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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 306 KB, 1172x555, WIwt2JL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13190280 No.13190280 [Reply] [Original]

is there a way to enjoy eating and still lose weight?

>> No.13190290



keep eating and just exercise every day

he doesn't actually exercise

>> No.13190396

Lmao is this real? How did he gain all that weight back after the surgery? Didn't he get his stomach stapled?

>> No.13190403

consume fewer calories
take more steps

>> No.13190409

Because he took the easy way out and didn't actually change the bad habits and mental problems that made him a fatass in the first place. You can cut off all the fat and staple your stomach as small as you want, it won't change shit if you still eat to cope and don't want to change that.

>> No.13190424

I'm convinced he didn't actually get divorced, he just ate his wife.

>> No.13190443

it stretches back eventually if you force it

>> No.13190457

he was such a glutton he defeated the surgery

>> No.13190459

OP's image is misleading. The 2019 pic makes him look bigger due to the looser shirt and his posture.

>> No.13190460

Its those chewing gum teeth, they did him in.

>> No.13190467

Don't eat for taste

It's a trap. Specializing in 'tasty' food has basically made people addicted to sugar and carbs/

>> No.13190471

Enjoy eating salads and walk. Restrict caloric intake and possibly take up intermediate fasting

>> No.13190478

ok boogie

>> No.13190482

i didnt know fabric can float in mid air

>> No.13190518

Keto for me, but I love cheese, eggs, butter, nuts, salmon, veggies and beef, so it might not be as easy for someone that doesn't like these things.
I thought I liked sweets, but I realized it was just a carb/sugar addiction. It will probably stop after a few days of low carb

>> No.13190531

Nice reading comprehension, dumbass.
>makes him look bigger due to the looser shirt and his posture
>his posture
He's leaning over, causing the shirt to hang forward some. Now fuck off.

>> No.13190538

Very few fat people actually enjoy food; they just like eating.

>> No.13190540

Yes. Learn to enjoy healthier alternatives to the junk food you currently can't let go. It takes a while for your body to adjust to healthier alternatives but it's possible and your body will thank you greatly.

>> No.13190551

Calm down boogie, it's ok, just stop eating so much.

>> No.13190555
File: 232 KB, 1336x816, Screenshot_2019-11-08-08-24-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's been 350 pounds for 2 years and he's going to balloon back up to 500+

>> No.13190561

>"caused the shirt to hang forward some"
lmao that is some grade A bullshit and everyone knows it. Thats on the level of "the dog ate my homework". Shirts dont expand outwards like that.

whatever excuses float your boat, boogie
hes a fat loser who'd always be a fat loser

>> No.13190569
File: 350 KB, 1401x1747, IMG_20191109_122248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be silly as you can clearly see he's slim and trim

>> No.13190571

Boogie you shouldn't be browsing /ck/ it'll just make you crave more food.

What would your ex wife think? Probably thinking about her new fiance

>> No.13190578

I gave you a legitimate reason that the last picture looks bigger. You're persistent shitposting indicates that you are only interested in hating. Fuck you. YOU lose.

>> No.13190588
File: 421 KB, 596x695, 1573291805342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and evidently you DON'T lose, only gain

>> No.13190589
File: 40 KB, 479x300, Ramsay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slim and trim
more like podgy and pudgy

>> No.13190594

When is this picture from though?
He obviously isn’t /fit/ but at least he’s not a hamplanet in this image.

>> No.13190595

One meal a day.

>> No.13190599

The more you show that they get to you the more they'll push. It's best to just hide the thread and ignore it.

>> No.13190604

you can literally see where the stomach is pushing on the shirt.
do you think people are blind or stupid
they can literally see it

calling a spade a spade isnt hating.

>> No.13190606

>not a hamplanet
absolute state of americans

>> No.13190608

This is too obvious, looks like you are trying to type like boogie.

>> No.13190609

Why are you helping the children navigate the board, faggot? Children need to be bullied off the board because this site is for adults, not coddled and protected by white knight faggots. Don’t turn this board into the next /pol/ with your pussy shit. The enforcement of no bullying is why autism has made such a tremendous change to our political spectrum.

