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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 582x263, 582px-Chick-fil-A_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13189495 No.13189495 [Reply] [Original]

>muh good customer service
If employees saying "my pleasure" and being overly kind 24/7 like an automated bot is good customer service to you, then you are the ultimate corporate sheep.

>> No.13189504 [DELETED] 

you're a nigger that eats at popeyes or KFC huh

>> No.13189503

You sound like a disgruntled wagie

>> No.13189507

Eating fast food is cancer.

>> No.13189510

>b-but you're a [insert insult]
Cope harder cucks

>> No.13189520

Nobody cares what you think, wagie. Back to your menial high school level job

>> No.13189526


>> No.13189538

Poor wagie can't even find a job where he doesn't have to be somebody's food bitch

>> No.13189556


haha the homosexual made a chic-fil-a hate thread

good luck with that, everyone that matters loves chic-fil-a

>> No.13189565
File: 1.12 MB, 1500x1027, GayFear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus never existed.

Religion is a lie and an excuse to deliberately oppress the socially marginalized and unpopular.

Nobody should be financing the oppression of whole groups of people just because magical thinking tells them they must.

>> No.13189569

Reminder that retarded liberal LEAFS protested the opening of a chick fil a in canada

>> No.13189571

It's more than that. They are so polite and the restaurant is clean and there's always white high school girls wearing short shorts, makes me want to smash Christan teen pussy and electrocute some homosexual

>> No.13189572


i hope they shut every single one down for bigotry

>> No.13189578

Have sex

>> No.13189588

Get me a spicy chicken sandwich and a lemonade, wagie

>> No.13189606


good luck, can't wait for the maple chic-fil-a sandwich

>> No.13189640

Canadians support Tim Hortons and that guy was a drunk driving. He was known to hate blacks and when he died they found a dead back tranny in his car too

>> No.13189649

>niggers can’t into polite kindness

>> No.13189650

So you admit that Christians willfully harming gay people is the equivalent to driving drunk on a public road?

>He was known to hate blacks


>dead b[l]ack tranny

transgenderism is homophobic

its ironic gay people don't have full civil rights when black people behave WAY worse than gay people

if you think gay people are more obnoxious than hood niggers, you are sheltered or lying

>> No.13189659

No, because drunk driving might harm innocent heterosexuals

>> No.13189666
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>> No.13189676

Nice try Satan. Try reading the Bible, back in the day there were 800 year old dudes banging 11 year olds

>> No.13189680

I don't read fictional books and I certainly don't fear your imaginary friends.

>> No.13189692

I'll take a forced smile over some passive aggressive black woman any day.

>> No.13189696

What civil rights to gays not have? I’m really surprised they don’t understand that gays best chance for acceptance at this point is just shutting the fuck up, you’re protected by the law, like pride and stuff is only making things worse.

>> No.13189697
File: 283 KB, 438x728, NoWeddingCakesHere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um you realize that Christians being fake polite is like the most passive aggressive thing possible? Sure they are polite, until you ask them to make a gay wedding cake then you have gone too far.

>> No.13189703

>and being overly kind 24/7
24/6 you mean

>> No.13189704

Federal prohibition on the basis of sexual orientation against discrimination in hiring, housing, employment and public accommodation like that enjoyed on the basis of race and religion and sex.

>just shutting the fuck up

how would that accomplish anything?

>you’re protected by the law

not federally

in most states you can legally fire someone just for being gay

>pride and stuff is only making things worse

the opposite

people who personally know someone who is gay are more likely to be tolerant

you are just a bigot and your best days are behind you

>> No.13189707

fucking rekt

>> No.13189708

except like everyone outside of the deep south does accept them at this point

>> No.13189712

But that's not true at all. You just have no idea what it is like to be gay. There's closeted gay people even in San Francisco. You literally are just ignorant.

>> No.13189716

Based Leafs!

>> No.13189735

Went last night, employees were great and the place was beautiful compared to what you'd see in a BK

>> No.13189765

Nobody cares about your dumb faggotry. Go have buttsex somewhere else

>> No.13189769

Go be a bigot somewhere else.

Treating gay people with the same respect you treat others requires no additional effort. You are just used to getting away with being hostile.

>> No.13189771

Stop shitting up this board with your fucking homo crying

>> No.13189801

Nobody cares, fag. This isn't your fucking safe space where you can cry about how hard your imaginary problems are. This is a fucking food and cooking board. If you want to go be a faggot >>>/lgbt/

>> No.13189802


Guilt is a normal feeling

>> No.13189808


quit promoting harmful sexual tendencies onto other people then

>> No.13189819

>implying me hating you isn’t treating you with the respect I treat everyone else

>> No.13189821

Being gay is innate. Promoting being gay wouldn't make anyone who isn't already gay, gay.

>> No.13189903

What's with all the jailbait working in chick-fil-a's?

