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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.89 MB, 3264x2448, 20151111_093752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13170416 No.13170416 [Reply] [Original]

I have been lurking on this site for close to a decade. Most of it has been in insane waste of time but there are a few real life changing things that I have learned.
What have you learned anon?
I will start.
Sweet onions are terrible for cooking but great in a salad where they belong

The biggest mistake Americans make in the kitchen is not enough salt, and no you cant make up for it at the table.

BBQ sauce needs to be cooked on to your meat as it finishes on the BBQ grill and not used raw as a dipping sauce.

Its easy to make whole egg american style mayo with a stick blender.

I think the biggest life changer though has to have been the 5:2 diet that went around here about 5 years ago. I lost 25 fucking pounds and pretty much have kept it all off.

Thank you anons, really .

>> No.13170425

Oh and before anyone freaks out about the pic related , its camping milk which is a great trick that I cant remember if I learned here or on /out/

>> No.13170427

camping milk?

>> No.13170434

that apparently it's always the jews

>> No.13170453

Except half your shit is wrong, dummy.

>> No.13170456

Why waste time cooking when i can buy wholesale haribo to last me a week? Sugar is all i need to function

>> No.13170466

>whole egg american style mayo
>whole egg


>> No.13170471

>camping milk
Is that similar to car milk?

>> No.13170473

You can make mayo with full eggs. Now you know.

>> No.13170474

Based and (((redpilled)))

>> No.13170492

pour milk into empty pop bottles for easy transport
wa la

>> No.13170533

it was a burden at first, not gonna lie
but once you grew into it, it was a real eye opener and has kept me away from many bad decisions since then

>> No.13170571 [DELETED] 

id rather carry daddies cummies inside my asshole so I can keep it warm for him to lick out at the campsite

>> No.13170574


>> No.13171302

to build egg fortresses

>> No.13171332

You forgot the freezing part. Freeze them solid then put them in the middle of your pack with your food. Everything stays nice a cool for over 24hrs and once the milk thaws you mix it with cereal for a nice breakfast

>> No.13171404

There was that one time where it was not the jews but that is about it.

>> No.13171430

oh that's pretty smart, does it work with cum?

>> No.13171446

What's 5 2 diet

>> No.13171447

sweet reddit spacing my dude

>> No.13171453

according to top men over on /b/ freezing cum in a regular freezer causes drastic changes to consistency and texture, freezing with advanced cryogenic equipment and specialized thawing procedures does however yield quality cum.

>> No.13171536

Like what?

>> No.13171542

>sweet onions are terrible for cooking
nigger what?

>> No.13171614
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Yellow onions are way better in almost every form of cooking. Sweet onions are only sweet because they have less flavor. They dont stand up well to cooking but in the last 15 years everyone has started cooking with them instead of yellow onions. One of the bigger home chef mistakes

>> No.13171649

eat 5 days fast 2

>> No.13171703

Are those bottles filled with cum

>> No.13171725

so that's jizz right?

>> No.13171957

Did you guys even the thread? Its camping milks

>> No.13171987

Camping cum

>> No.13172041

That sounds fucking horrible. Id kill myself from the hunger pains.

>> No.13172177
File: 47 KB, 371x400, 2651892040_65ed6a7844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get used to it anon, it actually feels good after a while.
The good bit is that for five days a week you get to eat like a fucking greek god and still be thin and attractive

>> No.13172185

it's so you can drink warm milk in the woods

>> No.13172195

Logically, fasting is surpassed by "nutrient availability and insulinogenics timing".

>> No.13172452
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>> No.13172506

according the reverse image search that is semen

>> No.13172718

oh for petes sake anon, its frozen milk. this image has been floating around /out/ for years . its milk

>> No.13173128

no beans in chilli, no cream in carbonara

>> No.13173145

I always cook with yellow ones because they’re cheap

>> No.13173147

>BBQ sauce needs to be cooked on to your meat as it finishes on the BBQ grill and not used raw as a dipping sauce.
this is wrong

>> No.13173168

too bad youre a nigger.

