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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13177925 No.13177925 [Reply] [Original]

ReviewBrah almost died today, by falling 12 feet off the roof of his attic onto solid concrete and landing on the back of his head and tailbone.



>Hi everyone, unfortunately I ended up in the hospital today. I took a bad fall this morning, I was doing work in the attic, lost footing and fell 12 feet onto concrete. I hit the back of my head and tailbone hard, got cut up elsewhere. Thankfully the head injury isn't life threatening and I should fully recover. They said I'm very lucky how I landed, the outcome could have been extremely different if I landed in a slightly different position. I'm in a lot of pain right now and while I'll do what I can with the Channel, I'm sorry if there aren't any uploads for a while. I'll update when I can!

His career is over. His doctor and his family won't let him eat junk food anymore and he might need surgery in the future.

It's kinda irritating because reviewbrah's family looks well off and they even have a swimming pool, as evidenced by one of reviewbrah's video, so you think the family would pay a professional to fix the roof rather than telling reviewbrah to fix whatever problem is up on the attic roof. Heck, it might even be reviewbrah not wanting to spend any money and doing risky roofwork, himself, just to be cheap. I'm just mad people hurt themselves for no good reason and treat heights like it is nothing to worry about when the majority of construction workers' deaths aren't from skyscrapers but from housing in the suburbs actually. Regulations and worker safety are much more stricter when working on skyscrapers compared to suburban housing.

And reviewbrah is a skinny lanky guy so he didn't have any muscles and fat to buffer the shock damage from the fall as well so recovery is going to be a bitch.

>> No.13177929

Who cares nigga. Stop writing so goddam much bullshit.

>> No.13177930
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He's going to be a girl now isn't he?

>> No.13177931

Karma for taking those bitcoins from Popeyes

>> No.13177933

nice incoherent ramble

>> No.13177936

RIP Tilda

>> No.13177943

Maybe that will teach him not to climb up on ladders and fiddle around in the attic wearing a three piece suit.

>> No.13177945

>For a broken tailbone
Nigga what?

>> No.13177952

Hi guys. Thanks for the support i guess.

>> No.13177954

I'd fuck your twink ass

>> No.13177955

broken tailbone can fuck you up good.

>> No.13177962

>I fell off my house and broke my tailbone
More like the bull got a little carried away and broke my tailbone

>> No.13177963

I broke your dad's tailbone. You know. With my penis.

>> No.13177966

Yes, but there's no surgery for broken tailbones you just have to tough it out until it heals on it's own, Broken tailbones is one of the most painful injuries you can get.

>> No.13177971

These injuries likely require titanium plates and screws.

I only know this because of articles over Olympic gymnasts getting injured really badly from landing wrong.

>> No.13177972

Why do I keep seeing this shit in every thread? He's not even close to a twink. He's some fucking FAS ridden bone goblin.

>> No.13177973

Get well soon fren

>> No.13177975

It was in his garage. Your welcome.

>> No.13177978

How can life be so cruel. 24 hours ago, you were completely fine and just uploaded a new youtube video of yourself, eating chicken sandwiches, and then the next day, you accidentally fell off the roof of your house and landed in the hospital.

What the fuck is wrong with reality. It's like someone playing a cruel joke.

>> No.13177980
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>> No.13177981

That depends on how badly he broke it though. If it's not too badly broken doctors don't do shit and just let it heal on it's own.

>> No.13178005

Lol! Kek! Kekistani! Lmao! Roflmao! Haha! Lost!

>> No.13178006


DUDE, did they chop off one of his arms?

Reviewbrah's left arm is missing.

>> No.13178014

>just let it heal on it's own
>on it's own
>on it is own
Read a fucking book you illiterate nigger.

>> No.13178027

Suck my cock faggot

>> No.13178031

Oh, I'm so sorry mr. grammer nazi. Let it heal on its' own. Are you fucking happy now? Piece of shit.

>> No.13178037


>> No.13178044

To be fair he would probably make a hot girl.

>> No.13178046
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Can you review the hospital's food please?

>> No.13178053

>can’t eat fast food anymore because of injury
Is this some American thing

>> No.13178056

Meh, Nice try

>> No.13178069
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Get well soon babes... <3
Please post your toes for verification.

>> No.13178072

No he wouldn't.

>> No.13178074

He's mocking you, not baiting you. I know you don't have enough brain cells to know the difference, but rest assured that he succeeded.

