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13177229 No.13177229 [Reply] [Original]

I work in popeyes. We did fuck all today but make chicken sandwiches. I made over 600 sandwiches. We all wanted to kill ourselves at the end of the day. Work shouldnt be like this. This is wrong. This is torture for people. Stop buying shit just because newspapers tell you theres peoples lives youre impacting.

>> No.13177237

Havent tried it yet. Think ill go tomorrow. Suck it wagie

>> No.13177326
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Make my sandwich.

>> No.13177339

Shoulda stayed in school, kiddo

>> No.13177352

You just discovered marketing

>> No.13177354

They legit are only popular because of an ad campaign is the funny thing. Remember we live in a world where it was incredibly popular for everyone to wear a brand called “Obey”.

>> No.13177539

>work at popeye
>had to work
>fuck youuuu

>> No.13177546

make me a samwich bitch

>> No.13177574

Did any moolies chimp out on ya?

>> No.13177590

There's was literally no add campaign, not even shown once on television. All that happened was retards on twitter posting memes that made it popular. They're getting off viral sensationalism that the consumers created themselves which makes it worse than when it's intentional.

>> No.13177604

>There's was literally no add campaign, not even shown once on television
they moneyhatted a bunch of news hype (a goddamn NYT article) and ran a Chick Fil A shots fired vid where they put up "open sundays" on their highway sign next to chick fil a's that says "closed sundays"

>> No.13177633

Wow, you mean you were expected to make food while working at a fast food restaurant? That is just so unfair! What an unrealistic expectation. It's almost like you're expected to work for pay

>> No.13177835


I worked at Popeye's about ten years ago myself, we had the chicken sandwich back then too, wasn't a big deal. I don't know what the hubbub is about.

That being said, the sandwiches are easy as piss to make, so stop your bitching.

>> No.13177837

you scumbags, there is 10x more customers than ever before and no extra help, no extra precautions, its just me and 5 people crammed in a tight sweaty room frantically putting chicken in buns for 16 hours. I dont mind working at popeyes but this is sweat shop labor. We all leave work with a thousand yard stare. It is a disgrace.

>> No.13177843

>what is guerilla marketing
It’s okay, if you knew things you wouldn’t be a lefty

>> No.13177844

be sure to buy 5 to piss of everyone else in line.

>> No.13177849

Ask for a raise. If you don't get it then quit.

>> No.13177860

Leave if you cant handle it. Be a line cook instead

>> No.13177862

Then work somewhere else, crying faggot

>> No.13177865

If you’re not a teenager and working at Popeyes it really is your own fault I’m sorry to say. My first job at 16 was at a fast food joint and it was shitty but all it did was make me aggressively look for better work. There’s always something better out there and you have only yourself to blame for not being entrepreneurial enough to find it

>> No.13177877

I would feel bad for you but my local Popeyes is ran by ghetto monkeys who gave me food poisoning intentionally so fuuuuck Popeyes.

>> No.13177889

That sucks. My local popeyes is in a gas station but the employees are all white. Food is always right and decent quality but they've forgotten my drink before, probably because they were stoned

>> No.13177935

They didn't give you food poisoning. If they intentionally did then link the news story of your court case where you won millions of dollars, but we both know you're making it up

>> No.13177942

Popeyes has a ton of food poisoning reports look it up

>> No.13177949

Do your job wagie

>> No.13177986


Yeah, making chicken sandwiches is more time consuming than frying up chicken.

This is employee abuse.

>> No.13178062

Do you smell like tasty chicken sandwiches all the time now?

>> No.13178241
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>> No.13178996

Maybe this is a dumb question, but why wouldn't a chicken restaurant have a chicken sandwich from the very start?

>> No.13179114

It’s a very good question. I think it’s because Popeyes is aimed at blacks, who like thighs and things like that, whereas sandwiches are more of a white people thing, hence chick fil a and their popularity.

>> No.13179122
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Wagie wagie get in cagie. All day long you sweat and ragie. NEET is comfy. NEET is cool. NEET is free from work and school. Wagie trapped and wagie died. NEET eats tendies, sauce, and fries.

>> No.13179123
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get cracking wagie

>> No.13179138

getting 40 hrs a week is rare in your line of work. id be thankful. if you're getting overtime, even more thankful

>> No.13179157

Find a different job, shitty $11 an hour jobs grow on fucking trees at this point.