>> No.13173183

be careful, you could get banned for announcing you reported someone, especially nowadays with the nu jannies and that one senile tripfag

>> No.13173190 [DELETED] 

Sweet onions are great for cooking.

When you chop them they have less sulfur to burn your eyes.

That's the main advantage. I don't think they really taste all that different.

Anyways, I've learned to get sodium hexametaphosphate to emulsify sauces and for mac and cheese especially.

To use msg in basically everything, but only a little bit.

And also I got my own bay leaf plant because of this board and it has been going strong for almost two years now.

>> No.13173193

dont make me twerk on ur mum

>> No.13173198

The thing I learned from /ck/ is that the jews are the enemy of humanity

>> No.13173210

>msg makes any savory dish better
>light olive oil is for frying, extra virgin is for finishing
>truffle oil in popcorn butter makes it taste 1000x more buttery
>the best pizza sauce is raw

>> No.13173216

and that their "cuisine" is entirely stolen. Thanks /ck/!

>> No.13173226

rather eat dry ribs from a nigger than wet ribs

>> No.13173233

Not for "muh chemicals" reasons but genuinely curious, why sodium hexametaphosphate instead of lecithin or even egg yolk or something or even DATEM

>> No.13173910

Dry ribs are disgusting

>> No.13173937
File: 1.25 MB, 2397x2397, 5751D995-5EB1-4CD0-AD8A-DD529D5C8283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some anon posted their aged egg nog recipe so I made a double batch yielding 5 liters. Can’t wait to age one for a year.

>> No.13174065

just googled that
the whole concept is groats

>> No.13174076

Sweet onions, especially Vidalias, are ideal for caramelizing though.

>> No.13174106

hi newfag!

>> No.13174110

>camping milks
so cum it is

>> No.13174147

your pic reminds me, what ever happened to cum jar guy? he still making his yearly posts or did he coom himself to death

>> No.13174148

Sweet onions are better than yellow in quite a few dishes. It is no wonder you have wasted the vast majority of your time here. You're a misinformed reductionist.

>> No.13174296

I know everyone thinks this, but try using regular yellow onions next time.
I am convinced that in a blind taste test, yellow caramelized onions would win every time

>> No.13174433

>eating egg gone bad

>> No.13174470

Mayo is made with oil and eggs retard

>> No.13174645

Thats the only way to make mayo

>> No.13174944

Apparently the rest of the world calls them "chicken burgers" instead of chicken sandwiches. The "burger" part refers to hamburger meat, not something with a bun.

>> No.13174980
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I hate having to keep track of all the stupid shit the rest of the world gets up to.
Did you half and half is only available in america?
No one else uses it , not even mexicans or canadians.
What the fuck is wrong with people?

>> No.13175106
File: 31 KB, 505x378, 191C9278-344E-4E7A-A952-881265CA4749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if “bad” tastes this delicious, good can fuck itself
Also it’s always the Jews.

>> No.13175183

Double niggers.
Some people dump the whites because that’s the part that will spoil if it’s long term.

>> No.13175408
File: 47 KB, 600x900, eggs-dairy-meat-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whole egg mayo has a nicer texture and better flavor

>> No.13175436


come taste my mayonnaise and you'll change your mind.

>> No.13175467

OP here it's actually "man milk" I drink it every day sry for typo

>> No.13175471

Homemade mayo should be eaten throughout the day it was done. Its not meant for storage

>> No.13175504
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M or F?

>> No.13175572

So camping milk is jizz right?

>> No.13175581

Sure bro, just stick the microconverter into the macronutritional slipstream alloy bituberator and you're all set. You'll cum buckets.

>> No.13175652

Why does everyone keep saying this?

>> No.13176031

no brain cell in your head

>> No.13176065 [DELETED] 
File: 261 KB, 483x604, 1556417087758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nu jannies are total fags i got a week ban for posting a chinaman butchering a dog in a thread where OP posted a near identical vid of a American butchering a pig, then right after my ban was up i posted a vid of a mexican butchering a kid but only got a 24h ban.

