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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13177586 No.13177586 [Reply] [Original]

For people who have serious medical depression and often go days without eating, what are some foods you can recommend that are healthy and make you feel more happy?

>> No.13177595

for me, the chemicals in the Big Mac make me feel artificially more happy

>> No.13177603

Drugs and alcohol

>> No.13177606

A nice salad

>> No.13177615

BK long chicken

>> No.13177616

just guzzle heavy cream

if you have any extra, make carbonara

>> No.13177715


>> No.13177756
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A big ole glass of home made milk kefir

>> No.13177996

Find a Chinese restaurant near a homeless shelter in order dry garlic ribs extra salty.

>> No.13178016

anything with a fuckton of sugar. brownies usually do the trick.

>> No.13178021


pick one.

>> No.13178024

never mind, I didn't see the healthy requirement.

>> No.13178080


>> No.13178193


I know when I was fucked from morbid depression, replacing a few weekly meals with an apple walnut salad helped big time.

If you want a meal that will make you happy on the spot, a couple of the double fries burger from Checkers/Rally's works wonders. Real nigga shit. On GOD.

>> No.13178552
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Cant think of any when you are a shitskin poorfag living in a third world shithole and the only food you know is generic SSRIs, instant ramen, bread, rice and the same stale chicken grandma does everyday. I can't remember the last time I had a McChicken, hell, can't even remember the last time I ate outside. I am fucking hungry, coming to /ck/ is torture (just look at that food porn thread), I'll never get to eat any of that fancy food. Enjoy it for me cu/ck/s, all those lobsters and rare steaks, all those juicy burgers and 'zas, enjoy them in my place. Not everyone of us will make it, some were rigged from the start. Learn to appreciate the thing you have before you lose them.

>> No.13178558

oy vey..

>> No.13178567

Peanut butter with a banana and a glass of milk.
Chicken Pot Pie
Diner breakfast
French Fries

>> No.13178656

Lol poorfag

>> No.13178658

High fat high protein low carb
Eggs seeds nuts meat
Also fruit and veg

>> No.13178701

>medical depression
good joke

>> No.13178714

we should find healthy food satisfying to eat, it'd be stupid from an evolutionary standpoint if unenjoyable foods were the healthiest. if you don't find healthy food appetizing then it's either because your tastebuds are fucked up from being overloaded with sugar and junk food which actually doesn't taste that good if you give them a chance to reset, or because you misunderstand what healthy actually means.

>> No.13178914

Protein is most important for depression.
Chicken breast or roast chicken legs.
Salad made from greens.
Sourdough bread.

>> No.13178944

Cashews are a natural source of anti-depressant chemicals. Plus they're tasty, win-win.

>> No.13178981

I like to make some hardboiled eggs, a few strips of bacon, and buy one of those cheap preroasted chickens from a grocery store and make a really nice salad.
Spicy ramen with green onions and eggs
Sometimes I'll buy one of the jarred pasta sauces and add soffritto and ground beef to make it into a meal and not just carbs.
Stir-fry is always easy.
Potato soup is not very healthy but it tastes good as fuck and is very comforting when it's cold.

>> No.13178992

Cashews are shit you idiot, eat smoked almonds instead like a boss

>> No.13178993

avoid inflammation
embrace exercise
make friends through hobbies
acquire power.

these are the only ways to naturally fix depression

>> No.13179091

>acquire power
What is this an call of duty? I cant just unlock commando pro and one shot niggas

>> No.13179101

How dare you?

>> No.13179113

OP asked about food specifically to help fight depression, not what (YOU)r favorite is, you absolute shitass.

Almonds are indeed good, but I mentioned cashews in particular because they contain B-6 and tryptophan which work in tandem to release serotonin in the brain.

>> No.13179118

helps me move day to day

>> No.13179131

I remember reading that Omega-3 vs Omega-6 intake can affect mental health and make depression worse. Ideally we should have a 1:1 balance but most Americans aren’t close to that. Maybe try eating grass-fed meat or wild-caught fish to get more Omega-3. Or take supplements for it. Walking for at least 20 minutes a day is proven help mental well-being significantly.