>> No.13178079
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>> No.13178083
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ILoveYouReviewBrah... Don't Go!

>> No.13178104

Which foodtuber would you genuinely feel bad if they died?

>> No.13178122

What are your injuries exactly sempai? Will you still be a beacon of truth?

>> No.13178125

Why would this end his career? It's not like a tailbone injury screws with your diet forever.

>> No.13178169


>> No.13178173

wow, you guys are slow.

>> No.13178174

Daym Drops

>> No.13178186

>today I'm going to review this hospital meatloaf...

>> No.13178188

Does reviewbrah really post here? Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.13178196
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>> No.13178199

There have been threads all day, the jannies are hard at work to keep his illness a secret before the upcoming election

>> No.13178238

I don't give a shit faggot

>> No.13178247

I want to fuck

>> No.13178251

None. Each death would be hilarious and the only reason I regulate this board is the opportunity to make fun when if happens.

>> No.13178282

He's gonna review some hospital food next.

>> No.13178285

transition when

>> No.13178318

What was the board like when Anthony Bourdain died?

>> No.13178323

Pretty fun, but I ended up having to tease real Bourdain fans instead of really digging in on proper Bourdain abuse. I hope it will be different when Jack dies.

>> No.13178324

Maybe you should "regulate" some English lessons instead.

>> No.13178329

Yeah but no one really liked that faggot.

>> No.13178335

That would be very boring.

>> No.13178362
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>> No.13178437

Instant karma for eating satans chicken.

>> No.13178447

Li ziqi

>> No.13178449

It looks like he’s lying under a bed of HAM haha

>> No.13178450

desu he looks kinda cute in that picture

get well soon reviewbrah

>> No.13178452

Who says he can't eat fast food anymore? Did I miss something?

>> No.13178460
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>hospital room with hardwood floor

>> No.13178501

why? what is there to doubt?

>> No.13178507

He looks like he just gave birth.
He's such a twin BTW.
Does anybody know if he's actually gay.

>> No.13178511

Someone who failed elementary English isn't particularly in any position to mock anyone.

>> No.13178596
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Get well soon brah!

>> No.13178600

I wonder that as well. I think he used to lurk on /fit/ a long time ago, but he's pretty much a fully pledged redditor now.

>> No.13178631
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blessings for my king

>> No.13178633

The faggot who was stalking him probably came from here, so I don't blame him for distancing himself from this place.

>> No.13178635

dont watch much of his channel anymore, but i hope he gets well soon

>> No.13178640
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>> No.13178650
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>> No.13178657

This reminds me of when I was in college, during halloween this guy dressed like a girl and was pretty convincing, he would have been attractive. I kept staring at him because I couldn't believe it and I could tell that made him uncomfortable and to this day I feel bad because I didn't want to fuck him and I wasn't looking at him like that I was just trying to see if there was anything 'masculine' I could pinpoint to look for so as to avoid accidentally hooking up with a tranny

>> No.13178661

The schism happened way earlier than that. The only reason he was occupying any of these places, including bodybuilding forum was that these were the only places actually giving him any sort of attention, once he had an out to be active somewhere else he took it without a second of hesitation.

>> No.13178664

wow. pretty cute desu
nigga you got some shit you need to admit to yourself

>> No.13178666

lmao fag

>> No.13178667

Jane is a pretty cute traditional wife that always wears a traditional dress. She stays home to take care of your children, always packs you lunches to take with you at home and always has a hot meal ready for you once you come home. She also loves your very much and wants to do nothing else other than making you happy.

>> No.13178700

is 'elementary english' a class you took recently? how do you fail it? you should have said
>Someone who fails to speak English at a rudimentary level isn't...

>> No.13178713
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I don't know what to feel

>> No.13178723


>> No.13178727

We love you RB

Please make more content

And invite Claire

>> No.13178769

Badlands Chugs

>> No.13178815

I'd love him doing reviews of opioids,
oxycodon vs tramadol who's the best pain reliever?

>> No.13178819

This! When life gives you lemons...

>> No.13178829
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Mistress is harsh but fair.

>> No.13178835

zoom zoom

>> No.13178842

His family/doctor might have him swap over to healthier fare and lay off the admittedly garbage food that he opts for.
I for one think this could be the turning point in his career that sees him embrace some other kind of line of foodstuffs. Keto? Paleo? We shall see.

