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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13190330 No.13190330 [Reply] [Original]

>Visiting Europe
>go to restaurant
>order a salad
>only dressing they offer is vinegar

How common is this in Europe?

>> No.13190335

Yurop is big. Where did you go?

>> No.13190337

Did you ask for a different dressing? What country/region were you in?

>> No.13190338

>visiting 4chan
>go to /pol/, see thread
>go to /ck/, see same thread

How common is this in 4chan?

>> No.13190348

git the fuk back to r*ddit

>> No.13190352

Not an issue to us because if we want a salad, we want a fucking SALAD, not dressing with some lettuce

>> No.13190376

This, salads are just meant to be lightly coated with a dressing. So it usually is just a vinaigrette or something

>> No.13190381

All you need for salad is vinegar, olive oil and salt.

>> No.13190389

Never been, don't know they used that. For me, I saw it here since starting to lurk in 04, and that predate redshit, so fuck you.

>> No.13190416

>i-im totally not a redditor!
go back, you're fooling no one

>> No.13190461

Sometimes mixing in a little dijon mustard kicks it up to another level.

>> No.13190490

>Visiting Europe
>go to restaurant
>order a glass of water
>Five euros

How common is this in Europe? You realize water is supposed to be free, right?

>> No.13190567


Even Europe doesn't like salad.

>> No.13190572

Irrelevant, just answer the question eurocuck

>> No.13190678

It's been answered lard ass

>> No.13190683

Tap water is free, bottled water is not. Only idiots order bottled water lel. 5 eyro seems a bit steep, was it a tourist place?

>> No.13191020

Imagine an american going to a non-tourist place. For all their big talk, they're very scared of leaving comfort zones. So they get fucked over which is why everyone loves american tourists and laughs at them behind their back. Literally the international laughing stock.

>> No.13191520

Completely astonished every food item isn't smothered in all purpose high caloric sludge.

>> No.13191563

In greece a big ass bottle of water is .50 Euros.

>> No.13191594

>Visiting America
>go to restaurant
>order a salad
>only dressing they offer is being shot

>> No.13191605
File: 894 KB, 1361x2379, 38D647DB-66CE-4930-AC60-E5B51EA30B8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight I was at the pizzeria and in the table near mine there was an American couple who saw the pizza me and my friend were eating (diavola) and asked the waiter for a pepperoni pizza “just like theirs please!”.

The waiter looked at them in disgust, rightfully.

Btw this place jews their customers for the price of bottled water because 2€ usually is the price for 1-1,5L water in my city for bottled water at the restaurant.

>> No.13191629

It's called vinaigrette you fucking pig.

>> No.13191695

>visit Europe
>Meals aren't made by old married couples according to recipes passed down from generation to generation using old world methods and locally grown ingredients
}:^( you fucking lied to me this is America light

Where do I go for the REAL experience? Don't say some place in Asia or Africa.

>> No.13191728

Go to family owned restaurants, there’s plenty of them if you go outside cities