>> No.13179140

Walnuts by the handful

>> No.13179162

>walking for at least 20 minutes a day
This. Even just a slight, mild amount of physical activity can do wonders for your mental well-being.

Another thing I'd recommend is St. John's wort. It's a supplement you can get at any drug store/grocery that carries vitamins/supplements.

>> No.13179389

I agree with this. Sardines may be the best food cure for depression caused by nutritional deficiencies.

>> No.13179425

Redpill me on depression-curing foods, and symptoms of deficiency-related depression. What deficiencies causes mild headaches?

>> No.13179456

Cut up chicken thighs and vegetables on a bed of white rice. Every day.

>> No.13179475

If those existed I wouldn't be flirting with suicide.

>> No.13179542

The problem is that you're budgeting effort, here. Plan out simple meals, with somewhat balanced macros. Just eyeball the amounts, since you CBA to measure shit.
Try and add a veggie side to your meals, or at least something to add contrast. Bags of frozen greens are great for this.
Leave yourself leftovers for however long your anhedonic anti-binges tend to last. Hopefully you can manage to microwave some premade shit.
Lastly, it's the cooking and not the eating that makes me feel better. When you get the energy, make something exciting that'll require some effort. Just make sure you have food ready for when you aren't feeling anything. Here's such a depression tier recipe:

Sad's Special:
>fry up hash browns with pepper or whatever
>add scallion, sweat
>add chopped parsley and soften it
>add scrambled egg and mix until set
>salt, malt vinegar, etc.
Cooked it a lot, since I always had the shit on hand. You can get frozen potatoes, italian parsley/eggs lasts a while in refrigeration, and green onions regrow well in small planters.

>> No.13179613

>serious medical depression
Nope, wasn’t retarded enough to fall for psychology
Take a multivitamin you retard
>taking a walk is proven to be great for your wellbeing
This is fucking retarded “maybe you’re not really depressed you just need a walk”

>> No.13179631

I take magic mushrooms, it seems to alleviate the symptoms temporarily

>> No.13179683

>depression isnt real
>also exercise wont cute depression

This post is all over the place

>> No.13179690
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>serious medical depression

>> No.13179699

Depression is real, but if exercise will cure your depression you don’t have it

>> No.13179717

Hey it's a question I can actually answer. My unironic response is to eat nothing but fruit, veggies, and plant protien. Like a strict WFPB/vegan diet. It's helped my depression a lot. Also try to quit caffiene. Some days it's still just cigarettes and coffee for me though, I fucking hate medications, it's like I can't live with them and I can't live without them.

TLDR: rice, greens, tofu

>> No.13179726

>Aquire power
Why are right wingers like this. No wonder you guys go on so many shooting sprees these days

>> No.13179733

If you don't like the thread, don't participate in the thread. Nobody wants you here

>> No.13179742

Check your testosterone. A lot of people get misdiagnosed by shrinks who want to attribute it to a mental health condition.

>> No.13179822

Fruit like mangoes and pomegranates make me happy

>> No.13180101

Sardines, nuts, avocado, honestly just getting enough fat is important. I think it's easy for people to just get in a simple carb intake rut.

Vegetables are good too, both for nutrients and just so you feel like you're doing something good for yourself.

And drink water, dehydration makes the physical symptoms worse.

>> No.13180120

It’s fine, have your faggot thread, but if your depression can be solved by eating well and exercising you were never depressed you just weren’t eating well or exercising

>> No.13180137

Bananas have chemicals in them that break down into serotonin in the brain. Have you ever seen someone eating a banana while sad? Its literally impossible.

Eat a banana.

>> No.13180144

Almost everyone who is depressed has a horribly unhealthy diet. There’s a correlation.


