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File: 29 KB, 600x357, IMG_1063_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13167447 No.13167447 [Reply] [Original]

Eat the moldy meat anon, the moldy meat is good

>> No.13167449

Can I have a big sea bug with it?

>> No.13167459

Of course anon, make sure to eat it with a paper straw, wouldnt want to contribute to climate change

>> No.13167461

On a dry aged steak you cut the gnarly parts off dumbass

>> No.13167465
File: 290 KB, 1200x829, Salami_aka[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, and it is.

>> No.13167472

imagine turning your nose up at dry aged steaks, salami, and jamon iberico
what a pleb

>> No.13167474

Fucking digusting chopped up swine stuck inside an intestine casing left to rot for weeks, i'll have four pounds

>> No.13167480

Op here, Seems my joke didnt land, see the joke was I'm telling people to eat the crust from dry aged meat because its good instead of throwing it away

>> No.13167499

all steak is dry-aged you tard. all cuts of steak dry age for at least 3 months to let the acids tenderize the steak. What kind of fucked-up 3rd world country do you eat fresh slaughtered steak? Have you ever tried a fresh-cut steak? Its hard as fuck and tastes like its spoiled.

>> No.13167519

those pig intestines will give you cancer of the intestines and asshole, unironically.

>> No.13167522

No, I don’t give a shit about any of that. I just want my moldy meat and big sea bug.

>> No.13168851

citation needed

>> No.13168861

>make sure to eat it with a paper straw
what made you even bring this up?

>> No.13168945

I doubt it

>> No.13168951

all steak is aged but the majority of it is wet-aged because it's a bit quicker and doesn't cause a loss in weight.

>> No.13168957

>he doesn't know what rot means

Lmao. Don’t @ me

>> No.13168981

We should have a charity that distributes the dry-age crusts out to poor flyovers to make creamed chipped beef with.

>> No.13169088

I dry age at home using umai bags. I always freeze then use the trimmings in my ground meat to add a bit of that dry aged funk to my hamburgers. Everyone that has ever eaten my burgers always talks about there must be a secret ingredient in them that adds that taste. They guess everything from msg to funky cheese to goat meat. But that's my secret. The dry aged trimmings.

>> No.13169102

i needs it

>> No.13169110

I don't even fucking care anymore.
Fucking avoiding things that gives you cancer gives you cancer.

Everyone will get cancer and everything will give you cancer.

Fuck healthy living, enjoy life.

>> No.13169116

Kind of hard to enjoy life when you're dead from cancer.

>> No.13169585

Prior to the 70's all meat was dry aged. then they realized that wet aging made for heavier meat and they could get more profits, it was only much later that people realized that dry aging is WAY better.

>> No.13169972

The point is that you will get cancer anyway whether you make an effort to avoid it or not. Might as well use that effort to enjoy yourself instead of worrying about shit that will kill you regardless.

>> No.13169980

>Everyone will get cancer and everything will give you cancer.

Especially over processed chemical bean patties like the fake meat fad. Over processed foods & chemical protein slime always leads to cancer.

>> No.13169985

you gotta die somehow

>> No.13171533

you are a fucking retard

>> No.13171546

Not if you delude yourself into thinking you can't die

>> No.13171711

You wrong

>> No.13171774

Recently at work k noticed the blades for a power tool I use were labeled with the great state of cancer warning. They're legit just steel. They have to know when they put it on everything we stopped taking it seriously at all. Now any cancer warnings I basically don't care about at all. So in effect it worsens their cause but also costs us ridiculous amounts of money to put it on every single fucking package.

>> No.13171805

Yeah might as well stand in the core of a nuclear plant. Gonna get cancer anyway, might as well. Might as well take naps in an x-ray machine. Sure it will give you cancer, but you're gonna get cancer anyway. So you might as well.

>> No.13171822

>thinks all aging is dry aging

ok boomer

>> No.13173003

I bet you think this sounded really smart in your head.

>> No.13173008

Or you just don't eat rotten meat like a savage. I bet you have dark nipples.

>> No.13173019

I bet you touch yourself at night

>> No.13173022
File: 15 KB, 644x800, d90[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if you were to sous vide that to the perfect rare, char it in your 5-ply and then coat it in your favorite hot sauce!

>> No.13173061

He's utterly obsessed

>> No.13173062

I realize you're memeing but a steak cut off that with the oxidized bits trimmed off cooked in sous vide at 131 for 2.5 hours and then hit with a searzall and dressed with bernaise would be the best steak you've ever eaten.