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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 226 KB, 1200x800, capitolio-nocturno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13152173 No.13152173 [Reply] [Original]

>move to the suburbs of DC
>want something to eat; can't decide
>google thai food
>.9 miles 4.4 stars
>google vietnamese
>.8 miles 4.1 stars
>google Ethiopian
>google audibly chuckles
>everywhere 6 stars
How does it feel, flyovers?
How diverse is your culinary scene, /ck/? Who else knows this bliss?

>> No.13152306

You're on 4chan, kid. We hate you city-dwelling degenerates, and we are proud to be racist. We hate ethnic 'food' and anything foreign. We take pride in ourselves and our culture. You represent white genocide. So enjoy your exotic slop, kid. I'll stick to redpilled beliefs

>> No.13152320

What kind of 'stars' are you on about here my wide eyed, city slicking friend?

>> No.13152328 [DELETED] 

Those left turn bike lanes on Pennsylvania are deathtraps.

Cars never slow down and are very aggressive.

>> No.13152353

I'm >>13152306
Nice to see a white brethren. He probably meant David's Star (The Jews' star) lmao

>> No.13152385

>why yes, I'll trade away my entire civilization and well being of future Americans for some exotic restaurants

>> No.13152404 [DELETED] 
File: 294 KB, 1494x1047, jewsarewhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are white.

>> No.13152413

umm, actually... no sweetie, they're not. They're jews.

>> No.13152423
File: 2.45 MB, 1875x1250, ethiopian cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google Ethiopian
Yeah, I'm surprised that was able to return results anywhere.

>> No.13152431

only when its convenient for jews to be white

>> No.13152433
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>ITT: cu/ck/ ""foodies"" mad their ketchup on egg noodles doesn't get the respect it deserves

>> No.13152434

>imagine not living in dixie
must suck

>> No.13152440
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>imagine not knowing DC is South of the Mason Dixon line

>> No.13152441


>> No.13152463
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>part of the south

>> No.13152494
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You do know what the Mason Dixon line, don't you, anon?

>> No.13152532

>I'll trade away my entire civilization and well being of future Americans
Have you had your tap water checked lately? I saw that in Kentucky they're filling water jugs from an overflow drain to live. The South will rise again, unless they eat a cracker.

>> No.13152554

Enjoy that tasty food while you get raped to death by a pack of niggers.

>> No.13152561

Technically, the term is "fellow white people." Use this on a Jew if you want to see some real comedy.

>> No.13152795

Don't forget, 70% of american citizens couldn't pass the citizenship exam. Don't even consider expecting them to know the boundaries of Mason-Dixon or even what it was.

>> No.13153118 [DELETED] 

>Yet another city mouse vs town mouse thread
This isn't a flyover vs coastie issue. I just checked and there were 15 Thai restaurants here in my flyover, not that I'd ever eat at one. Probably bugs and shit in it.

>> No.13153129
File: 37 KB, 550x412, Pi's Thai Hazel Park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does it feel, flyovers?

It feels great. Metro Detroit ‘burbs here, and we’ve got any kinda restaurant you can imagine as well as all kinda grocery stores with ethnic foods.

>> No.13153134

>Yet another country mouse vs town mouse thread
This isn't a flyover vs coastie issue. I just checked and there were 15 Thai restaurants here in my flyover, not that I'd ever eat at one. Probably bugs and shit in it.

>> No.13153135 [DELETED] 

Looks ultra ghetto.

>> No.13153142


Best Thai food you'll never have.

>> No.13153153

This bait is incredible.

>> No.13153170
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>tired jokes from 1986

>> No.13153179

DC is probably one of the better cities for food if i'm being honest.

It's not as stupid priced to live in as LA, sanfran, or NYC, it's got a much more "small" city feel due to the building height limits in the city. Suburbs north and west of the city are all great areas for restaurants, and work opportunities, as well as good public schools.

Not to mention you're only a ~2-3 hour train ride to NYC, and an overnight train to chicago if you're into that thing. Not to mention 2 easily accessible airports, with BWI not being too much further.

It's def in the top 10 best foodie cities in the US.