>> No.13190610

No. Fuck the haters they are worse than nazi rapists. Boogie is a good guy and I've worked hard to lose the weight even after the surgery

>> No.13190614
File: 405 KB, 1080x1254, 20191110_042731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he took that pic after to "own the haters" and to "disprove" OP's pic

now hes -intentionally- eating junk food to "make his critics mad"

(no im not joking)

>> No.13190621

He’s like 20-30 pounds away, he hasn’t achieved full round-ness yet.

What weight-tiers do you classify your fat-people insults by? I classify that image as a fat fuck but not a ham planet. Get over yourself and your gay country

>> No.13190622

>calling him Steven

Who the fuck does this? He's not your friend

>> No.13190628

Children who are clever enough to figure out how to use an image board

>> No.13190632

so hes 99% a ham planet?

what difference does it make?

>> No.13190634

This. Easiest way to control portions, and it's a lot harder to go over your calorie limit in a single meal. No snacking and only drink water too obviously.

>> No.13190662

You are right anon. If you don't figure out the bullshit in your head you will never take better care of yourself.

>> No.13190672

Eat less. Move more

>> No.13190674

Probably drinks all his calories

>> No.13190676

just go vegan

better morals
better karma
contribute to less suffering
feel good look good
stop eating rotting flesh

>> No.13190692

don't listen to this retard

>> No.13190693

>he’s not a hamplanet in this image
holy fuck how fat are you?

>> No.13190698

>Don't eat for taste
The exact opposite is true. You should become one of those weirdos who eat tiny portions of a bunch of expensive and exotic stuff if you want to lose weight. It's the people who chow down massive amounts of cheap greasy crap who become fatties.

>> No.13190709

eating meat causes cancer

>> No.13190742

>rotting flesh
>implying all produce isn’t rotting
>implying fruit and vegetables dont go bad faster than meat

>> No.13190743

No it doesn't retard

>> No.13190750

Alternate day fasting.

>> No.13190751

He's still a landwhale.

>> No.13190759

>implying fruit and vegetables dont go bad faster than meat

they literally dont?

fish rots in mere couple of hours under the sun
you can leave an apple out for a day and itll still be fine

>> No.13190760

He's huge...

>> No.13190803

Nobody is eating rotting flesh, retard.

>> No.13190809

Reading your posts causes cancer.

>> No.13190815

all flesh starts to rot after the animal is killed (in a inhumane way)

>> No.13190824

Do americans really

>> No.13190832

All plants start to rot when they’re picked

>> No.13190835

>never heard of high meat
aged meat is unironically a delicacy among natives. Lettuce and other leafy greens go bad extremely quick

>> No.13190837

>vegans are superior because they can store their food in the sun
Okay then

>> No.13190848

>has never heard of raisins and dried fruits

cured/aged meat causes cancer too

>> No.13190889

Doing literally fucking anything causes cancer
t. the state of California

>> No.13190904

>Is there a way to enjoy drinking and still lose weight


>> No.13190910

Drink water

>> No.13190947

california is where all the smart people live
you should absolutely listen to california

>> No.13190952


>> No.13190953

Ah California, where they let in the immigrants and kick out the homeless

>> No.13191063

>is there a way to enjoy eating and still lose weight?
of course
do not eat fat. eat starchy foods, like squash, beans, potatoes, bread, pasta, oatmeal. You can eat as much as you want and still lose weight. just make sure to eat as little fat as possible.

>> No.13191134

I lost almost 80lbs over the course of 18 months by dropping fast food, premade food, soda, limiting my alcohol and sweets intake, cooking the majority of my meals at home and making sure to get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day even if it was just a brisk walk around the neighborhood. I didn't have to do any meme diet or punishment diets, I just ate normal portions of normal food and stayed active.

>> No.13191175
File: 316 KB, 326x760, fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that's definitely happening, but you can also literally see where his fat is touching the shirt and deforming it, in all three images. (the least being post-surgery)

>> No.13191212

eat what you'd normally eat but write down the calorie count for literally everything then add it up at the end of the day
eventually you'll start getting sick of seeing the end number in the 3500-5000 calorie range and subconsciously eat less

>> No.13191243

i don't think reverse keto is a thing

>> No.13191280
File: 1.80 MB, 2772x2772, IMG_20180704_135219_021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's called vegetables.

>> No.13191347

Not him, and I don't even know who dude in OP's pic is but he's very clearly heavier in the third pic than the second.

>> No.13191357

If you don't load on extra fat and sugar you could eat potatoes till you're sick of them and lose weight.