>> No.13176134

it was just ginger beer, jizzus himself made a tread about

>> No.13176186

Neato and sociopolitically disillusioned

>> No.13176326
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>> No.13176466

but the last two aren't bullshit 13/50

>> No.13176607

This guy gets it

>> No.13176718

The first is the most true bluepilled fag

>> No.13176804
File: 21 KB, 800x800, 1556375669998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13176817

nice cum bottles, op

>> No.13176820

don't know where xe was going with that.

>> No.13176914

true, its hard to tell if xe is being cheeky

>> No.13176990

Freezing kills the cell by denaturing microtubuli associated motor proteins called dyneins, rendering the cell immobile and unable to carry out ATP synthesis. It also ruins the cell membrane.

>> No.13177066

Bros my gf accidentally drank my camping milk and now I think she might be pregnant what do I do?

>> No.13177078

Post the recipe, i want to try my own

>> No.13177132

It's fucking stupid. You can already lose loads of weight just by going to a diet that's between 1600 and 1800 calories, which is easily enough to have a breakfast, lunch & dinner, without needing to stop eating two days a week.

>> No.13177985

Yes and no. They caramelize considerably quicker and easier, but they have less flavor.

>> No.13178018

It's not about being better, it's about being simpler. You don't have to fucking calorie-count every fucking crumb that enters your mouth, since on the fast days your calorie intake is (near) zero (IIRC you can still drink black coffee/unsweetened tea/yerba mate since their dietary value is negligible).

Although it bears noting that, if you eat like a lardbeast on the 'full' days, it won't really matter anyway. If you want any non-calorie-restrictional dieting regimen to work, you still need to drop them chips, soda, snacking sweets etc.

>> No.13178030

Just put some DMSO in the bitch and freeze gradually, should be np

>> No.13178576

But milk already comes in bottles or packs that are just as easy to transport.

>> No.13178669


>> No.13178697

I thought the bottles were filled with cum

I hang out too much on /b/

>> No.13178712

That could probably work, but you'd have to freeze it quick and keep it cold.

Also, DMSO freezes at 19 C°, so it wouldn't keep your stuff cold.

>> No.13178728

Got me into sharpening my knives with a stone, it's unbelievable how much better a properly sharp knife is.
A handful of things about different food cultures, that's about it.

>> No.13178743

Americans really do this

>> No.13178884

this anon gets it

>> No.13178896

>The biggest mistake Americans make in the kitchen is not enough salt,

Jesus Christ this has to be a joke

Also you didn't mention peanut butter cookies so I call larping on the claim of being an oldfag.

>> No.13178957

That would make for a disgusting mayo though.

>> No.13178967

Best foods , kraft , helmans is whole egg mayo.
All american mayo is whole egg thats why its white

>> No.13178974

Never had craft but that explains part if why helmans tastes so disgusting.

>> No.13179009

>The biggest mistake Americans make in the kitchen is not enough salt
Every medical professional disagrees with you.

>> No.13179087

People get way too much salt from processed foods and fast food.
At home however , most americans are health conscious and cut salt to the point that it makes for bland food.
This in turn encourages people to eat out since their home cooked food sucks

>> No.13179112


>> No.13179135
File: 2.88 MB, 480x368, giphy-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is utterly retarded to be telling people they actually need MORE salt, but I think I might know what he's getting at. Pretty well all prepared foods and dishes made at restraunts have incredibly high amounts of salt and chefs in particular are fond of dumping it in everything as a cheap flavor enhancer.

So when many home cooks try making something they put what they think is a reasonable amount or what the recipie called for. Then they taste it and it's not like what they expect because they don't realize that the legit "secret ingredient" they're favorite chef used was doubling or trippling the amount of salt.

The problem obviously isn't that people aren't eating enough salt, (it's the opposite for almost everyone) the problem is people's patates have been fucked by bad chefs and shitty prepackaged foods

>> No.13179147

>BBQ sauce needs to be cooked on to your meat as it finishes on the BBQ grill and not used raw as a dipping sauce.

This is either or, a good smoked brisket dunked in BBQ can be good but it does mask the flavor of the smoke sometimes so you gotta be sparing with it.

