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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 350 KB, 750x400, DrPepperKnockoffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13185522 No.13185522 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's Dr. Thunder

>> No.13185537

I've had all but a few of these, and I actually agree. However
>no Dr. Shasta
should get an honorable mention desu

>> No.13185552
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Is it just Mr Pibb that didn't get a doctorate?

>> No.13185555
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>> No.13185559

Bring on the roll thread!

>> No.13185585

for me, its dr dynamite

>> No.13185634

>Dr. Thunder
not actually bad for a knockoff, well done OP acceptable tread. But if you want the best you need to travel to the south and get a Dr.Pepper that is from the Raleigh, North Carolina bottling plant, for what ever reason theirs are noticeably better and go heavy on the flavor syrup, i crossed state line and it was crap...more like a Dr.seltzer

>> No.13185696
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>> No.13185709

Dr. Chek was the best knockoff. Do they still make it?

>> No.13185717

>Senator Skipper
Could be worse I guess

>> No.13185746

Ah, the inevitable.

>> No.13185754

Bow down to Baron Radical!

>> No.13186178

I got some Dr. Topper yesterday because they were out of regular Dr. Pepper and it tastes awful.
I'll probably just get rid of the rest of it.

>> No.13186716


>> No.13186722
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>Daddy Fizz
aww yeah

>> No.13186774
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For me, it's Dr Good Guy

>> No.13186787

>Daddy Popper

Yeah can I reroll please

>> No.13186831
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>Daddy Popper

>> No.13186834
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>Senator Popper

Putting a filibuster on your thirst!

>> No.13186840
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>ywn be father peeper
Why live bros?

>> No.13186846
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>Lord Hit

>> No.13186860

>Daddy Spirit

>> No.13186894

Diet dr thunder. Same taste zero calories

>> No.13186900

I tried Tinder and all the women are kind of stupid. I'm a retard myself so I was confused at how low brow everything was. Sorry, OP, but seeing "Thunder" made me think of it.

>> No.13186908


>Lord Taste

bow down plebs

>> No.13186942
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>Father Strong
I feel like a classy manga character.

>> No.13186988
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>> No.13187016

ah a fellow father strong
my names blake i was born on the 7th

>> No.13187024

>Dr Fine
>Neutral Evil
>drank it when we moved into a slum house with bad water, bugs, mice, and nightshade out back when I was very little
Sounds about right. The feral cat I adopted there was the only good part of those memories, until it got cancer.

>> No.13187029

>not realizing drK and drB are the best.

>> No.13187044

>uncle bobby

it's weird because i have an uncle bobby that diddled me when i was 7

>> No.13187059


>> No.13187061

The whole thing is hilarious for me, my name literally translates to strong and I was born on St Patrick's Day.

>> No.13187200

My uncles name translates into something extremely perverted when taken from Dutch to english

>> No.13187205


>> No.13187248
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>prince perfect

>> No.13187300

>prince skipper
>Prince Henry the Navigator would like a word.

>> No.13187402

>Daddy Fizz

>> No.13187727

>Baron spice
I dig it

>> No.13187732

Clicked on thread expecting to see this.

>> No.13187747
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master bold

>> No.13187782

>prince perfect
Pretty good I'd say

>> No.13187798
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>Daddy Clean
Sounds less like a soda and more like cleaning stuff.

>> No.13187811

Used to get one called Dr.Buzz, stuff was so fizzy the bubbles would burn your tongue on the first sip, when you'd open the bottle if you did it carefully you could send the cap flying , it produced the grandest burps.
God I miss that stuff.

>> No.13187817

For me it's Dr. Choice, the abortion doctor

>> No.13187822
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You could always move to Britain where they think detergent sounds like a cookie.

>> No.13187836

So you're Australian. Born in July, first letter of name T (so Terry or Tony). People have been doxxed on less. Be more careful next time you post.

>> No.13188057

Mr Pibb owned the old service station with no convenience store but now he's retired and it's a Citgo.

>> No.13188076
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>lord radical

>> No.13188083

baron up
senator peeper
sir perky
uncle refreshing
lord radical
daddy pappy
doc strong
mister go
father big
master bobby
prince taste

>> No.13188086

For me, it's the Wall of Voodoo Mexican Radio

>> No.13188090
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>> No.13188097

Diet Dr. Thunder $.77. Can't beat it if u tried

>> No.13188102
File: 38 KB, 538x600, squirt_grapefruit_soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try some Squirt with vodka

>> No.13188106

I will, thank you

>> No.13188169

Hydrox are American

>> No.13188177

Bow down,
for it is I,
Lord Big

>> No.13188247
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Father Hit

>> No.13188264

Prince refreshing

>> No.13188403

Shoot to thrill, hoorah!

>> No.13188442
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That's Mister Big to you!

>> No.13188469
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>> No.13188474

Trader Joes used to have a variant. Also HEB

>> No.13188479
File: 658 KB, 800x432, Jane_Seymour-Bond-Live_And_Let_Die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jane shows up at your door, what do you feed her?

>> No.13189126

>Experience America's Original Creme-Filled Cookie!

>> No.13190113

Nope, yep, keep guessing.

>> No.13191841


>> No.13191855

You hit a newer low you never thought possible

>> No.13191898
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>uncle pop
that's kinda lame.

>> No.13191927

You incestuous fool

>> No.13191980


>> No.13192119

I'm more of a Country Doctor kind of girl

>> No.13192225

kek, never seen this one before

>> No.13192254

i'm pretty sure the shurfine Dr. used to be called something else, at least back when I worked in a grocery store that stocked it like 20 years ago

>> No.13192293

i got the same

>> No.13192303

Nice try NSA you're not getting shit out of me

>> No.13192313
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>Lord Radical

>> No.13192439

I still love that I'm Duke Fizz,

>> No.13192640
File: 43 KB, 414x584, Can_of_Dr_Foots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, dr Foots

>> No.13192661
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>tfw no Mr. Pig
why even live?

>> No.13193067
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x720, ceo_of_antifa_HD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lord Clean

>> No.13193140
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Master Radical.

>> No.13193204

Doc Perfect

>> No.13193211

Uncle taste

>> No.13193631