>> No.13191358


>> No.13191585

That lean is not enough to make him seem that much bigger you stupid fat enabler.

>> No.13191591
File: 31 KB, 413x395, 1571899638616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he’s not a hamplanet in this image.

>> No.13191597

Americans can't stand anything that doesn't taste like salt, fat and sugar.

>> No.13191639

Name a healthier alternative to profiteroles and alcoholic beer please

>> No.13191648
File: 840 KB, 784x636, 1558295393768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13191651


>> No.13191655

Fuck this faggot. Healthcare is a (((shared))) cost. Fat fucks like him are a drain on the system and why normal healthy people have to pay $400 for basic insurance.

>> No.13191673

They die young tho and old people cost the system way way more

>> No.13191706

The usual, get enough sleep, drink plenty of water, exercise and make sure the include veggies in what you eat.

>> No.13191713

Exercise more?

>> No.13191716

rip boogie

>> No.13191795

I'm sure you're not a drain on the system at all.

>> No.13191921

Count calories and exercise so you know how many calories you have left.

Something a lot of fatties don't realize is that if you exercise it means you can actually eat a little more as long as you don't go over. You'll lose weight slower than if you just didn't keep eating.

Plus the more muscle you have the faster your rate of burning fat is.

So for example, if you want to eat a 100 calorie snack, but you're at your calorie goals for the day, go work out for a couple hours, input it into your calculator (I use myfitnesspal cause it's easiest) and then see if you've actually "earned" it or not.

My rule of thumb is to leave at least 100 calories deficit. I've lost 30 pounds in three months this way along with lifting and cardio four times a week. I could probably lose it faster if I didn't eat the snacks but this is how you enjoy eating but lose. You just gotta make sure you're burning more than you're putting in.

>> No.13191932

I lost 25 pounds doing OGFFMAD* (one giant fast food meal a day *no sugary drinks)

>> No.13191943

What is "giant"? Would 5 chulupas and 5 soft tacos from taco bell once a day work?

>> No.13191946

fix palate

>> No.13191958

Fat fucks favor quantity over quality, they shove anything in their mouths whenever possible. They don't do it for the taste, they do it for the dopamine hit. I just went to a Golden Corral earlier today. It tasted like shit, I almost puked after two plates.
>t. Recovering fat fuck

>> No.13191977

whatever makes you full / satisfied in one sitting. don't force it

you could calculate the calories but that takes the fun out of this based eating plan

>> No.13191997


>> No.13192040

The staples probably broke from all the food he shoves down his gullet.

>> No.13192091

>don't receive necessary b12 vitamins (all supplements are made from animals so you can't take them)
>go crazy and die
Yeah, real healthy, champ.

>> No.13192156

It's pretty easy to lose weight if you can stick to skipping breakfast (or just having a coffee with some half-and-half, eating a protein-rich salad for lunch with enough of a fatty dressing that'll keep you full, and then eating whatever the fuck you want for dinner. Zero snacks outside of these meals ever. Moderate exercise.

>> No.13192167

>is there a way to enjoy eating and still lose weight?
You enjoy food more when your hungry. So just eat whatever you want, but eat less.

>> No.13192173

>all supplements are made from animals
Not true. Especially not for any B12 supplement labeled as 'vegan'. B12 in those cases is derived from bacteria, and it's actually a much more direct source of the vitamin.

>> No.13192181

>Bacteria aren't living animals
Do you even vegan bitch?

>> No.13192451

This. I've been on strict keto for almost 2 years and lost 40 kg (slow and steady, still losing weight, no plateus). Keto food is amazing if you take the time to cook it right and build/find varied recipes. Best of all, I started feeling better before I even lost any significant weight. The trick for the long haul is: no cheat days. Or at least really few, like twice a year. Another good strategy is to wean yourself of snacks and desserts no matter how low carb. Yet another, if you get cravings for something sweet just stuff yourself with sceese, butter and meat until you don't want it anymore. When I get a day off I might start a keto thread with some of my favorite recipes, my pizza is pretty great.

>> No.13192524


>> No.13192678

Bacteria aren't fucking animals you complete retard. Did you pass grade school science?

