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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13175324 No.13175324 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /ck/ never mention hooters? They've got decent food, huge portions for the prices, and the attractive waitresses are legally forced to interact with you. It's fucking heaven. Also their fries are GOAT

>> No.13175347

this board is full of numales and social retards.

>> No.13175356
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>> No.13175366

>I'm desperately lonely
>save me market forces!

>> No.13175379

Twin Peaks has better girls.

>> No.13175384

I don't wanna talk to people who get paid to talk to me.

>> No.13175392

/ck/ is full of spoiled millenials who dont know how good they have it

>> No.13175405

ok boomer

>> No.13175425

no doubt

>> No.13175426

>decent food
>attractive waitresses
you have extremely low standards, dude

>> No.13175434

t. entitled boomer

>> No.13175439

Yeah he sounds happier than us fuck that guy

>> No.13175443

Ah! I see we have a true /ck/ gourmet on our hands! Would you be willing to share your dissertation on why the McChicken is the pinnacle of all cuisine?

>> No.13175446

post gf

>> No.13175491

I don't want to talk to people, never mind some wageslave no matter how nice her tits are. I hate you fucking boomer cucks. When I go out for food I want the food and then to be left alone to eat it.

>> No.13175493


>> No.13175559

>/ck/ never mention hooters
Um no sweaty we have a thread about this shit every week

>> No.13175565

suicide mentality

>> No.13175634

their food sucks
portions suck and they nickel and dime you to death on everything
most of the waitresses are ugly and they don't interact
their big dipper fries are ok/10
i only go for the $5 big daddy beers and because i have a pantyhose fetish

>> No.13175641

mom? is that you? how'd you discover 4chin???

>> No.13175646

lmao no way

>> No.13175787

>interact with you
pls no

>> No.13175793

why the fuck do they wear those shiny stockings??? that is something so disgusting worn only by 60+ women

>> No.13175799

god i wish that were me

>> No.13175814

Hooters is just another boomer american restaurant with mediocre food and waitresses that have college debts to pay and pretend to enjoy your slimy vibe when they come to take your order.

It's going to die with their generation.

>> No.13175823

I don't avoid this place because I think the food is bad or because I don't like skimpy waitress outfits. I avoid it because the clientele is literally those meme pics of fat grease-stained slobs posing with caked in makeup cheerleaders you see pics of. Much like strip clubs, these places are either patronized by the most cringe incel creeps lacking in any self-awareness or respect, or the Chaddest of Chads, and nowhere in between. I'll tell you, I'm not a Chad, so I am afraid of what eating at a place like this says to everyone about me.

Someone post those, I can't find them.

>> No.13175831

That's how I felt when my dad took me for my 16th and 19th. Food was cold and bad too.

>> No.13175836

because lots of spergs have a stocking fetish?

>> No.13175844

Never been to one. Is the food actually ok? I don't care about the roasts, I'll only check it out if the food is actually good.

>> No.13175849

but on the shiny ones? last times I saw a woman wear that was my grandma 2 years ago on funeral (not her) and some retarded bitch on tv about month ago

>> No.13175874

I've had their fish and chips. Was very solid, would recommend. All the food on their menu is heavy fried stuff that pairs well with getting black out drunk.

>> No.13176149


I try to avoid even looking at women, last thing I would wan to to do is go there.

>> No.13176539

I hope you appreciate your dad soon.

>> No.13176567

carefull with that edge

>> No.13177296

I go there for two reasons, and it's not the food!

>> No.13177426

It's kinda like a strip club, just way more annoying.

>> No.13177449

because it feels sad and pathetic. at least at the strip club you can touch the girls and get a lap dance. some of the strippers are also hookers. hooters is pointless compared to strip clubs.

>> No.13177488


>> No.13177500

>amerifats have a special restaurant so they can see females who aren't obese

>> No.13177527


>> No.13177560

Hooters are big tits you obessesed retard lol

>> No.13177585

they don't count if you're fat

the girls can't be obese and their boobs aren't even big

>> No.13177620

>Lemme pay too much for shit food, watered beer and the thinly veiled scorn of woman literally forced to interact with me
This kind of softcore cocktease is actively baffling. It's sexual in nature so what possible reason is there not to just eat elsewhere and pay for a whore. Or eat better and jerk off.

>> No.13177727

>decent food
The one time I went, it was ok. My date turned me onto fried pickles there. Those were godly. (She insisted we go after finding out that I never had gone before.)
>Huge portions
>Attractive waitresses
No. Just no.

Go to the Tilted Kilt. Way better.

>> No.13177750

>They've got decent food

The lack of big tits is straight up false advertising.