>> No.13179158

go to a trade school and learn a new skill so you can get a real job nigger

>> No.13179173

rent free

>> No.13179175
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>previous job work at medium tier restaurant
>owner pays me fuck all and demands me to make 5hrs overtime sometimes
>have most overtime accumilated out of my peers
>not a single shred of gratitude
Friend wherever you go, unless you have leverage (a backup job that gives you the confidence "swagger" to DEMAND better working conditions) and a abundance mindset (you wanna threaten to fire me for demanding better x, fine fuck you, i replace your ass in a day) you get fucked either way. Bosses love fucking with folk that take it

>> No.13179185
File: 250 KB, 433x750, 1556937357770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recognize pattern
>reee obsessed reee
K :)

>> No.13179189

nobody brought up leftist politics in any way

>> No.13179196

I can smell your dick breath through the screen twink :)

>> No.13179198


Also you knew this shit was coming from the first time they came out. You had enough time to find a new job.

>> No.13179201

the right can meme

>> No.13179224

honestly this, kinda ridiculous it took that long

>> No.13179287

On the way now

>> No.13179301

Is this somehow any different from your usual tendies? I mean, if you take regular Popeyes tendies and put them between a hamburger bun, is it the same exact thing?

>> No.13179581

these things aren't worth 4 dollars. 2.50 perhaps

>> No.13179588

Boo-fucking-hoo, faggot. Now make me a sandwich and earn your $9/hr.

>> No.13179625

Why do wagies complain about doing their fucking job?

>> No.13179635

why do neets complain about the wagies paying for their neetbux?

>> No.13179638

because they’re wagies
if they had any more discipline they’d have a better job
they can’t handle the responsibility of a wagie job let alone a job with more responsibility

>> No.13179643

Canada's always had it, or at least the ones I've been to

they even had shrimp sandwiches if I recall, they've all been decent, but nothing to write home about

>> No.13179658

Fuck. You.

>> No.13179781

I've worked in fast food too and have had some crazy rushes that made me wanna quit but got through it with a good team. I sympathize for you OP because Popeyes is not putting a limit on how many chicken sandwiches you can order and they're allowing people to customize the sandwich too which given how busy every Popeyes is there really isn't a lot of time to sit here and serve 1 customer 10 sandwiches or make sure every sandwich has no sauce and add cheese and lettuce.

The local popeyes next to me has a line going out to the street ALL DAY from lunch to close. What they do is they are staffed with a lot of people and they keep up atleast 20 chicken sandwiches all day so they're able to handle the long lines however if some ass hole comes in and orders all 20 or requests all of their chicken sandwiches are customized it really fucks the flow up and considering how overly busy Popeyes has been since the release of the sandwich Popeyes should consider adding some limitations to the ordering of the sandwich.

>> No.13179789

Also the sandwich is very easy to make. You literally drop 2 buns in the toaster, throw in as many chicken breasts into the deep fryer that you can fit, add 2 pickles and sauce and wrap it. It's a very easy and simple sanwich to make thankfully.

>> No.13179815

I went to two Popeyes yesterday in the hood and both were sold out. My friend and I went to a bar instead

Fuck off Fast food piggu worker make me my sandwich Bitch

>> No.13179821

Find a new job then stupid faggot

>> No.13180364
File: 59 KB, 560x289, 1573081720035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypothetical popeyey kitchen
>4 slots for buns, each bun must be toasted i. E 2 whole buns can be toasted at a time
>frying the chickenn takes its time
>preparing the side garnish i. E running to the fridge to get new stuff every 30 sandwiches
Its not so much the assembly as is the pricess of getting everything together thats the real hassle, on top if you got a greedy manager who. Will give you 4 ppl instead of the necessary 8 to kill a huge ass line properly you are double tripple fucked. Greedy bosses that try to cut you short and exert macimum gain from your well being are everywhere in the food business. Cuz low profit margins my man
t. Worked ina medium restaurant and fast food

>> No.13180416

Although it's a bubble that will soon burst, it takes a special kind of retard given the current job market to work fastfood or even as a restaurant cook since so many better jobs with better pay exist. I'm really surprised they aren't shuttering for lack of employees.