>> No.13153189 [DELETED] 

actually the food in the far nw part is not really as good as more deep in the city

like yes the neighborhoods are safer but if u dont have a car public transit options are less and the food is more boomer-geared

>an overnight train to chicago if you're into that thing

my friend did that and said never to try it

theres lots of government pork money and it fuels a lot of restaurants with decent concepts compared to other cities

>> No.13153217

>my friend did that and said never to try it
depends how he did it, I'm a $ fag and i always get a private bedroom. Comfy af. No security to fuck with, personal attendant that fetches you whatever newspaper you want for when you wake up. etc.

Also, I was referring to the suburbs to the west and north of the city, so Reston, Arlington, Bethesda, Potomac, Silver Spring, Columbia, etc.

>> No.13153237 [DELETED] 

That's kinda pricey tho.

I avoid flying where possible because security is a hassle. I like carrying ice water with me when I travel. They don't accommodate that at all.

Train is like 15 hours or something.

I know but even then the food is not quite as good.

Like your options are more spread out and maybe you have LOTS of one kinds of food like Korean, but then very few good American food or other options.

Best food concentration is between downtown and like where it starts to turn into single family homes along 16th, south of there.

>> No.13153291
File: 78 KB, 1147x506, 2019-11-01 20_49_22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Train is like 15 hours or something.
Well yeah that's why you do it overnight.

Train leaves at 4pm, arrives in chicago the next morning around 8:45-9am.

You have dinner and breakfast on the train. It's really not even THAT expensive. You can get a roomette for ~$300 each way, or a full bedroom for ~$425-800 each way. About 3-8x the cost of a $100 coach fare, but miles beyond in comfort and privacy, since the sleeper carriages are all passed the far end of the dining car where coach peasants can't wander through.

If it's not a spur of the moment trip you can generally find bedroom/roomette pricing close to the low end of what i said, about $285 for a roomette and around $425 for the bedroom. But holidays and trains that are already heavily booked will make bedroom prices go upwards of $600 sometimes, so a rooomette is sometimes what i end up with instead for half of that.

>> No.13153294 [DELETED] 

>19 hours

jesus no

>400 dollars


>> No.13153299

I mean, i fly when i'm in a hurry, I take the train when i'm just try to enjoy myself for a few days, listen to music, read some books, etc.

>> No.13153308 [DELETED] 

I'd rather be doing stuff.

>> No.13153519

Google didn't even exist in 1986 you fool. We were stuck using Yahoo and Alta Vista back then.

>> No.13153563

is 4.1 stars considered good in DC?

Also I live in a flyover city and can easily walk to several good Thai and Vietnamese and ethiopian places. Every city is exactly the same

>> No.13153602 [DELETED] 

stars dont matter as much as the menu

look at the items, does the menu seem suspiciously large

does it seem like they prepare everything fresh from scratch

do they put a lot of effort into offering exciting foods or is it a fairly standardized effort?

>> No.13153610

I mean, I just thought it was weird OP cited 4.1 stars, a number I generally consider kinda bad if we are talking google rating

>> No.13153614

Where did Dennis Hastert find his young child anus? That has to be near K Street.

>> No.13153768

Fuck foreign food, fuck foreigners, and fuck you, faggot.
Mexican and Chinese food is good though.
But fuck outsiders.

>> No.13153778

How doe coasties manage to know so little about the rest of the country?

>> No.13154923

Michigan makes the best beer in America imho. I'd love to travel out there

>> No.13154948

I work at the #1 rated restaurant in DC, AMA

(Yes really)

>> No.13154962

The falafel place? Post any kind of proof and I will eat in your restaurant today

>> No.13154970

If you want really good, but cheap Italian food, go to Pomodoro in either Fairfax or Dulles.

>> No.13154973

I want to go to Detroit just for Detroit style pizza

>> No.13154990

I've heard of this but haven't been yet. I'm a big fan of Umberto's in Olney

>> No.13154991

Not the falafel place, though it is excellent. Check Trip Advisor; they provide a full ranking of the +2,700 plus eateries here.

>> No.13154996

Pomodoro is more casual than that. But the food is still delicious. If you go to the Dulles location you’ll sometimes here Italian being spoken, the owner is from Italy and he is usually at the Dulles restaurant.