>> No.13192689

>Seafood, canned if you cant afford it normally
>Salads, but limit cheese/croutons and super sugary dressings
>Basic olive oil baked sweet potatoes, carrots, onions, cauliflower, etc
>Eggs and nuts are good proteins, but be careful with the calories on nuts
>If you need to have breads or pasta at least go for whole wheat alternatives
>Walking naturally is more fun than a treadmill, bring music with you

>> No.13192691

anything living thats not a plant or fungi is a animal, retard

>> No.13192697

>See someone wanting to lose weight on OMAD
>They eat like 3000+ calories in that one hour window and wonder why they're still not losing

Reminder that while OMAD lets you eat stuff you like, it doesn't mean you can eat like an absolute animal until you're sick.

>> No.13192718
File: 127 KB, 1325x746, peenguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacteria are neither plants nor animals. A quick google search will answer that for you. They are most basic of cellular life. They do not count towards either the animal or plant kingdoms.
This is a penguin. This is a living animal.

Veganism (even if done for supposed health benefits and not for the sake of the suffering of animals and the refusal to support the industries that causes said suffering) has nothing to do with bacteria. There is no vegan that differentiates between zooplankton and phytoplankton, for instance.
It makes no sense to count bacteria in the calculations of what a vegan can and cannot eat, because that bacteria are inevitable. They have nothing to do with personal health, except for not eating raw meat (which isn't a concern for vegans anyways) or shit off of the floor; nor do bacteria factor into the politics behind the meat, egg, fishing and dairy industries. This is also probably why God in the the Old Testament went as far as to forbid the Israelites from eating insects (creeping things with their bellies on the ground/things with more than four legs) but also makes no mention of bacteria at all. Bacteria are not part of dietary restrictions, because, again, they are inevitable and neither plants nor animals.
A vegan will not eat a penguin. They will most definitely ingest hundreds of thousands of bacteria throughout their lives as they breathe, eat, and drink, and they will never question whether or not they are doing something wrong. Neither will the penguin, who eats raw fish and is certainly ingesting much more bacteria than even the rawest of vegans. Thanks anon but you are unfortunately incorrect.

>> No.13193075
File: 293 KB, 660x440, simpsons-homer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolute state of americans
I consider this more a zoomer thing. The entire world even including third world countries has seriously out of control obesity problems now, and countries like England or Australia are about the same as the US in percent of obese population.
Zoomers grew up with obesity normalized and didn't live through the time when Homer Simpson was considered comically obese at 240 lb and obese to the point of absurdity at 300 lb during that one episode where he gained weight to qualify for disability status.
>He obviously isn’t /fit/ but at least he’s not a hamplanet in this image.
No, anon. That's insanely overweight and there's no "at least" about it here.
>What weight-tiers do you classify your fat-people insults by?
If you have to ask you're too lost to be saved here. Anyone looking at someone like that and seeing it as not too bad has had their subjective boundaries for weight shifted so far off that you're now living in a schizophrenic fun house mirror world that's basically the inversion of the world people with body image disorders who are starving to death but see themselves as fat live in.

>> No.13193094

Shut the fuck up you retarded yank, it's you that has this problem, stop trying to claim we do.

>> No.13193144

62% of the UK is overweight. That's bad you zoomer.

>> No.13193270

face it nigel, it ain’t 2007 anymore. you’re fat too.

>> No.13193317

that fat fucker is still alive?


>> No.13193327
File: 117 KB, 680x970, butter-chicken-recipe-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it depends on the person. For some people, it helps to count calories. They might enjoy the granular control and the sense of accomplishment they get from its application. For others it could be following a strict diet like keto or veganism, or maybe even just the application of several habits (one meal a day, intermittent fasting, portion control, no soda, etc.). For me I find that calorie counting becomes tedious quickly, and it's not something I personally enjoy or find sustainable long term. I've found success in following recommendations from the NHMRC dietary guidelines, coupled with a focus on cooking. Really just enjoying the process of it and developing a relationship with the food I eat. It's helped me to appreciate healthy home cooked meals and avoid junk food at the same time.

The bottom line is calories in calories out when it comes to weight loss, but if you can find something that motivates you personally and is sustainable long term, that's probably something you'll find success with.

>> No.13193334

The obesity rate is objectively growing in every first world nation, with Japan leagues ahead of everyone else in remaining thin.

