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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 857 KB, 777x1152, EAT BUGS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13172397 No.13172397[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Saw these at my local Kroger. They're whatever. They mostly taste like those multigrain corn chips. There's a slight fishy/dusty off-flavor but that might be the "cheddar" topping. Once I finish eating them I'll have to try a different flavor if they're still $2.50/each.

>> No.13172499

you're getting jipped, just go outside and eat some crickets. same thing and probably will taste better because your wallet will no longer be hurting

>> No.13172507

cook them buggers first though.

>> No.13172713

>supposed to save the world
>costs sunstantially more than the current option

>> No.13172724

you can actually buy a cricket harvester to help you collect enough criks to fill you up.
it's called a chicken.
they're changed a little by the machine but it's fine, it's not like you were eating real criks with the store bought chips.

>> No.13172807

Yeah I didn't buy it because of the propaganda on the bag. I bought it because my curiosity was piqued.

>> No.13172826

ya I just want greta to explain this

>> No.13173058

Vegans don't eat bugs, retard

>> No.13173074

They do in their sleep.

>> No.13173544

please tell me you come from a 3rd world country OP. never thought i'd see the day they sell bug chips in grocery stores.

>> No.13173747


>> No.13173789

>there's not some conspiracy around them trying to force you to eat bugs
>literally, unironically called EAT BUGS

>> No.13173839
File: 90 KB, 750x450, Greta-Thunberg-750x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw he actually ate the bugs

>> No.13173847
File: 383 KB, 988x1600, 9BC1AF5D-EE43-4F64-BC40-29837317462D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried some they’re fucking gross lol thanks for coming to my TED talk make sure to like and subscribe

>> No.13173901

/pol/ddit literally got the "EAT BUGS" terminology from these, it's not that hard to figure out. The conspiracy is still retarded and non-existent. To suggest that them putting "EAT BUGS" on a bag of chips is some harrowing propaganda is the same as saying that "Smart Pop" popcorn is suggesting that eating popcorn makes you intelligent. The only people who fall for it or even believe it's propaganda in the first place are borderline retarded.

>> No.13173914

Far be it from me to defend the retards of /pol/ but it's not just the bags, is it?
We're seeing bugmeat pushed fairly hard in the media as a "solution" to both climate change and world hunger.
Personally I don't really mind if the countless millions of starving people are fed bugs. I just don't think it makes any practical difference if I eat them too.

>> No.13173921

OP is clearly in the midwest. I want to make a comment about your reading comprehension and how most /pol/dditors share the same inability to pay attention to detail which fuels their retarded views, but, the midwest is basically a 3rd world country in regards to education and good food.

>> No.13173942

The only place that I ever hear anything about eating bugs is here. I think the narrative that bug eating is being pushed is exaggerated and just because companies are trying to cash in on the "eat bugs" craze, it's still nothing more than a radical fad that has no hope of gaining any traction beyond having novelty value. Shit like this is nothing new. The difference is that we have the internet now so retards on anime sites can attribute it to some global conspiracy and use it to push their agendas. That's the real propaganda.

>> No.13175092

I'm actually a Portland coastie.

>> No.13175364

you're right anon that actually occurred to me after I posted can't edit on here though.

>> No.13175488

I will NOT eat the bugs.
I will NOT live in a pod.
I WILL burn trash in my backyard to own the libs.

>> No.13175498

i meant that post for >>13173921

>> No.13175578
File: 155 KB, 360x254, 1551706377577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will NOT eat the bugs.
>I will NOT live in a pod.

>> No.13175590

This. There is literally no push to eat bugs even by Greta, except in the feverish brains of /pol/ incels.

>> No.13175600

Yes, that is the point. You didn't really think international corporations desparately fighting environmental protection laws in India and China actually cared about the planet, right?


>> No.13175631
File: 189 KB, 625x415, thornberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13175637

they are also in the Fry's in Arizona. Fry's is owned by Kroger. I did not buy them.

>> No.13175686

Just because you're a pussfag, doesn't mean everyone else is.

>> No.13177007

eating bugs.
America has fallen to this.
eating fucking bugs.
we are now officially a 3rd world country.

>> No.13177214

there are kroger's in south carolina.

>> No.13178653

which coast, tho?
please tell me maine isn't this cucked i want to move there someday

>> No.13178878
File: 134 KB, 558x366, Doc Jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little did they know green eggs and ham was made of process crickets and aphids

>> No.13178888

Nice try, Shlomo.

>> No.13179265

While there's certainly a distinction between choosing to eat insects vs. ingestion as an unavoidable consequence of food production you're already eating bugs. Even coffee is roasted bug water. At least 10% of all green coffee beans are insect infested and all food regulatory agencies allow some percentage based amount of insect matter per unit weight.

I'm not going to replace meat in my diet with insect protein or go out of my way to seek bugs but I'm not going to be scared of it either like the normies who are scared of offal but still eat hot dogs.


>> No.13179298


>> No.13179302
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
