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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13184982 No.13184982 [Reply] [Original]

What are you having for dinner tonight?

>> No.13184994
File: 2.68 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20191108_183534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soup sandwich

>> No.13184999

some fish

>> No.13185003

>reduced price bread

>> No.13185017

>buying full-price anything

>> No.13185036

Not bad OP. Are you okay with the sauce just like that? Remember you can pan fry some sausage or ground beef with some chopped mushrooms and stir it into the sauce and lightly boil it for a bit to enhance its flavors. Or if you are fine with it just the way it is that's okay too.

>> No.13185047

what a shit meal, my meal was burger patties fried in bacon fat with parmesan cheese and easy over eggs

>> No.13185050

>Not bad OP
When I see pictures like the OP, I know the person that made it can't cook. When I see people telling people like the OP they did a good job, I know everyone on this joke of a board can't cook.

>> No.13185053

>plain pasta with a giant load of sauce dumped on top
Why do Americans do this?

>> No.13185056

Life in the trailer park sounds good.

>> No.13185060

my gf likes it, see how happy she is?

>> No.13185064

You mean your hand?

>> No.13185065

Not everyone is at the same level as cooking, just like not everyone is at the same level of developed social skills, just like not everyone is at the same level of maturity, just like not everyone is at the same level of intelligence. Therefore, if the OP doesn't care much about cooking, then what good would it be to berate the food they prepared if they enjoy it?

>> No.13185070

Men that can cook are similar to male musicians. Overly sensitive, melodramatic, prissy and narcissistic. Basically what I’m saying is you’re all a bunch of feminine faggots. I can tell that just from reading your post.

>> No.13185076

It's 2019 you know, you don't have to stay in the closet anymore fella, you can come out.

>> No.13185077

Shut up virgin

>> No.13185083

I came in my girlfriend’s vagina a week ago. It was bloody due to menstruating. I lost my virginity over a decade ago

>> No.13185087

I know you are but what am I?

>> No.13185086

That’s nasty dude. You’re supposed to have her give you blowjobs when she’s on her period

>> No.13185100

Nah. I like cumming in her when she is menstruating because it’s almost impossible for her to get pregnant. Plus the mestrual blood acts as a lubricant. I actually ate her pussy before I started fucking her but I didn’t see any blood yet I had an iron taste in my mouth. It was only as I was about to cum in her that my dick slipped out and it was all red

>> No.13185105
File: 115 KB, 1450x862, 6ixsr9n21d331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're all qt anime grills here. no bully

>> No.13185109

Gay. You're gay.

>> No.13185116

baloney & bell peppers

>> No.13185121

Fuck off, weeab.

>> No.13185125

Wish I was gay. Would be a lot easier than dealing with women. Instead of “why did you leave the toilet seat up?” Or “can you cut the grass?” If you were dating a male he’d just want to fuck all the time too.

>> No.13185126

sounds gross tbqh

>> No.13185129

>when anon writes an hour long fanfiction to convince r/cooking he isn't gay
Kek fucking fairy boy.

>> No.13185380

>What are you having for dinner tonight?
looks like depression is on the menu for you OP

>> No.13185395

story of my life.
its okay im getting my insides cut out soon

>> No.13185405

>le anime website xDDD

>> No.13185407

hysterectomies can be tough, stay off your feet after they rip your uterus out

>> No.13185409

>Wish I was gay
I've got good news for you.

>> No.13185429
File: 3.90 MB, 5760x4320, 1548327654217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Broccoli kuku.

>> No.13185437

kek you got me there. sadly its my large intestne and partial small intestine

>> No.13185449

>Carbs with a side of carbs
Do Americans really...?

That "roll" looks like shit btw, same as the pasta

>> No.13185453
File: 64 KB, 645x729, 3BEC8836-70F2-47BF-B449-928EF67E1197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carbs bad

>> No.13185454

its a pillsbury crescent

>> No.13185457

>I like to be fat
That's what you sound like.

>> No.13185464

damn you gonna have a shitbag? sorry anon

>> No.13185481

its ok, life cant really get worst from there

>> No.13185488

Spaghetti with butter, garlic salt, and pepper because I'm tired and poor.

>> No.13185508

Carbs form the basis of healthy diet. Enjoy your heart disease keto faggot

>> No.13185530

>garlic salt

>> No.13185529

A medium-rare NY strip, with bacon-and-cheese-filled scrambled eggs.