>> No.13154997
File: 3.17 MB, 466x480, giphy (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just tell us? Also, trip advisor had Georgetown cupcakes as the best in DC.
>Baked and Wired ftw

>> No.13154999

literally every passable restaurant has at least 4 stars. user reviews were a mistake. it's impossible to separate the decent from the actually good places

>> No.13155003

Will definitely check this out when I'm in the area

>> No.13155004

They need to hurry the fuck up and get the metro extension through Georgetown built

>> No.13155009

Also, try Ford’s Fish Shack in Ashburn. It’s based as fuck

>> No.13155024

How can one man be so right?
Foggy bottom and walk > rosslyn and walk

>> No.13155029

On the list now. I'll give you a recommendation back; Passionfish in Bethesda

>> No.13155030

>walking across the Potomac in January when the wind is gusting at 30mph

>> No.13155032

That place looks good, but I never go to Maryland.

VA >> MD

>> No.13155034
File: 1.13 MB, 1440x2856, Screenshot_2019-11-02-09-05-24~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GT cupcakes #1
Can I have a sauce on that

>> No.13155043

Lol, that's pretty retarded of you.

There are WAYYY worse parts of vigrinia than there are Maryland.

Especially when you're talking about Passionfish area, which is one of the wealthiest areas of the country (Bethesda/Potomac area)

>> No.13155051

>Umberto's in Olney
I prefer Mannequin Pis, or Ricciutis if i'm in Olney.

>> No.13155055
File: 362 KB, 1080x1695, Screenshot_20191102-091319_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related
Ricciutis is on my list to try

>> No.13155061

Mannequin Pis was sadly way better ~7-8 years ago. They changed ownership, and it's still decent, but nowhere near as good as it was.

Same story for Mrs. K's Toll house down in silver spring. Though they changed ownership almost 15-20 years ago now.

>> No.13155070

>Mrs. K's Toll house
I know exactly what you're talking about and an oldhead that I know said almost the same thing as you. It used to be great

>> No.13155080

>Also, trip advisor had Georgetown cupcakes as the best in DC

Your screenshot says nothing of the sort, it's just a fucked retrieval list from the site itself. Am I retarded?

>> No.13155087
File: 642 KB, 655x1999, 2019-11-02 09_22_42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cafe berlin is decent if you like german food.

>> No.13155096

No, apparently I am desu

>> No.13155097

Yup, I personally haven't even been in the last decade, I went once a few years after they changed hands, and haven't been back. Shame really.

>> No.13155217

Does anyone know of any good jazz/piano bars in the DC area?

>> No.13155529

People whose parents didnt drink during pregnancy at some point in the 90s realized that Ethiopian cuisine isnt just a thing, but is actually very interesting and delicious, so most people kinda stopped making that joke, since ethiopian restaurants started popping up everywhere.
Not sure what kinda flyover shithole OP is from if Google actually didnt manage to find even a single one in his city.

>> No.13155581

>SEETHING flyover

>> No.13155607

You're a fucking moron. I was saying that I moved to an area with a shit load of good Ethiopian restaurants

>> No.13155615

Honestly, google it. The venues change all the time. DC and jazz have a great relationship, though

>> No.13155646

I like founding farmers

>> No.13156493

i was partial to thai square and bangkok 54 on columbia pike.
la perla del vaille on glebe road is so killer. Say hi to Jenny for me. I miss her. Pike Pizza on columbia pike is good, too. (yes there is a bolivian place called pike pizza that does not serve pizza)
>korean (non-bbq)
DaMoim in Annandale was great.
>pho 75 in clarendon
>shit i cant remember the name of the place. back left corner in Eden Plaza. place was cash
Ravi Kabob on Glebe was so killer. I miss that place more than every other place. Holy shit im getting hungry for their rice and chic peas just thinking about it.
>ching chong
that place in home depot parking lot. i heard it closed down
Lost Dog.
District Taco! damn i miss that place too.
pupusaria dona aczucuena. their pupusas were so killer. the carne asada was solid too.
>Bahn mi
the fuck was the name of that place on rt 50 by the fire station in annandale. god that shit was incredible. baked the rolls right on site, you could get like 30 sandwiches for 25 dollars and the bubble tea was good too.
Ugh i miss hole-in-the-wall dc so much

>> No.13156510

HR 57 is the original jazz/soul food club in dc. it was great. It had to re-locate for some reason. No idea if the new location is as good as the old one. back in the day you just pay $5 and fat black ladies stuffed you with chicken and greens. now its prob a bit pricier.
mr Smiths in G-town was the best piano bar. you kinda had to shake off the dust when you went in there cuz it was such a relic, but it was a GREAT time. every time.
bohemian caverns is a pretty cool jazz club too.