>> No.13179434

>Americans really do this
go camping, yes we do. we still have trees in our country and it quite pleasant to go out into nature

>> No.13179445

wouldn't just egg yolks make it more eggy tasting? is a egg flavored spread what you consider a good mayo?

>> No.13179493

5:2 anon, do you do separate 2s or combined 2s? Most people I've seen on 5:2 do 3 days eating, 1 day fasting, 2 days eating, 1 day fasting, etc. Also, do you have a few calories in the evening of a fast day, or nothing at all?

I tend to do 5 days eating and 2 days of water fasting, and must agree that it feels wonderful and works very well.

>> No.13179514

I learned how to fuck myself in my own ass and buy rotisserie chicken from Costco as long as nobody looks at me. I haven't had success in either endeavor but I'm giving it hell trying

>> No.13179540

>What have you learned anon
Non-Americans think about America more than Americans think about America.
When looking for southern recipes dont trust real southerners
Vegans are indistinguishable from people pretending to be vegan for (You)s
Skub is a godsend
Alcohol is not food or cooking
Eggs are the greatest, most versatile food staple to keep in the kitchen

>> No.13179551

>why it's white
Mayonnaise turns white because of the emulsification of a lot of oil with a little water. The addition of whites makes little difference in color. Also, mass produced is not synonymous with American.

>> No.13179567

Most mass produced mayonnaise is relatively bland. The 1st place award to bland mayonnaise goes to the Nips and Kewpie, though. Try making it yourself with egg yolk, good safflower oil, and double the amount of lemon juice and cayenne that most recipes call for, add cold water a tablespoon at a time once the emulsion has come together to get a whiter color.

>> No.13179739
File: 7 KB, 249x249, a month then.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggle me this Batman
What is 13 but also 50?

>> No.13179768

Mayo made with just yolks looks and tastes significantly different. I think that's the point.

As >>13179567 points out it is much more flavorful. Egg white especially raw doesn't have a ton of flavour so really all it does is water down the final product. As for why Kraft, Hellman's and other industrial crap is made with full eggs is obvious, it's way easier and cheaper on a large scale.

But if you're going to the (relatively small really) trouble of making it yourself it's well worth it to make it properly, get a far better result and then just cook something with the whites.

>> No.13179778

its code for jizz ;)

>> No.13179792

sure "milk" whatever you say anon ;)

>> No.13179799

who came first
>chicken getting fucked by an egg

hahahahha what in the fuck

>> No.13179850

Georgia uber alles.

>> No.13179868

So then do it your way, retard. It's easier for me to just not eat occasionally than to maintain constant vigilance and always be hungry. Nobody's forcing you to do shit.

>> No.13179992
File: 181 KB, 1200x750, roundtable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mix it up, i just make sure never to miss a week when i am on it.
I do cycle though so once i am thin i eat normally for a year or two until i put about 8 lbs back on then i 5:2 until i am back at my ideal weight.

>> No.13180003
File: 10 KB, 255x230, contempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The biggest mistake Americans make in the kitchen is not enough salt, and no you cant make up for it at the table.
Sounds like you're and ignorant foreigner who is making grand assumptions about people you know nothing about.

>> No.13180083

>you don't have to count calories,bro
>just starve for 2 days,bro
That shit is retarded,you need to eat to function.

>> No.13180085
File: 92 KB, 642x948, 2a5d71daa3007fa2ef7afada8a0dd1e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so salty?

>> No.13180090

>you need to eat to function.
This is false. You did not evolve to eat every few hours.
You are weak

>> No.13180277

Anon you should try fasting at least once in your life.
You will be amazed

>> No.13180303
File: 432 KB, 633x469, 1549411183976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What have you learned anon?
Pre-made meals are a fast track to suicide (no matter how many threads you make pairing it with hipster booze) and if I can get into grad school, I can probably follow a recipe so just try making whatever dish you want.

>> No.13180318

I love Mexican beer and that spicy lime salt stuff, but that shit looks nasty

>> No.13180321

>upsidedown beer bottle in your drink
(while on vacation in Mexico)
That's almost as unsantiary as dropping a shotglass into your drink.