>> No.13189919


bullshit, it's a choice and children can be raised to be gay, your kind have openly admitted it already, the phrase "turned gay" was coined by fags who admitted to attempting to turn straight people

you have a psychological disease based on sexual proclivity

>> No.13189926

If I can resist the urges I feel to have sex with men then so can you

>> No.13189933

nobody is choosing to be gay

repeating a lie won't make it so

we are hardwired to be attracted to the same sex

why is that so hard to understand?

>> No.13189949

Which is why I insist we unilaterally withdraw our forces entirely from isreal, seeing as the main reason why politicians insist on staying there is because those hecking chris-chan's believe that not doing so would cause the world to end!!!
I mean, that's just silly...

>> No.13189979

Israel is America's closest ally and nets us a military base in an otherwise hostile region. Withdrawing funding would be foolish.

Good thing Trump supports Israel.

>> No.13189981
File: 43 KB, 337x404, 1551477072929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda thinkin i might fuck around and go to chik fil a, say thank you, wait for a "my pleasure", and thank them again. see if it cycles.

>> No.13190011

>why is that so hard to understand?

the statement you're making is easily understood, but it's still a lie

you are a broken degenerate specimen and only by technology and science are you able to exist for as long as you have, you spread your bullshit beliefs around just like any religious zealot, while by comparison your views cause more harm in the present day than any theistic dogma

the damage your type cause to the human species will put all religion based suffering to shame, you are a harbinger of extinction, you are antithetical to humanity bnut your warped mentality won't allow you to understand, like trying to convince a pschizophrenic that their delusions aren't real, their mental illness require medication to correct

perhaps science may come around and provide a cure for your mental illness someday, we can only hope

>> No.13190023

Nobody is lying about being attracted to the same sex, generation after generation. You are the ones lying about religion because you have no rational justification for oppressing us otherwise.

>> No.13190057


i don't believe in any religion, and you're not being oppressed

you think because people see you as a danger to the normality that they are somehow oppressing you? you people are the number one vector of AIDS and STDs, you offer nothing to humanity but the spread of degenerate behaviors, you have no self control or even a concept of discipline and your kind actively target the young for indoctrination and for exploitation

you are the problem and we don't need a god to see that

>> No.13190060
File: 14 KB, 221x295, 1569301565647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will have a fun, happy, and wholesome experience at my establishment, or else

>> No.13190063

If we aren't being oppressed then where is the harm in passing federal laws banning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation?

Why are they so fiercely opposed?

>you people are the number one vector of AIDS and STDs

explain how making life harder for gay people fixes this problem somehow...

>> No.13190071


> You all wish you were cool like me.

>> No.13190108

>only by technology and science are you able to exist for as long as you have
Hunting-gathering societies had a certain percent of their population as gay. Hell, even among the macho plains warrior societies they had gays and they were respected. Also, you cannot convert a child to be gay unless they were born gay just as you cannot convert a gay to straight. Stop babbling loony evangelical hogwash.

>> No.13190112

They can't stop. They are brainwashed. They aren't even aware of it consciously. They just don't question their beliefs. They are like slaves, but bound by their own mind, rather than chains.

>> No.13190130


it's ok for people to discriminate against gays, you're not mentally fit for regular social interaction

but this doesn't mean you're being oppressed anymore than putting criminals in prison or the mentally ill in wards

you are deranged and you need to either be medically treated or safely removed from society

the irony of a fag spouting off about being oppressed, if you were oppressed you wouldn't be having this exchange

>> No.13190137
File: 28 KB, 625x626, 018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys enjoying your first day on the internet?

>> No.13190139

You sound completely sane and rational.

>> No.13190177


this coming from someone in a "community" that want to purposely spread AIDS when they say "pozzing" or "bug chasing"

the fucking irony

>> No.13190258
File: 175 KB, 1026x782, Bob the Tomato - Veggie Tales 2001 - Chick Fil A 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never had Chick-fil-A before but they seem pretty based to me

>> No.13190300

Nah, we don't need to be there because Jesus never existed.

>> No.13190371

good customer service is being polite along with getting your order to you correctly and quickly. go stick your dick in a light socket.

>> No.13190382

Somebody just got fired. I'm gonna grab a spicy deluxe in your name.

>> No.13190438

They should say "you're welcome." "My pleasure" is obviously going to be a lie, at least some of the time. They are serving you because I have to. This makes it uncomfortable to hear. There is an internal dissonance as you are aware of the deception but choose to ignore it. However, confirming that I am welcome to their service is both true (because that is what they are paid for) and a courteous acknowledgment of my stated gratitude (which is always true because I a may withhold it at will).

>> No.13190513

Imagine a restaurant chain incorporating Jewish believes.

>> No.13191792

How's that strawman?

>> No.13191806

Don't have sex.

>> No.13191897

I grew up in the north east so when I moved to colorado I saw chikfila for the first time. I didn't buy it cause of social reasons but some dumb bitch thought it'd make a good secret santa gift for me at my school so I said fuck it and ate it. Fucking nasty. KFC is better without the cringe. Hell, even mcdonalds chicken is better.

Considering how many retards live out here I'm convinced it's just a retard redneck food.

>> No.13191913

It’s incredibly popular with zoomers here on the west coast.

