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13161742 No.13161742 [Reply] [Original]

Rate it

>> No.13161748

limp wristed pansy/10

>> No.13161749

Honestly not bad at all, very bready flavor, almost like a concentrated bud light. 7/10.

>> No.13161756

the last inch of a steel reserve 40oz is possibly the worst flavor on earth

>> No.13161761

whatchu know bout that? prolly tons...

>> No.13161791

Natty daddy is far superior

>> No.13161796

I tried one like 10 years ago and never bought one again. Horrible tasting stuff

>> No.13161799

Very pale golden color, brilliantly clear. Pours a modest white head, creamy and with some decent retention for a strong beer. Not getting much from the nose. A bit of a grainy malt. A bit sweet, and not overly complex, but pretty damn clean. Doesn't really dry out in the finish. Getting a hint of alcohol in the finish, but not bad. Guessing might be worse if drunk warmer. Medium body and carbonation. Minimal alcohol warming.

Overall, a high alcohol bland macro lager, which isn't easy to achieve.

>> No.13161816

I can't find this in any of the liquor stores near me. Maybe I'm just shopping at places that are too high brow.

>> No.13161834

even a mexican approved it

>> No.13161907

Try a gas station.

>> No.13161935

Very high calorie. If it's beer, I'm going with Natty Ice.

>> No.13162279

an actual 0/10

>> No.13162294

tastes like shit
drink gin if you want to get drunk and don't mind the flavor of shit.

>> No.13162304

This stuff destroys my bowels the morning after. I almost never have this issue with other beers after getting hammered but this stuff doesn't even let me get through with 1.

>> No.13162310

You get what you pay for, and I love it

>> No.13162320

Mexicans have shit taste in beers, some are out of touch with their culture that they drink fucking coronas

>> No.13162321

It tastes like water sitting in the bottom of a garbage can with old batteries

>> No.13162342

Every day when I walk into work downtown there's some old panhandler nigger that walks around with a cart in tow with at least two 24 packs of that shit.

>> No.13162357

acoholic-in-training tier

>> No.13162555

got drunk on them every night for quite a while. I'm sober now so I don't drink em anymore.

>> No.13162593

how'd you get sober

>> No.13162697

Seeing my mom be the alcoholic she is scared me away from it. I realized I was going down the same path.

>> No.13162731

Gets the job done on the cheap.
Available anywhere.

>> No.13162922

yeah, shit gets real bad as it gets warmer. but when it's ice cold, it's pretty damn good.

>> No.13162928

even my local chain grocery store (Kroger) has these.

>> No.13162935
File: 170 KB, 500x500, 39786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone ever come across the 12 pack? i've never seen em. maybe they don't make em anymore.

>> No.13163533
File: 90 KB, 628x729, sanfran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

211 is for homeless niggers.

>> No.13163763

probably accounts for 60% of DUI, stupid crime, domestic battery and FAL in some states.

>> No.13163972


>> No.13164059

>never seen them in canada
>stuck buying 710ml of colt 45 for 3.50 usd

>> No.13164098

Malt liquor is disgusting and give you the shits.

>> No.13164112

bought one yesterday

>> No.13164113


>> No.13164116


>> No.13164250

You type like you already found one.

>> No.13164259

jus drunk talked to my mom on the phome. the fuck r u saying i talk? i am typing dumb cunt

>> No.13164301

Been drinking around 18 beers a day, or 4 cans of these, recently boys. I spread them starting in the morning and I literally don't feel a thing anymore.
Anyone here a sipper who quit cold turkey?
I'd imagine it's gonna be hard since my body is used to having a certain level of alcohol in my blood most of the time. Maybe I'll just taper.

>> No.13164337

This, and usually cheaper

>> No.13164409

If you are drunk from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep it probably not a good idea quitting cold turkey. I'd just drink myself unto coma every evening but stay off the booze during the day so I didn't have much of a withdrawal. If you are a daily evening binge drinker you can go years without developing much of a physical addiction.

>> No.13164431

Worst hangovers, days long

>> No.13164456

Binge drinking is an easy way to ruin your liver and turn your brain to mush in 10 years though. A lot of slow pickle drinkers I know are still mentally sharp for decades after, but they're a mess if they don't have something to sip for too long.

>> No.13164462

ice cold ? probably a decent 7
warm ? want to kill myself tier 3
haven't had one in months, because when I wake up after forgetting to brush my teeth after drinking these it always felt like somebody took a shit in my mouth. fucking gross

>> No.13165236
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>haven't had one in months, because when I wake up after forgetting to brush my teeth after drinking these it always felt like somebody took a shit in my mouth. fucking gross
that just brought back some bad memories. Even though I don't do that anymore, I can taste it just from reading this post

>> No.13165614

I deliver beer for a living. They most definitely still have them.

>> No.13165921

I've made the opposite expirience, people who get shitfaced every evening then go to work without drinking and drink themselves into coma again after work for decades. If you are drinking all the time I'd imagine your tolerance will skyrocket in no time and you'd drink way more than any daily bingedrinker. But I am not aware of a cientific study about this so I am not claiming I know for sure what is worse.

>> No.13165948
File: 348 KB, 1375x701, 1533695417108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dangerous stuff.

>> No.13166086

Used to love these but stopped after one night i drank 2 and almost a full bottle of new amsterdam and called my manager at like midnight thinking she was dominoes pizza and tried to order a pizza.

>> No.13166113


>> No.13166169

Tried one when I had a kidney infection and was pissing blood.
Wasn't too bad, but I couldn't drink much, I couldn't seem to swallow it, or any liquid at the time.
Might try it a little earlier if that happens again.

>> No.13166172

it really is insane how different the last inch is