>> No.13180384

>visiting bars that don't clean their glasses
Maybe upgrade to a non-shithole establishment

>> No.13180408

Did you misread the "while on vacation in Mexico" part? There have been cases of tourists getting Hep or Montezuma's Revenge, even at 4-star resorts.

>> No.13180422

I'm well aware of the shit you can get in Mexico (I've been there more than enough times to know you only drink bottled/canned anything). But, did you miss the part where you wrote
>as unsantiary as dropping a shotglass into your drink
Again: upgrade to non-shithole bars.

>> No.13180423

It doesn't look or taste significantly different, though. The primary reason they use whole egg is for the fluffier texture. If you increase the yolk to oil ratio significantly, you can get a richer yolk flavor, but most mayonnaise is so low in yolk content that it is subtle enough for most to not notice. That is a much larger difference in recipe than simply not adding egg whites, though.
>>13179567 >>13179551 are the same poster, me, btw

>> No.13180456

>drinking at bars on the regular
I'll enjoy my asocial alcoholism by myself. That said, I have a buddy who likes Irish car bombs, and while it's not my style, it's only about as unsanitary as putting the glass to your lips in the first place. More or less safe.
I was referring to unsanitary conditions in Mexico for the entirety of my post. Sorry for the confusion.

>> No.13180474

>enjoy my asocial alcoholism by myself
Meee too bro.

>unsanitary conditions in Mexico
While that's generally pretty true, parts of Mexico are unironically awesome. But yeah you're right, don't drink the (non-bottled) water.

>> No.13180501

>the legit "secret ingredient" they're favorite chef used was doubling or trippling the amount of salt.
And fat.

>> No.13180532

shit haven't seen twigs posted in a while

>> No.13180534

The two main things is about the wonderfulness of liverwurst and to cook beans with kombu to avoid gas
Huh... wonder why?

>> No.13180535
File: 29 KB, 550x367, milestone-229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milestones used to do an amazing mac and cheese before they replaced it with an orecchietti and cheese before finally taking it off the menu entirely. Apparently it had nearly a day's worth of calories in it and over a day's worth of sodium. So much goddamned butter and salt.

>> No.13180543

What is the 5:2 diet?

>> No.13180545

2 days fasting

>> No.13180547

I think it's periodic fasting with two days of no eating. Either that, or periodic vegetarianism/veganism.

>> No.13180552

Even then it really was the jews

>> No.13180578

>What the fuck is wrong with people?
In America there are Milk Cartels, they need you to know that there is milk in this cream or they will come after your family.
They are also the reason you legally cannot buy or sell unpasteurized milk.
And why Margerine is pink for some time LMAO.

>> No.13180602
File: 177 KB, 1500x1500, dairylandcreamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you half and half is only available in america?
>No one else uses it , not even mexicans or canadians.
Patently false. I'm Canadian, and my mother refuses to drink coffee without this stuff. She once had to explain it to our Scottish neighbour as "it's like milky-cream".

We finally got rid of the requirement to put orange dye in domestic margarine in every province as of 2008. Now it's butter coloured.

>> No.13180727
File: 195 KB, 615x411, 1_16a07fa5cfb.1439315_1684494541_16a07fa5cfb_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my mother refuses to drink coffee without this stuff
Because she sucks american cock all goddamn day long

>> No.13180760

Man, insulting someone's mother over the internet anonymously is just kind of sad when you're on the receiving end. Can't fuck with tradition, though.

>> No.13180906

Sorry anon, didnt realize she actually was into the penor from the south.
Is half and half easy to find in canada ?
Like in every grocery like the states?

>> No.13180946
File: 74 KB, 800x800, creamoportions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's usually marketed as 10% cream, but everyone knows what Half and Half is. I've never seen a grocery store without it unless it was sold out. In a pinch, you can even buy a carton at a gas station. Most restaurants offer it in little creamers, alongside non-fat and full-fat creams. Starbucks usually has it out for free on the counter in a carafe, alongside milk and non-fat creams.
I've never thought much about it until I learned it's more or less unheard of in many countries.