>> No.13193353

I used both calorie counting, keto and omad to lose over 100 pounds

Now to maintain my current weight I mostly just stick to omad, I also fast occasionally but not to lose weight but because it actually feels good to fast for 24 hours now that I am used to it.

My advice to any looking to lose weight is that when you are just starting out you can use stimulants to suppress appetite, I used coffee and energy drinks for the first couple of weeks to get used to omad.

>> No.13193433

Dubs and boogie dies

>> No.13193437

You can't call dubs on a board this slow. There's no sport in that.

>> No.13193483

>stop eating rotting flesh
Are you american by any chance? In first world countries they usually don't sell spoiled meat.

>> No.13193645


>> No.13193747

It kinda can work but you have to literally work out hard core for like 3 hours a day everyday 60 minutes of cardio and then 60 minutes of some kind of weight training and than 60 minutes of swimming the 60 minutes of swmiming is a must to help lossen up after all the other stuff ... well now thay you spent all that time working out your. Really to go eat what you whant

>> No.13193764
File: 110 KB, 600x847, calories-and-genetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get this fat?
I was fat when I was a teenager but I worked it off because I wanted to fuck girls.
How do you get and stay this fat and never ever do anything about it?
How do you talk to women and look at yourself in the mirror? How do you go to social functions and get on airplanes/trains/buses?
What the fuck happened? What keeps you from killing yourself? Are you too fat to pull the trigger? Did you break your ceiling boards when you tried to hang yourself? Did your stomach absorb the car when you tried to jump out in traffic? Did you bounce when you jumped off a building? Did you try to drink poison and your body naturally converted it into sugar because you're so damn fat?


>> No.13193769

> The entire world even including third world countries has seriously out of control obesity problems now, and countries like England
>Shut the fuck up you retarded yank, it's you that has this problem, stop trying to claim we do.
We do have that problem, but don't make any mistakes it is entirely america's influence, they export their products, food, advertisements and tv shows/films all over the world, they influence a fair portion of culture all over the world. It's kind of disgusting if you really think about how they are making all the other first world countries fatter.

>> No.13193774

Portion control & exercise.

>> No.13193778

Because stomack stretches back. That surgery is mean to HELP people who are determined and actually want to change their lifestyle, it's uneffective if you don't do your part.

>> No.13193801

getting fat is the result of having more time to eat.

think about it like this, the amount of time it takes to consume 5-10k calories is insane. if you work/do things around town during the day then you won't even have the time to munch this much food

>> No.13193824

>think about it

? you can wolf down slabs of chocolate while working. Even outside you can chug energy drinks. Its not hard

>> No.13193879
File: 62 KB, 1712x243, 1573184096207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope harder fatty

>> No.13194065


>> No.13194085

did he literally go wear a black shirt to appear thinner?

>> No.13194088

If you are eating 5k calories of chocolate and energy drinks while working, you aren't really working, you are dying.

>> No.13194093

None of b12 supplements are made from animal origin because that would be more expensive to produce. Unless you count bacteria as an animal.

>> No.13194094

He had that procedure what, a year ago? He's much thinner than before, but he's still so large.

>> No.13194095
File: 26 KB, 458x458, 1543612400394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boogie had a wife
>I don't

>> No.13194104

>we're fat too, but it's YOUR FAULT not ours
Why is every yuropoor a Cope Elemental?

>> No.13194111

As an RN I fully agree. And it's not just about the money either.
The same procedure or task takes more time and quite often more people with an obese person. Even basic stuff like an appendectomy or changing a diaper is a much bigger project with people of that size. And that means less time for the other patients.

>> No.13194127

Hello bugman, how do you like your soylent?

>> No.13194170

tea, anon

>> No.13194179

one for me

>> No.13194194

For fuck's sake, he's one the right track. It just takes time. When you have gastric bypass surgery, you lose a lot in the first few months, then it slows down some. You may even have a period where it plateaus for a bit. He's fine. People here are just dicks because there are no consequences to being a dick here.

>> No.13194279
File: 8 KB, 277x271, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does this "colostomy bag" story come from? Pretty much all reference to this guy and colostomy seems to all come from people reposting this greentext on 4chan.
Did someone just make this up as a weird joke? I'm guessing that's the case between the lack of corroboration to be found and how I've never heard of getting a colostomy bag as something anyone has ever done just because they had a hard time getting to a toilet.

>> No.13194287

Isn't it supposed to be impossible / actually lethal to get back to that weight after a goddamn stomach removal or whatever?