>> No.13177761

Hooters Fucking sucks Anon.

It's a shitty bar for sad divorcee's at rock bottom with a gimmick of the waiters having big titties that serves below par bar food.

You Might as well just order some buffalo wings at your local strip club; at least then you can see some nipples and bare ass while you enjoy your slop.

>> No.13177773

>they dont count if youre fat

>> No.13177782

Laura Palmer was pretty hot desu

>> No.13178097
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>> No.13178099

Yeah, it looks like fun. I'd be too scared about the stool breaking though.

>> No.13178731

Went once,the most enjoyable part was me and dad talking about juventus performance in the last match and sharing our ideas for the future.
Food was ok
The waiters were just depressing to look at,you could see the life force being sucked out of them by being subpar sex objects.

If that was my fetish it would be my favourite restaurant.

>> No.13178748

I don't know social norms, post a par sex object please

>> No.13178766

For me its the McChicken...

>> No.13178790

stripclubs are better than hooters but nowadays I just get a hooker

>> No.13178808

Think of a stripper or a prostitute.
the hooter waitress is essentially in the same spot,but with none of the pay.

>> No.13178839

>Decent food
I'd disagree, it's edible
>Huge portions for the prices
Not any more than any other shit sportsbar-esque place
>Waitresses legally forced to interact with you
I'm not ugly/fat so I can interact with women for free. Any plus you get from eye-candy waitresses is negated by having to sit around a bunch of ugly retards.
I will agree that hooters servers a purpose in making ugly women absolutely seethe and that sometimes makes for decent entertainment.

>> No.13179228
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We literally had a thread about it last Friday and bug eating threads bumped it off page 10 by the afternoon

>> No.13179243

>basically a strip club that sells overpriced food but you don't get to actually see or touch anything
>get to talk with a bunch of girls pretending to be interested in you but you don't get to interact with them beyond that whatsoever

why would anyone visit a hooters by choice

>> No.13179380

ok millennial

>> No.13179406

>attractive waitresses
Due to recent litigation "attractive" is no longer a requirement to be a hooters waitress.

>> No.13179430


>> No.13179448

Because as a millennial hooters is like combining the shittiest parts of an Applebees and a strip club. Like Im tipping women for being sexy and pretending to be interested but the food is bad, the beer is too expensive, the girls wont grind my dick and the lights are on so I can tell that half the "girls" are actually over thirty

>> No.13179460

I don't think it ever was
>tfw dated a girl who worked at a hooter's for a while
>not ugly, but not 10/10 either
>barely B cups
Hooter's is where standards go to die.

>> No.13179468

>dated a girl

>> No.13179479

Not on /ck/ pal: this isn't /r9k/ or /pol/, some people around these parts actually have and have had a social life.

>> No.13179488

/ck/ is a female board to begin with. Not quite /cgl/ levels but its in the 45-55% range

>> No.13179489

then they can talk to their friends instead

>> No.13179491

dubious and a non sequitur

>> No.13179497

It is a very sequitur. Accusations of normalfaggotry on a board known for a large female population dont mean anything

>> No.13179501

it means they should fuck off

>> No.13179523

There are retards that actually believe this

>> No.13179539
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Because the food is gross and because if I want an attractive woman to pretend to enjoy my company I hire a good escort so I can fuck her as well

>> No.13179552

>Thinking guys are out discussing food or cooking
Ive seen single guy fridges. Y'all will live for weeks off a dozen eggs, half a bottle of mustard and the pickle juice you refuse to throw away before making a trip to the grocery store entirely because you ran out of beer

>> No.13179572

>and the attractive waitresses

What year is this? Standards have gone way down. Won't lie though hooters sauce is pretty baller and that BBQ burger hit the spot

>> No.13179574


>Go to twin peaks
>It's lodge themed
>Girls are pretty fit, cleavage everywhere


>Cherry pie and coffee isn't on the menu

In the trash, I never went back, this is stupid, you're stupid, everyone is stupid

>> No.13179587

I mean, I have a few more things than that in my fridge.. but that's pretty spot on. It's just that going all out and cooking a huge meal for one after work every day sucks, so I tend to keep meal-prepped sorts of stuff on hand to make on the quick, like
>baked chicken
> cooked rice
>frozen or low-prep veggies
>pre-made salad
I dunno, it works for me.

>> No.13179592


fuck you and your projecting ass cunt

>> No.13179597

I went there once after a night shift for a piece of pie and a cup of joe.
There was a fish in the percolator.
Never again.

>> No.13179609

yes bro, cool successful guys pay money to get fake attention and 2/10 frozen prepared/processed food from 5/10 women