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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 1360x939, joshua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13188575 No.13188575 [Reply] [Original]

i hate these kinds of food youtubers

>> No.13188588

This thread just got //sneeded/ my dude

>> No.13188596


>> No.13188600

The ones who get reall really high?

>> No.13189188

he's so smug

>> No.13189201
File: 8 KB, 205x246, 1559570136829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scientific approach to cooking

>> No.13189228

I like his videos, but they're too long.

>> No.13189266

I also hate them. I hate all the people 'making a living' doing stupid shit like this on the internet.

>recreating a meal
>veganizd meat dish
>ugly fat bon apetite girl making candy

>> No.13189358

>calling Claire ugly
Nigga u gay

>> No.13189360



>> No.13189371

They'd be shorter if he didn't play the same exact "B-roll" twice in the same video.

>> No.13189378
File: 5 KB, 201x250, tourist face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13189471

why do people who look like this always act the same. It's always that weirdly fake over-the-topness, like they're from a tv show or some shit. and before you say it's him just acting up infront of the camera, it's not I've met numerous people just like him in the real world who act exactly the same, it's fucking infuriating. I'd eat his sandwich though.

>> No.13189518

That's intentional. longer videos (if watched in their entirety) bring in more money for them.

>> No.13189524

Lmao have sex u bitter loser

>> No.13189596

How delusional do you need to be to think Claire's anything but ugly? There's nothing good about her in any department.

>> No.13189630

>built for breeding
>cooks delicious food
>cute face and hair
When are you going to accept the fact that you're gay?

>> No.13189652

you're both wrong
she is neither cute nor ugly. she's completely and utterly average

>> No.13189658

so all of them?

>> No.13189917

The thirst is real. Kill yourself, degenerate.

>> No.13189920

adam is based though

>> No.13190884

>everyone ITT clearly has watched a ton of his videos

>> No.13190892

You complain about 4chan even though you keep coming here

>> No.13190907

I stopped going to YT as much when that started happening because it just felt like everything was purposely wasting my time. The only thing I really go for now are music videos.

>> No.13191874

OK me too I guess idk

>> No.13192195

hes so fucking cute

>> No.13192217
File: 8 KB, 247x139, Z-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly fat bon apetite girl making candy.

>> No.13192234

As insufferable as this guy is, he has really good recipes and ideas at times.
His cured egg yolks are stellar and I highly recommend them.
Been thinking of trying his duck breast prosciutto if I can find duck breast anywhere near me.
Maybe a pork loin could work if I can't find one?

>> No.13192242
File: 79 KB, 696x435, schermata-2018-10-09-alle-152936-copia-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cooks delicious food

>> No.13192249 [DELETED] 

I know that guy. I fucking him. Obnoxiously smug piece of shit.

>> No.13192291

why ck hate youtubers? jealousy?

>> No.13192311

he used the word extra as an adjective to describe himself, I didn't understand and it made me confused and also angry

I don't like guys that talk like retards

>> No.13192315

kek this looks exactly like the guy as well. God I hate his shit eating grin

>> No.13192327

why is nu /ck/ so obsessed with youtubers who can cook better than them?

>> No.13192422

>look up this guy's channel
>every other video is the a shitty version of the same 3 or 4 Japanese foods that's been flooding food Youtube the past 5 years


>> No.13192442

he really is one of the best cooks out there in youtube, certainly better than babish,the bon appetit crew and chef john

>> No.13192848

Oh look, it's another bitter incel seething at the bad youtube man thread. Why don't you make a youtube channel?

>> No.13192855

They hate how the youtube man is successful and they are not. >>13189266

>> No.13193136

I didn't watch your video but copycat recipes have been around since dial up days. Copycat recipes were probably the original reason women came on to the internet and chainmails that could cure cancer.

>> No.13193157

100% agree

>> No.13193184

He has ok recipes. I always watch videos like that, ignore the cringe for some time, then it gets too much and I unsub.
He also looks unwashed. He is a young guy and probably still has the hormonal balance of a teenager but ffs just wash your oily face before you shoot the video.

>> No.13193193

I agree fuck this shit

>> No.13193198

"Kind of" youtuber? He IS a youtuber, 100 %, not just "kind of".

>> No.13193201

Clairefags absolutely seething

>> No.13193209

Based esl poster

>> No.13193498

In this context it means type as in :
>I hate this type of food youtuber

>> No.13193504
File: 2 KB, 89x64, HideThread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But not so much that you won't go to their channel, screencap them, then spread it to >>>/ck/ ?

>> No.13193855

fuck, man. you dip shits know a whole lot about this dumbass.

>> No.13194092

Not at all, I never wanted to be successful on youtube, that seems like a strange desire. I wish people would make new content instead of reaction videos and emulations of things. Unfortunately we are now mostly all online as a species so the originality and creativity will happen offline.

>> No.13194118

I also have a playlist of music videos that I jerk off to. Something about the music and the fact its provocative but not outright porn just does it for me

>> No.13194125
File: 41 KB, 150x284, 150px-Steve_Smith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok Steve back to work at best buy

>> No.13194140

>i hate youtubers

>> No.13194268

perfect description. Generic human

>> No.13194878

I used to hate Josh, but then I discovered nerdy Nummies/Rosanna pasino. Holy hell how can so many people find that crap interesting, it's the same recipe/video for the last 10 years. BTW I still hate Josh, but he isn't depressing

>> No.13194898


Josh is tolerable, even with being a smug cunt. I would rather watch his content than Nerdy Nummies and Binging with Reddit. They're both recycled trash.

It still annoys me that Rosanna got her start by making boxed cake and decorating it. Low effort trash.

>> No.13195371

He stresses not to try it with another meat, because his recipe is specific to duck meat food safety. I’m sure you could find a recipe specific to pork though

>> No.13195380

Josh is based

>> No.13195389

He’s the only Youtube chef who does shit right and doesn’t cut corners, because when something is easy it’s just fucking easy and you don’t need to distill a recipe down to four sentence Buzzfeed listicle

>> No.13196449

This dude looks like the banana man

>> No.13197827

>That one failed EDM artist guy that just does fast food recreations with his depressed looking wife
I hate that guy.