>> No.13180150

Chobani Vanilla Greek Yogurt. I used to not eat for a day or two, then down two quarts afterward

>> No.13180269

The thread is what food recommendations for depressed people who go days without eating not cure their depression with food

>> No.13180272

Eating your mom’s pussy always cheers me up

>> No.13180352

a big fat cock

>> No.13180358

that's not pepe, you fucking newfriq

>> No.13180473

Literally no food will help your depression.

>> No.13181434

not your hugbox

>> No.13181457

>what are some foods you can recommend that are healthy and make you feel more happy?
eat some oatz, drink some water, jog to the store, purchase one SINGLE banana and a water, eat that, jog home, have a water, watch big anime tiddies

>> No.13181465

a bullet
rope around the neck
knife to the stomach

>> No.13181492

You can't just buy one banan dude thats immoral.

>> No.13181514

my grocery store sells single nans for a quarter each.

>> No.13181541

>cures depression but catches the gay
No thanks I don't want to die of AIDS

>> No.13181545

I fucking hate dumbass roasties like you so much.

>> No.13181607

Jesus loves all of us.

>> No.13181913

Go with a salt heavy meal, probably high in msg and sugar.

>> No.13181989

I don't go days without eating, but I do indulge in unhealthy comfort food. Usually chocolate, but sometimes snacks from the bulk store (beer nuts, or bbq rings, or something). It's not had catastrophic consequences...yet. but it could.

Whenever I go on an unhealthy food streak, the snacks make me feel better for a tiny bit until I feel really terrible. Usually I snap out of it after a day or two and I cook a healthy dish. It doesn't have to be complicated. I love fresh vegetables. Slices of bell pepper, cucumber, radish, and grape tomatoes, lightly salted, served with crackers and a couple slices of cheese on the side, is my go to snack or dinner (depending on portion size). Sometimes I add a slices of roasted herbed turkey breast. When I eat the veg I can just feel myself coming back to life, it's indescribable. Or eating a really, really juicy orange. Or a crisp apple. That stuff is comfort food too, my body just needs a reminder sometimes.

nothing will "cure" you depression, probably, most of us will be stuck in a constant fight and cycles of relapse. Some will relapse worse than others and roll further down the hill, other will plateau and those plateaus will be higher and higher each time hopefully. Exercise won't cure depression, but it is a component of a healthy lifestyle, and that can make a difference if you are suffering from depression. It's just one piece of the puzzle. You should still be seeing a therapist, getting meds when appropriate, eating well, reaching out to your support network (whatever that looks like anyway), and trying to do fulfilling activities so you don't feel like dying inside. Guaranteed a depressed person who starts and keeps a steady exercise regiment for a month and eats well during that time will feel better at the end of the month than if they hadn't. You won't be cured, but it can genuinely help you, so you might as well fucking try.

>> No.13181997

Pick one

>> No.13181998

people break off the little singlets and I feel bad, so I buy all singles instead of bunches. Love for all bananas :( you're all worthy.

>> No.13182064

We try bro but sometimes a nap works best

>> No.13182106


>> No.13182175

I am a depression. The food that makes me feel happiest is steak. I can't eat a prime ribeye every day, though. When I'm depressed, I like to eat simple, nourishing foods that are easy to cook and eat. Beans, scrambled eggs, cold cereal, oatmeal, etc. I often eat cold precooked chicken because it's satisfying and I can eat it quickly.

Make no mistake, though. I'm obese. I just have shitty eating habits. Sometimes my appetite disappears. It always comes back with a vengeance, though.

>> No.13183312

pizza hamburger and coke.

>> No.13183339

A dry-fruit heavy trail mix is pretty well rounded in terms of protein/fat/carbs/nutrients, and the sugar and snack-food effortlessness of it can help entice you to eat.

>> No.13183381

Brussels sprouts make me go from :( to :)

>> No.13183440

Non-meme answer incoming:
You need to un-fuck your gut. 1 week of probiotics and fermented foods, eat active culture yogurt and sauerkraut. 25g fiber minimum daily. No added sugars, these will cause diarrhea.