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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13190375 No.13190375 [Reply] [Original]

>get a date
>take her to a medieval themed self-service restaurant
>get a plate and other utensils
>the knives were shaped like little swords
>find shrimps
>add a bunch of shrimps in a plate
>add some fries and mashed potatoes on the side
>add ranch
>get coke to wash it down
>go to pay up and stand in line
>look around
>my date is gone
>she completely vanished without notice
what did I do wrong?

>> No.13190384

if she doesnt like you or the food you eat, forget her.
you don't need to pretend to be somebody you're not for some dime a dozen thot

>> No.13190390

Unless you like gay shit like medieval themed buffets

>> No.13190393

You were using ranch and drinking hfcs as well as taking both fries and mashed potatoes. You're probably a fatfuck and smell.

>> No.13190394

Should have gotten her to wear chain-mail to weigh her down so she couldn't tactical retreat so fast.

>> No.13190397

both of these are incredibly based and opinionpilled

>> No.13190401
File: 18 KB, 310x310, 66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I got a good laugh out of that post.

>> No.13190402

Nothing. She was probably lured away by a chad knight. You can't compete with that.

>> No.13190404

bullshit story

>> No.13190405

this never happened

>> No.13190407

>she walked out on me
It's because you're a loser

>> No.13190411

>fries and mashed taters


>> No.13190418

How do you know she wasn’t kidnapped retard?

>> No.13190543


>it's because anon's a loser

No, it's because OP took his gf to a medieval self-service restaurant.

>> No.13190550

I would like to visit this restaurant.

>> No.13190652

>get a date

Has she ever seen you? I'm betting the food has nothing to do with this.

>> No.13190920

It was a blind date hookup from the internet and she was horrified at the rolls of fat engulfing our OP knight in white armor as he had portrayed himself. Poor roastie, she was probably wet with anticipation too.

>> No.13190965

OP is a retard, the king of the medieval buffet abducted her and he was supposed to challenge him to a duel to win her back

>> No.13190980

>saying shrimps

>> No.13191048

Shan't worry about thy Harlet over thee. Thou deserves a fair maiden. God speed white knight.

>> No.13191062

Ye maiden was verily unmoved by thy selection of meats and game, yea she absconded at the side of Sir Chaddius the Bold, Count de Gains

>> No.13191071

Why is the first post so often the best post?

>> No.13191098

She got eaten.

>> No.13191138

>add a bunch of shrimps in a plate
Forsooth, thou impious vagrant, ye maiden saw thee intended to eateth of that which swims in ye sea, yet haveth neither fin nor scale, which is an abomination unto the LORD.
Forsooth ye maid was a lovely and pious creature, thus when she laid eyes upon thy plate she was afeared thou were a Mohammedan, and fled at once to the river, whereupon she drowned herself to protect her maidenhood.

>> No.13191145

This pasta is so old go away op no one likes you because you post stuff like this

>> No.13191148
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>medieval themed
>shrimps potatoes ranch and coke

I would have left too.

>> No.13191168

>the knives were shaped like little swords
This sounds so comfy

>> No.13191200

One time I was at a mid level place with a girl. I think it was second date. Maybe third date if you count the day we met because we hung out for several hours. Anyway she seemed cool. I take her to this mid level restaurant that's fairly casual. It's probably like $40--$60 a plate. There was this other couple on a date and they seemed new as well. The guy was mich older than his date. Probably by 15 years. My girl said "I wouldn't date the type of older guy who would take me to a restaurant like this". She was also really rude to the waitress. I knew right then she was not for me. I still dated her for a few months because she was hot and I wanted to pound that puss

>> No.13191203

she saw that you were ugly and used it as an opportunity to bail on you

>> No.13191206

How do you get dates?

>> No.13191267

>medieval themed

obviously the local baron claimed her for the ride of prima nocta

>> No.13191282

Happens at the Renaissance unfair

>> No.13191294

From date palm trees.

>> No.13192620
File: 35 KB, 499x336, Be-yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13192643

If this is real bro...future first date. Drinks, coffee shop, zoo or other place to look at enslaved animals.
Never food for first date pro tip to get ya tip in

>> No.13192653

>enslaved animals
Soyjak detected

>> No.13192655

>medieval themed self-service restaurant
what place is this and why did you call it a self-service restaurant like it's hoity toity when most likely it's just a buffet?

>> No.13192662

YOU ATE HER. You fucking ate her, anon! Can't any of you see this?!? Holy shit, food blindness is real! Fuck this crazy world.

>> No.13192664

>first date, she really likes coffee and donuts so we went to 711 for those two things then back to her place across the street
>she asks me if I want to smoke weed with her, I say sure
>I get so high I fall asleep

yeah there was no second date

>> No.13192669

y all u want talk about achohol like u you kno w what its about but fcuk youu aint agitn up at 7 to go to fukcin work TOMMORROW lzay fucks