>> No.13185533

>assuming this hard
Keto is another fad diet for people with no self-control. And, I love carbs, but carbs on carbs in every meal is just asking to get fat, fatty.

>> No.13185540
File: 404 KB, 486x490, 1572151374230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homemade pierogis with a spinach and cheese filling, chicken breast with a pumpkin parmesan crust, and oven-roasted broccoli in balsamic galze

>> No.13185607

I'm lazy, bite me.

>> No.13185626

How is carbs on carbs asking to get fat, retard? A calorie is a calorie. Back to r/keto reddit fag

>> No.13185649

Leftover plain risotto topped with meatballs simmered in a marinara. It was good last night when I made it and I'm not anal about warming up risotto in a microwave.

>> No.13185667

If that's all you eat, like in OP's pic, yeah it's gonna help you put on the pounds. A "calorie" may be a "calorie," but different foods contain different nutrients (wow), and the source of that calorie can actually be important. If all you're eating is carbs from bread/pasta/etc, you're not doing your body any favors.

Alternatively: cope harder, hamlard.

>> No.13185679

Post physique fatcel

>> No.13185714

>coping this hard
It's gonna be ok, you fat little fella

>> No.13185730
File: 766 KB, 1125x1106, AD5FAAF6-1968-43EE-8312-289B61856489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said post physique, fat piece of shit

>> No.13185734

Literally couldnt even describe what warlock mechanism magically causes carbs to make you fat without a caloric surplus. Take a shower, fatty

>> No.13185781

Shut him up quick

>> No.13185784

i just had a nice piece of cold fried chicken, and I'm about to munch on a tasty salad with ranch. Your pic has inspired me to thaw out some hamburger and a small loaf of bread to make some American spaghetti and meat sauce later.

>> No.13185810 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 453x604, 2019-08-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.13185820

Half a Cantonese roast duck and instant ramen. No pic I'm afraid. And an avocado. Got to get the bowels moving.

>> No.13185828

Nice bulge

>> No.13185833

fried 2 eggs
it's what i had in the fridge
im getting better at breaking them bros - things are looking up

>> No.13185835
File: 27 KB, 452x454, 1573255198844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soup sandwich

Is that dog food looking square thing from a polish sklep?

>> No.13185981

Cute labia. I already coomed.

>> No.13186005

i'm eating pure haterd

>> No.13186041

>can't grow chest hair
oh no... baby tits got into the soy again :(

>> No.13186107

Sorry I’m blond and not an ugly hairy middle eastern looking wop like you

>> No.13186111

nice cope but color isn't the issue. We can see your faggot happy trail but no chest hair. Lay off the soy, kid

>> No.13186122

With that attention to detail I know you’re a homo

>> No.13186126
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>> No.13186131

Is that your fridge?

>> No.13186256

yes, it's preddy gud

>> No.13186284

Is that... is that a croissant? Wtf...

>> No.13186290

Holy shit dude, you don't have to go through life eating burgers and pizza.

>> No.13186301

It’s a “crescent roll” which is an American abomination created by Pillsbury

>> No.13186315
File: 1.81 MB, 4032x3024, 055B0057-DF17-4E4C-AE54-628189376BAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramen with leftover pork roast

>> No.13186316

but you're one this board...

>> No.13186324

>I never work out, so I'm extremely paranoid about everything that goes into my body.
That's what you sound like.

>> No.13186337
File: 1.95 MB, 294x359, 784D616F-7F43-4C6E-A7F6-4C1D5D25EF58.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That subtle bulge

>> No.13186343 [DELETED] 

That kinda looks like bloody diarrhea. But the girl on the left is cute though, who is she?

>> No.13186430

what do they call chests like that?

>> No.13187498

What's with the pic of the hot girl? Are you trying to make your own Alfredo sauce?

>> No.13187541

Noodle shells with fried ground chicken and cream of chicken soup mix as the sauce. Don't knock it before you try it. Way better than what you may think.

>> No.13187543

Grindr torsoman

>> No.13187549

I rarely eat dinner. By the time evening comes I've already overeaten.

>> No.13187552

Yes. And my gf has a penis, btw

>> No.13187565

>Flexing in a pic

Not gunna lie. Your body is better than man but that screams of insecurity, mate.