>> No.13156518

implying there are any black people left in the part of DC that has restaraunts

>> No.13156530

He obviously hasn't been to DC since 2000.

Hell even in the late 90s it was already getting gentrified.

>> No.13156533

>third world cuisine

>> No.13156539

Mumbo sauce on EVERYTHING

>> No.13156567

>Every city is exactly the same

Flyover cope.

>> No.13156572

>and get the metro extension through Georgetown built

That's never going to happen, you transient retard.

>> No.13156583

puyallup WA. All resturants are shit, I work in one. There's only 4 great resturants worth going to unless I want to go to retarded seattle.

>> No.13156599

>talks about Pew Wallop
>in a DC thread
>typical PNW assfuck that thinks the world revolves around them and that everyone sweats pnw

>> No.13156614

>flyover thinks we're talking about WA state
Take a back seat there, Cletus, and wait your turn.

>> No.13156676


>> No.13156682

It's like the ICC, plan developed in 1960's/70's, didn't get built until 2015.

>> No.13156688

Yeah but WMATA is starting to realize that they don’ goofed.

>> No.13156694

What fresh incoherent bafflegarble is this?

>> No.13156698

There is a BASED euro bakery in Leesburg called Dolce & Ciabatta. It literally smells like an Italian cafe when you walk inside

>> No.13156707

its not WMATA. Its the fancy residents of georgetown that don't want the damn train.

>> No.13156784

I live in an asian dominated suburb with pretty a pretty diverse spread of good restaurants within a kilometre from me. So it’s pretty nice

>> No.13156951

well our infrastructure is fucked if we don’t start making new lines and stations now. Loudoun residents said the same thing about the silver line extension, but it still happened

>> No.13156964

I'm honestly surprised at how good the Thai food is in DC. Way better than the other asian options. You have to go to Nova to get decent chinese. Anyway Paragon Thai is my go to take out place

>> No.13156972

>thinking dixieland means "south of the mason dixon line"

>> No.13156976

>You have to go to Nova to get decent chinese

I know Q isn't the best in the world, but even if it's Peter Chang's flagship memery, it's still pretty fucking good chinese food.

>> No.13157070

>be in dc
>go too close to the anacostia
>get shot
fuck that shit the closest I'll go to dc is the honeypig in annandale

>> No.13157093
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>> No.13157117

>bubble enclave coasties think flyovers haven't been enriched
niggers i have an illegitimate kid with a greek, date a mexican guera, have a thai milf sidepiece and live next to a mosque and a cornfield and i live in the king of flyovers ohio

>> No.13157129

I've never met someone who said 'flyover' who didnt genuinely hate themselves and their life.

>> No.13157132

lol I can tell you never go to dc. NW is safe as hell

>> No.13157140

we use it as a term of endearment among ourselves like blk ppl do saying nigga

>> No.13157152

>the part furthest from SE
wow we got a real navigator over here. plus wasn't there some guy who got knockout gamed in the "china"town mcchickens a couple years ago?

>> No.13157153

post pics of thai milf

>> No.13157188

I didn't get a bedroom but I flew to Spain for $400 roundtrip. To spend that much on a train ride is incredible.

>> No.13157189

>I single random violent crime in several years is evidence of rampant niggerdom

okay then

>> No.13157198

Welcome to US rail travel, and amtrak is STILL hemorrhaging money.

>> No.13157299

>dc restaurant thread

>hurr founding farmers is gr8 guys


>> No.13157348
File: 1 KB, 232x42, 2019-11-02 19_41_46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f
>founding farmers
>2 results
>1 is the post i'm replying to
A literal single post, kill yourself you triggered retard.

>> No.13157527

lol annandale is 500 times more dangerous than dc