>> No.13181073

I learned how to cook rice perfectly from some /ck/ user.
Jasmine = 1.5 cups water to 1 cup rice
Basmatti = 2 cups water to 1 cup rice
rinse rice and bring to a boil.. when the water is halfway evaporated, kill heat and cover for 15 minutes.
I've only fucked up rice when I leave it for more than 15 minutes.

>> No.13181156

Way too complicated.
Use your instant pot and its perfect every single time and you just turn it on and walk away

>> No.13181178

>Use your instant pot
Bitch, you still need to know your rice to water proportions.
Personally, I prefer Alton Brown's risotto-ish recipe, but it's no good if you just want plain unadulterated white rice.

>> No.13181188
File: 24 KB, 355x355, 51Z7aRakxyL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you still need to know your rice to water proportions
In the instant pot its alwayd 1 to1 . The only thing that changes is the time at pressure.
Way easier, never fails

>> No.13181190

a lot of stores don't carry anything higher than 10% and it's fucking bullshit
my go2 coffee cream used to be 35% because you not only need very little of it, but it lasts for a long time before going bad but now I'm forced onto the no dairy creamer train with all the soccer moms

>> No.13181251
File: 2.32 MB, 3300x2100, McD-McChicken[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned that the McChicken is the best fast food sandwich.

>> No.13181268

>used to making coffee with whipping cream
>swapping to non-dairy creamer
Well, that's a fucking leap. Not gonna lie, though, I was hooked on a brand of sweetened almond milk for my coffee awhile back. I probably shouldn't judge.

>> No.13181323

based and myheropilled

>> No.13181981

that cant be right

>> No.13182119

tapioca powder is a better thickener
roast soup bones before making stock
buckwheat is awesome
pocket soup is real
bunch of decent youtube cooks to watch.
boiling rice like pasta is much easier

>> No.13182156
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>boiling rice like pasta is much easier

>> No.13182167

>What have you learned from /ck/?
there is more then one type of soy sauce

>> No.13182273

Evan Williams bourbon is the best cheap whisky

>> No.13182450

You deserve a you.

>> No.13182493

he did say cheap

>> No.13182573

Different onions for different recipes. Smothered pork chops arent the same without vidalia onions. Baked or grilled segmented onions would be nearly inedible with anything BUT a sweet onion. Same with bloomin' onions for you grown babies that eat at chain restaurants and carnivals. I agree they have too much sugar to caramelize properly, and they shouldnt be used in place of other onions in general cookery, but for you to even imply that the vidalia is not a useful and delicious cultivar is fucking absurd and you should quit cooking.

>> No.13182585
File: 228 KB, 640x361, e1f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A comprehensive breakdown of /ck/ threads;
90% fast food threads
1% coffee general
1% Jack threads
1% vegan threads
1% that gay alco dude with the cat cooking
1% skillet threads
1% alco general
1% frozzen and or canned food thread
1% energy drink thread
1% deenz
1% off topic

>> No.13183247
File: 131 KB, 525x809, laugh22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a girl showed me this on her phone a week ago and I cried-laughed for about a full eight minutes.

>> No.13183310
File: 64 KB, 414x330, Black Olives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning how to properly warm up a stove top with pan and oil.
Learning how to make own mayo.

>> No.13183406

If any Canadian here has a recipe I can use for Milestones' Thai chicken bites please let me know

>> No.13183457

Eggs are trash and get boring fast. Now, chicken, thats a versatile food that you can eat everyday.

>> No.13183467

>Learning how to make own mayo
Gib mayo recipe. Last time i tried it tasted like shit.

>> No.13183476


>> No.13183667

i learned making mayo is not fool proof and easy to fuck up, i wasted about $7 worth of avocado oil when mine separated/cracked

>> No.13183671

green olives on pizza are good

>> No.13183768

i learned only queers eat chili without beans

>> No.13183774

Start out on cheap oil. My proportion is one egg to two-thirds cup of extra virgin olive oil (which IS expensive). I suggest get a virgin oil blend (cheaper) oil to practice.

