak and because of this I eat it like onc/twice per month while I rely on supermarket beef for the rest of the month. Or simply I eat steak at the restaurant.

>> No.13192277

*unlike the americans

>> No.13192393
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I only buy meat that's heavily (not just a little) reduced because it's going out of date or I dig out of bins for already expired danger meat.

>> No.13192402

Didn’t you cook that steak in a non stick pan some day ago?

>> No.13192411
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here's it cooked. The wet-ageing from sitting in the supermarket refrigerator until expiration helped make it extra tender.

>> No.13192413

Yeah. It was tasty.

>> No.13192414
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>> No.13192426

I’m jelly anon

How does it feel to be ”recognised” on an anonymous board because of a previous post you made? It’s like we established a human connection and could be frens I’m real life, but that won’t actually happen because we’re trapped behind our anonymity and, most importantly, behind our monitors.

>> No.13192434
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Well since I’m here I may as well ask.

OP steak and pic related is 588 gr or 1.3 lbs, I’d guess 1.50 cm thick (0.59 in) but haven’t measured since it’s wrapped and now frozen.

All considered: straight in the pan or reverse searing?

>> No.13192449

>It’s like we established a human connection
it's kinda nice :)

There are a lot of posters I recognise from their cutlery, kitchen, or general vibe like Vladivostok anon. if I was ever in Vladivostok I'd want to meet up with him and his mother and his cat

>> No.13192474
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We’re a virtual family after all.



>> No.13192535

At local supermarkets, you can find steaks like that for around 5 dollars a pound (10 euros a kilo), and at places like Sam's Club and Costco, which is where I like to shop, you can find steaks for around 3 dollars a pound, so somewhere around 6 euros per kilo.

You can find ground beef for literally a dollar a pound sometimes if they're on sale, but usually it's around $2.69 for a pound ground meat.

I don't usually buy beef because it's more expensive than chicken or pork, so what I usually get are pork chops for around $1.88 a pound, which I can make a lot of things out of.

>> No.13192579

As an American, I fucking HATE HATE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE that "fat is bad for you" bullshit.

I buy the juiciest fucking cuts of pork and beef and my mom cuts all the fat out because she's a boomer who thinks fat will kill us. All her meats end up being way too dry and tough.

>> No.13192582

Explain your cooking method for this one, Nigel

>> No.13192590

Hmm. American here and I exclusively buy my meat from the butcher.

>> No.13192629

I actually started becoming a meat lover because I was used to eating gray hard boiled meat because my parents didn’t know shit about how cooking meat, mainly because here in Italy apart from specific regions like Tuscany we don’t have a steak culture, and with steak I mean a big cut of thick meat.

You usually won’t find it inside Italian kitchen because it’s relegated to barbecue usually, we love Fiorentina but unlike the one in OP which I bought you will find them at the restaurant or from the butcher as a regular 2” piece...and this cut is expensive. So as you can see it’s kind of a special treat or Sunday special barbecue lunch, if you don’t live in a condo.

Here the steaks consist in thin layers of meat that are quickly cooked in the pan and eaten straight away, too bad that most of the people just boil them because they ignore the temperature, they throw the steak in the pan straight from the fridge, etc..

I hated meat and then I opened my eyes when I started eating at the right places and unironically /ck/ hooked me with the meme pan which I bought and then I’m here lurking steak threads trying to git gud and see how other people cook their meat.

Don’t get me wrong we have amazing meat recipes with these thin steaks, just look for involtini for example, most of us just don’t know how to make a proper steak in a hot pan for some reason.

>> No.13192651

It's still alive in the archives:


>> No.13192702
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My local store in New York sells porterhouse steaks for $5 per pound which I believe is 10 euros per kg. Ribeyes are 2x that.

>> No.13192711

Shit thought I had mastered posting pics from my phone. Anyway the porterhouses can be good or shitty. But at least you will get a nice filet mignon. The filet mignon in my pic cost maybe $2 or $3. In a steakhouse it would be $40.

>> No.13193664

looks like you bought discount meat!

>> No.13194668

Porking the thread