>> No.13178857
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That's my HS gf...what has science done??

>> No.13178872
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He didn't fall because of his diet, he's no less healthy now than he was diet-wise. At least not for any appreciable amount of time. As soon as he's out of the hospital, he can carry on like he always did. Have some faith anon

>> No.13178874

Yes, now he cannot tie a tie, and can therefore never eat fast food again

>> No.13178952

I just fractured mine from slipping on ice and even that was excruciating.

>> No.13178964
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>> No.13178966

I think he has autism so that usually means he's involuntarily asexual

>> No.13178977
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>> No.13178983

Steve since hes at constant risk given the shit hes eating. Mike Chen because he seems to be a legitimate person.

>> No.13178985

I dated a guy with legit autism and I can tell you right now he certainly was not asexual.

>> No.13178989

>no photoshopped shark stuffy
Low effort.

>> No.13178999


>> No.13179004

holy shit those posts are terrifying, no wonder they kill themselves in droves

>> No.13179008

Steve and Jon Townsend.
But I'd get over it in a couple minutes.

>> No.13179020

>I was doing work in the attic, lost footing and fell 12 feet onto concrete. I hit the back of my head and tailbone hard
he’s so incredibly lucky it’s not even funny. You can die from falling and hitting your head in concrete at ground level, or go into a coma, or become paralyzed.

>> No.13179026

>the same shill from pol and k
Hope the 0,02 somalian shillings are worth it

>> No.13179027

The internet was more sad when Francis died than any other youtuber in history.

>> No.13179044
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I am legitematly intrigued

>> No.13179064
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Elementar is a german word meaning essential, this guy probably confused the two

>no jane to come home to and make sweet love to under the bed cover missionary position

>> No.13179082

>His career is over. His doctor and his family won't let him eat junk food anymore
are you his doctor? why would falling and hurting bones affect your ability to eat shitty fast food?

>> No.13179111
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>> No.13179128

Epic win! Your trips are well deserved, Sir.

>> No.13179129

now fix the two piss-coloured messages

>> No.13179142

>His doctor and his family won't let him eat junk food anymore

From hitting concrete? He's not in for a failing kidney, he had a fall, I've seen people hit by cars who eat mcdonald's on the reg.

Not saying it's healthy or encouragable but damn come on son

>> No.13179192
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Do you think he cried like a little girl when he fell? I bet he did

>> No.13179281

rest in pieces reviewbrah

>> No.13179306

Like jessie starr?

>> No.13179525 [DELETED] 

I just wish that jews didn’t exist

>> No.13179550

Get well soon, brother

>> No.13179555

You will die old and alone, being tortured by minorities in a retirement center.

>> No.13179561
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>You will die old
not at this rate

>> No.13179564
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>> No.13179570

has ja/ck/ died yet? Question obviously unrelated to your post

>> No.13179809

Does he have a vagina now?

>> No.13179813

Is that his sister? I wanna lick those toes clean.

>> No.13179828

>Believing an obvious LARP
Yikes, bro.

>> No.13179829

Barry Lewis's wife

>> No.13179835


>> No.13179837

Everyone was calling him a jew faggot and saying they were glad he died in like all the threads I saw about it lawl

>> No.13179849

It's not larp, that's obviously not reviewbrab but you can look up their reddit account. Go do it right now and tell me its larp.

>> No.13179866

>Going to R*ddit
No thanks

>> No.13179894


>> No.13179905

Wtf I love reviewbrah now

>> No.13179920

Ahahaha what? If you weren't painfully new, you'd know he's full-on /pol/ack, and the Old Guard, not the newfaggots.
Knock it off.

>> No.13179926

>His career is over. His doctor and his family won't let him eat junk food anymore and he might need surgery in the future.
Fuck off.

>> No.13179929

Well, /pol/ is reddit, so it matches well.

>> No.13179932


>> No.13179935

Since he's a /pol/itician, probably not.
>inb4 evidence
In all seriousness I've been pulling hairs trying to find it on my harddrive. It's also doesn't help that normalfags latched onto him, and also worryingly don't get his dry sense of humor. Anyway, try 4plebs or some other archive.

>> No.13179938
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The post in question was from /pol/'s hay day, you twat. And ALL of 4chan is reddit.

>> No.13179942
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>> No.13180031
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>> No.13180070

Chick-Fil-A is trying to take him out