>> No.13183886

>I agree they have too much sugar to caramelize properly,

But this is exactly wrong, sweet onions contain less sugar than yellow onions
They are called sweet because of the mild flavor due to less sulfur in the soil where they are grown.
Maybe its you who should quit cooking ?

>> No.13183898

important lesson

>> No.13183901

what are hunger pains?

>> No.13183910

cooking with half and half is based

>> No.13183913
File: 100 KB, 1080x1318, 1524702047551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In american there is a legend that if you ever got hungry it would be painful.
No one knows this first hand of course but the legends persist.

>> No.13183917

Canadian here and I don't use ut but they sell half and half all over.

>> No.13183920

isn't the top label on the beer submerged in the drink now?

>> No.13183926

I've never gotten pain from not eating I've only ever gotten stomach pain from eating really

>> No.13183967

are you american? i dont think it happens to anons of color

>> No.13184063

>doesnt understand proportions

>> No.13184131

just a random white dude of european descent

>> No.13184152

i would empty those cum bottles right down my throat!
not even kidding, generally cum actually tastes amazing

>> No.13184210

Well yeah at least OP wasn't retarded enough to say people aren't using enough fat in their cooking. What a dumpster fire of a thread.

>> No.13184277

explain anon. Sweet onions have less sugar than yellow onions any way you slice it. per onion , per ounce , by volume , by weight

>> No.13184282

But thats true anon. Americans eat way too much sugar and not enough fat.
Sugar is what makes fatties not fatty foods

>> No.13184323

They eat both too much sugar and too much fat, way too much salt and then far far too much in volume. It's a fuck ugly tapestry of bad health and disgusting bodies.

>> No.13184327

Got a source on the sugar contents of different onion types? Everything I've found lumps them all together.

>> No.13184354

You're moving the goalposts. According to you all onions have the same amount of sugar. If sweet onions have less sulfur compounds by comparison that would mean, conversely, that the PROPORTION of sugar is higher

>> No.13184428

>According to you all onions have the same amount of sugar
Never ever said that. I said that sweet onions taste sweet because of less sulfer.
Thats not the same as saying they have the same sugar content . Indeed they have less.

>> No.13184464

>Indeed they have less.

Not him, but what is your source for that? People on this board are known for making all kinds of claims with no back up.

>> No.13184485

Google up the calories
yellow onions have 39.67 calories per 100 grams
vidalia onions have 32 calories per 100 grams

>> No.13184503

He won't have one because it's not true. Higher sugar content is also the main reason they don't store as well as regular onions and start rotting quickly.

>> No.13184517

Buy a refractometer and measure it yourself.

>> No.13184531

also false

>> No.13184539


>> No.13184555
File: 16 KB, 189x267, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that the big V (none other than the legendary 'vark) is not merely a sauce, it's a whole frickin LIFESTYLE!! Any epic brosauceroni in the house t'night? Lets 'VARK IT OUT ALL NIGHT LONG!!!!! Hell yeah!!

>> No.13184613

Double checked and that's true. Quite interesting really.

>> No.13184642

The rabbit hole goes deeper. Now look into soluble sugars.

>> No.13184643

You can give a rundown if you like but I'm not going to bother looking it up.

>> No.13184894
File: 593 KB, 720x1080, 1563455023942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work as a chef in fine dining, I can frankly say absolutely fucking nothing, everyone is here a utter pleb when it comes to food, there's almost no discussion of actual cooking. This board as great as it may be, is not actually gonna teach you fuck all about cooking.

>> No.13184971

>everyone here
Well you’re here too, motherfucker, so you must have fucked your way into fine dining.

>> No.13185035

Jesus. Do you also take nintendo and pokemon cards with you on camping trips too?

>> No.13185367

Literally nothing. You are all retarded.

>> No.13185371

Whats wrong with cereal?
When i camp i am hiking tons and no time to cook

>> No.13185500

fuck you

>> No.13185624
File: 517 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191108-172849_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So on my break at work I found an article showing how fucking dumb you guys are

>> No.13185673

>source: Mediavine
That's gonna be a "nope" from me dawg

>> No.13185687


>> No.13185694

He thinks cereal means like Lucky Charms or some shit.
Real mean eat their cereal in the form of raw oats with milk and some nut protein.