>> No.13194308

>getting fat is the result of having more time to eat.
No, it's the result of eating too many calories.
I've been underweight my entire life and it sure as fuck isn't because I'm too busy. You can do things that are neither work nor eating. You don't need to eat to watch TV or movies, or use the internet, or play a musical instrument, or sleep in. With that last one in particular I honestly don't get why fat people don't just sleep more instead of eating all the time. Being too comfortable in my bed and not wanting to get up and make food or go get food from a restaurant is easily the most common reason why I end up opting not to eat. I guess hunger overpowers laziness for fat people.

>> No.13194314

>Isn't it supposed to be impossible / actually lethal to get back to that weight after a goddamn stomach removal or whatever?
Definitely not. Is this seriously you're first time hearing about that sort of thing? It's super-common for fat people to get their stomach stapled and then end up working their way back up to very fat again years later.

>> No.13194319

I was under the impression their new stomach simply can't fit that much food anymore, and any attempts to eat like the dog he is would blow it up.

>> No.13194322

I don't get how anyone can be underweight when there's an abundance of great food (if you're a westerner that doesn't have to work a day in their life and get to consume anything you want)

>> No.13194604
File: 195 KB, 1080x1350, 52857055_465212534014315_2383273638700551973_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wife tells you to get stapled
>he does it
>finds out she's cheating on him
>immediately rebounds back to being fat and enjoying food

>> No.13194624

insurance companies are why people have to pay $400 for basic insurance

>> No.13194636

>their new stomach simply can't fit that much food anymore
It can stretch to a larger size. If stomachs couldn't do that then fat people wouldn't exist in the first place.
>any attempts to eat like the dog he is would blow it up
lol, no. Just think that through for a minute. More people than ever have severe weight problems, and the reason they have them is because they can't control themselves. If being a glutton without self-control were really going to make their stomach explode then you would be reading about people dying from exploding stomachs every day in the news.

>> No.13194662

Even if he was, that doesn't absolve booger of being a drain.

>> No.13194702

One meal and two snacks. A light snack in the morning, a light snack at lunch, and an early dinner comprised of something reasonable.

>> No.13194725

>He's fine

being 350lbs (supposedly, he never films the weight taking) its not okay

theres even evidence he has had minor strokes already.

>> No.13194759

>literally ignoring the rest of my post for one part
>coming up with your own dumb conspiracy theories
Yep, it's a troll.

>> No.13194806
File: 370 KB, 800x925, Y5m234X6wDWdIJqY74Xinmt4YsQS9-LfeetPrNDOhlQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he literally has droopy face syndrome that stroke victims have
his left side is always far more unresponsive and uneven than his right and he always tries to hide it

his fans even asked him on twitch about it and he refuses to answer

definitely mini strokes caused by him being a fat fuck

>> No.13194920

He didn't have a stroke. He just has a habit of raising one eyebrow when he smiles or moves his mouth. I do the same thing in photographs without even knowing it.

>> No.13194926


Eat a large meal, remain in a fasted state the rest of the time.

>> No.13194944

>eat the shit you like
>but a caloric deficit, so probably 60% or so of what you're eating now
It's just that easy.

>> No.13194951

>i-i-its just what he does
whatever you say, boogie.

>> No.13194963

my dad had one patient years ago he used to refer to as "meat". they had to use two OR tables to work on him and also he said they had to use a chest separator on his leg just to get to the femur. it always took a whole room full of people just to work on the guy and he needed several procedures over the years.

>> No.13194965
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>is there a way to enjoy eating and still lose weight?
Yes, you can eat whatever you want. The only catch is that you have to track your meals like an autist.

>muh thermodynamics
"Calories in; calories out" is true, but has an unspoken component. Nutrition information on the label is not completely accurate. The FDA allows nutrition labels to be accurate within ±20%. The human body is also not 100% efficient at converting food into energy and there may be variation between individuals in the efficiency of their bodies and whether certain foods are better digested than others.

However, if you use any of those reasons to explain why you're obese it's just cope. All of these reasons can be predicted and planned around.

>> No.13194982

Get depression. Then you like nothing anymore so you don't eat.
Or you eat even more.

>> No.13194986

there is nothing immoral about eating a normal diet go disappear up your own ass

>> No.13195510

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