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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 395x395, GayChristian3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13178783 No.13178783[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13178810


>> No.13178813

chili should have beans in it

>> No.13178814

I would like to add that carbonara is better with a splash of cream.

>> No.13178817

I'm a NEET and I have almost no chance of ever seeing the girl I love ever again.
but I live in Seattle so I'm sure if I somehow became gay and met a nice man I would easily be able to find a bakery willing to make a cake.
But I'm also a baker, so I'd probably just make it myself.
I'm also a Christian, so I wouldn't actually judge other people based on their own sins because I have my own—yet it does render the question irrelevant to my own life, because I've never really dealt with sexual sin in the sense of the same gender, not that I judge those who do. It is God who judges.

>> No.13178824

also jesus was a fag himself, as you gladly recall

>> No.13178826

Just try dating men. Don't second guess yourself. It is WAY better.

Christianity is a lie. Jesus never existed. They are just brainwashing you to hate yourself so they can have power over you. There's a better life waiting free of religious lies.

If you need magical thinking to justify hatred of whole groups of people, you likely have a shitty quality rational argument against them.

>> No.13178845

Imagine unironically being so butthurt about fag cakes and abortion that you celebrate a radical right-wing SCOTUS that’s not only going to grant the future free-states of Amazon and Wal-Mart personhood and the right to literally enslave you.

>> No.13178849

Did you actually read my post?
I don't have hatred of whole groups of people, and it's because of Jesus that I am able to have the opposite in my heart for everyone I meet: love.
I'm not going to argue with you because your logic seems like bait. Either that or you clearly don't understand history. I love you either way anon, but I can't take that sort of response seriously
I'm not going to dry dating men because I don't like men in that way, nor have those types feelings about them. If I did, I would be praying about it, not trying to chase after those feelings. I urge you to read the Bible.
The original question was on whether or not I had any success finding gay-friendly bakeries. Based on my own experiences almost any bakery near Seattle, where I live, would happily make cake for a gay wedding.
Apologies however, because I've never actually bought any cakes from any of the local bakeries so I can't give you advice on which has the best quality. I'd read some reviews maybe, unless you're willing to go to each one and sample their skills in baking.

>> No.13178850

The Lord practically nuked Sodom and Gomorrah because the citizens wanted to have sex with the angels.

>> No.13178861

Imagine being so butthurt about one baker not wanting to custom make your fag cake that you sue him and make your entire movement look even worse than it already does

>> No.13178862

Jesus did exist but he was a jewish agent. His real name was Yeshua Christberg

>> No.13178867
File: 283 KB, 438x728, NoWeddingCakesHere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus never existed. Don't follow magical beliefs founded upon lies. It is just a myth.

Use your own brain to decide what's right and wrong and how to treat yourself and other people.

Christianity (and other religions) discourage critical thinking.

>because I don't like men in that way

But if you actually tried dating men you would enjoy it and just aren't letting yourself.

wow fictional stories, eh?

he doesn't bake wedding cakes at all now :)

I mean the invention of Jesus is clearly a collaboration between Flavian-dynasty era Romans and Jews loyal to the Roman authorities over local Judean Jewish ones.

>> No.13178887
File: 78 KB, 550x550, Ok....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still obviously not reading my posts
>'Use your own brain to decide what's right and wrong'
So I guess the Christians in Syria and Iraq right now risking their lives to help other people and spread the gospel should start using their brains instead of listening to the Bible?
Ever wonder why the world's so shitty? It's exactly because most people do what you say, they use their own brains and end up following the lusts of their hearts. There is no freedom without Christ.
>'Christianity (and other religions) discourage critical thinking
I guess that's why Paul held logical dissertations with the greeks in Athens, and started many churches through sincere speeches, debates, and reasoning and not through violence or monetary compensation.
>But if you actually tried dating men you would enjoy it
No, I wouldn't. And I'm not going to.
Just move this thread to >>>/lgbt/ already.

>> No.13178892

>the invention of Jesus is clearly a collaboration between Flavian-dynasty era Romans and Jews loyal to the Roman authorities
This but unironically. This (((Paul))) character shows up out of nowhere and we're supposed to buy it

>> No.13178893
File: 119 KB, 1200x628, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, if you don't go looking for places that refuse it.

But let me guess, it's not about getting a cake and minding your business. You have to get in people's asses. You have to go find the one place in the market that doesn't cater to your particular needs and force them to change.

Of course, there's other groups that apply the same strategy, I don't care too much for those either, but I have a feeling you won't get along with them either.

>> No.13178895

Correct. The bible is a fictional book which controls and oppresses us. We should use rational critical inquiry instead to decide how to treat people.

Them being in a shitty part of the world that's hostile doesn't somehow justify their exploitation of oppressive propaganda.

>Ever wonder why the world's so shitty?

Because people are willing to pretend that lies that help them personally are true.

>No, I wouldn't. And I'm not going to.

You would be happier if you did.

>> No.13178899

>There is no freedom without Christ.
Holy shit Christians really are this stupid.

>> No.13178901

You're literally insane if you believe that the people who are exploiting and oppressing others are in any way Christian. They say they are, and through their own lies they make Christ appear a falsehood to the world.
In no way is that an excuse for YOU to not read the Bible and reach your own understanding. I'm done arguing with you.

>> No.13178907

They are not stupid, just brainwashed.

You are literally insane if you believe magical books are more important than actually weighing the rational pros and cons of decisions of how to treat yourself and others, especially regarding socially controversial identities.

>In no way is that an excuse for YOU to not read the Bible

I don't read fiction.

Nobody should suffer or be oppressed because of fictional books and mythical figures.

If you hate gay people, that's one thing, but don't pretend you only hate gay people because you are told to by others.

>> No.13178916
File: 110 KB, 720x380, 20191107_091509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13178919

dude he's not gay, he explicitly said he's an incel who has never touched a girl and "doesn't like men in that way at all" what could possibly be gay about that?

>> No.13178926
File: 263 KB, 1000x1096, LaneBryantPride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow a single data point from a single study. Better cancel pride!

Incels can learn to enjoy dating other men.

>> No.13178933

Please kill yourself faggot

>> No.13178935
File: 1.00 MB, 3000x3000, erasing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no need for homophobic slurs here.

>> No.13178938

You're not dead yet, faggot