>> No.13185701

I hear your mom eats a lot of nut protein lol

>> No.13185715

She is a raw vegan so yeah, usually has at least 50 g almonds a day.
inb5 autist runs away with >raw

>> No.13185728

try it. in the dark. when no one can see. you will see the lies. boil the rice. do it!

disclaimer. only really works on long grain rice

>> No.13185732

Didn't think your mom was vegan the way she's all over my meat lol

>> No.13185739

Probably thought that "meat" was a cashew lmao.

>> No.13185742

eggplant haha

>> No.13185751

Have you ever actually tried an aubergine uncooked?
Literally dying of laughter here mate.

>> No.13185789

>there's a conspiracy by news organisations to falsely argue vidalia onions have higher sugar content
Crawl out of your rabbithole, you're suffocating.

>> No.13185949

Just checked out that article , its more like someones blog and its full of incorrect info.
If Vidalias have more sugar then how in the name of baby jesus do they have less calories?
I trust the calorie counting websites a damn site more than some dudes blog

>> No.13185956

what? it's available in Canada you walnut. There's also table cream which is just slightly fattier, but not as much as whipping cream.

Maybe it's just not a European thing.

>> No.13185962

Muesli or fuck off.

>> No.13186007

>He thinks cereal means like Lucky Charms or some shit.
That's exactly what he meant. If meant oats or grits or oatmeal, he would have said that.

>> No.13186057

Oats are cereal grains, they are literally where the term cereal comes from.

>> No.13186238
File: 34 KB, 500x400, 38e32e26b23f8462c4ddfaa47699be68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not mean lucky charms but I did not mean any cereal in particular.
In the past its been mostly granola, sometimes GoLean crunch and sometimes sharted wheat

>> No.13186269
File: 401 KB, 3306x1268, onion_spergs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys could always check out the USDA nutritional database.


It does not list a varietal for the raw onions entry, but I would assume they are what is generally considered a white (yellow/Spanish are often put into the same category) variety, as opposed to red or sweet. In any case, everyone knows there are differences in flavors, and those who have cooked with various onions know that some onions tend to break down, or "melt", more with cooking than others. Cocktail onions, for instance, become very soft from mild heat and acidulation in the pickling process. Different varieties are more suited as ingredients in different dishes. Amazing.

>> No.13187076

why so angry?

>> No.13187110

Hes right.

>> No.13187117

I havent eaten in 4 days. The hunger goes away quickly but I feel pretty nauseous right now

>> No.13187269
File: 85 KB, 625x725, 1497037650274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are hitting mad fucking autophagy by now anon.
Keep them shits going!

>> No.13187308


You're not trying to make ice, silly. You're trying to slow down metabolic processes enough to preserve the membranes without causing them to break due to the formation of ice crystals.

>> No.13187343

Thank you kind anon for backing up jaboi. Idk how so many people can just not understand different ingredients are different and should be selected for their strengths in a recipe

>> No.13187386

Are you keeping up your water and electrolyte intake?

>> No.13187664

I learned that I'm too retarded to cook and I'll die of a heart attack because I can't stop eating unhealthy food and drinking iced tea.

>> No.13187832

>25 fucking pounds
and that's supposed to be impressive?
only if you weighed 110 before

>> No.13188453

Incompetence and laziness, that's all.

>> No.13188478

Explain it then

>> No.13188510

Paging salmonella guy

>> No.13188519

thissing this rad email on the Information Superhighway so hard plus numerical repeating superhighway

>> No.13188799

how fat are you?

>> No.13188831

>Non-Americans think about America more than Americans think about America.
Because you guys give us such a good laugh with your stupidity. Can't be helped really.

>> No.13189587

What about red onions? I love red onions

>> No.13189943

Should not be cooked much more than a light saute. Great for kabobs. Great on a salad . Great for fajitas
Terrible in a stew or at least do not add much