>> No.13191926

stop feeding trolls guys

sage and move on

>> No.13191945
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>> No.13191949

All me.

>> No.13192038

This. I fucking hate "customer service." Let me eat my fucking food in peace

>> No.13192174

Chick-fil-A is actually good good for what it is but the cringe surrounding it has me preferring almost anywhere else. I don't even care about the "muh jeebus" shit but the way faggots on this board go full christcuck is just gay.

>> No.13192193
File: 144 KB, 1600x901, 1507660941463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, the most significant aspect of Chik-Fil-A's "premium" customer service is the fact that you can eat in the dining room and its not filthy.

The sandwich isn't bad, the fries are mediocre, the service is genuinely superior to other fast food places.

It's a decent option. The Popeye's sandwich may be slightly better, but I don't have to worry about my corpse being looted by D'Quarius when I go to Chik-Fil-A.

>> No.13192237
File: 11 KB, 184x184, dante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dante the racist Badger agrees

>> No.13192240

Chick fil a is such a guilty pleasure because I'm gay. But I hate niggers and I don't want to get stabbed waiting in line with them so I can't go to popeyes

>> No.13192867


>> No.13192885

Beats the hell out of some surely, drugged out, teenaged niglet that won't even look you in the eye and only responds in grunts.
Common courtesy goes a long way no matter who you are. I beat you treat staff like shit because you're an unhappy piece of shit.

>> No.13192899

Even my homo friends in college were like "meh, I'm not that gay." It's not like the CEO of CFA is going to have you loaded onto a train car to a pray away the gay camp.
Shit, In n Out is successful as hell in CA, and they put fucking Bible versus on their cups. Most normal people don't live their lives like this.
I order from Amazon if it's the cheapest/quickest by far, even though Bezos is your standard limo leftist that wants us all to eat bugs to save the planet whole he throws caviar onto a hooker clinging to the wing of his private jet on his way to a conference on global warming.
If there's one thing the Republicans always have over the Democrats (aside from the 1st and 2nd amendments, for me personally), is that at least they are half honest. The media used to keep them especially honest (and the left to a lesser extent), but now they just lie too.

>> No.13192907

Tell me more about the jailbait. Do you think the managers purposefully choose hot 14 yo-s to draw in the 4chan crowd/pedo fundies?

>> No.13192914

Sounds like you might have some feelings you need to share. Why did you find a barely pubescent girl hot, Anon?

>> No.13192935

No I treat staff badly because I like it, and there's nothing they can do about it.

>> No.13194462
File: 1016 KB, 2592x1944, -8759620990400342464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What other fast food places set up an umbrella when it rains so you don't get your arm wet? What other places have employees taking orders with ipads so some dipshit doesn't slow everything down while try to figure out what to order?

>> No.13194561

>everyone hates us because we are insufferable faggots, what do we do?
>I know, let's attack the delicious chicken sandwiches everyone loves
fag logic lmao

>> No.13194779

This. The 2 stores in my town also have staff that will come refill your drink for you or get you more napkins or whatever while you're eating in. It may just be a clever corporate trick but it at least gives off a convincing impression of being grateful for your business

>> No.13194813

I'm gay as well and there's tons of nogs at my closest one. Are you in a large American city perchance?

so much cope and cringe i can't even

the people who run it are backwards asshats but the food is too good and convenient to avoid if it is close to you

>> No.13194960

>the people who run it are backwards asshats

>people who want to prevent bug chasing neghole pozzers are backwards

>> No.13194970

sorry but I don't enjoy it when my cashier talks very loudly in ebonics

>> No.13194979

Why should gay people who are not spreading disease be harmed for the actions of others?

What good does excluding and harming gay people do to overall disease rates?

Creating pariahs only makes things worse because people are then more reluctant to seek help.

>> No.13195477


you are the pariahs, you weren't created, you chose the path of perversion and for some of you the perversion goes to more insidious levels, the worst among your ranks try to dismantle morality itself, derrida and foucault for example, but their ultimate goal was making it acceptable to molest little boys

you sound like a moderate religious type now, defending your religion when the extremists blow up people in the name of their god

you are an insidious component of humanity that has festered from decadence and debauchery, oozing and spreading infection like a diseased wound, an infection of the mind

you may not want to spread literal disease yourself, but you are a component of a larger movement of self destruction that seeks to undermine the human experience outright

>> No.13195613

Fuck faggots, fuck niggers, and fuck nigger-faggots

>> No.13195629

Were you born a miserable cunt or was it learned from years and years of being a worthless faggot who contributes nothing to society?

>> No.13195640

dude i just like the chicken i really dont care how nice they talk to me.

>> No.13195646

They opened in liberal loonyville Toronto. If they had opened out west they would have been fine

>> No.13195662

you forgot the other cookie cutter responses in this, you fucking faggot reddit shit stain

>> No.13195683

Fuck off, fag.

>> No.13195692

That's a lie though, it is absolutely a choice, now they are trying to give prepubescent children hormone blockers because they need to build up their numbers.