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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13190635 No.13190635 [Reply] [Original]

Red pill me on bologna.

>> No.13190649

Why are you standing like that you freak

>> No.13190657

hot dogs in pancake-like shape.

>> No.13190658

because that's secretly what OP wanted you to notice so this would become le funny meme thread

>> No.13190659

op is a ballerina

bologna ballerina

>> No.13190663

what the fuck is this garbage
why do you americans have to ruin everything

it's not "bologna", it's "mortadella"
it's not "bolognese", it's "ragù"

>> No.13190664

Fry that shit up first. For real, fried bologna is the only way to eat it

>> No.13190667


>> No.13190666

Why not just buy real cold cuts?

>> No.13190677

This didn’t start in the US. Also, it’s not mortadella. Do you see any pistachios or pig lard in that you blind retard?

>> No.13190680

what makes other cold cuts real if bologna isn't real?

>> No.13190684

Because you can buy a package of this shit and let it sit in your refrigerator for 6 months without worry because it's filled with salt and other preservitives and still taste good
And then you can fry it and top it with a bit of mustard for a good meal

>> No.13190689


>> No.13190706

Is this even a real question?

Yuck. Buying fake garbage.

>> No.13190710

prisoner food
it's not just bologa is phoney baloney

>> No.13190714

WTF makes it fake? Some sodium and potassium somehow makes it artificial in your eyes?

>> No.13190725

>Mechanically Separated Chicken, Pork, Water, Corn Syrup, Contains Less Than 2% of Salt, Sodium Lactate, Flavor, Sodium Phosphates, Autolyzed Yeast, Sodium Diacetate, Sodium Ascorbate, Sodium Nitrite, Dextrose, Extractives of Paprika, Potassium Phosphate, Sugar, Potassium Chloride.

Yeah, no thanks.

>> No.13190756

Its really the Sodium Nitrite that does it for me.

>> No.13190820

you know that nitrates and nitrites are naturally occurring in many veggies right?

>> No.13190864

Yes I know, thats why I enjoy bologna so much

>> No.13190871

If you really want to be red pilled on bologna you should watch Brad the Chad's video on fried bologna sandwiches


>> No.13190881
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On white bread with mustard and mayonnaise.

>> No.13190911
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>> No.13190919
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Stand aside

>> No.13190989

I used to inhale this shit as a kid but it's just the worst thing I've ever eaten when I tried it again as an adult. I don't get it.

>> No.13191141
File: 197 KB, 929x620, bologna-country (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get it from a deli
>Variant on Mortadella, no fat cubes. Sometimes it's homogenized, sometimes it's pic related
>It's actually made with quality meat, extracted from low-yield areas and hammered until almost non-existent with connective bits extracted
>Not just allegedly-animal products, sawdust, and sorrow in a casing
>Well-seasoned with myrtle berry, pepper, and garlic
>Decent sausage
7/10 not my favorite lunch meat but it's a solid choice

>> No.13191182

>shit "meat" with actually good cheese
please don't waste good cheese on bologna

>> No.13191362

It was so you would ask and OP can feel cool and quirky

>> No.13191419

grew up super poor but my ma refused to feed us this crap, that and mock chicken, that abomination anon posted above, and olive loaf

>> No.13191428
File: 25 KB, 600x436, nobody-likes-me-olive-loaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13191437

>Bologna country
>Bologna “variant”

I swear to god every single day I tell myself to stay away from this god forgotten board but in the end I still come here and enjoy my anger.


>> No.13191452

He's a regular, dude stands like this with shoes too, it's how we recognise and ignore him

>> No.13191459

I don't see any good cheese. Just shartgento

>> No.13191464
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This confuses the Americans

>> No.13192501
File: 56 KB, 600x597, rope, soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baloney isn't mortadella. They aren't similar at all. In fact, pastaniggers typically seethe like crazy if anyone suggest otherwise.

"Bolognese" was a term popularized by Pellegrino Artusi. He was Italian.

Kill yourself, yuroslime obsessor.

>> No.13192525

>One bologna
>Single line of ketchup down the middle
>Roll 'er up

Single most based dish of all time

>> No.13192574



>t. Italian

We call it ragù alla bolognese (ragù in the Bolognese style) but for simplicity just ragù most of the time.

The “”problem”” is that in the English translation the meaning of “bolognese style” gets lost and becomes bolognese like if it’s the name of the dish when actually as I said it means “made in the bolognese style” since they supposedly come from the city of Bologna (guess what just like the Bologna/mortadella).

It’s a matter of fine autism which I actually enjot

>> No.13192588

Cold meat is shit, change my mind

>> No.13192600


>> No.13192650

Fry bologna, fry egg, toast bread, assemble:bread egg cheese bologna bread. Tomatoes optional.

>> No.13193117


>> No.13193143

I misread that as Pellegrino Autisti.

>> No.13193321
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what the FUCK

>> No.13194066
File: 91 KB, 600x600, oliveloafkoegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


move aside some more for the real shit
sooo good

>> No.13194773

nice try

>> No.13194814

>Tfw no fennelseed mortadella in my shithole

>> No.13194835

Mortadella doesn't contain fennel.

>> No.13194857
File: 960 KB, 2560x1920, Liverwurst_slices_on_bread..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give me the liverwurst

>> No.13194859

Poor man's sammich "meat"

>> No.13194908
File: 311 KB, 424x358, 1569111094869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ay hun im runnin over to walmart for some bologna, hot dogs, n no name coke. anythin else?? we outta tater salad??

>> No.13195383


>> No.13195391

can't forget the off-brand chips that taste like cardboard