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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.85 MB, 640x900, barista.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13182759 No.13182759[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Hi Anon! I've already made your frappuccino just the way you like it since you come in everyday! Hope you like it ^_^
Wat do?

>> No.13182802

Leave and never come back, maybe whisper a barely audible "nigger" to ensure you are left alone in the future

>> No.13182816

go home, cry, find a new coffee shop tomorrow if i haven't offed myself by that point

>> No.13182828

Sorry, you must be confusing me with someone else, I would never get a frappucino. Could I get a long black please?

>> No.13182832

Thank her, engage in light small talk and pleasantries, then take my drink and go about my business as usual.

>> No.13182835

this but instead of going about my business I take her into the back and fuck her

>> No.13182838
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>> No.13182854

>English and Japanese

>> No.13182856


>> No.13182875

>tfw the cute girl at the local coffee shop keeps flirting with you but you don't want to tell her you have a girlfriend because it might hurt her feelings

>> No.13182887

Fuck her before she realizes I work at a shitty restaurant and have a crippling meth addiction.

>> No.13182911

Turn around and deck the old woman behind me in the throat, pull my dick out and piss on her as she chokes to death.. Huck that fucking frap at that dumb bitch and tell her to make me a whisky coke.

>> No.13182917


My sweet little whorish Nora,

I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck up in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue come bursting out through your lips and if I gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.

>> No.13182930

>ah shit I wanted to try a Mocha today... oh well

>> No.13182936

One time there was that girl at starbucks, she was moving some boxes so I held the door open for her. After that she started talking to me regularly, biggest mistake of my life.

>> No.13182940

is there tipping involved?

>> No.13182941

How do I cook

>> No.13182944

she's not flirting with you she's in food service it's her job
t. male bartender and i flirt with everyone

>> No.13182948

based and joycepilled

>> No.13182952

Who is this qt3.14? What's her name?

>> No.13183012
File: 419 KB, 300x900, 1565395251504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get coffee at my local starbucks maybe twice a week if that. I work at a fastfood joint in the same complex. 2 doors down from starbucks is a burrito place. qt 3.14, 10 years younger than me strikes up a convo as im ordering. she says she saw me in the kitchen make her fast food one time and that shes served me coffee. I was oblivious as I am dead inside. Much flirting from her end. much cold monotone answers from my end. ive never ever tipped her. I even drove through drive threw with my ex in the front seat and my kiddo in the back giving them a ride somewhere and even my ex laughed and said that the barrista was into me. What in the actual fuck? Tldr 32 yr old burger flipper is either about to get laid or getting mind fucked?

im a different anon btw. What do you think?

>> No.13183016

we are at the burrito place. shes off duty etc

>> No.13183020

why don't male bartenders ever flirt with me

>> No.13183022

I cant believe I found this thread by accident. Please dont be a pasta.

>> No.13183024
File: 161 KB, 634x901, 2B5C09C800000578-3200934-A_McDonald_s_worker_in_Taiwan_is_encouraging_extra_custom_after_-a-10_1439819390263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped going to my nearest mcdonalds because a fast food worker was nice to me
This tall white girl named Sam started smiling at me and laughing whenever she recognized my voice on the intercom, and gave me free food all the time. One time I asked her why, she said it was because I was nice. I was polite, but I am pretty sure I didnt say anything overly nice. What is there to say at a fast food drive thru, right? And she was white, I was asian. I felt strange getting hit on by a white girl. She was gorgeous and didnt belong at a mcdonalds doing drive thru work, so I had no idea how to approach this situation. So I simply ignored it, like the spineless cuck nobody raised me into. Sometimes Id go back inevitably, and she would be there. I never forgot when we first met, she handed me my order and her eyes got super wide while staring at me, like she was looking at the most beautiful guy in the world, but again how could that be me? Well, it's over now.

>> No.13183036

bartender anon here. i used to work at starbucks and something that i picked up in my 8/9 years in food service is that sometimes some people could use a pick me up and lighthearted conversation to maybe make their day better. if someone has the "i want to kill myself" look in their eyes i try to talk to them more than i would other people. sometimes i'd genuinely flirt with a girl i thought was cute or something but starbucks especially really pounds the extreme cheerfulness into employees. maybe she does want to smash but there's not exactly a good way to navigate that conversation. it's like when you have a work wife where you both enjoy joking with each other or chatting and casually flirting but at the end of the day that's all it is is a fun way to pass the time. you'd be surprised how difficult going through the starbucks line could get without that to look forward to

>> No.13183040

one of the most world renowned authors wrote this to his wife https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2018/02/02/james-joyces-love-letters-dirty-little-fuckbird/

>> No.13183045

come to my bar i'll flirt with you no homo

>> No.13183049

fair enough. back to doomer mode it is thanks for saving me the embaresesment.

>> No.13183092

Incredible. Disturbing but incredible.

>> No.13183107

does my bf have a work gf you think?

>> No.13183141

Drink my fucking frappuccino just the way I like it I guess.

>> No.13183145
File: 62 KB, 600x681, Hits pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and if I gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside

>> No.13183149

>flirt with everyone
>one guy straight up offers to make out with me
>decline, I'm a professional
>regret it for the rest of the day
And women just smile.

>> No.13183173

Now this, I can coom to

>> No.13183179

>Sorry, you must be confusing me with someone else, I would never get a frappucino. Could I get a long black dick please?
Lmaooooo gottem. Gay!

>> No.13183181


>> No.13183184

I know you irl

>> No.13183211

it's a letter from james joyce to his gf

>> No.13183230

This sounds almost like the brap copy pasta.

>> No.13183250

happened to me
>new city
>start work
>find convenient sandwich/coffee right outside metro station
>go there daily
>egg sandwich and half-half coffee
>one day lunch lady sees me from far away and instantly makes the coffee and gets out the egg sandwich
>pay and never come back

>> No.13183259


>> No.13183264

i guess right...

>> No.13183289

I don't understand why building a "usual"is a bad thing to sperg over. If anything, it increases efficiency so I can get on with my day. If she wants to be bubbly for more of my tip money, by all means, but I'll still give the same amount.

>> No.13183299

Say thanks and go on with my day

I've interviewed with coffee places before and they look for employees who will do this with everyone

>> No.13183335

That's precisely why I don't go out.
Better safe than sorry.

>> No.13183344

You think I want to drink a stale frap, bitch?
Make me a fresh one while I discuss with your manager whether you should be here tomorrow or not.

>> No.13183371

scary thing to read on this site

>> No.13183385

Are you kidding? Half the women I've worked with are total flirts and share stories about either co workers or regulars they ended up partying with and fucked. Tons of food service (not in a university town) in their 20's are off the rails, that's why they're still in food service. Of course they're not actually doing this with fat slobs, but flirting is definitely not always blunt professionalism. But also dont take this as an opportunity to try out your pickup lines because you'll just be the creepy dude and wonder why you only get male servers after awhile.

>> No.13183405

>and wonder why you only get male servers after awhile
>implying that this is not a total win

>> No.13183419
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I don't even know what a fucking frappuccino is.
Do you have regular coffee?
What, $2?

>> No.13183471

Sweat profusely and hope my gf doesn't start a fight with the hot barista

>> No.13183494

Sucks that you had that awkward shit to go through, bro, but I would like to thank you for helping keep my race pure

>> No.13183497
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck please tell me a retarded anon actually did this