>> No.13187583
File: 965 KB, 3024x2268, 20191109_004556-3024x2268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this. Cheated on mashed potatoes. They're instant.

Pan sauce is oyster mushrooms, homemade demi glace, shallot, garlic, butter, lemon juice, capers.

Green beans steamed and tossed with salt, butter, garlic powder.

>> No.13187602

i'm too tired
will probably down a fuckton of water to stop myself from being hungry

>> No.13187603


As someone who frequently transitions from fit to fat ass to fit, when you get fit, there may be some lingering insecurities but the main feeling is pride in your accomplishment.

>> No.13187609

Wanting to show off your accomplishment is always insecurity. Never true pride.

>> No.13187687
File: 296 KB, 1600x1350, 14B1CD3C-B3C5-4852-BEDD-A2E0BFCE6DE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haricots verts and fresh parslay

mein neger

>> No.13187702

wendys again

>> No.13187707

t. guy who’s accomplished exactly fuckall

>> No.13187712

If you want to think so.

>> No.13187737


So I guess all the true artists are unknown because they never showed the public what they created. We just got the dregs, insecure losers who created something and needed to shout out to the world because they are desperate for attention.

>> No.13187738

bird chest

>> No.13187768
File: 85 KB, 411x707, alfredo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find their garlic alfredo near me so I made the basic alfredo and used this for the 3 tablespoons of butter.

>> No.13187778

Best artists (in any medium) are people who’s work was discovered posthumously. Van Gogh, Kafka, Vermeer

>> No.13187779

I eat shit like that too sometimes but the ingredient list is a horror show. Cheesy pasta from scratch is easy.

>> No.13187793

Great artists produce work for love of the art, not for acclaim. They're usually exploited by marketers who recognize the quality of their work and pass on a pittance in return for financial rights. The Three Stooges, for instance, never got anything close to the income that their worked deserved.

>> No.13187800


I disagree with that but I can't say your opinion is wrong. I think it's possible to be a charismatic, aspirational public figure -- as long as you have legitimate talent.

>> No.13187807 [DELETED] 

You can still be all that without being motivated by the desire to show off.

>> No.13187814

You can still be all that without being motivated by the desire to show off. One of the things about true charisma is that people automatically want to see what you do, and ask to see.

>> No.13187820


Okay. I have to question citing the Three Stooges as an example of bard storytellers. They cranked out the same sketches year after year for a paycheque. As for how they got paid, I don't know that story, but I know they come from the tradition of Jewish vaudeville. That was a cutthroat business because it was a Jewish racket. Those guys knew how to work a deal in show business. And the Stooges played the same game and had a very long run as a group, swapping guys out and everything.

>> No.13187828

If there's one thing I've learned in life, its that it can always get worse.

>> No.13187835

Quiche. I made a wholemeal short crust pastry with some parmesan in it for that cheesy flavour. The filling is charred courgette, a season of lemon dill pepper, smoked salmon, and feta.

>> No.13187879
File: 3.26 MB, 4128x2322, 15732852636353438895668555050370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13187882

They weren't storytellers. They were performers. Women usually hate their performances, by the way. Shemp left to pursue a solo career. Curly dropped out because he was sick as fuck. An illness he died of. Shemp came in to help his family despite wanting to continue striking out alone. The Stooges after Shemp left again were dead. Joe Derita never even liked their performances. There's a guy who only worked for money.

Lou Costello made his career by imitating Curly, by the way.

>> No.13187899


Three Stooges are great performance artists, I agree. I love them. They weren't business savvy in a dog-eat-dog industry, but they have a generally positive overall story. Compare to the Little Rascals or something. Yikes.

>> No.13187901

Our Gang, actually.

>> No.13187960
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>> No.13188073
File: 34 KB, 500x500, DCD16326-BBE7-4D4C-96AB-2EBD04C3CD9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


looks dank

>> No.13189076

Looks like crap

>> No.13189088
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1543428895921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cheated on mashed potatoes. They're instant.
Wow, to save 20 mins you cheated and destroyed the entire dish, well done.

>> No.13189514

lol she's at the end of her cycle and has a high chance of getting pregnant if the pussy felt good and the only signs of period was red dick when u pulled out. if the pussy was gritty and sticky ur probably safe though.